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Chapter 10.08 The Five-color Alliance

 The news of the advancement of the unified expedition area and its arrival in the Bohai Sea circle was not publicized with great fanfare, but it also attracted the attention of some people who paid attention.

When the command area updates the surrounding non-human community dynamics every month, in order to prove the authenticity of the source of the information, the exploration plan for the east coast is transparent to the outside world. Move forward openly and don't worry about the prying eyes of villains.


Taihang Mountain Military Area. Compared with three years ago, this strict military restricted area that represents the era of the Great Destruction of mankind has a much dimmed aura now.

The Five-Color Alliance is the force that always pays attention to the actions in the north of the controlled area.

Three years ago, during the disaster when Dragon Heart lost control (the time when the first actual death wave was used in the lower reaches of the Great Gorge), the mountain where the individual Tianshu Dragons were cultivated is now a restricted area.

The genes from the deep sea were spreading and turned into a large number of soft-bodied parasites, which combined with terrestrial organisms, making the entire area extremely dangerous.

Even a ball of black liquid dropped while walking could be a parasite that has penetrated the heart.

The gates originally used to control disasters and implement blockades on the mountain were corroded and penetrated within ten days. Finally, a large amount of lime powder was poured into these areas to seal the damage.


If it ends like this, the Five Color Alliance can conceal the "cause of the incident" and the disaster will be defined as an accident.

But one month after "Dragon Heart Out of Control", when the Tongfa District communicated with the Five Color Alliance and sent Su Lingshuang back, the secret could not be kept a secret.

Regarding this matter, the Tongfa District could have kept the Five-Color Alliance a secret, but the hawks in the Five-Color Alliance repeatedly claimed: "The Tongfa District seized evidence and killed relevant witnesses." Faced with such accusations, Tongfa District

Ou had no choice but to reveal all the truth.

Afterwards, some doubtful mechanics within the Five Color Alliance dismantled those "powerful mechanical flying dragons" and discovered flesh and blood tissue that had mutated and even broken through the heart. So there is irrefutable evidence.

Ordinary people in the Five-Color Alliance gradually became clear about the general outline of the "Dragon Heart" incident. This was not a natural disaster, but a loss of control caused by a technical error in trying to integrate the apostle into the core biological cabin of the mechanical beast.


This incident dealt a huge blow to the Five Color Alliance. The soldiers showed resistance when completing their assigned tasks.

In a timeline without a conquest zone, the "setting" of the Five-Color Alliance is very upright. Compared with the commercial atmosphere of the city-state of Jianye, the Five-Color Alliance has a distinct "legacy of the previous dynasty".

The integrity of a force cannot be attributed to the integrity of the ruler, but to the fact that there are upright people in the society, so that the ruler can use the slogan of integrity to unite people's hearts.

The slogan "For the Yellow River!" of the Five Color Alliance, at least a few years ago, still had people following it.

But! This is not because the slogan "For the Yellow River" is a code for mind control, but because the people here who are struggling in the last days are unwilling to accept the old era.

The Five-Color Alliance has always been promoting the dark side of the conquest zone, such as excluding human mechanical beast companions, or coming from the south, destroying the development environment of the northern city-states. But the facts finally exposed their own skin.

There are already people in the city-states in the Yellow River Basin in the north, and they have begun to contact the Yishui area.

The concept of conquering the area, as well as the ideas of governing human civilization, and Carbon Valley's breakthroughs in cutting-edge physics, were poured into the hearts of the young people of the Five Color Alliance through the holes exposed by the Five Color Alliance.


Su Lingshuang drove her mechanical beast and walked towards the south. Along the way, she saw some spontaneous construction activities that were not reported by the Five Colors Alliance.

For example, there is a brick house on the shore of Kaifeng, and a new brick factory has appeared here.

Now, what she sees is a simple dock facility built on the bank of the Yellow River.

If contemporary river docks are not maintained, they will soon be destroyed by plant roots. The white accumulation on the dock at this time shows that external forces have arrived at this stronghold. Those white "accumulations" are industrial salt transported from the seaside, specifically for

Used to contain bioerosion.

This dock was built by young people in the local city-state. It is obviously a manifestation of the dissatisfaction in the city-state after the "Dragon Heart Incident". Now, the Five Color Alliance seems to be filled with a force that opposes the military department.

Nowadays, the claims made by the Five Color Alliance about themselves are all hypocritical in their eyes.

Of course, Su Lingshuang knew this couldn't be solved.

After the Dragon Heart Incident, a large number of genetic contaminants appeared in the affected areas.

With such serious consequences, the Five Color Alliance's scientific advances were not punished, not even suspended. No one was held accountable.

However, the ordinary people in the city-state who were harmed were coldly abandoned by "ensuring the biological safety of the city-state". ~Euphemistically called the most effective, fastest, and only method.

Then, the Yishui department came and began to mobilize supplies to help the weak.

After the unified cutting area accepted these genetic polluters, Yishui reported the effects of these adjustments within two years, and mocked the Five Color Alliance: "There is no risk in taking risks. When risks come, they are pushed to the outside. This is really efficient.

''Good command.''

Su Lingshuang, who was on the side of the Five Color Alliance, wanted to refute, but in the end it was difficult to say it out loud.

You must know that three years ago, she herself was lying in the hospital in the Tongfa District. When she realized that her life was in danger and she might give up, she could not say that this "certain sacrifice" was necessary.

Note: At that time, she sensed Wei Keng's arrival in the hospital bed and was sure that she was recognized. In any case, she could not think of any reason for the same person in Tongfu District to save her, but in the end, Tongfa District

The cutting area was still saved.

In the words of "Zeng Shuyou", a female officer in the commanding area: 'The bottom line of modern civilization saved her.'


"Modern civilization, human society before the Great Destruction." Su Lingshuang said in a low mood, "This is what everyone wants to long for after the apocalypse."

'However, we give selectively here, while those over there (in the control area) give regardless of conditions. This is why people from our side now start to run towards them."

Su Lingshuang, as an investigator of the Five Color Alliance investigating non-reporting organizations in the patrol area. After arriving at the Yangtze River stronghold, she met the person in charge.

Su Lingshuang is very familiar with the person in charge here. Well, they are all young people born in this era, and most of them have met in person. The two parties said hello, exchanged some small items and left.

After returning to the city-state, Su Lingshuang did not report the temporary stronghold at the Yellow River port.

Su Lingshuang didn't want to offend the young people on her side.

In the past few months, there have been two "idiots" in the Five Color Federation who have been patrolling carefully, but after they were found out and reported, the results were all in vain.


Before dark, Su Lingshuang returned to her station.

After placing the mechanical beast back in the biological furnace supply room, she looked at the flashing lights in the city.

The city's power system has been updated in the past two years. It is said that it was developed by our team, but everyone knows that it was improved from the biochemical power generation tower in the south.

The Yishui organization has already carried out activities in many northern city-states, and no one knows how far they have developed.

Everyone is guessing when the Tongfa District will go head-to-head with the Five-Color Federation.

Those hawks still have high confidence in nuclear weapons.

But - today's impetuousness of the Five Color Alliance frequently talking about nuclear weapons is behind the uneasiness caused by the complete collapse of confidence in other parties.

This chapter has been completed!
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