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Chapter 9.72 Leaving the Ocean; Bai Zhaodi's Struggle

 Throughout the second half of 2293, the Ocean Commune in the South Pacific chased the restorationists north. Even the Sun Fleet, which was the farthest and most cautious from the battlefield, retreated and fled before the war started, and in the end they inevitably fell into the trap again.

, the fate of being caught and bled..

Five months after the destruction of the Java fleet, Wei Keng immediately set out to encircle and suppress the floating island fortresses wandering in the southwest Pacific.

In the face of the current strategic capital of Western China, there is no such thing as "a strong enemy that cannot be defeated", there is only a question of "should we fight?"

All other non-Chinese forces are very weak. Xi Bafang explained it this way: If I didn't attack you yesterday, it would be an act of ignorance. Today you actually interfered with the Nanyang Restoration Group. This is interfering with our internal affairs in China, so then

There must be a price left.

In February 1993, while the Nanyang issue was not yet over, the Shengyang politicians tried to seize the last opportunity to profit from the "social governance" and "business-private" disputes in China.

Yun Xi, the commander of Shengyang's fleet, delivered supplies to Nanyang and was immediately caught by the Ocean Commune.

During the retreat of Shengyang along the way, a large number of fleets were attacked by underwater fleets. There were twenty battleships when they came, but only six battleships were left when they returned, and the rest all perished in the long retreat.

The Shenzhou Social Governance School commented on this: Yinghai Japanese barbarians took chestnuts from the fire.

The four major military governors of Nanyang also lost their dominance in the naval battle, lost all foreign aid, and were trapped on the continental shelf of the Nanyang islands, turning into a yellow water navy. The entire Nanyang economic chain was blocked.

The Nanyang Villas, which were once lush with greenery, are now busy with cars. These giants are quickly packing up their finances, and then chartering a plane to load boxes of gold antiques and evacuate towards the east coast. The air force has also been mobilized for escort.

Of course, as soon as I landed at Guangfu Airport, I was intercepted by Dongbin Customs, and then my assets began to be frozen.

Just kidding, in recent years, Dongbin's capital has transferred a large number of production chains to Nanyang, a backup ship, in order to escape the social and political forces in China. At this time, you Nanyang Jiedu envoys are terribly embarrassed and let Dongbin merchants and private

A gentleman loses money and loses money, but he still wants to come with wealth and maids to become a gentleman? It’s a dream.


For the workers of the Pacific United Front, the impact of this war was that cruise ships had to be at the rear of the war, that is, in the southern part of Lishu. This turned the originally orderly rest into multiple breaks a year.

Although the war brought everyone a lot of trouble, after victory, everyone looked at the Pacific Ocean's "desire for peace but could not give up its airs", and couldn't help but be aroused, and they could fight as long as they could.

However, for the business and private groups in Nanyang, after the sea was blocked, a large amount of economic avalanche. The capital chain was broken, affecting all aspects.

These cities in the equatorial region, which had rarely experienced war, began to shut down. The railway around the island began to reduce operations, blockades, and highway roadblocks began to increase consumption. Prices in big cities began to rise, and the entire governance system was crumbling.

In the big cities of Nanyang, criminal activities have begun to increase. Even if the Chinese Pacific merchants want to migrate technology and capital into the region, they should postpone staying in China for the time being in the face of the possibility of collapse today.


On March 1st.

At this time, Shenzhou Dongbin jumped out as the peacemaker, hoping to mediate the South Pacific War. The two sides held talks in the Siam subcontinent. However, the first meeting between Pacific Business and Private Affairs seemed insincere, and they still tried to control the Pacific hegemony and let the Southern Ocean

The Workers' Front gives up maintaining maritime security, otherwise it will dispatch its main fleet.

The first negotiation broke down.

Nanyang seems to have some support, and it was so arrogant during the mediation. In fact, Dongbin wants to determine who the commander of Nanyang is? It deliberately uses Nanyang's interests to test the waters.

According to the information from the Imperial City Division of the Divine Capital, Wei Keng's whereabouts in the plateau area have disappeared for a long time. There is a high probability that Wei Keng is someone in the Southern Ocean.

Nowadays, Wei Keng has become the shadow of the group of retired old people sleeping in life-support cabins throughout China.

It has been twenty-three years since he was resurrected from Antarctica. From the beginning, he blended into the world harmlessly, making people wonder if he was just carrying a body, to being transformed into a phoenix when he met fire ten years ago, and now to the emperor and the court today.

The big bosses behind the scenes were worried about why they had to wake him up. In the end, they were the ones who were burned by this fire.

Now, from the emperor to the recluse elders of major aristocratic families, they are convinced that it is not Wei Xin who is carrying Wei Keng's body, but Wei Keng, a ruthless man from a hundred years ago, who is living today in Wei Xin's name.

Guan, Zheng, Bai, and Wei are famous generals in the martial arts world. Among them, Guan is destined to return, Zheng expands territory, Bai slaughters all directions, and Wei has both political integrity and talent.

Oh, the above description is recorded in the history books of the past, and if the current life is included, this evaluation is inaccurate.

In this life of Wei Xin, he has been working step by step for twenty years. Although he cannot say that he has done everything carefully and dug holes, he has always fallen into a big fall instead of fighting strategically. From the beginning of the European League, to the battle of Lizhou and Shengyang

, then to Dongzheng, and now the Nanyang Jiedu envoys.

Nowadays, the hearts of the people in Western China are high, and the weather is right. The ruling structure of Eastern China, which is full of outdated patterns, is really unable to find new talents who can withstand the edge.


Negotiations between Honghe and Yuedu ended in vain. Lizhou and Ocean Commune were very angry at the conditions offered by the Nanyang Group.

But after this negotiation, Wei Keng did not move out as some people in China thought!

Oh, Mr. Wei is very indifferent to the factors that determine the success or failure of the battle. Whether it is Plateau, Lizhou, or the current Ocean Front, Wei Keng's influence is increasingly invisible after its success.

Now that the Socialist faction is facing the threat of the enemy, because it stands on the vast heart of the people, all strategies are based on this as a backing to deal with the threat of the enemy. It is definitely not what Dongbin thinks, but relies on a certain person.

The abilities of soul characters.

April 5th.

The maritime power of the Ocean Front began the final blockade offensive against many islands in the South China Sea, and at the same time intensified the propaganda battle. The maritime advance team even sneaked into the vicinity of Lu Song and Da Yuan and fired leaflet rockets.

Amidst the sirens of the two regional anti-missile systems, these leaflet rockets broke through the protective nets of large cities and dropped large sheets of paper leaflets in the sky.

April 13, east of Taiyuan Island.

Over the Hualien Port, people looked at the snowflake-like pieces of paper being sprinkled on the Hillhouse Jinwa Building. They didn't realize what it was, and stared blankly at the pieces of paper falling. They didn't seem to have reacted yet.

There is only a thin line between war.

But the entire east coast of China was shocked. They thought that the war was across the ocean and they could unleash the fire without restraint, but when the fire really came, they seemed not to be prepared.

Missile penetration, which in the past was enough reason for Eastern China to intervene in the war, - but now faced with this reason, the eastern coastal provinces began to anxiously declare that the red forces in Lizhou wanted to

The statement of challenging the mainland of China is hysterical. The public opinion seems to want to go to western China to accuse.


However, Western China ignored this public opinion offensive. After blocking the Internet, the internal network is now enthusiastically discussing the topic of working in the ocean and building a commune.

Magnificent undersea factories, cruise ship communes and homes, as well as offshore production and patrols - the people of Western China, who hold the best cards for the transformation of marine productivity, have no worries at all like the wealthy landowners in the east.


On October 10, Eastern China drew on the anxiety of public opinion to draft a conscription system.

However, when people in the region actively initiated initiatives on the Internet, they were not implemented properly.

However, there is a huge controversy in Puhai, the largest city on the east coast. The locals proposed that foreigners should be recruited into the army. Puhai's small business people set off a wave of opposition on the Internet, asking local people with houses to participate in the military service.

Of course, when the governors of this big city on the east coast announced that they would treat everyone equally, a large number of residents showed "signs of wanting to leave."

The large population of Dongbin is due to the active development in the peace era, so a large number of people have gathered. However, if the rulers of the area think that this is a rush for loyalty, then they will have to face a lesson in reality.

The prosperous Jiangnan has always lacked the spirit of sharing weal and woe.


Ever since, the second Nanyang Negotiation, led by Dongbin's business and private groups, began. This time, the East Pacific business and private groups abandoned those unreasonable conditions, but still demanded the Ocean Line of Control. However, what the Ocean Front demanded was the current maritime

The actual line of control was drawn, and the current seabed map of the border was produced. Negotiations continued to reach a deadlock.

But the two sides have also entered into reasonable discussions: the Commune Front will no longer launch rocket weapons on the Nanyang Islands, and the Nanyang Group will disarm the Blue Water.

In essence, this condition is the most honorable outcome that businessmen can strive for.

The restoration group headed by the Nanyang Jiedu Envoy could not break through the industrial front blockade in the South Pacific with its own strength. Moreover, their biggest bargaining chip before the war, the surface fleet, had been lost.

At the same time, Lizhou is also building ships on land. In a few months, the water offensive force will also be perfected. By then, it will not only be able to solve the problem, but also be able to penetrate near Dongbin.

Since this negotiation, the cruise ships in the southern part of Lizhou have returned to the Southern Ocean again, which means that the production and construction of the seabed has returned to normalcy.


After the battle, Wei Keng also handed over the command to the local backbone of Haiyang Commune and began to return to the plateau.

On November 20, when Wei Keng showed up in Sinhala, the Pacific commander found Wei Keng through channels through the agent in the region and asked for a call.

Fu Youji: "First of all, congratulations, Your Excellency."

Wei Keng knew what the old man was talking about, so he did not deny it, but he also did not directly admit it: "No congratulations. The waves here are too big. Maybe I will capsize tomorrow."

Fu Yuki smiled and opened the projection model of the Xuanwu submarine on the screen. Judging from the image, this super weapon was hidden in the mountain.

Wei Keng remained calm and faced off against China's Eastern Pacific Navy in the Southern Ocean. He already knew what cards they had.

Mr. Wei deliberately said in a sour tone: "This is the highest strategic technology unlocked, not a strategic weapon that cannot be used at the general level."

Fu Yuji: "What if six battleship submarines and fifteen battleships are handed over to your command?"

Wei Keng's eyes narrowed and he knew that Dongbin's strategy was to block the command strait.

Wei Keng paused: "Marshal is joking. Are you confident that this power is in my hands?"

Fu Youji: "I'm old, and this position needs capable people." - The subtext is that he wants to hand over power.

However, Wei Keng sneered. According to Mr. Wei's experience as a rogue, these grown-ups suddenly became generous, and ninety-nine times they were playing hard to get. If they really tried to eat, they would have swallowed the hook.

Wei Keng waved his hand and said: "Talking about irrelevant things with irrelevant people is a waste of your and my time. Old man - we have no fate, so let's just part ways."


On November 21, 1993, Sunrise's fleet passed through the Panama Canal.

Today's Panama Canal is much more majestic than the Panama Canal in the early 21st century in the main world. It was built to facilitate the smooth passage of the 200,000-ton United States-class battleship. The narrowest point has reached 150

The width of the pond and the depth of the pond have also been greatly expanded.

In order to start construction quickly, Yin Dianya did not take into account humanitarianism like the main world in modern times, but directly used the chain detonation effect of proton impact cannons to mine. During construction, a large amount of radioactivity caused the residents within a hundred kilometers of the surrounding area to be mined.

, cancer rates have increased fifteen-fold in two decades.

But after the Battle of the Mississippi River, this strategic location was captured by the Sun.

Now that the ship locks are open, the Rising Sun Fleet is slowly sailing from west to east. Accompanying the Rising Sun Fleet, it is also the Pacific Strategy that leaves.

This year, China sent troops to blockade the Directive Strait. Seeing this momentum, Rising Sun remained silent.

After experiencing several battles in this world war, Shengyang has understood that China is a trap. China seems to be fighting within itself, but every time it uses violent beatings to establish its authority by beating outside interveners!

Shengyang has foolishly jumped in three times and become a victim of China's struggle. No benefits have been gained at all. So now, when it is determined that China will start to plan its strategy again, Shengyang's military strength on the west coast of South America has been directly advanced.


To use a common saying in China, if you can’t afford to offend someone, can you still afford to hide from them?

In November, Shengyang directly signed an armistice agreement with Lizhou and the Maritime Front. The two sides set up a narrow buffer zone in the Western Pacific to inform each other.


But this does not mean that the rising sun has withdrawn from the World War. In the Western Ocean, three aircraft carriers with red sun spokes on their decks are cruising along the coast. The tonnage of these warships is 200,000 tons, and the hulls are full of Japanese-style cubes.

The style is as neat as a tatami, except for the ship island, which still maintains the technical style of the Shenzhou integrated radar mast.

This is the electromechanical technology obtained from Supu United Engineering, and an excellent nuclear power mechanism is installed in the design, which can directly eject the latest Tianyi fighter into the sky.

Sunrise's local technology, which relied on consuming large amounts of high-energy nanoparticles to take off, was quickly eliminated.

Yun Xi, who had just evacuated from the Western Ocean, has been ordered to reflect. Now the navy of Shengyang is controlled by the Kanagawa faction.

In the command post on the ship island.

Admiral Tanaka Katsuo looked at the vertical take-off and landing fighter planes taking off and cruising at the port with an admiring expression. Such maritime aviation power has always been the dream of the Imperial Navy.

The Tengu modified fighter aircraft of the Imperial Army faction are now more and more inclined to land combat attacks, which is not suitable for the needs of the Imperial Navy at all.

The general turned around and said to the lady beside him: "Miss Bai Yue, the technology you brought has made the Imperial Navy even more powerful."

This Miss Bai Yue is Bai Zhaodi. In order to perform system tasks, she wants to come to Shengyang to take over the assets here.


In the system, Bai Linglu knew that some jobs could only be done by others.

In this new era, Wei Keng arranged a path for all the capable young people of the Wei family in the new generation, and then calmly dismantled the Wei family.

Bai Jingqi doesn't have Wei Keng's courage. With the proletarianization of Western China, she also wants to move Feng Hou's business out of the country to leave a way for the die-hards in her family.


Bai Zhaodi glanced at the senior official of Shengyang and responded with a smile: "General, the Imperial Navy's choice is not just Feng Hou, we can also feel your friendship."

After saying this, he secretly sighed in his heart: "Oh, the empire? Dongyi is arrogant."

However, Bai Zhaodi has now reintegrated psychics in South America and established a force. It is quite evil to establish Jiehongzi storage crystals in such a large base and establish the so-called "vacuum hometown, birthless mother".

Compared with Yuriko's system that purely violently controls the worship of various factions, Bai Zhaodi adopts the theory of "Three Yang Catastrophes" in China. This theory says that there are three calamities, Qingyang, Hongyang, and Baiyang.

Just before the rising sun, when Yuriko collapsed, not even one of the ten psykers left in the rising sun was in full swing.

It is the "Qingyang Tribulation".

According to the current propaganda of the Lily Sect: the surviving Shengyang psychics successfully survived this disaster because of the appearance of the "Spirit Mother" (Bai Zhaodi).

And the next disaster is Hongyang. Bai Zhaodi announced that only she can deduce the method of transcending the next disaster - and the Shengyang people who are used to cohesion in disasters have really been caught by the neck of fate. Bai Zhaodi controls her to death.


Qin Xiaohan: "I can only say that the person named Bai is very playful."

This chapter has been completed!
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