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Chapter 10.06 Shanghai District Cold Flame

 Jianye is arrogant. Because of this characteristic, the Tongfu District respects its special regional characteristics and maintains communication with it.

The method of respect: maintain a strong enough military force on one hand, so that the decision-making level in the Jianye area can understand it, and at the same time find some aspects of cooperation to connect with these old antiques. Let them feel that they should take responsibility, oh, big Part of the time it makes them think they are important.

For example, in the southeastern sea, part of the ethnic classification data of Tianshu dragons is sent to Jianye every year. In the words of Wang Yongkang, the head of the external affairs department of the Tongfa District: "Strengthen cooperation and work together for the development of mankind."

For the unification area, it is always beneficial as long as the construction of Ye is not ruined.

The entire lower Yangtze River Basin is densely populated. It is worthy of the unification area to work hard to absorb new forces through docking.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of people in the conquered areas. To restore various production projects and stabilize the reconstruction of various regions, we need a population. Only by restoring the population to five million can we stabilize the civilized territory of the Qin and Han Dynasties.

In Wei Keng's strategic report: "People really cannot die on a large scale. In the process of connecting with the east, we would rather be slower and more patient than let Jianye and the city-states of the Five Color Alliance have destructive wars."

Wei Keng: "The robber has a hostage, so you have to be polite to him."


In Jianye City, the conference hall in Zifeng Building is where many representatives of Jianye trainers are currently holding "combat meetings"

Master trainer Jiang Guou pointed to the beach downstream of the Yangtze River and said: "This is the fifteenth and seventeenth clan group of the Tianshu Long."

On the slide screen, these creatures have multiple sets of bone plates, and the bone plates on the back sandwich some bone tubes like gun barrels. These tubes have reinforced ribs similar to bamboo.

This is an artillery beast specially developed by the Tianshu Long in recent years for the purpose of war with humans. The methane air flow output in the bone pipe mixes with the outside air, producing a cascade detonation effect, blasting away the creatures in the shell state.

This snail shell is not a parasite, but an internal organ.

This gene comes from sea cucumbers among echinoderms. This gene of echinoderms has evolved for more than billions of years, which means that it vomits internal organs and disgusts others. As for Tianshulong, it belongs to the echinoderm community.

Of course, the purpose of sea cucumbers is to disgust enemies. The Celestial Dragon species mixes in specialized genes and evolves specialized organs, which does more than just disgust others.

The original bacteria in this organ will immediately produce proliferative infection after injuring the target individual. Under the energy supply of Pandora's field, this infection can be the toxin of muscle-lytic bacteria, or it can be a toxin that is extremely damaging to the nervous system. .

In the southeast direction, 30% of the mechanical beast's damage rate comes from this kind of attack. Although the mechanical beast is equipped with gunpowder weapons, as long as the armored skin is contaminated even a little bit, it will quickly move towards unstoppable decay.

There is currently no specific antidote, and the current life frequency band of Blood Pack Technology is only connected to humans.

There is no medical frequency band developed for heterogeneous creatures in the Tonglu District - it is impossible to develop it with current technology, because there are too many biological species of mechanical beasts and the experimental power is not enough. The production capacity cannot be equipped for a single type of mechanical beasts.


The slide continued to the next category, and a facehugger-like jumping spider appeared on the picture.

This is the second organism responsible for 23% of the mechanical beast's casualties.

The information given to Jianye from the unified cutting area is quite complete.

The officers in Jianye were smoking cigarettes at the venue, puffing away at the invasion of these strange southeastern species. They seemed to be discussing, but in fact they were more like spectators in the stands of the arena.

This atmosphere seems to be the same as in American movies, when dealing with crises, people behave "without panic". Textbooks are too boring, but movies can pass down culture for hundreds of years.


As long as Jianye is willing to send troops to respond, the commanding area will be willing to provide resources.

It is precisely because of the "request" gesture of the Tongfa District that these senior trainers in Jianye feel that they are the protagonists of the group.

After the heavy curtains were drawn, the light was very dark, and the light from the slides shone on the faces of the trainers present.

“Who do we send to solve the problem?”

During the discussion in Jianye's lobby, every master trainer had an air of dignity.

As "key figures", they do not take the initiative to challenge themselves. Even if it is only a small contribution, Jianye needs to play with it internally. This involves the discussion of seniority in capital allocation.

The cooperation provided by the unified cutting area has allowed trainers to not have to worry about most issues, such as logistical supplies and personal life and medical care. If it is within the unified cutting area, each person will stand up and take the initiative to take risks and strive for


But here in Jianye, this argument is quite hypocritical.

It seems like: In modern times, during the economic boom, a group of third-tier celebrities argued endlessly about the order of the red carpet.

The overly polite treatment of actors during the economic boom period would lead to an unreal introduction. The polite treatment of Jianye in the ruling region also created such a situation for the trainers in Jianye.


In fact, the cleaning up of the coastal biomes in the southeastern region does not require the participation of Jianye's protagonist.

On July 23, on the outskirts of the original ruins in Puhai, comrades from the southeast of the command area and the Yishui organization had established an action branch here.

In this building, which used to be the school cafeteria, a red five-pointed star hangs high.

Soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor stood guard at the gate. In the hall, a rostrum had been set up, and all personnel were discussing the current situation.

The Yishui organization has grown very rapidly in the past two years. As the front line of the struggle, its number has reached 30,000. Currently, as an advanced force in the southeast, it has begun to reconstruct the "grassroots civilized structure" proposed by the unified control area. Strategically, it is

Connected with Hengyang.

The Tongfa District gave Jianye a cooperation plan and also gave Yishui a similar strategic task.

Based on the implementation situation, Yishui discussed with the contacts in the control area the necessary ammunition supplies, blood pack medical technology, and transportation vehicles.

The materials provided by the Tongfu District to Jianye were only aid, which was about the amount of a few ships. As for the materials provided to the Yishui River, they increased from 3,000 tons to 40,000 tons in the past two years.

The Tongfu District was not tired of Yishui's demands.

This is because the system of Yishui is connected with the control area.

The system of the unified cutting area is that every use of materials corresponds to a work list and the person in charge.

After the completion of the task execution status, there is a report and feedback, and it can be investigated.

In short, after providing supplies to Yishui, the Tonghua District was able to find thousands of responsible persons and recover accurate information.

This is much more effective than the so-called personality guarantees of the compradors of the old forces in city-states.

[Historically, since the end of the Qing Dynasty, Western technology has been introduced, but industrial output has never been able to compare with that of the great powers. The reasons for this are all recorded in history textbooks. However, the city-state rulers headed by Jianye have been separated from the grassroots generation after generation, and they do not look at it.

These textbooks have become an ethnic feudal society in which the individual is the center of online literature in the 21st century and blood is the source of favor.]


Chu Cang, the person in charge of Yishui, opened the map and said: "To the east, our side (the commanding area) has secured the intersection points of the northern and southern communities of Tianshu Long through strongholds, life broadcast towers, and the competition of attached human standard species.

.Now, the commotion of the community on the entire third step in the southeast is that they are afraid and struggling to death.

We cannot be intimidated by them, on the contrary we should be happy that now is the time to give them the final blow."

In the hall, there was applause.

Then, the public appointment of relevant personnel began! This is transparency.

Regarding the allocation of personnel responsibilities, unlike Jianye, it is decided secretly by the upper-level group. If there are problems in the work areas of the appointed personnel, they can be held accountable.

After the general meeting, the newly appointed personnel of these departments will stay and start assigning tasks. This is confidential.

They are solely responsible for the tasks they perform. If leaks or dissemination occur, these people are the ones to be contacted.

Compared with the old forces that wield power in the city-state, there are young people here who are full of "ambition".


In the second half of July, the dispute over Jianye was still slowly going on.

The entire Yishui organization, which is tight-knit and unified in action, has begun to deal with the problem of the Tianshu dragon community.

On the coastline of Songhu and in the port of Yishui, 037s that had just been painted with bristle brushes were escorting the landing ships with their gun barrels raised.

Four-legged centaur mecha vehicles, walking on steel hooves, quickly arrived at the former ruins area.

These colonial armors can carry 20mm rapid-fire cannons and move on uneven terrain. The chassis was designed and finalized in the 155th year of the Pandora calendar. It was mass-produced in the arsenal in the Hengyang area in 159th year, so it was codenamed 59 mecha.

[Wei Keng: "This is a coincidence in time. Because it is such a coincidence, it is named this way. This period happened to be the technological blowout stage, well, so even if a new model of aircraft appears, it will be named 59."]

59's metal iron hoofs trampled through streets that were crushed into gravel by plants. This street, which was once an asphalt road, is now squeezed by underground vines and has become pitted, and even some areas have completely turned into creeks.

And in these creeks, under the gravel, there are already rusted car parts.

The Yishui personnel wore colonial armor, placed the power generation equipment and the "ion torch" on the predetermined cement base, and fixed it with expansion screws.

After experiments in the Bashu region, this ion torch with enhanced "oxidation" has been improved in many ways, and its key metal parts have been blessed. - Its oxidation is targeted at organic matter and also at metals, with the addition of "zinc blocks"

Class design can greatly extend the life of key components.

From July 23 to 28, Yishui mobilized thousands of people to clean up the ruined area in northern Songhu.

The scorching heat of the ion torch operated in this area for a full 68 hours.

During the course of this radioactive therapy, within ten hours, all the plants and fungi in the entire city withered; 24 hours later, a large number of insects died, followed by various tentacled creatures lurking in the sewers. After 50 hours, five

Large creatures weighing more than ten kilograms began to go crazy.


During the six downtimes of the ion torch, the Yishui 59 mecha entered the city to patrol, and its 20mm machine cannon fired at these large wandering creatures. This process was not without danger.

For example, at 9 a.m. on the 25th, there was a shutdown.

In the ruined town of Sunjia Lane, more than twenty monsters with the body of a tiger but a cluster of three or four snake heads pounced on the mecha, injuring five people.


In fact, this injury was purely due to "carelessness".

These biochemical beasts suddenly appeared in the dark alley. The mecha pilot was used to being tyrannical and "did not dodge" at the first moment.

When these Tianshu Long organisms face biochemical mechas, their snake heads are like tentacles, trying to find the gaps in the flesh and blood under the steel armor, trying to inject toxins. (This is the experience of Tianshu Long in dealing with mechanical beasts.)

However, the heavy armor, which is two meters tall and weighs ten tons, has metal protection in key parts and is also covered with steel gauze protection.

However, after seeing the densely packed and ugly teeth on the observation window, the mecha pilot panicked and hit the wall, causing a small building to collapse, and the broken bricks and tiles hit his teammates.

Afterwards, Huang Yu, the engineer of the unified area, was responsible for inspecting the case. Faced with the report he had to hand in, he said to the mecha pilot: "You are driving a 59, not a bicycle."


On July 30, Yishui had established an isolation zone with a width of 20 kilometers between Jiangsu and Shanghai.

In this isolation zone, the community of celestial slayer dragons that had caused trouble here were constantly disappearing under the "fire". The fishy smell of sea that once filled the air was replaced by the faint "smell" after the printer was operated.

"Dry" smell.

This facility that burns creatures within a few kilometers also makes other human forces in the area feel it.——

In the south, across the Qiantang River city-state cluster in Taihu Lake, the mechanical beasts have been restless for the past half month, looking to the north full of anxiety. It was as if they saw a raging fire burning next door.

Some master-level trainers, through the empathy of flying mechanical beasts, sensed the scene of dozens of kilometers to the north shrouded in "low-temperature flames."

That's right, in perception, the ion torch burns, just like a flame. You can't see the temperature, but you can feel the oxidative damage to living things.

After this low-temperature "flame" was turned on on the building, the flames enveloped several kilometers away. This scene beyond cognition made these trainers feel that the world is getting more and more dangerous.

This kind of flame is the "flame" of mankind's comprehensive counterattack on the world.

Within fifteen minutes of the ion torch's downtime, more than forty 59 centaur mechas from Yishui were interspersed in key areas, like a deft tactical assault on street fighting enemies in the gap between artillery. However, on the opposite side, although the consciousness of the Tianshu Dragon was integrated

A group, but now it has become a herd due to information suppression.

In short, it is: 'Artillery cover and tactical interleaving are really excessive, not enough, not enough'


On the south bank of Taihu Lake, in the Qiantang area, there is an ancestral hall area. Jiao Youao (the first local city lord to contact the commanding area a few years ago) is now convening the talkers from the upper echelons of the city-state in the area.

The Jiao City Lord exhaled: "The world has changed, and the powerful dragons in the south no longer want to use us, and are preparing to suppress our local snakes. Everyone, we cannot sit still and wait for death."

At this time, another city lord said: "Wait a minute, is Jianye coming?"

Jiao Youao said in an impatient tone: "Jianye people are famous for their arrogance and talent. It's not like we don't wait!" A person on the side interrupted: "Then why don't we wait?"

A second later, Jiao Youao added, "You have to hurry up!"

This chapter has been completed!
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