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Chapter 9.65 Outlying Civil War

 After March 2292, the Lizhou United Front reported that the Northern Tang Jiedu envoy had entered the country one thousand four hundred and twenty-three times in the past six months.

The public report showed the video data of the villages destroyed by the Tang Army on the dividing line, as well as the evidence that these sabotage teams were captured and all the stolen goods were obtained.

Although Tang Jiedu turned a deaf ear to his well-documented accusations of crime, and contacted the Nanyang Jiedu Alliance to confuse the public with sophistry.

The Northern United Front still officially gave six stern warnings to the Northern Jiedushi forces in Lizhou.

The East does not have such formalistic rules as the West in declaring war.

The division's reputation is expressed through a series of statements before the war. After the warning is issued, if the other party does not correct it, then our side has the right to take action. These actions include direct beating!

What? No declaration of war, just a sneak attack? You danced so happily in front of you, and you ignored the warnings repeatedly in diplomacy and newspapers, and you still want me to remind you when I'm going to hit you?

The Tang Group belongs to this stubborn group.

On March 8, the eldest son of the Tang family flew to the territory of the other three Jiedu envoys in Nanyang on a floating warship and held secret military discussions.

Later, its ship arrived in Lizhou carrying a large number of tanks and equipment. The Tang Group was accelerating its military armament and tried to use civil war to regain control of the Lizhou continent.

After learning about the reaction of these overseas feudal groups, the Plateau and Lizhou parties felt that the possibility of peaceful resolution of the problem no longer existed. Therefore, they also made preparations for possible wars.


Western China used a supercomputer to estimate the region's economic data, and the conflict will break out in mid-May 2292. No later than late June.

The nature of businessmen and private individuals pursuing profit makes the wars they support predictable through details.

Behind Tang Jiajun is the capital of Eastern China, and they have a time limit for lending money during the war. Default means a loss of credibility, which will lead to the collapse of the financial chain, so the capital chain injection must be determined through the outbreak of war.

In the increasingly serious situation in Nanyang, on the battlefield of internal public opinion in China, Jiangnan is still the first to complain.

On Wangli News Network, a well-known economic commentator claimed that the Plateau region is trying to intervene in the Lizhou conflict again, trying to support illegal armed forces in the region to launch a war and destroy regional peace.

Such accusations are like nails, trying to pin down the diplomatic strategy in the plateau region.


And in the face of such accusations.

The foreign affairs team in the plateau region also issued a solemn warning on the Internet: If the business and private forces in the Pacific want to make war profits in this war, then just sit on the donkey and read the playbook and wait and see.

The investment scale of Plateau in Lizhou is a full 30 trillion economic plan. The number of expatriate technical personnel exceeds one million. These more than one million people are engaged in road infrastructure, digital network communication infrastructure, and

The construction of vehicles and chemical industry has driven the progress of the entire Lizhou working class.

If Lizhou encounters a military conflict, Xishenzhou and Lizhou, as substantial ideological and economic allies, have sufficient reasons to jointly defend the construction achievements.


Within China, the two sides have begun to become tense.

The Donglin faction blocked the technological industrial products in Western China, and Western China also launched a reciprocal counterattack.

For decades, China has been in a stable state of internal strife, but as "business and private" and "social governance" have become increasingly antagonistic, people's hearts have begun to become divided. Although the iron curtain has not fallen between the east and west camps, there is an undercurrent surging.

In this conflict of public opinion between the East and the West, the emperor of China gave a speech. The emperor set a special time for his speech, the afternoon of March 24, and then connected all the channels in China.

Guan Zhuyao: "All parties should reduce conflicts." The summary of his speech was that each party would fight fifty points, but as a conservative class, they are often in the right side of the line.

The emperor felt that China should stop sending personnel to unsafe overseas areas and respect local personal pursuits.

At the Ocean Base, Wei Keng heard such a speech and sneered and made this comment: "It is hard to imagine that this is a speech from the emperor of a unified dynasty. This is a tacit admission of local autonomy and a denial of Datong."


On March 25, fifteen hours after the emperor gave his speech.

The article "There are no fairy emperors, only high-ranking people who are divided for the sake of class" was quickly spread in the propaganda of the construction team in Tianzhu Yangzhong.

This was a 100-year lapse, after Xia Lian's co-governance of the Chinese people failed, the forces in China once again launched a proclamation against the emperor system.

The statement starts from the origins of Tang, Yu, and Zhuxia. The inheritance of China is not "the emperor's family and the world."

If governance does not lose virtue and the moral integrity remains, it will be China.

"In the past, the productivity was insufficient, so the inheritance of morality was written by a few people. Today, the productivity is extremely abundant, how can a single man win the hearts of millions of people?"

China has reached a time of change again, and it is necessary to fight against business and private affairs and against feudalism. The emperor actually thought that he could reconcile with Xini, so he simply discussed the legality of "family world".


After the "Western China" article was published, it was immediately criticized by a large number of people who criticized "no king, no father, abandoning tradition" and the like.

But the debate has just begun.

"You are a virtuous king who leads all the people to resist natural disasters. You are the king. Dayu passed through the house three times without entering, and saved the summers from water and fire. How majestic he is! Now, a certain person is born in an honorable position, grows up in the palace, and enjoys the favor of the people.

, worthy of sharing the same glory as Yu?"

As a troll, Mr. Wei Keng is not the most powerful in fighting, but he can cut into the heart with a knife.

As for the method of debunking the sense of sanctity, Mr. Wei was first taught a lesson by capital in modern times. They used humanistic magazines to create a "diversity" perspective and debunked many correctnesses in textbooks.

But with the tide of the times, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. The same diverse thinking can also expose the glamor of business capital. And after all are exposed, the greatness in the textbooks is all simple and wanton.

After the textbook's privacy was exposed, it was full of filth.


The following is the title of the defense sent by Wei Keng using various IDs.

"The achievements of Yanhuang, Yao, Shunyu, Qinhuang and Hanwu have won the remembrance of Chinese people for generations, but the monkey wearing this crown is not worthy of being worshiped."

"Natural protection and the unity of nature and man are necessary. But the upper class, who enjoy a high-quality life several times that of ordinary people, are not worthy of teaching the poor to be frugal in their basic quality of life."

"Art needs to be appreciated and understood. However, those who are pretentious and follow the trend are not worthy of being appreciated by the public."

What is sacred? Giving up safety and facing hardships, abandoning happiness and sharing hardships.

Other false additions are like moths circling a lamp, pretending to be glowing.


The more this debate goes on, the more Western China's side gains the upper hand! At the time of the wave of de-business and privatization in Western China, the surge of new ideas will inevitably bring about old and new conflicts.

But in the end, the outcome of this ideological battle has long been determined by people's attempts to find enlightenment.

As ordinary people, we need to kneel down and worship in this world, because there is indeed a need for a common belief to unite everyone. I also hope that future generations will not forget their roots.

But I already respect those who deserve respect, and the other rules that make me bow should be as concise as possible.

Some ordinary people can't benefit from it for the rest of their lives, but they have to kneel down for the rest of their lives. In this information age, they have long been disgusted.

However, these things use the sacred banner as a shield. If you oppose them, it is equivalent to being anti-moral.

But what if you say "fuck it" to something that has been whitewashed since birth but has nothing to do with you.


On the Qinglong battleship Lingxiao, the emperor's monastery. Every object was smashed out, the dust after the incense burner was overturned, and the torn curtains. Everything was like the Tusita Palace that Monkey King had disturbed.

He has always been protected by the rules of China, but he never thought that he would be pointed at his nose and sprayed in his life?

"There is no immortal emperor?" This sentence was uttered by Wei Keng, an "immortal", to denounce the "Guanshi" emperor. It is extremely ironic.

Mr. Wei has always been lying down and hiding, and has not admitted that he is a god. On the contrary, he has always been the crown prince of the emperor. That is to climb high and fall miserably.

Guan was taught that "he is destined to be his destiny" since he was a child, so he had a "pretentiousness" in his subconscious. When he was suddenly exposed, his mentality collapsed.

We can refer to modern times. In the 1970s and 1980s, intellectuals who accepted external ideas, felt that they were sublimating themselves, and were superior to others were refuted point by point in the 1920s. After returning to their original shape, they hysterically claimed that they had suffered cyber violence.


Words such as "unworthy of a reputation and mediocrity" are worse than knives to an arrogant guy.

The emperor's attendants looked at the emperor worriedly. He had not slept for three days and three nights. These symptoms can only be said to be crazy.

The best way to lose your mind is to take sedatives, but as the emperor, you cannot use psychotropic drugs, otherwise it will damage your divinity.

But the objective fact is that even if a young and strong young man is so angry, it will be extremely harmful to the body. What's more, this sick man who is practicing spiritual power, his whole body is trembling after such stimulation.

If this continues, there is no guarantee that the dramatic story of "The Death of Three-Qi Zhou Yu and Wang Lang" in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel will appear in reality.

For the safety of the emperor, Zixiao Palace had no choice but to unplug the network cable. At the same time, it calmed down the fight outside and never dared to pick up the quarrel between West China and East China again.


"Diaomin" is the most appropriate description of Western China by many big figures in Eastern China.

As for why they are "diao"? The reason is that they don't follow the rules and don't follow the elegant rules they set. Regardless of their superiority or inferiority, when they eat elegantly, they have no duty to question.

Therefore, unruly people need to be taught a lesson.

On April 4, the Tang Group brazenly crossed the 24th parallel south. The Armored Group began to attack the Lizhou United Front.

Artillery bombed the entire city built by the Lishu Front. This kind of unscrupulous evil was not considered by the media dominated by commercialism to be a loss of morality at all, but as "the pain of moving towards peace."

After the Lizhou United Front launched its attack on the Tangjia Group, it immediately launched a strategic contraction. People and large facilities moved to various southern regions.

In the past few months, rear facilities behind the 23rd parallel south have been built. Wei Keng formulated a strategic plan for the Lizhou Front to "annihilate all the heavily armed Nanyang reactionary groups on the Lizhou continent within two to three years."

Wei Keng: "The imperial monopoly group is trying to suppress resistance and maintain governance through the most violent attack at once. This is an unjust war in which a few people impose their personal goals on the majority.

We should have full confidence to expose their paper tigers."


Just poke it and it will pierce.

Within thirty days, under the continuous attack of the Tang family's army, the goal of "restoring" the entire eastern coastline of Lizhou was finally achieved. This was the most prosperous area in Lizhou in the past under the control of the Tang family's Jiedushi.

The big shots of the Tang family announced the so-called victory of the war at the Shenzhou press conference. They also announced that the rebels had been wiped out, and announced that except for the leaders, they would be arrested and the rest would be appeased.

The female reporter who pointed at Ruobai Cong further interviewed and reported: "Excuse me, how will we build Lizhou in the next step?"

The imperial literati of the Tang family said: "The next step is to bring Lizhou back to the right path of propriety, justice, integrity and shame."

At this press conference in Eastern China, there was a huge round of applause.


On the command line in the central and southern parts of the country, Li Ruixin looked at the Tang family's offensive line in the east of Lizhou and opened Wei Keng's communication.

At the same time, Wei Keng led the Dayang Volunteer Combat Force to the Dayang area in the east of Lizhou.

Li Ruixin: "Their front line has been stretched long enough." It is a circle of large cities along the coast in the east of Lizhou, and they rely solely on supplies.

Mr. Wei nodded and said: "The snake of Changshan. If you hit the head, the tail will come. If you hit the tail, the head will come. If you strike the middle, both the head and the tail will come."

Li Ruixin looked at the strength of his own army that had arrived at the attack position, and took a deep breath: "Take its head, clamp its tail, and cut off its waist."


On May 3rd, on this timeline, strategic preparations led by Li Ruixin and Wei Keng were being implemented favorably by the Lizhou Socialist Faction.

On Lizhou Land, a large number of oil bases and maintenance plants are stored in the rear area. Relying on these logistics facilities, the red side mechanization is practicing (preparing) maneuvers.

On the sea east of southern Lizhou, tens of thousands of deep-sea engineering teams controlled a row of underwater construction machines, marched in columns, evaded intelligence reconnaissance from the east coast of China, entered the South Pacific area, and carried out engineering construction.


The military group north of Taishan, the capital of Shenzhou, is also analyzing the Lizhou war situation. Unlike the Jiangnan Group, which is extremely arrogant and confident and regards winning all the big cities as its focus, the Shenzhou Yanbei Military Group seems to be a bystander.

After the three-dimensional image was displayed on the light screen, these Eastern China military attachés wearing martial arts armor began to analyze the situation in Lizhou.

The commander of Shanghai and Hong Kong, Feng Xiangchang, looked at the battle map of the Lizhou Battle and shook his head seriously: "This is a mistake! What a big victory, this is falling into the trap of others (Lizhou Socialist Faction).


Tai Weiyuan, Guan Wenjun (Commander of the First Brigade of the Imperial Army): "They are arrogant soldiers. From the beginning of the battle, they regarded their opponents as irregular rustic troops."

Another young general sarcastically said: "Haha, how regular do you think they (Tang's army officers) are?" As a Chinese academic, he was dismissive of those guys in Nanyang who relied on the shadow of their ancestors to gain access to aristocratic military academies.

Feng Xiangchang raised his head and asked, "Didn't those people in the south respond at all to our military suggestions?"

The intelligence officer pushed up his glasses: "They have responded and have considered it comprehensively, but now they have defeated all the military forces of the Lizhou rebels, and the remaining bandits are nothing to be afraid of."

When Feng Xiangchang heard this, he grinned and said "haha" with joy.

Guan Wenjun: "This is nothing to be afraid of. How did it come about?"

Intelligence officer: "Lizhou Jiedu Army (Tang Jiajun), intelligence on the front line."

After hearing this answer, the military officers of the Shendu faction in Eastern China showed helpless expressions on their faces. They were like parents taking their children to do their homework.

Some Shendu warriors whispered: "Only a pig would believe that pig's strategic analysis."


Since the Fourth World War, there have been numerous famous generals on the plateau, and military command and operations are full of agility. Among the world's powers, no other military group dares to despise it, but only this group of pigs in Nanyang dare to do so.

Nowadays, the commanders in Lizhou and Nanyang, who even entered the third-rate military academies through the back door, are so confident that the experts in the same camp as them feel dumbfounded.

This chapter has been completed!
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