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Chapter 10.20 The westward migration of fusion people

 October 162 was the period when a large number of bungalow-built cities were simultaneously recovered in the northeastern direction.

In the Zhong'an area thousands of miles away, Long Ximin also traveled a long distance and arrived in the northern Tianzhu District, and she led the community to build a large number of model houses in the city like Wei Keng.

Putufan, who was wearing a linen robe, looked at the people in the Yucheng community with their families and took a deep breath.

When Putufan walked through the streets on a herbivorous creature packhorse, residents of various ethnic groups along the way saluted him as a prophet. As the envoy of the command area, Putufan gave the people here a lot of material and experience help


At the same time, he also talked with the children of these tribes and became integrated into the atmosphere.

For example, the reason why these children are surrounding him now is not to ask for candy, but to collect the excrement of the beasts of burden, which can be used as good fuel after drying. Such an honest look makes it difficult for Putufan not to go.


Out of human empathy, he wanted to help this group of humans. But intellectually, he understood that helping a group survive did not rely on kindness.

Just as Wei Keng now comments on himself and other human beings in this plane: "Men setting fires and women poisoning are not in line with everyone's favorite image. However, human beings can restrain this 'nature', but if there is no

These 'natures' are absolutely impossible."

The community in Chongqing City must recognize the "nature" in its human genes that "doesn't deserve to be a human being" and breaks through the shackles, instead of trying to find a place in a system of nobility and inferiority, forever binding all individuals as parts.

In late October, under pressure from the Western Regions, the community in Chongqing crossed the Tianshan Pass and entered Zhongan.

In the Zhonggan Mountains, there are only a few cities that have been preserved much better than cities of the same level in the East in the dry air flow day after day. Some buildings still retain their tile glazes. And among the buildings here,

There are residents, and the dry straw and tree branches hanging down in the window have obviously been put up recently.

In the water-scarce area of ​​Zhong'an, there is no large-scale gene community tide. But it is filled with a lot of weird things. In these ruined attics, there are some extremely fast people who run on four legs and have two long arms on their backs.

, an "ape"-like creature with six short arms.

The down on the abdomen of these creatures keeps them warm, while the backs are covered with layers of scales to ensure that the skin can retain moisture under the scorching sun. Once a living creature approaches, they will immediately rush to bite.

Obviously, this weird mandrill has human genes. But it has degenerated into a beast in the mountains and no longer has the ability to complex social communication.

Primates evolved the ability to communicate socially, and then cooperated to hunt and make tools step by step. This was originally discovered step by step during the Great Migration in Africa. If every step was taken correctly in the past era of species, it would be possible in this

based on further development.

And the current Pandora Field has given mankind countless possibilities to mutate forward, and also given countless possibilities to go backwards.

October 24, 162 in the Pandora calendar.

Long Ximin's group, after confirming that it was unable to communicate with these local humanoid genes in this area, issued the order for an extermination war.

The humans in Chongqing migrated from the conquered areas, and they are still very powerful in this area.

Now the middle and lower priests with human brains in the Chongqing City system cannot have good senses for these strange-looking local mutant creatures that make their hearts tremble, and many children in their own group have been robbed by these 'mandrills'

After I left, I had a lot of complicated emotions.

It is worth noting that the lowest level of the Yucheng community now has emotions, which will not be born in the insect swarm society.

In the past, the core consciousness of the Chongqing City community, such as the leader, had no unnecessary emotions towards the thinking body in the community, just like a pig farm. By default, 5% of the piglets would die during breeding.

However, after the leader was annihilated and the death wave threatened, more and more emotions in the Yucheng Group developed from the top down.

When its supreme leader, Long Ximin, met Wei Keng for the first time, he looked like a three or four-year-old girl who knew no fear, no good or evil.

When the leader of the Chongqing City was in chaos, she had independent thoughts and made outward choices. She was equivalent to eleven or twelve years old.

After the death of the chief spirit in Yucheng, she became confused between "loyalty to her maternal lineage" and "obeying outsiders' persuasion", that is, love.

Then the waves of death flickered outside Yucheng, and Long Ximin, who was in the process of migrating, looked back at the destruction that he was absolutely unable to contend with. In fear, he had a very complicated thought about the existence that persuaded him to leave.

This is a weird feeling of "he is very bad, but he still has some good things for me".

Finally, at the moment, after leaving Wei Kang, Wei Kang continued to invest in various new technology systems, and sent people to catch up and influence her (Long Ximin), which created an atmosphere of "King Mu of Zhou Li Yaochi".

For example, the methods of cultivating multiple cultured muscles and the combined energy battery of "nitrated polymeric organic matter with special bacterial intubation circuits" were also passed on to her one by one.

Wei Keng's purpose is to allow it to enter mechanization, not to target mutation.

But for Long Ximin, the care behind these "little gifts" from time to time always makes her moved.

Entering the mountainous area in northern Tianzhu, after determining that the humanoid community in this area was inseparable from the city's integration, she finally decided to clean up the humanoid genes here under the persuasion of Pu Tufan, the envoy of the unification zone.

Of course, the popular saying nowadays is, “get rid of evil spirit”.

In the Kandahar region, the war to slay evil began.

"Boom 1

The counterweight ejector smashed the standard gas tanks in the Tongfu District into these buildings. First, there was a slight explosion, causing the steel shell of the gas tank to suddenly crack. Then, after seven or eight seconds, the delay fuse began to spray sparks, mixing with the air.

The gas suddenly ignited, and a strange and uncomfortable creature jumped out of the window on fire.

As outsiders, the individuals in the Chongqing community are happily executing the next step.

Then the curling black smoke filled the entire mountainous area. The once dark mountain tunnels were found by the humans in Chongqing who moved here.

There are various unknown creatures lurking in these tunnels, but after being thrown into the gas tank and then detonated, everything became quiet.

The Yucheng combat members wearing mechas with nitride batteries clicked into these tunnels like terrifying robots, eliminating the final risk and implanting their own life vegetation, which were life vines supported by steel frames.

These vines are covered with huge vacuoles. These vacuoles store the life substances of human amniotic fluid and emit strong life radiation.

After taking over the Zhonggan Mountains, a road leading to the Ganges River was obtained. And this road was also full of demons and monsters like the pilgrimage to the west, and it required iron rods to sweep all the way.

In 163, Chongqing's mechanized troops arrived at the upper reaches of the Ganges River and encountered resistance from a group of native creatures.

This kind of biological vehicle in Chongqing City is what was used to shoot at the Tonglu District in the Battle of Dongting Lake. At that time, this kind of biological worm could not spray the tractor rocket launcher in the Tonglu District. Now it has been mechanized, wrapped in steel, and replaced with

Single-cylinder diesel engine, and rolling bearings.

The fleshy feet of these giant beasts have now become metalized mechanical feet. High-molecular polymeric organic matter is used as ligaments to better drive the huge body.

The fart bug's jet gene, this biological ignition mode, has been retained. This biological organ controls the ignition of the metal jet tube.

As for the "munitions" in the jet tube, the past purely biological model of gliding and projecting through the wing membrane was refined and modified because it was not fast enough and easy enough.

The launch pipe has been completely metalized, and there are multiple injection ports for methane and air in the pipe. Through continuous deflagration in the pipe, the projectile can be accelerated to an initial velocity of 600 meters, which is much faster than in the past.

The main body of the projectile is no longer an individual supported by a biological skeleton, but an artificial technology with metalized structure and enamel protection, so that the internal biological tissue can withstand higher speeds. It reaches a high point in the form of a projectile, and then unfolds

The mechanical wing glides and dives downward.

This kind of launch warhead can vaguely be seen in the past, after the carapace flying stick was sprayed to a high point, it spread out its fleshy wings and dived. However, after the materials have been improved, it is definitely not the Wuxia Amon of yesterday.

When six hundred of these machines, shining with metallic luster and smelling of rust, carrying monsters launched by modern rocket launchers, entered the Tianzhu River and Ganges River areas, they immediately carried out a "suppressive attack" on the local biological communities.

From the launch module filled with circular holes on the square, the rockets are ejected one after another, and then enter the high air, surrounded by a large amount of gas jet flames.

Although it is a mechanical projectile, it is like a mosquito, knowing how to bite a huge target.

With a loud bang, what was spattered in the explosion was not shrapnel, but countless tiny gel fuels, covering targets hundreds of meters away in flames.

The Yucheng community, a community far away from the Yangtze River Basin, is like a nomadic people who have acquired advanced iron smelting technology and forging technology and have begun to explore the entire area.

This migration caused a serious collision with the native biological community. This collision brought profound changes to the Chongqing community.

When they first entered Nan'an, the entire Chongqing community still had the idea of ​​integrating the genes here.

The entire Antarctic continent is very genetically rich. There are fast and long-legged crocodiles, and there are also manta rays with shell nozzle structures that rely on collecting methane from the bottom of the lake to accumulate fuel, and then shoot flames into the sky to perform gliding flights for several hours.

This is just like the middle of ancient times, when people who had just learned about the online shopping model were faced with a dazzling array of various products and couldn't help but purchase a large amount of things they didn't need. Reason and desire conflicted, so much so that the word "chopped hands" was invented.

Have to budget carefully.

Here in Chongqing, Long Ximin is now a young "single mother" who has to support her family, so naturally she can't use those gorgeous "cosmetics".

When encountering the powerful southern apostles and launching a counterattack, Long Ximin's community began to use the "energy formula" calculation provided by the unification zone.

Mr. Wei's philosophy: "You can't ask for everything, but try to invest resources in the most practical places. As the essence of biology, reproduction, nurturing the next generation, expanding the basic perspective, and providing a summary of accumulated experience.——

As for art and the pleasure brought by high-end consumption, you must always think about whether your own conditions allow you to experience it too much."

The route Wei Keng designed for the unified cutting area is so practical. The energy flow of the entire ecosystem, as well as the amount of energy currently produced by industry, and the amount of energy that can be harvested in a short period of time, are all carefully calculated into the formula.

Set off fewer fireworks and play with useless buildings.

Material refining and mechanical assembly can accumulate knowledge systems that consume a little more energy. Dams, roads, and bridges, which can bring use value, should be invested more in maintenance.

The middle-aged person cannot always ensure that his existing resources are used more effectively than others while competing with geniuses in terms of incremental growth.

Wei Keng: "What kind of life taste, what kind of spiritual enjoyment. This kind of pursuit without long-term value, just do it in moderation. Survival is about gambling. If you win the opponent, you really win."

After 148 years, the biogas energy is also collected. In terms of the bioenergy collection system, the unified logging area has a higher energy collection efficiency than the Chongqing community that has more ecological genetic control.

When Chongqing restarted the pyramid furnace and was still hesitating whether to continue to maintain some harmony with nature, Wei Keng took a drastic step and implemented a plantation model!

Mr. Wei coordinates, and only coordinates with people. He only accumulates the better development and education of people, and throws everything else aside.

Standard canal irrigation, periodic harvesting, and active selection of superior seeds.

The biomass energy of both parties mainly comes from the sun.

In fact, the biological methods of Chongqing City are higher. The big trees responsible for production have the same root system, covering dozens of kilometers. Their cascading large leaves absorb solar energy and directly enter the bacterial production process. However, these energy sources are ultimately used to maintain

On the messy biological form.

As for Yucheng, its usage efficiency was only about one-tenth of that in the unified area. In the end, during the confrontation, it was defeated by one force!

The Chongqing community has turned into what it once was, its own enemy.

After entering the Tianzhu River Basin, as biological missiles destroyed each animal community, a large number of plant-eating giants began to multiply rapidly and devoured a large amount of surface vegetation.

These giant beasts with special molars that gnaw on plant fibers have evolved based on the climate changes here. In the future rainy season, these giant beast genes are prepared in advance to be able to eat larger and thicker vegetation.

Of course, the vegetation here is no longer native vegetation. After the canals were dug, herbaceous species similar to Oriental bamboo were sown here.

This single crop, with the support of the Chongqing community, expanded in this fertile land.

In the newly recovered old human city-states, the artistic architectural creatures of Chongqing began to wrap around the huge city, merging with the cement debris and turning it into a building with a giant wooden texture.

In these giant wooden buildings, the humans in Yucheng move up and down like elves. It's just that these elves have mechanical structures that mainly supplement their human bodies, and their backs are spraying flames as they slide.

Electricity and high-temperature processing equipment are also implanted in each giant wood. The energy obtained by the giant plants by extracting organic matter from the plains is biotransformed and directly injected into the stainless steel tank.

In the area of ​​East No. 3, some liquid similar to viscous pine oil is continuously produced and poured into the metal cylinder.

These fuels are sent to the front line and then incorporated into the power source of war behemoths such as rockets and rockets. As for the fuel to be injected into the projectile warhead on the back of the rocket, it is a clear, volatile smell in Area 4.

organic matter.

Outside this biological city, a huge pyramid smelting plant has also been built. In the blazing flames, the hot metal liquid is poured into each smelting chamber along the crucible pipes, and is processed repeatedly under mechanical hammers.

Late 162.

Pu Tufan reported to Wei Keng: "The Chongqing community is returning to the path of industrial machinery, and its racial group appearance and characteristics, as a secondary part of the war, are weakening."

This chapter has been completed!
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