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Chapter 9.63 Jiancheng

 The casting of a sharp blade requires the utmost effort from all parties.

For example, "The Book of Yue Jue·The Thirteenth Sword of the Biography of Yue Jue Wai" records the scene of sword making: For thousands of years, the Red Pansy Mountain has broken out, and tin has come out. For thousands of years, the Ruoye River has dried up, and copper has come out. When the sword was being made.

, Thunder God forges iron, Rain Lady pours water, Jiaolong holds the stove, and Heavenly Emperor fills the charcoal. The master swordsmith Ou Yezi accepted the order of Heaven and worked hard with the gods for ten years before the sword was completed. "When this sword was made, the red pansy

The mountain breaks and tin comes out, and the evil stream dries up and copper comes out, the rain master sweeps and sprinkles, the thunder god beats the drum, the Tai looks down, and the spirit of heaven rains down, and Ouye is aware of its tricks because of the spirit of heaven."


Thunder God, Rain Lady, Jiaolong, and the Emperor of Heaven are all gods used to describe the cooperation of all social strata under a unified spirit.

Carefully commenting on the Spring and Autumn Period brushwork, using imagination, and not deviating from reality, we can come up with such a picture. Ou Yezi received help from a country and began to forge swords! Thousands of people opened up the grass on the mountains to select tin mines, and thousands more built dams.

, cut off the river water to mine copper sand from the river bed.

Hundreds of strong men work together to pound the rough ore, which is like the sound of thunder.

Several tribal women walked with water on their backs. The road was as wet as heavy rain, and they were worthy of being called Rain Mothers.

Carpenters from all over the country installed the brackets to build the blast furnace, like a dragon raising a plate, holding earth and stones as the furnace!

But the kings, the scholar-bureaucrats, the dirty clothes, the charcoal, and the throwing into the furnace, working together like this, are as if they have been ordered by the Emperor of Heaven.

In the primitive era, individual human power was small, but if everyone could work together and work together, it would undoubtedly be like the mighty power of the gods descending on the world.

After the sword was completed, the Red Pansy Mountains were united, the Ruoye River was deep and unfathomable, the gods returned to heaven, Ou Ye exhausted all his strength and died, the pure Jun never sounded, and could never be recovered.

Therefore, in a modern sense: if you want to cast such a great weapon again, it is difficult to do the preliminary work to gather people's morale. Therefore, it is lamented as a last song.

The important weapons of China are not made by one craftsman, but are made by the combined efforts of many parties.


On the plateau on the west side of the Himalayas, a missile force exercise began.

Forty missile launch vehicles, as well as three four-track parallel railway mobile launch platforms, within fifteen minutes, multiple groups of automatic mechanical devices completed the deployment of the iron frame and the erection of the missile.

This is the eighth missile cluster exercise this year and the twentieth exercise in the third phase after the Tiangang plan began.

If people in modern times look at it, a salvo of hundreds of missiles? It seems to be to study the progress of simultaneous missile attacks and break through the anti-missile network.

Now in the Tiangang Project, it is not only to break through the anti-missile network, but also to suppress the anti-missile network. This is an unprecedented research project in modern times.

Compared with the missile tactic of "the ancient times of the main world", the Tiangang plan's missile salvo launch has various index requirements comparable to the differences between sixth-generation fighter jets and MiG-21 clusters.

Because the missile is launched into the sky, it requires complex information communication. At the same time, each type of bomb requires different tactical division of labor.


Before Wei Keng's second arrival, the anti-missile network composed of lasers and particle cannons from the Shenzhou plane had rendered traditional long-range fire strikes ineffective.

All powers now deploy laser towers in their core areas for regional anti-missile protection, while using nano-shields for precise protection.

Space weapons have become invisible first, and then output firepower under the cover of one's own land-based firepower and air firepower on the predetermined battlefield.


In the past few decades, the ineffectiveness of long-range missile clusters has caused the lack of strategic deterrence, which has made major power groups become more and more crazy in wars.

Because the top leaders of each country can always stay in the safe rear, they can easily drive ordinary people into the battlefield. And because of the advanced chip and drug control technology, intelligent robots can provide them with security. There is no need to worry about frontline soldiers reacting like at the end of the European War.



Therefore, we must cast such an artifact! It must suppress contemporary anti-missile systems in terms of flexibility and functionality, and break the dream of domination by the dissidents.

Wei Keng: "Let the proletarians and big businessmen and private individuals sit at the same table, and together they can activate the power of equality for all living beings."

Technically, a variety of functional missiles are needed, including missiles that can observe ground fire warning functions. They need to carry laser weapons and bullet weapons to suppress ground anti-missile systems.

As an attacker, you don't always have to compete with firepower, you just need to gain strategic time so that your opponent cannot intercept calmly and is too busy to resume work.

It is enough to ensure that 90% of the total missile cluster can break through.


In the Plateau No. 3 combat readiness hall, many astronauts were watching the launch.

The four navigators riding the waverider aircraft are already in place on the rocket. The informatization of the missile cluster, like the informatization of land, sea and air, requires a comprehensive information command center. Therefore, the large waverider vehicle is the fourth generation.

The core of missile warfare. The space station platform is not survivable in wartime.

[The first-generation missile warhead is an alcohol and hydrogen peroxide liquid fuel rocket. The second-generation missile is solid fuel, gyroscope and starlight guidance. The third-generation missile warhead is high-precision satellite guidance, and multiple warheads arrive neatly. The fourth-generation missile is

Missile warfare is now the waverider commanding operations.]

In the sky over Tianzhu Ocean, batches of Golden Crow fighter jets immediately took off and entered wartime status. Every large-scale salvo required the same wartime coordination by the Air Force to ensure that the Air Force could take it seriously when it actually entered wartime.


In the aerospace control center, Wei Keng is sitting in the fifth position in the core control room. He is communicating with the pilot in the waverider aircraft to jointly perform the final equipment safety inspection task.

There are a large number of control holes on the waverider in the front, middle and rear. Each control hole is used to control the flight attitude, and the process of maintaining communication is also quite complicated. Wei Keng, as a veteran pilot who has flown eight times, has help.

Duties of newbies flying.


This huge work cannot be completed by a team. There are a total of twenty-seven people in the backbone team, including Disha technical personnel and the space surveying and mapping team. Wei Keng’s work is at the core of the team and is responsible for key departments such as aerodynamics and edge information command of the atmosphere.

.It can be said that in this timeline, Wei Keng is a very important part of the protagonists in the Tiangang project.

For Wei Keng, being able to participate in the entire "Sword Forging" project and be the core promoter is an extremely honorable action in this history.

In order to concentrate all his intelligence and energy, Wei Keng left all the military and economic affairs to his comrades in this plane after the "Annihilation of Omega" psychic battle. He only concentrated on doing this one thing well.

During this period of time, Wei Keng's appearance as a middle-aged man was to dedicate all of himself to the greatest cause of all mankind in the Chinese plane, the most shining project.

Wei Keng deeply felt: "This kind of wholeheartedly promoting the right things is the feeling of being alive."


Half an hour later, the large fleet participating in the exercise on the Tianzhu Ocean, responsible for simulating the anti-missile system, was struck by a high-altitude meteor shower.

A large number of fleet radars were judged to be ineffective due to the early laser counterattack from the sky.

The supreme commander of the fleet, Wei Zaochu, looked up at the meteor shower in the sky and took a deep breath: "The super-large blood and fire dispute on the surface of the earth will end in this lifetime."


When the anti-missile system successfully broke through the fleet and the simulated land-based anti-missile system, the hyperbolic trajectory of the model's figure successfully broke through the terminal defense system. Within fifteen seconds, all simulated warheads defeated the regional defense system.

The exercise base was declared a success.

The scientific researchers in the plateau area were very reserved and their cheers were not loud, but the thumbs up and shaking hands still caused a sea of ​​joy in various departments in the hall.

As a military commander, Xu He looked at Wei Keng in the core command room and saw him standing up with a smile on his face and clapping his hands to celebrate with other scientific researchers. He took a breath and understood: This is really a success.

There is nothing to worry about.

As one of the few senior executives who knew Wei Keng's identity, Xu He knew that Wei Keng had various talents that made others feel extraordinary.

He is an excellent leader both in terms of military command and management. He is far better than the superficial person in the court.

All this time, from the perspective of a bystander, I didn't understand why Wei Keng minimized his influence.

Now Xu He looked at the atmosphere of many achievements in the hall and couldn't help but sigh: becoming an ordinary Wei Keng is far more grand than being the leader.

On the plateau today.

The sky moves to forge swords, thunder warriors transmit telegrams, the earth burns brightly and wells surge, the east wind aligns the stars, and the towers are built against the river. Hundreds of millions of people follow the path, and the wisdom of the masses unites their hearts and blood to forge the righteousness. Tiangang is now completed. Heroes are immortal, and people are immortal.

As a time traveler: to ascend the throne of God-making, that is to climb on the candlestick, burn all living beings with oil, and achieve one's own glory.

Be a craftsman of the country, forge the power of the country, instill the pride of history for thousands of years into one generation, and start a prairie fire with a single spark.


In the Space-Time Management Bureau, Bai Linglu's team is recording all this, and high-level officials from other planes are visiting here one after another. This makes this monitoring space too busy during this period.

After this wave of visits from the envoys from other planes came to an end.

Qin Xiaohan paused: "It seems that he caused a big problem."

Bai Linglu: "Of course it's a big deal. He developed the core land." "One ring of land" is a four-character idiom in modern times.


Significant progress in the near-plane space-time region with low space-time flow velocity (at least 1:4) is no small matter.

The "Shenzhou Plane" and the main world have a time and space close to ancient history, and the space-time flow velocity gap is still so low. In the next few hundred years, it will reach the era of controlling stars to build Dyson spheres, and it can be used as a "parallel time and space zone" of the main world.


This can refer to the expansion of the Zhuxia civilization. Thousands of years ago, the Zhuxia area was also in the Henan area. When bronze vessels began to be unearthed in the Henan area, all unearthed at the same time in the nearby Huai River were pottery. However, thousands of years later, due to

Thousands of years of exchanges have tacitly acknowledged that everyone has a common origin as a civilization.

Near the core, with minimal cultural and population differences, a large number of talents emerge. After a certain period of time, the area will be considered within the core range by default.


After the Second Plane War, the main world faced the dilemma of insufficient resources for time and space development.

Therefore, the high-level supervisors have a fantasy. That is to normalize those alien planes that are close to history and promote them to enter the starry sky age.

In an era when Dyson spheres can be created, the people in the core areas of these near-dimensional civilizations will have the same modern cognitive level and the same civilizational spiritual identity as the main world.

According to the spatio-temporal strategic theory of the "Pastoral Age": Such integrated areas can expand the potential of this civilization's spatio-temporal power.

This theory went bankrupt as early as the last century, because the idea was very good, but the implementation was very difficult, so it could only be unfinished. (Monitors: Wei Keng is really able to survive)

Just like the "Universal Movement" went bankrupt at the end of 2K, because not just any region is qualified to become popular, the region must at least be economically industrialized and socially profoundly anti-feudal.

To put it arrogantly, this is indispensable for the foundation of "civilization heritage". To put it more implicitly, it is "every country has its own characteristics of the historical process and cannot be imposed upon it."

Those neighboring planes have a certain rhythm of doom and destruction. Not to mention the plane of Pandora, the city-states in the original plot are simply stepping on the accelerator on the downhill road of prodigality.

For planes like the time earthquake plane where there is no apocalyptic destruction, various historical lines result in time and space accelerating as they go, running quickly for thousands of years, and then collapse after tens of thousands of years.

It's not easy to straighten a nearby plane! Wei Keng's success in the current earthquake plane seems to give hope, but in fact it pours cold water on the entire Space-Time Management Bureau.

Bai Linglu: "I have devoted myself to a king-level consciousness, but I am cautious in one plane and take the most painful and tiring path."

Qin Xiaohan nodded helplessly in agreement.

But then I picked up the data that Wei Keng's consciousness was currently showing, and found some high-frequency subconscious expressions, which seemed to be something special.

Qin Xiaohan was still a little worried and asked: "Well, will these places lead to dead ends?"

Bai Linglu: "This?" Bai Linglu hesitated.


It has been decades since the Second Plane War in the main world, and the passivation phenomenon of many veteran time travelers has appeared. They have to enter the main world for reincarnation, which terminates the journey of time travel.

These blunting phenomena all have one characteristic: there is an excessive response (obsession) to a certain concept in the consciousness, and the consciousness is too active after being trapped in the obsession, causing the scale (variables) of the consciousness to be consumed like a loophole.


The plane of China, one week after the third phase of the Tiangang experiment.

Wei Keng has the spirit to pursue unfulfilled achievements, but after achieving them, he can put them down lightly.

The updated technology improvements for Tiangang’s fourth phase are currently being discussed.

At this time, Wei Keng transferred his important tasks to the new members of the team he led, instead of continuing to occupy the dominant position.

Wei Keng: "When there is no one to push me forward in this world, I have to step up. As for someone who actively pushes me up, I can't keep occupying my position. To be fair, if there are no special opportunities, I will be just like me. There will always be someone smarter than me."

Wei Keng had some leisure time and thought that "eating chicken skewers in the air-conditioned game cabin" was the best way to take a vacation.


As for the plateau headquarters, Xu He rubbed his head, looked at the work transfer proposed by Wei Keng, and sighed: "I used to do a good job, but suddenly changed it. It's really willful."

Looking at Wei Keng’s decades of work experience after he climbed out of the Antarctic coffin: After working on the Eye of the Earth scientific research, he went to the Dashi area to work as a military strategic adviser, then transferred to a management position in the military, and began to preside over economic work on the plateau, and then

Entering the transformation work of military technology, and finally joining the aerospace project.

Xu He thought about it carefully and felt a little relieved: As a powerful psyker, he has always been unwilling to manifest his psionic powers, so he should have some pursuit. For example, he emphasized being with everyone, but unknowingly did several times the ordinary things.

things in one's life.


Xu He walked to the strategic map and flicked the 18-meter strategic projection map. He looked from the land to the ocean. Suddenly he said to himself: "I have seen the earth and gone to the sky. Well, now I might as well go to the sea."


Xu He clicked on an encryption module, and after entering his password, a three-legged base vehicle appeared on the module. It didn't look like one that could move freely on land.

This is a base vehicle that crawls in the sea and has the capabilities of deep-sea refining and vehicle repair and manufacturing.

In this timeline, this generation of Western Shenzhou people have already learned a truth: the explosion of technology in a field depends on people with subjective initiative to invest in it.

Business and private monopoly will always only stimulate a few old fields to break through in evil directions.

Xu He held up his wolf hair and wrote freely: "Go to the starry sky, go to the sea!"

This chapter has been completed!
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