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Chapter 9.76 Seeking Truth in the Red Dust

 On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year in 2294, after the Arctic Circle strategy meeting in the plateau region, Wei Keng pressed the information burning pen into the card slot of the electronic briefcase and prepared to get off work.

In contemporary China, some psychics, as well as Xiantian warriors, can directly record their own information in the 'Jade Slips' system.

However, Wei Keng, as the person with the highest level of spiritual power in China, has always been like an ordinary person, obsessed with inputting the fifty-three radicals (common characters) on his right hand and the twenty-five-syllable uncommon characters input method on his left hand.

He behaves like an ordinary person and has not changed in twenty-four years.

Xu He glanced at Wei Keng and prepared to stay with Wei Keng for dinner, but before he could say anything, Wei Keng had already opened the door and left.


The top psykers in Kunlun know the reason why Wei Keng does not use his psionic powers in daily life. This is a kind of practice!

Wei Keng: If we want to remember that the productivity of science and technology comes from the masses, only from the perspective of ordinary people can we know which technologies are the direction that the subject of civilization needs.

For example, in input technology, Wei Keng from Pandora masters higher-end spiritual language communication technology.

But as a "Zhongrenzi", I know that what the Chinese people need now is to change the "finger typing on the keyboard" mode to a more advanced "finger input mode".

Wei Keng: If we are accustomed to using psychic energy, the ability of a very small number of people, to solve scientific and technological problems, then technological development will be divorced from the foundation.

When Wei Keng arrived this time, he said from the beginning: "The most important thing is to be together." Even if he has psychic skills to make more delicious dumplings, he still has to make a batch with his hands and everyone else using ordinary methods.


Kunlun Taoism also fully accepted Wei Keng's perspective, and noted it as "the world of mortals refines the heart."

Tang Tianyou of Kunlun once said to his contemporary disciples: “As for technology and self, initially we look at mountains as mountains and water as water.

Water flows along the mountains. (Technology is the mountain, self is the water, I flow along the technological era.)

After building the foundation and entering the Tao, the mountains are no longer mountains and the water is no longer water. (Technology is not limited to what you see, and the formation of your own worldview is not necessarily up to you.)

But in the end, mountains are still mountains, and water is still water. (After analyzing all human desires, technology is ultimately a tool and method, and everything must still be based on self-sincerity.) "


Back to the present, the Guan Dynasty in China went through its final madness and sealed many generals. This actually included the famous generals in Western China. Of course, the warriors in the plateau area saw that Master Wei did not follow.

I feel that the value of adding a title like this is greatly reduced. But this has allowed many warrior factions in the east to unite in a rare way.

Generals such as Xu He and Xi Bafang could sense that their old friends in the east were obsessed with coexisting with the dynasty after the imperial power was sealed.

Xu He originally wanted to ask Wei Keng what he thought about this after drinking.

But it is confirmed that Wei Keng still insists on being "ordinary", and all the answers are already clear. Practitioners are indifferent to fame and fortune, and this may be meaningless.


After getting on the train to Kunlun.

Mr. Wei took a look at the latest news, and when he saw the edict submitted by Shenzhou that Wei Keng was granted the title of Marquis Wu, he sneered and gave this evaluation: A game that is about to be canceled has given a lot of resources to retain users.

However, Qin Xiaohan prompted in the system, and the loyalty of the eastern generals has obviously increased.

Wei Keng, who was deceived, added sarcastically: "This middle-aged and elderly person can easily be tricked into a fraud mode of upgrading and punching in."

Wei Keng: After acknowledging that the bad check given by the fraud leader is valuable, the less willing it is to expose this dream. Because if it is exposed, it will become a huge psychological loss. Hey, there are always some people who need to be hugged. They were buried together with them in the old days.


On the road, Wei Keng was very relaxed and even took the time to watch a science fiction short film from the Western China Propaganda Department. The short film was shot from a first-person perspective.

The content is as follows: A man appeared alone in the wilderness, and the text above said "I can't remember anything, I don't know anything, who am I, what should I do?" I only know that I am No. 02333.

At this time, there was suddenly an escort beside me, who looked exactly like me.

Then the two of them walked together and saw many creatures in the wilderness, and there was a scene of a group of people hunting wild beasts. The beast was running towards them, and the companion would drag them to join them, and together they would pick up the unknown beast. Where did you get the weapons?

Then everyone entered a magnificent scene, where various gorgeous mythical animals appeared. There were gorgeous stars in the sky. Occasionally, some things would fall from these stars, and those were all good things.

Then we went together with that group, and more and more people came together. We all talked about which magic fruits can be eaten, and where we can find happiness. We all worked hard to chase and kill some "ghosts" to drop treasures.

It's just that some friends will disappear, I don't know what happened, but neither I nor others have to worry, as long as the companion is there, there will always be new people added to the team. Everyone is very happy, and the entire video atmosphere is pleasant up to this point. .

Suddenly one day, as I took something wrong, snowflakes appeared in the perspective system...

From the perspective, the surrounding canyons disappeared and turned into high-rise buildings, and the various gorgeous mythical animals and rare and exotic beasts around them disappeared. They were replaced by cold land machinery.

As viewers from the first-person perspective, they turned to look around and were shocked to see the people around them. Half of them were people wearing black information helmets, and the other half were robots with blue electronic eyes. They touched their own heads. He was wearing a black helmet, and he was looking at his companion.

In the video, you can feel the heavy breathing, and the companion is also a robot.

He raised his head and looked upward. He was at the bottom, high in the sky, where the stars were originally, and at the top of the building, where the lights were shining. But he could never reach it.

Just when he looked up, the team seemed not to notice that he had disappeared, and set sail again for the expedition. (Narration, at this time, the person from the first-person perspective has become the missing person in the team.)

But the companion did not leave, but followed him away. In this panicked lower-level hive, this companion moved him a little. But the companion's eyes in the video had turned into a strange yellow light.

At this time, there was a noise outside, and the companion suddenly left. He looked around and saw that a large number of his original teammates had arrived, but before he could be happy, he found that he could not communicate with them. Their formation was to round up dangerous beasts.

The weapon he got was a machine gun that popped out from under his arm. He looked at his arm and saw that he also had this device.

Finally, during the firing, the angle of view was dim. Then I felt myself being dragged away, and I barely opened my eyes. The person dragging me was my companion. Then everything became blurry.

The movie went dark from then on, and fifteen minutes later, the camera started again.

A person appeared alone in the wilderness. The text above said "I can't remember anything, I don't know anything. Who am I and what do I want to do?" I only knew that I was No. 02334. At this time, the perspective appeared to accompany me.

(forming a loop with the beginning)


At the end of this science fiction short film, the following explanation appears.

"Historical revisionism" will cover up the reasons for the resistance of ordinary people in history time and time again. And the hypocritical ethical leaders will drag down your values ​​step by step and change your needs to what they think is "normal". The real survival of the masses

, freedom of development will be obscured and eliminated.

In the reincarnation of dynasties, the lower class always need to be enlightened. Once they have ideas, such as "Princes, generals, ministers, etc., they have the right kind", they become "giant bandits" (the beasts in the film) in the annals of history.


After the wild beasts are killed and the new docile people are successfully appeased, they once again become the same people who need to be taught in the early days of the wilderness.

As expected, this film was rated 0.3 on Eastern Doujiang, and was blocked directly because of the bloody violence.

But in Western China, it became the best science fiction short film of the year. The Ministry of Culture and Education of Western China liked this content, and then took a screenshot of the "Douban Jiang Rating" and gave it a "Yi" evaluation.

In recent years, dragon-slaying techniques have been popularized in historical and economic textbooks, and a large number of anti-business and private works have also been published. Today's era is undergoing a major change that has not happened in three thousand years! The dragons are leaderless, and the world is in trouble.


Wei Keng arrived in Kunlun and boarded the Ruomu, which was comparable to the City in the Sky.

Coming to the Hetu project team, this team now brings together all the experts on the nature of space-time in China - and has already opened up information on six parallel time-spaces.

Wei Keng can perceive ten times more parallel time and space that intersect with the current time and space! And each parallel time and space intersects with other time and space, and Wei Keng can also perceive it. - But Wei Keng cannot sense this information.

Talk to these time and space experts.

So far, the mountains and rivers in these parallel time and spaces discovered by this space-time and river map department are all intact, and they have all undergone changes similar to those in plateau areas.

The people from China who were sent abroad have also contacted the higher-ups there. And fifteen people have also arrived in this plane of time and space.

These parallel time and space Shenzhou groups have reached a unified agreement, that is, they will not actively interfere with time and space and create new branches of time and space. However, after discovering that their own time and space has been interfered with, they must take the initiative to contact the interfered time and space.

The prototype of a space-time management bureau has appeared. This is an organization developed under the nose of the main world. Naturally, it cannot escape the penetration of the main world.

At the beginning of the birth of the Space-Time Management Bureau on this timeline, the supervisors and time-travelers sent by the main world were also born, and they will join the Space-Time Management Bureau and become the glue for this temporary plane to be merged into the main plane Space-Time Management Bureau.


Wei Keng's current task from the system is to promote this plan. (In turn, Wei Keng has the highest supervisory authority and strictly scrutinizes personnel sent to the main world.)


Just after Wei Keng agreed to the plan, Bai Linglu had a call with the Main Plane Space-Time Management Bureau in the supervisor's space.

Bai Linglu: "There should be no problem with his legality here."

Wang Binfen and other supervisors voted by a show of hands and agreed to the result.

Wei Keng has now completed his eternal existence in this plane, and exists across multiple time and space. In theory, he is a king.

This adjacent plane is a public plane and involves the birthplace of a large number of transcendents, so additional procedures are required.

Transcendents related to this plane have no objections to Wei Keng, because they are indeed promoting the diversification of history, rather than destroying it - but they still need official recognition from the main plane.

After Bai Linglu got the permission notice from China Time and Space, he nodded with a smile.

Once this official certification is implemented, Wei Keng will be the leader of this space-time area. In the future, all transcendents selected in this space-time will inherit Wei Keng's cause and effect.


Today is about to enter the 29th century, and the age of kings has passed for nearly a hundred years.——The time-travel forces headed by the king are getting louder and louder.

The plane of China is similar to the Eastern culture of the main world, and the historical process, well, was also interrupted by that guy to the point where we reach the same destination through different paths. In the future, there will be many transcendants, and many initial traversers of the great river system civilization will grow.

Bai Linglu has already planned an official career path for Wei Keng.


At this time, in the prototype of the future hyperspace center in the Hetu facility on the plane of China, Wei Keng was communicating with people from China who were very similar to the parallel time and space.

Wei Keng relayed the information about the "diffusion of Bethlehem Ore" that had just been observed from the Disha in this time and space to the time and space liaison in the "River Map" over there.

Although as an "anti-empty person", Wei Keng has always been aware of all communication plane situations, but due to procedures, Wei Keng has to communicate with the people in time and space over there from an unknown perspective.

When the time-space intersection person named Bai Huanling in the parallel time and space heard the news, he took a deep breath and responded seriously: "The pollution leakage of Bethlehem's minerals will pollute the entire Arctic Ocean region."

Then he brought up the case of the pollution of the Red Sea in their plane. All marine life died, and the Tianzhu Ocean was seriously polluted, causing the world there to build a dam to block the Red Sea, limiting the pollution to the food area.

After Wei Keng obtained the information about Bethlehem's pollution in parallel time and space, he immediately connected to Xuhe.

Xu He was in the military base. In front of his desk, a dynamic picture of a malfunction in a military exercise at the Arctic Circle combat base was being projected in front of his desk. Suddenly, he received Wei Keng's red intelligence and temporarily adjourned the meeting.

Xu He went to the encrypted room next to the conference hall and opened the Wei Keng dialogue interface.

Wei Keng: "I got some news about Bethlehem when I was here in Hetu and connected to adjacent time and space."

Xu He nodded and said, "I'll get on the line right away."

Three minutes later, Xu He contacted the Ruomu battleship through a dedicated military network, and the projection fell on the virtual platform inside the ship.

After watching the Red Sea pollution incident in parallel time and space, I looked shocked.

He looked up at the visitors from another time and space who had arrived in this time and space, and asked with a strange expression: "Is your name Bai Huan Ling?"

Bai Huanling paused slightly, but still nodded.

Xu He turned to Wei Keng and asked, "Have you told him?"

Mr. Wei: "Military secrets, I will not reveal them." (Since Wei Keng has transferred military command, he does not have the authority to say certain things.)

Xu He nodded and said to Bai Huanling: "The one who is directing land operations in the Arctic Circle now is you in this time and space."

When Bai Huanling heard this, he felt like thunder. He was completely confused.

Xu He understood something when he saw this.


Wei Keng knew the reason. In that time and space, the disaster of Bethlehem Mine pollution on the Red Sea was caused by the Silk Faction's wanton mining, and the general who was transported there by the Silk Faction was Bai Huanling.

When Bai Huanling was commanding the battle, he witnessed the extinction of life in the entire Red Sea area, the death of a large number of villages, and the tragic situation of corpses covered with green crystals. Then he silently left the Silk Sect and completely broke away from commercialism.

Later, after he built the Hetu parallel time and space, out of an escape mentality, he participated in the more dangerous time and space teleportation and came to this time and space.

In this timeline, because the Battle of Lizhou was fought earlier and the Siamese subcontinent was left for the Silk Faction to temporarily settle down, the Silk Faction did not take risks in the Dashi area, so there was no Red Sea pollution.

However, for Bai Huanling, the reality is cruel. Shang and private businesses in all timelines are going to end. He is the last knife that can be found by the Shang and private factions.

After Bai Huanling learned about Wei Keng's information, he felt extremely cold: In this time and space, he did not realize his mistakes and would still make the same mistakes. Compared with the narrow water area of ​​the Red Sea, the entire Arctic Circle is much larger.

Much bigger. If you make a mistake, it will be much more tragic.


Wei Keng patted Bai Huanling to wake him up from his daze.

Bai Huanling continued to tell everyone about the serious consequences of the Bethlehem crystal mine leak, but did not reveal her own secrets in that time and space.

Half an hour later.

On the platform above the Ruomu, Bai Huanling squatted on an observation post left on the side of the Ruomu. This observation post is a hemispherical space, the size of a balcony. After opening the gate, the outer mechanical metal cover can be opened. , you can look out at the vast mountains and meandering rivers through the glass windows.

Just when Bai Huanling was in a state of confusion, Wei Keng opened the gate and walked in.

Facing Bai Huanling, Wei Keng said leisurely: "I can send you to the Arctic Circle, do you want this opportunity?"

Bai Huanling paused and whispered: "Do you know what I did in my time and space?"

Wei Keng: "Don't turn your attention to me. If you want to solve your own problems, you should face yourself." After saying this, Wei Keng left.

This chapter has been completed!
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