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Chapter 9.61 Regionalized War Features

In the months after the Battle of Turan, the aftermath of the confrontation continued, and the major powers still focused a considerable number of their satellites on this war zone.

So far, this is the largest single battle, the highest level of technology, and the most intense in the short term, and it has developed into a head-on battle for national power.

When the military strategy groups of Yin Dian Ya, Ou Lian, and Sheng Yang performed their analysis and substituted themselves into Dongzheng Shi, they all felt that they lacked wisdom, skills, and strength.


A brigade unit in China is equivalent to a legion in terms of organization, with 3,000 armored vehicles and a complete set of independent base vehicle supplies.

Dongzheng and other military powers in the world have mechanized troops of the same size, organized into divisions, or "armies". "Army" represents that they are built for independent operations.

The mechanized troops of the same size are called brigades in Shenzhou, not armies. This shows that precise dispatch can be carried out in an army with such a large organization in Shenzhou.

In the Battle of Turan, when the Eastern Federation attacked China, it suppressed twelve armies at once. Each army was the size of a brigade in China. In order to cope with the pressure of the China group, they had to be divided into three groups.

On the Shenzhou side, in the largest encirclement and annihilation operation, eleven brigades were coordinated, and the air connection between each brigade was accurate every second.

From ancient times to the present, the development of war has been a "just gang fight."

The reason why the classical core knighthood of dozens of people was eliminated in modern times is that the non-commissioned officer system can effectively coordinate thousands of troops.

When Shenzhou can command its regiments with thousands of vehicles according to brigade-level units, its organizational capabilities for large-scale operations, well, that is, in terms of the art of war, are far different from other powers.


Turning to the Western Hemisphere, the contrast is obvious.

When Shengyang crossed the Great Xiyang to attack Oulian and Yindia at the same time, the largest military unit division was a brigade in Shenzhou, commanded by a general. In the attack on Yindia, there were only two or three at most.

The divisions acted simultaneously.

The European Union has accumulated four armies in Africa, but they are mainly light infantry, and they are lagging behind each other in command. Oh, here are novices pecking at each other.


February 2292.

East Africa, Congo River. The Sun Group is holding a meeting. Military strategists, business and private giants, and many local cabinets (equivalent to senators) are meeting again.

Shengyang military expert, Yunxi introduced on the map the impact of the war situation in the Arctic Circle of the World Island on our own side.

At present, it is impossible for Dongzheng to make strategic investment in other directions, which allows the European Union in the Mediterranean region to dispatch a large number of troops southward.

Yunxi draws a circle and a vertical line on Africa.

The circle is the Congo River Basin, and the vertical circle is the Nino River Basin in East Africa, which is the most fertile area in Africa.

Together, the two regions can be developed with modern agriculture and can support a population of 7 to 80 million. However, they are overlooked by the surrounding plateau, making it strategically unsafe.

The school officer next to Yun Xi proposed: "To achieve a long-lasting foundation on the African continent, we must create sufficient buffer zones in a series of surrounding deserts and plateaus. We must not allow the European Union to take a breather, but must gain the necessary survival for the yellow people."


At this time, Yunxi also put the baton aside and let everyone watch the projected map, waiting for the generals' approval.

At the end of this African strategy discussion meeting, the three generals asked the participants to hold up their placards and vote on the "European decision."

After the unanimous vote to "start war", the entire venue rang out the slogan "Bancai".


Shengyang Group is very clear that it cannot beat the hell room match, but if it concentrates on bullying the weak team, there is a lot to be done.

At the beginning of Qin Tongli 2292, the four rising sun legions began to expand their troops, and at the same time, their military equipment began to be updated. Their tanks and chariots began to become larger, and they also began to develop heavy-duty air interceptors with a standard of more than 100 tons.

These heavy corps of the Sun will continue to collide with the military forces of the European Union that have turned to the right.


A few months later.

In the desert territory of North Africa, the European Union Light Armored Assault Regiment, driving a four-wheel drive vehicle, saw a sandstorm in the vast frontier.

At the border post set up by the European Union here, the "Black Panthers" recruited from the mainland stopped singing and singing on the vehicle communicator. They took off their goggles and looked at the sand and dust getting closer and closer in the distance, their eyes dull.

, but then the smart helmet determined that it was time to enter the war and injected him with drugs. During the electrical stimulation, the dark-skinned soldiers greeted the battle with vulgar slang.

As for the soldiers in technical positions such as artillery, in the biblical music played in their mechanical helmets, these soldiers were inspired by God and began to enter a holy state. At this time, Europa, with Gaul taking the lead, entered the post-authoritarian period

, the people need anesthesia, and religion is indispensable for expansion.

But this is not an arcane plane after all. With the stimulation of drugs and the blessing of chants, soldiers may not be afraid of death, but they cannot make up for the gap in steel.

When the 100-ton Shengyang tank from Shengyang emerged from the desert smoke with its 150mm electromagnetic gun.

The European regiment, which only had two or three tons and relied on light pickup truck tactics to wander in the desert, was torn to pieces in almost the first encounter, turning into burning wreckage dozens of meters apart.

On the entire battlefield, less than a hundred tanks formed a regular tank impact group, easily tearing apart thousands of four-wheel drive vehicles. The missiles and artillery carried by the four-wheel drive vehicles only revealed the nano-protective cover of the tank, and even the armor underneath was charred black.

There are no markings.

This battle was just like the charge of a medieval army of armored plate knights against a peasant army. It was a massacre.

These simple and unarmored four-wheel-drive mechanized vehicles are inferior to infantry in today's heavily armored mechanical age. Not to mention heavy tanks, even the reinforced Thunder Chariots following the tanks cannot penetrate them.


During the battle north of the Congo River in late 2291.

The young leftists commanded these mechanical squadrons that exchanged shotguns for cannons and began to pursue them.

As commanders at the brigade level, the center-leftists brought artillery to bombard key strongholds.

Dazuo stood on the 10,000-ton land cruiser, holding the command knife and watching the military force of the entire regiment control the entire area.

All the battles in Africa are almost like this, with the big friends bullying the little ones.

North Africa is very large, and most of it is desert. The warring parties encounter each other in small groups.


In West Africa, the Western Sahara. This was a place where birds had no business in the past, but because it is now difficult for the European Union's navy to control sea power in other parts of North Africa, this is an important land and sea lifeline for Europa to control Africa.

A large electromagnetic cannon with a caliber of 500 mm stands in the harbor bunker, providing fire support and guarding against raids by the Sun Navy fleet. It has also become an important strategic stronghold of the European Union protruding southward.

Jason is the commander here. In the central command post, he counts the military strength under his command, which is the heavy armor strength of the four regiments. As for the light four-wheel drive mechanical infantry, this has lost its role in the current war situation. Responsibility

It doesn’t care about the overall situation.


Jason turned on the satellite communication, and on the other side of the communication was the Yintianya region.

On the communication interface, a semi-metallic face appeared. This was Jason from the future.

The two have been in contact for more than half a year, but they have different positions. One wants to rebuild the Protestant fortress on Indianya, and the other insists on maintaining the glory of the European League, so they broke up on bad terms.

But after the Eastern Orthodox Federation was severely damaged in the center of Asia, the world's pattern changed significantly, and the two people had common interests again.


In the future, Jason opened the technical analysis diagram of Sun Sun's current tanks, aircraft and land battleships.

Since it is in the future, the data can analyze the technological source of Shengyang's current military technology.

The technical support for the centralization of military equipment in Shengyang in the past two years has largely come from technology transfer from China. To be precise, it is technology transfer from western China.

For example, the processing of large-caliber tank guns and gunpowder technology are many of Luoshui's patents!


This is because the "social governance" power of Western China has risen strongly, and business and private enterprises have been expelled on a large scale. On the one hand, the Silk Faction is cooperating with the Jiangnan Faction, and on the other hand, it is looking for Shengyang as a backup route.

This situation of China's commercial and private enterprises taking traditional technologies to other less developed countries is currently something that Western China cannot stop.

Shengyang's weak national power was originally on the verge of exhaustion in the world war, but due to the internal changes in China, it suddenly revived.

China lost its technological monopoly in these fields, but the victim was Europa.


After future Jason played the technical information, contemporary Jason exchanged information.

That is, after the psychic warfare incident in Himalayas, the Fenghou Group and many commercial and private groups in the west had a lot of contact with Shengyang. According to reliable information from Europe, Fenghou and Shengyang Shinra were in the human body.

Cooperation has been launched in the macro sub-field.

Narrator: Under the arrangement of the system, Bai Zhaodi actively took over the forces after the Shengyang super disaster. As for cooperation with Shinra, Shinra no longer dominates in all aspects, and the power of Fenghou far exceeds Shinra. Shinra

There are 37 members in the O5 Council, and Fenghou has already won 20 seats.

Fenghou's layout coincides with the way the Silk Sect transfers technology and capital. This gives the European intelligence organizations the illusion that China is supporting Shengyang in all aspects.

Jason continued to uncover the information. Several families in western China had already entered into marriage alliances with Shengyang.

The situation was so serious that the faces of the two Jasons were extremely serious.

Today's Shengyang has undergone fission, and the Shenzhou Group has essentially entered the shell of Shenzhou to deal a fatal blow to the entire Western world! The more I think about this, the more I feel that it is full of conspiracies.


Half an hour later, the alarm in the base flashed.

Jason ended the call. He walked to the base to take a look at the situation and frowned. Inside the base, there were a large number of protestors.

This group of mostly mixed-race African residents lined up to protest holding signs in French and English. This was the third such protest this year.

In the early years, they were also a bribed party in the capital system. According to the Roman system, they belonged to the civil class. However, with the rise of the extreme right, their citizenship rights gradually became second-class citizens, and they were infinitely separated from the darker black non-citizens.

Ethnic equality.

Therefore, these people have become "left".


This is just like in modern times, the fraternity of European and American capital towards minority descendants was based on interests.

In the eyes of international businessmen, no matter whether you are mainstream or fringe, as long as your labor price is low, it is good.

The labor force from the perspective of business and private bosses is the same as StarCraft or World of Warcraft players' sense of arms. Are Zergs disgusting? Natural disasters, and Orcs look alien? No, no, in the eyes of players, thick health and high attack power are excellent arms. Elves

No matter how beautiful the skin is, it is expensive and brittle and difficult to use.

Also in modern times, European and American capital's rejection of Asians was also motivated by interests.

Because Asians are generally highly educated due to the influence of Confucian culture. Although they are willing to work hard to create wealth, they always want to build a career and climb up. In the eyes of Western upper-class people, such middle-level people who want to rise must be suppressed.


And in the current European League, people of European, African, and white descent are now just mixed up to the point of being "Asian".

When the Euroleague was far away in Europe, the European-African hybrid was just like the West supporting compradors in East Asia in modern times. It was to give praise. Now that the Euroleague has been mixed into Africa, these "stewards" who originally helped them control Africa no longer need to exist.



In the European Union, the leadership group will not admit that they are the ones who eat more and occupy more. They will denounce these drug-addicted youths of mixed European and African descent who hold the banner of freedom and leftism as deliberately sabotaging the overall situation.

This is not wrong. Are these native European and African mixed-race people really left? No, they are just a group of hard-core farmers who have been stepped on and hurt their feet.

These guys, who were compradors in the previous generation and could live an easy life before the war, are unwilling to admit that they are clamoring for the selfish interests of their own class. They just gather together and protest with hypocritical slogans as "nominal shields". They encounter even more hypocrisy.

, the more cruel colonial pirate ruling group will naturally have to pay the price of bloodshed.

It's just a pity for those few who really want to fight.


Jason, who had just finished the intercontinental dialogue, looked at this group of people and felt violent for no reason.

He called the phone and ordered the department responsible for base security to bring in the surrounding colonial troops.

The person in charge of the security department was slightly startled. The colonial troops on the periphery were African-American soldiers with darker colors. Were they brought in to suppress them?

Jason: "I don't want to waste water anymore." He threw a copper cartridge to the messenger.

In past crackdowns, high-pressure water cannons and rubber bullets were used. Now as the supreme commander, Jason has denies these costs.


Ten minutes later, the protest team saw the metal gate of the base open, and with the roar of engines, batches of motorcycles carrying heavy machine guns rushed in.

The commander who came to suppress them took a deep breath when he saw the crowd, and couldn't bear to issue a warning first.

However, these protesters may have watched too many "justice will prevail" movies. In those movies, the angry crowd can drive away superheroes. So when faced with the heavy machine gun, they were only quiet for a second.

Soon a fool started to take the lead in hurling insults, which aroused the anger of a group of people.


The suppression company was also a non-mixed race with European education. It seemed that they were still based on the concept of civilization promoted by Europa and did not want to be completely evil. So, they gave the order: shoot at the lower part of the legs, shoot rapidly for half a second and then cease fire.

As the machine gun's electric wheel began to rotate, the abuse gradually quieted down. Then the strafing began.

After half a second of strafing, the protesters in the front row fell down like rice harvested by a scythe, and their legs were turned into powder.

Suddenly, the cry became the mainstream of the entire team. The team that was originally united suddenly turned into scattered sand. A large number of injured people were trampled and even caused serious secondary injuries.

Thanks to the white mechanical rescue team rushing up from the military base, the chaos was ended.

In just half a second, one hundred and fifty-four people were injured and three died. Most of the injuries were severe injuries with leg disabilities. Waiting for these disabilities is the trial of the European Union Military Court, where they will be equipped with mechanical prostheses.

Enter the battlefield.


Afterwards, Jason found these criminal conscripts in the underground base in Western Sahara.

Jason's eyes flashed blue as he reprimanded the prisoners, but promised that as long as they followed him in the fight, they would have the opportunity to regain their citizenship. The simple words contained unnatural bewitching power.

Jason's brainwaves instilled his will into these brainless people.

Ninety-nine percent of the people were in line with Jason's psychic abilities. As for the remaining one percent, Jason looked at the few people marked in red in the team.

For those who did not trust his words, Jason ordered these people to be arrested and undergo further mechanical transformation.

This chapter has been completed!
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