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Chapter 9.70 The Waves Fight

 On February 4, 2293 in the Qin Dynasty, Wei Keng looked at the high-sounding protest from Nanyang Shengyang against the military conflict in the disputed area at the headquarters, full of disdain.

Wei Keng: "After starting the war, you want to end it so lightly?"

And according to the intelligence, Shengyang is still gathering more troops in the Latin American Pacific Coast area. Oh, these naughty guys who are afraid of being beaten and provoking at the same time make Mr. Wei unable to help but pick up the knife.

Backing the trend of the times, Wei Keng straightened his back and judged: "This is an unjust war, and only a few beneficiaries of maritime trade have sacrificed millions from Lizhou in order to safeguard the interests of their own trade monopoly."

Undersea workers are pushed into opposition.”

Wei Keng couldn't help but look at this huge South Pacific region: In such a large area, the maritime front will expand to tens of millions of square kilometers! Some parts of the maritime border are close to the Latin American continental shelf.

In times of peace, countries have "sovereignty upon first discovery" over their overseas territories. But how does it count as discovery? Planting a flag? Or picking up an undersea space station? This is very confusing.

But for the side that can win the battle, as long as it can actually control where it reaches through construction, it will naturally have sovereignty.

Today will become history in the future. In the future, if the people of Nanyang and Shengyang face this kind of coastline that reaches their doorstep, they will get the "since ancient times" answer from the people of Zhuxia at that time.

Mr. Wei stared at the location of Easter Island and decided to erect a monument to prove that he had fished there.


In 2292, Lizhou Continent, which had just ended the liberation war, announced its support for the marine worker team in the South Pacific to jointly fight back against the old hegemony of the overseas restoration group.

This is the battle between farming and nomadism in the ocean. (The ocean is no longer a whitewashed waterway for pirates.)

It is also a battle between "industrial stable society" and "industrial monopoly wealth".

What is most obvious to the residents of the South Pacific production base is that the Oceanic Social Council confirmed that the cruise ship just purchased was temporarily mothballed on the west coast.

All industrial people no longer work four days and have three days off, but are fully mobilized to make the submarine factory their home. Long-term work cycles are carried out in units of one month, with adjustments made at three-day intervals.

The newly appointed commune leadership group took the lead, and all were on duty at the bottom of the sea, setting an example for the workers. They all fought for their own interests.

Time spent in combat is calculated as seniority at ten times, and wartime wages are also calculated at ten times and paid into the provident fund.

The phenomenon of slacking off work that commercial groups were worried about in the past did not exist in Dayang Commune at this time! Wei Keng, who looked like a middle-aged man, knew the reasons for slacking off work.


The three military governors from the entire Nanyang region also sent naval forces to join the war, trying to use their sheer naval tonnage to defeat the alliance between the Lizhou land and sea communes.

However, after the Jiedushi Alliance formed an alliance in Lion City, their thinking still remained in the old era.

The traditional sea power thinking of the old era. That is to eliminate the opponent's main fleet at sea, and by controlling the sole control of the sea traffic channel, use the initiative in space to suppress the opponent's passivity in space, suppress the opponent's resource supply, and ultimately force the opponent's navy to lose its combat effectiveness.

But the ocean where Wei Keng is located is now engaged in the business flow of planetary construction.

The control of sea lines of communication is based on the past era, when humans were unable to permanently control the oceans and developed fleets to have the ability to cut off opponents' cruising routes.

Nowadays, the communes building bases on the seabed complete warehousing and storage directly in important coastal defense areas. The secondary production equipment is enough to allow a company-level deep-sea force to continue operating for three months.


The key equipment now is not the fleet, but the ability to search for information through the lotus sonar infrastructure team, and whether there is the manufacturing economic capacity to support such infrastructure.

Thinking back a hundred years ago, during the last world war, China obtained underwater macron detection technology. The lotus equipment had already been invented and put into key waterways. It was used by the Chinese Navy at that time to attack the Sun and the Soviet fleet.

China produced 60 million lotus sonars around the time of the last World War a hundred years ago, exceeding Shengyang's rifle production.

Nowadays, major powers fly aerospace fleets all over the sky, and space-based ion cannons are deployed everywhere in suborbitals. The popularity of this equipment a hundred years ago seems to have cooled down.

However, Western China has always been studying infrastructure technology for maritime strategy. When Shengyang, Yin Dianya, Euroleague, and Dongzheng were fighting each other and the fleets were constantly being built, Western China lost so many fleets and saved the country.

Well, just spend it on the research and development of these technologies that are not very popular but have great potential.

The service life and information storage capacity of the lotus sonar detector have been replaced four times. More importantly, the output has been exploded to the point where it can compete with the sunfish for high productivity.



When Western China was sure that the war was inevitable, and before the Ocean Commune entered the ocean and decided to unite with the Lizhou Socialist Faction, it stockpiled 40 billion lotus equipment. During the war, it produced 300 million units a month.


These lotus equipment are connected to the Disha network, and the analysis of the deep sea has reached a level where all types of fish can be distinguished.

Moreover, the intelligent program follows the "Gou" tactic during wartime. When an enemy minesweeping ship arrives, it will automatically shrink and hide in the deep sea mud along the chain of the submarine base.

From February 2292 to the beginning of the war, Shengyang and Nanyang Jiedushi sent minesweeping fleets several times but returned without success.

And even if there is no interference from other forces, the cleaning speed cannot keep up with one thousandth of the production capacity. Moreover, the minesweeping fleet cannot operate under the attack of the maritime militia of the Ocean Commune.

In May 2292, three months had passed since the collision between Ocean Commune and the Sun Fleet in the Southeast Pacific, and there was still no truce response from Sheng Yang and Nanyang.

The Maritime Commune and Lishu Maritime Militia teams have established search networks in the vast sea area from New Guinea to Easter Island.

Any lone military fleet will encounter torpedo attacks by the Marine Front underwater militia.

The Sun Fleet has been hiding in the continental shelf protection circle, as if it were a yellow water fleet, completely selling off the Nanyang Group that issued a statement with them.

The three Nanyang Jiedushi fleet coalition forces could not wait for the rendezvous of the Shengyang fleet, and were gradually approached by the sonar array, gradually blocking the offshore. Under economic pressure, they could only attack alone to try to find the main force of Lizhou for a decisive battle.


However, the entire ocean is full of pits for ambush battles.

Smaller craters appeared frequently in early February. Several torpedoes hit a military supply ship, and its keel was blown off on the spot, turning it into a dangerous ship with water leakage.

The bigger hole was on April 28, when more than a hundred groups of underwater heartless submarine-launched missiles launched a saturation salvo at an ultra-close range of fifty kilometers away from the imperial fleet. One of the imperial maritime fortresses failed to strengthen its protective shield. , the energy station was penetrated on the spot, and its main weapon, the Breath of God, burst into flames.

Shengyang and Nanyang were auxiliary fleets. Three months into the war, they knew little about the underwater conditions in the vast ocean.

Sun Admiral Yun Xi, who was watching the fire from across the bank, was vaguely certain that at the most basic and common levels, such as monitors and underwater lines, the social and political camp in the southern hemisphere had achieved a qualitative breakthrough in productivity.


June arrived in the blink of an eye, and the Ocean Commune was deployed at the No. 17 Ocean Base in the north of Lizhou, and a large-scale violence was underway.

The base is a deep-sea city composed of one hundred and four eight hexagonal concrete honeycombs with a side length of 120 meters.

In every concrete hexagonal hole in this deep-sea city, a standard industrial cabin comparable to a metal building is like a bee pupa.

Different production chains operate in these cement hives, and each shipment is completed every hour, and each shipment is thousands of tons.

During the war, Ocean Commune's production and manufacturing continued to reach peaks!

In the center's cutting-edge warship base, a disc-shaped underwater vehicle with a maximum thickness of three meters, a wingspan of twenty meters, and a foldable length of twelve meters is being built.


Such an underwater unmanned combat aircraft is designed with a cabin that can accommodate three people for five days of living. This is a way to ensure that underwater warriors have enough margin for escape.

But in actual combat, it is controlled remotely through a macrochip. The sergeant in the command module, wearing a spiritual armor, will control forty of these underwater manta rays to conduct a surprise attack.

For such an underwater drone formation, thirty groups constitute a mechanical company.

Each company will be equipped with an underwater command post composed of eight 5,000-ton Blue Whale-class maintenance submarines and auxiliary ships.

Inside these blue whale repair ships, there is a large cabin that can accommodate three bat bows.

After the battle, the repair ship can take the damaged bat bow into it, then clean it with water in a pure nitrogen (non-flammable) environment, repair the damage and cracks with gel and metal mesh, fill it with natural gas fuel, and check the manned capacity at the same time. Check whether there is water leakage in the cabin and whether all control systems are normal.


Nowadays, in the Ocean Commune, such combat groups are fighting extensively across the vast ocean.

The Socialist Faction keeps a close eye on the enemy at all times, and the total strength of the deep-sea troops now reaches 29,345. The number of manta ray underwater fighter jets involved in the battle exceeds 50,000.

This is already a strategic force that is no less effective in the ocean than the main fleet.

Most of the Deep Sea Bat Rainbows are soldiers who just finished fighting the "Lizhou Civil War" a year ago. After overthrowing the Tang Dynasty, their fighting spirit has not slackened at all. After confirming that the Nanyang feudal factions still do not give up, they are ready to leave behind the scenes.

After arriving at the front desk, Lizhou directly intervened and then followed him to the sea to start the battle.

They work for a long time in a small space underwater, and there is no doubt that they have extremely perseverance.

"Social governance" allows most people to prove themselves inadvertently.

Taking the logistics of Ocean Commune as an example, the staff carefully inserted the liquid natural gas can into the belly of the underwater fighter jet, and mounted the fairing-shaped oxygen tube on the back! The engines were tested one by one.

(Note: Oxygen cans and natural gas cans are loaded separately on the belly and back of the aircraft. As for the cabin, except for the very safe human control cabin, the rest of the cabins are filled with non-flammable inert gas. This design allows them to leak separately in the event of a breakdown.

When it enters sea water, it will not cause flammable substances to mix in the cavity of the body, which is much safer than Liben's oxygen torpedo.)

They are also the most organized unit, resolutely execute orders, and have a sense of collective honor. After a problem occurs in the sonar network, they quickly arrive at the target area to determine whether it is "a man-made situation by the enemy or a natural situation."

As the commander, Wei Keng sincerely paid tribute to these soldiers: "It is my honor to command you in combat."


In the headquarters of Ocean Commune, in the spherical hall, there are densely connected information points like stars.

The quantum communication network of these 4,800 combat groups connects the personnel of each company. This means that every detail of the front line can be recorded in this command center.

It helps commanders to comprehensively and comprehensively understand the actual situation of the frontline battle situation, and to support strategic judgments in detail.

Supplement: This informatization is not about over-level command or micro-management.

Narrator: Only those who sit at the top of the command but are incapable of commanding will use micro-management to show their existence. A boss who can truly advance work in a leadership position will not show his ability through micro-management such as attendance and check-up.


Wei Keng's concept: Even if the most basic company has made an obvious mistake and needs to be shot to establish military regulations, the execution and handling must be handled by the forward battalion-level commander of the department to which it belongs. There is no need for a general-level commander in this battle.

No time to waste energy.

Everyone performs his or her duties, and a general must perform his duties as a general.


In the command hall, Wei Keng set his sights on the key battlefield in New Guinea. On the equatorial map, it was a galloping cat with an obvious upward chain of cat tail islands.

The Nanyang Combined Fleet's combat readiness aircraft at high altitudes here patrol around the clock, dropping sonar, and strictly guarding the last layer of information barriers, while our own side has formed an underwater barrier area stretching for hundreds of kilometers in the outer area, forming an information confrontation.


In the past, this war zone has remained stable. But recently, the area has clearly begun to gather strategic battles.

In response to the Disha detection information, they moved a large fleet here, and a mobile force composed of 673 small submarines accelerated the destruction of the surrounding sonar arrays.

After watching for half an hour, Wei Keng made an almost nonsense judgment: "Do they want a decisive battle?"

Then he nodded to confirm his judgment and turned to the decision-making department to provide his confirmation.

[The commander does not need to give any clever insights, but dares to take responsibility. Make decisions quickly and decisively! In this kind of super-large battle, anyone can make a judgment, but only the commander-in-chief can take responsibility.

Wei Keng determined the direction of strategic investment, and left a series of preparations for the staff to complete according to the process (dig a deep hole for the enemy).


At the same time, on the other side, under the volcanic island of New Guinea in South Asia, there was an underground command hall like a palace. Zheng Xianhong placed the map in the discussion hall, and the images of the heads of other maritime combat groups were projected on other seats.


Because it is a discussion, there are many disagreements.

The four generals each communicated about the difficulties they faced.

General Yun Xi of Shengyang made a suggestion: "Only one mobile corps is left on the New Guinea Peninsula. Lizhou's power is now basically concentrated on the eastern front, and there are no signs of large-scale battles on the northern front."

However, Furukawa, the military governor from Malaysia, expressed a different view on this. He tapped on the electronic board: "I emphasize again that there has been no diplomatic agreement between our side and Lizhou, and any situation is possible."

The content of the discussion seems to be rich, but it is full of Eastern-style blame-shifting officialdom culture.


From the objective elements of the strategic situation: For these coalition forces, they must break the deadlock.

According to Wei Keng's style of play, it is possible to fight the Ocean Commune for one or two years. After all, the land of 10 million square kilometers needs to be determined one by one, and each square kilometer of land must be pushed over. The bottom of the sea can burn ice.

The amount of mining is in the millions of tons, and the longer the time goes by, the more sufficient the various war preparation materials will be.

What about the Nanyang and Shengyang maritime fleets? They can’t stand it. Even the nuclear-powered fleet must return to its home port after two months. Once they return to their home port to resupply, there may be an ambush force ambushed in the shallow waterway.


Last month, eight coalition cruisers were sent to the bottom of the sea by such an ambush.


The four generals finally reached some consensus on the general direction.

They decided to launch a decisive battle with the main force in mid-May, break through the East China Sea defense line, annihilate Lizhou's maritime fleet, and then create powerful conditions for land bombardment to force the red forces in Lizhou to agree to the conditions of the coalition forces.

But outside of the general direction, they still execute according to their own circumstances, which is called adapting to circumstances.

Fifteen hours later, at the Lizhou headquarters.

Wei Keng, who had just taken a three-hour nap, was woken up by the staff. After looking at the latest strategic information, his sleepy eyes suddenly became shrewd.

Wei Keng's finger poked at the butt of the cat in New Guilia (the map looks like a Yangcat). The sonar array there had clearly shown the movements of these enemy fleets.

And right next to Wei Keng, among the forty-three interfaces, three of them are under the command of the Equator Theater Command.

The military department of the commune there is also already busy. A large number of longitude and latitude numbers, as well as enemy movement screens are being reported upwards. Ballistic missiles and part of the naval and air force command are also connected there, and the forward commanders decide their own fire strikes based on the situation.


Regional forces have been deployed.

Mr. Wei also made a general decision and said to the staff: "Let the Malaysian group go and attack the Java group first. Send me three regiments to the east, keep an eye on the Shengyang Group and block Luzon Island in the north.


The staff officers on the side quickly recorded the order.

Wei Keng began to explain his strategic logic. The Malaysian Group occupies the golden waterway of Malacca and is the most economically prosperous group among the four major groups. The South Pacific currently has nothing to do with their interests, so their fighting will is not high. They are here to fight.

Soy sauce, if you leave them without fighting, there is a high probability that they will not proactively save friendly forces.

The Sun Group fights across the ocean and looks fierce, but its commander is strong on the outside and capable on the inside. He will actively participate in the war. However, once he encounters a fierce resistance, he will become unstable in the campaign objectives.

The Java Group is closest to Lizhou and should also be the initiator of this battle. Fighting with them is unavoidable.

As for the Luzon Group: it has recently received a large amount of military assistance from the southeastern Pacific coastline, and its comprador group actively wants to act as thugs. Therefore, their move south is crazy and they must be prepared.

After Wei Keng finished explaining his suggestions, he transferred the power of dialogue to the staff to raise questions.

The advisers made additional comments on some issues, namely the issue of backup plans if strategic predictions are wrong.

The discussion was resolved within ten minutes. Wei Keng looked at the mechanical watch time, checked the current correct electronic time, and said: "If you have no other objections, let's implement it."

This chapter has been completed!
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