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1.03 Open the cage, it’s all over

 As a human being in the 21st century, we may overestimate the development of science and technology in twenty years, but it is difficult to imagine the physical technology in four hundred years. Because the former is based on the optimistic development model of technology, while the latter era is often based on

In physics, a breakthrough has been made that exceeds previous thinking concepts.

For example, in the 21st century, in the ancient times, the interstellar voyages that humans can think of include hibernation chambers, spacecraft particle thrusters, and thousands or tens of thousands of people arriving on a planet illuminated by another star to plant corn.

Various matters regarding planetary creatures.

However, in the 26th century, after breakthroughs in basic physical observations, mankind determined one thing: in the physical region of the universe where the earth is located, the energy levels of various materials are too fixed and are not suitable for the conditions of interstellar spacecraft navigation.

So what should we do? - If a giant ship can't drive in a sewer, then it's time to find the sea.

People on Earth today would take it for granted: let scientists send humans and production tools along with sufficient information enthalpy to a suitable physical area, let humans build cosmic starports, and then mass-produce interstellar fleets!

The universe is infinite and not smooth.

The physical conditions on this side of the Earth's main world are "dry land", and other places may be oceans.

The technology of chemical rockets and particle thrusters in the main world cannot explore the universe. Under other physical conditions, it may be possible to reach the sky in one step.

How should I put it? It is precisely because of the stability of geophysical conditions that human beings have developed to an extremely high level in mechanical technology and material design.

That is to say, the time and space of the main world is too stable, and observation operations must be carried out with the help of star-scale gravitational distortion and the application of huge industrial technology facilities (gravity wells).

Before the 26th century, the people on earth in the main world could be said to be locked in a cage. Then, look at the sea! Look at the sea of ​​stars, and then helplessly think about the spaceship technology they built.

Finally, I wonder if these space sampans can reach another star before the material leaks out.

Now, the people from Earth have come out.

Ten billion mad dogs are out of the cage. Ahem.

The multidimensional plane is actually a circle of human traces centered on the main world of Earth.

First of all, we must state the fact that before any technology is used, its principles and phenomena may have been applied naturally and unconsciously by human consciousness.

For example, the ancients did not know about chemical substitution reactions, but they knew how to smelt copper using wet methods.

Today, plane travel through gravity wells is based on modern technology and modern human life sciences.

Particle colliders at the end of the 20th century proved that they could produce traces of particles that were not found on Earth, indicating that the Big Bang would give birth to other particles, matter, and even the world.

How to reach such a world now? Collider experiments can break through the space membrane where the earth is located.

Modern people take it for granted that time travel means breaking open the space membrane at the stable gravitational point at the center of the earth, and then projecting and tunneling information through it.

When the civilization of the main world allows consciousness to travel for the first time, it can carry enough thoughts to set off and return with enough thoughts at the same time - just like the great voyage that circled the earth actually proved that the earth is a ball and proved the existence of planes.

This is proof, not invention.

Because under natural circumstances, consciousness can originally travel! However, this phenomenon has not been accurately measured in the past, so it cannot be determined.

Human beings dream, and most of the information in dreams comes from information received during the day, but a small amount of bizarre information comes from sources that are puzzling.

Furthermore, even after death, the consciousness will leave this world. Occasionally it will gain enough energy and may leave with some memory information.

There is such a 'superstition' in the 21st century that if you die by lightning, your soul suddenly has enough energy level and may travel to another world.

However, the contemporary time and space department cannot deny the matter of lightning travel. This is a bit like a bad joke, but modern earthlings feel that the hypothesis of the ancient Internet era has some truth.

On certain subplanes that have been explored, people have identified many traces of Earth's culture. Some of these cultural signs date from the late 20th century to the 23rd century.

This period of time is an era of information explosion in the history of the earth. Society has made human consciousness very active. At the same time, society has not been completely safe. In other words, there is a possibility of a large number of accidental deaths. As for after the twenty-third century, there will be no accidents

After death, memory is slowly given up during regeneration surgery, so when consciousness finally leaves, it will not leave with memory.

Therefore, on the sub-plane, the density of earth's cultural traces in this era is very high. There are cultural phenomena in the alien plane, which proves that consciousness may travel with complete memory and thoughts.

From a more basic point of view, it is reasonable and reasonable that the evolution of sub-plane life always evolves in the direction of human-like. It exists at the level of wisdom and consciousness in the narrow sense, and it also has influence across time and space in the development of life in the broad sense.

The physical conditions of the main world are stable, and stability helps to accumulate foundation. Basically, there will be a mass extinction every 10 to 20 million years, unlike some sub-planes, where the civilization will end every 10 to 20,000 years.


The stable geophysical environment is generally continuous over the course of four billion years. Therefore, the life information of the surviving higher species may also guide the development of life in the subplane through the quantum tunneling effect. Since it has always been moving towards

It is actually possible to spread consciousness and life information around and call it the "main world".

Of course, though, consciousness tunneling can occur naturally.

But from today's perspective, these seniors who traveled through time and space due to accidents in the main world struggled very hard in other worlds. Most of them were naked, with a little advanced thinking from Earth, and relied on krypton to travel around the world.

Relatively speaking, with the support of contemporary industrial technology, plane travelers are armed to the teeth!

When traveling to an alien plane, what is most important?——Information analysis and processing capabilities.

Because the phase states of some basic particles in the alien plane are different from those in the main world, there may be supernatural physical phenomena compared to the earth.

Collect information, decipher the laws of physics at the same time, and finally experiment with science and technology suitable for the area.

In the contemporary era, every traveler who arrives in an alien plane has information nodes on his body.

These information nodes are connected to the supercomputing system.

Using some fantasy concepts of the 21st century, contemporary travelers have "virtual chips" in their brains after arriving at the target plane.

Operation! Fast operation relies on higher energy levels and more microscopic energy arrangements. - In the plane, the stable material plane energy is the most microscopic and high energy level outside the space-time film level.

Relying on the information enthalpy sent from the main world, under the control of the supervisor, the computing and processing performance is higher than that of the chip that is basically supported by all conventional energy phenomena in the target plane.

To put it simply: after the traveler arrives in the alien plane, the system hardware in the brain, although intangible and intangible in quality, can transfer data faster than the performance of all local brain and energy computing equipment.

[The computing nodes in the brain are of extremely low quality and are difficult to detect. However, this does not mean that there are absolutely no traces - just like the neutrinos in the main world of the earth, if the observation ability of civilization is high enough, traces can still be detected. ]

The specific process is as follows:

On the Earth, large-scale supercomputers drive computing data into particles, send them into the gravity well, and complete tunneling in the center of the Earth. They are first linked to the monitor in the high-energy state, and then sent to the nodes on the traverser.


In this process, it seems that the supervisor is clamping down on the traveler, but in fact, this kind of clamping only exists in the early stage of plane exploration.

When the traveler becomes familiar with the physical rules of the target plane, he no longer relies on the information enthalpy sent by the earth. Instead, he collects energy locally, processes it into information enthalpy, and becomes self-reliant on the plane.

Therefore, the real strength of a time traveler is how many nodes it can bind to on the scale of its consciousness. In the words of geophysicists, it is the number of phase particles.

The particles pass through the gravity well on the earth's side, are reflected to the target plane, and are connected to the consciousness of the traveler, like a network line across the void.

With the blessing of technology and industry, contemporary time travelers are engaged in cross-dimensional activities, which is not universal. This requires strict training. Although in this era, different time travelers have different methods of thinking training for their own consciousness.

, but according to the scale of phase particles that consciousness can load, the level classification of time travelers is very strict.

Currently, the world has two standards for the hierarchy of time travellers.

Central Plains classification system: people, scholars, and officials.

Mediterranean division: citizens, fathers, and consuls.

On a large scale, the two systems roughly correspond, but there are a lot of differences between the two systems in terms of consciousness progression.

This difference will lead to different behaviors of the travelers in the plane. In turn, the two parties have different social ideologies in the alien plane, which may lead to conflicts.

At present, the main world of Earth has tolerated each other, and there are fewer conflicts and conflicts. Extraterrestrial space vehicle standards have also begun to connect with each other, but the conflicts seem to have moved to the sub-plane.

In the time and space areas where traces of human society are already known in all major planes, although there are some buffering phenomena in the particle energy levels there that are more easily used by life, that is, the people here can master the seemingly supernatural power of the main world.

However, these planes, human social organizations, and scientific and technological methods are all weaker than the main world.

After the main world opens up the plane, even under the physical rules there, using the technology and power system there, earth travelers can often use it more scientifically. Travelers from different cultures in the East and the West can understand these

Establish dominance over the world.

Plus, there is a profit factor involved!

Plane exploration has saved the earth's unhealthy economy! It has allowed mankind to develop cutting-edge physical high technologies and finally have a model to give back to the public, instead of constantly swallowing up the social economy and turning it into a bubble.

Plane exploration brings back a lot of wealth!

This kind of wealth is not real money and silver. The rule of the main world is the conservation of matter. The tunneling phenomenon controlled in the gravity well will only bring information and will not attract supernatural forces to the earth.

As for what kind of information wealth is it? Well, it’s not something like Bitcoin in the 21st century. It’s very important data.

In terms of theory and technology alone, the earth has obtained many high-value verifications.

For example, there are dozens of design methods for nuclear submarines? Various design routes for nuclear power plant reactor types? In the 21st century, even the superpowers cannot accumulate all the technical routes, and each route costs money! That

Crossing the river by touching xx saves people a lot of money. But medical technology costs lives.

This money can be burned in sub-positions that have similar rules to geophysics.

The only opponents of the earth's time and space shuttle department are our colleagues here on earth.

Nowadays, the economy of the alien plane has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm for the development of earth civilization.

Gravity wells are being developed one after another on the earth. Moreover, the earth alone can no longer satisfy humans. At present, in addition to terrestrial planets such as Mars and Venus, the earth's space development department is also based on Jupiter and has set up city-level residential stations.

, preparing to dig more gravity wells, and the current project progress has progressed to the beginning of mapping the metallic hydrogen layer of Jupiter.

In addition to the construction of gravity wells, the scale of information enthalpy in the main world also needs to be expanded. At present, the most junior "civilian" level traversers on the earth only receive support from analyzing the material and energy phenomena of the target plane.

"Senior" level traversers can directly use information enthalpy to construct void creations on the target plane. However, doing so consumes too much information enthalpy and currently requires strict application. If it is fully open to all traversers, the earth's traditional core

The fusion array power generation system and the mantle thermal energy collection system are simply not enough. To the extent that the technology to directly complete material projection on the alien plane can only be used by the Shangqing level.

But the fact is that demand exists. If there is demand, there will be future development.

The plan of the engineering team on Mercury is to build a Dyson ring within three hundred years and at the same time build a photon array computer spanning one-third of the astronomical unit.

Once humans utilize the energy of the sun and process it into information enthalpy, they will be able to completely crush the native civilizations of most of the planes that have been explored and deal with all kinds of dissatisfaction.

According to this momentum, space and energy will continue to develop.

Even if the Earth's main world is not suitable for space navigation, it seems that Earth's civilization will be able to break through the solar system and reach the neighboring star Proxima Centauri in the next millennium, realizing its vision of heading towards the sea of ​​stars.

After the thunderstorm ended, the store's intelligent system once again said to Wei Keng, "Welcome to your next visit."

Wei Keng was forced by the teacher to use the remote system to return to the school. When he jumped on the boat, the cat also rubbed him on the boat. When he returned to the waterway pier in front of the school, the cat jumped ashore.

He fled to who knows where again.

He plunged into the information cabin and continued the hard work on the project. He didn't feel much emotion about the bright future of this world.

Wei Keng: "To me, the present is the future. As for the future era, I don't want to think about it."

This chapter has been completed!
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