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Chapter 10.30 Downstream.

 Pandora's 163rd year has been the hottest era.

The darkness and despair that have accumulated for more than a hundred years have piled up countless reluctances. Today, they finally smoked, ignited, and turned white.

Looking back on the history of this century, all people wanted to change this era at the beginning, and then silently endured the unfairness until it became reasonable. They began to be numb, and then the numbness was awakened by further cruelty. Then they shouted, and found that there were many people who agreed and were willing to

Very few followed, because the liar was shouting just like himself.

It wasn't until the "idiots" in the command area actually spent decades doing everything in the slogan that they proved that they would not break their promises due to various temptations.

As a result, in Jianye and within the Five Colors Alliance, the "numb, indifferent" people who were once lamented by "liars" and "passionate people" rose up overnight.

The big change process goes like this:

It is very difficult to face difficulties and persist in the same thing from one or two people at the beginning to a hundred people.

However, when hundreds of thousands of people persisted and millions of people faced it, their enthusiasm suddenly rose.

As the first person to raise the flag, when faced with such enthusiasm, one cannot be snubbed with a superiority complex of "I am more determined", nor can one be scorned with the attitude of a "prophet" when faced with more and more colleagues.

The Huanghuai clean-up was the first stop for mankind to restore civilization and regain control of the natural ecology. Many new comrades learned to drive cars, and cadres who had joined earlier jumped out and pushed the wheels of the cars when they got stuck in the mud.


All the productive forces in the unification zone are in full swing. And not just in Dong'an. At this time, the mechanical beasts that Yucheng wants in Nan'an, the unification zone is also continuously providing core parts and technology. Although there is no clear boundary, the human counterattack zone

Started to spread across most of the world's islands.

Note: Just like the ancient civilizations of the Shang Dynasty, Persia, and Greece, we cannot actually look at the actual control area of ​​the city-state, and we cannot determine the boundaries according to modern standards, but we should look at the cultural radiation area. At that time, the actual control area of ​​the city-state was actually only equivalent to modern

Super metropolises like Puhai and New York. Metropolises are the face of regional civilization, but they cannot represent the territory of civilization.

According to the actual exchanges of ancient civilizations at that time, across the European continent, ancient civilizations had divided the world, but the scale of exchanges was not large sailing ships, but hunting teams of several people.

At that time, in the villages in the middle of the World Island, two or three Easterners with high-grade bronze weapons met with two or three people from the west who also had bronze weapons. These people with high-grade bronze weapons only had bone weapons for the local area.

The villages are the crushing of mortals by gods and immortals. Similarly, although these local villages will not directly hand over their wealth to civilized centers thousands of miles away, they will make offerings to the "immortals" and "gods" who come from afar.

Best food. Oh, and "hospitality".

However, according to the ulterior motives of the modern era, the division of ancient civilizations would divide the eastern territory according to the city-state radiation area, with only the small area of ​​the Yellow River. As for the ancient Western civilization, it would be suppressed towards the scope of cultural influence. According to this Western division,

The emergence of jade congs with the same shape as those of the Central Plains culture in Sanxingdui in the East is equivalent to the same civilization boundary!

In modern times, Westerners used many tricks to prove the legitimacy of the legal principles that have dominated the world since ancient times.

But now that the global village has returned to the open space, everyone has suddenly returned to the ancient times in terms of territorial control.

At this time, in the easternmost part of the World Island, the standardized mechanical beast groups of war cats and giant birds have now become the standard weapons in all civilization revival areas. This influence has expanded from the Yangtze River Basin to the Ganges River Basin. The next few

In ten years, it will expand to the entire world island and the new continent.

Within forty or fifty years, the entire world's human rejuvenation zone will develop together based on today's basic science and technology. In the absence of regional differences, it can be regarded as a unified world. A hundred years later, the technologies and technologies emerging in each region will be independent, and then the technology will be independent.

With the development of productive forces and the complexity of interests, it can be seen as the re-separation of various forces in the world.

At that time, we have to look at the underlying cohesion left by today’s civilization.


In each basin of the Yangtze River, the people of the city-states who originally relied on Jianye, and the people who originally obeyed the Five Color Federation, are now unified under the banner of Tongfa.

Thousands of teams of mechanical beasts were formed to conduct a general sweep of an area of ​​more than 400,000 square kilometers.

In the five months from April to September 163, these militia columns carried out a large number of mopping up battles against the remaining communities of Tianshulong in the Huanghuai alluvial plain in the north.

In one county area, before the carbon-based broadcast towers were erected, swarms of Lugia patrolled the sky, and Battle Cats scratched the ground.

This kind of effort to clean up any alien community with the help of all the people's power exceeded the intensity of cleanup that Jianye could preside over in the past by thirty or forty times. This dealt a fatal blow to the already declining Tianshu Long.

With the intensity of the sweep in the unification area, the Great Devourer community in northern Tianzhu may still be able to fight back, but the Tianshu Dragon community is now being beaten by thousands of people.

You must know that Jianye's cleaning in recent years has consisted of more than a dozen teams. Moreover, the sweeps only targeted large beasts that are three times the weight of humans. Many small and medium-sized individual creatures will not be eliminated one by one.

Here in the cutting area, every cave the size of your wrist is spared.

Like the war cats raised by Wei Keng in northern Tianzhu, these war cats in Huang Huai spare no effort in every pore on the ground, dragging out everything that smells of prey and dragging it into the "humane" radiation zone set up by humans.

Enjoy the shredded, unable to move organic matter in your belly.


There are currently three types of war cats in the unified logging area: small, medium and large. The ecological control capabilities of the unified logging area can control the generation of millions of tons of organic matter every year.

The tide of creatures that the apostle level can support can also produce a wave of mechanical beast battles of the same scale in the domination zone. Moreover, compared with the "centralized" insect swarm thinking of the apostles, every link in the domination zone is driven by human thinking, and every battle

Cat groups, Rocky subgroups, and tank groups all have dedicated persons in charge, who are more subjective and proactive.


August 23.

The Jianye investigation team also followed up to investigate this drastic change in the Huanghuai area.

"Plop~Plop~" dozens of "dumplings" floated down the river. These Jianye mechanical beasts that entered the water quickly formed a warning circle with a radius of one kilometer under the water.

This 200-ton ship sailed into the Jianghuai area. On board were three trainers, one teacher, and 24 assistant workers. Each trainer was a standard configuration of six groups of mechanical beasts per person.


A teacher with white hair wiped the glass lens and looked at the group of information captured in the camera.

On both sides of the bank where the ship sailed, there were very few moving creatures.

The old man recalled: Ten years ago, when a stone was thrown on the shore, all kinds of small creatures sprang out, just like grasshoppers in the grass in summer, and fled in a large area. Now, only

The "standard species" is the default in the humanitarian band.

The entire ecology has been vigorously cleaned.

Cats, which have been continuously selected and bred by humans, have become natural enemies of a large number of organisms in the terrestrial ecosystem.

No, three cats jumped out from the shore and were patrolling the territory. One cat killed seven or eight live animals under one kilogram in size every day in this five-kilometer area. They also eat other standard species.

, for example, the herbivorous species "Earth Dragon Brother" set up by Wei Keng, but the war cats also know how to cherish the concept of reserve food and choose to kill the alien species first.

Many cold-blooded animals that originally lived in water tried to evolve into small lizards to avoid being hunted. However, they were snatched away by cats before they could transform into small dragons running fast on the ground.


Cats in the clearing area are symbiotic with node plants (descendants of large radish). That is to say, cats hunt for food every day, and the protein in digestion resonates with the node plants in the same frequency band, storing excess protein and fat energy. In

Use the food when it is off-season.

These natural ecological cats will also perform species control based on the biomass storage of node plants. Currently, this "new biological world energy conversion" is being studied in ecology in the unified logging area.

Compared with Jianye's ecology, it lacks such social practicality.

Ten years later, Jianye published a variety of miscellaneous ecological papers, which could neither be used to supply energy for biogas production nor be applied to agricultural breeding. At this time, Jianye academic circles were in conflict with many university literature in modern times.

The circle is the same as the circle of social science professors. They look very powerful, but in fact they are very weak.


This teacher from Jianye was the true and new teacher back then.

This teacher Jiang has silently recorded the ecological changes in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the past few months.

Under the suppression of the big cats, the same-sized hunting-type creatures in the Destroyer Dragon community are on the verge of extinction, and can only take the path of miniaturization and stacking armor.

As for the large-scale roads with stacked armor, the efficiency of obtaining food on land is very low. The only way to survive is to hide in the mud, eat less and move less.

Can you compete with goats for tender grass while carrying a turtle shell? (In the 21st century, a large turtle on a certain island was almost driven to death by livestock.)

And the Tianshu dragon community cannot mutate into creatures with higher data attributes?

During the Puhai raid ten years ago, a large number of snakes and bipedal lizards sprang out throughout the city, and their agility was beyond the scope of ordinary people's perspective.

But, today these creatures are gone?

All of them became prey for cats on the ground!

This in the end is why?


At this time, the students outside the window said: "Why do they (Lugia from the command area) fly with us every day?"

Teacher Jiang opened the glass window and looked out the window. That was Lugia. His mind could not help but return to the past - when he was building Ye, Zhenxinzheng deployed two kinds of mechanical beasts. The first one was a high-agility battle cat, and the second one was a high-agility battle cat.

The species is this kind of "big goose".

The two war beasts that Zhenxin deployed were not collectively recognized by Jianye's instructors in that year's awards, and they were very "mediocre". (Narration: Jianye's selection of mechanical beasts back then was just like in modern times.

Masters of Qingmei art have unique and tricky judgments.)

In fact, if judged fairly, Wei Keng's two works can only be rated as good in terms of combat performance.

Nearly twenty years have passed, and the excellent works of the year have been constantly replaced. And these two good products are already the most produced standard mechanical beasts in the entire Dong'an region. This is the same as Mr. Wei's style as a chef, not just

Make the most expensive one, choose the one with the most easily available materials, and the most cost-effective one.

There are now thousands of militia combat units in the command zone, and each team has at least twenty large war cats, as well as three formations (twelve each) of Lugia.

The instructors in Jianye's time may not admit that there was a problem with their vision back then, but they cannot ignore the fact that a standardized mechanical beast like the Tongfa District can fight against any team of trainers.


Take Lugia as an example: Biochemical war beasts that can defeat it in equal numbers with its size advantage consume too much energy supply!

The design of a mechanical biochemical beast that is slightly smaller in size and can dominate in speed in single combat, but is chased and bitten by the Lugia formation in formation combat.

Teacher Jiang suddenly understood something. He understood why the Tongfa District was keen on the monotonous design of "Battle Cat" and "Lugia".

The standardized war beast is capable of suppressing 90% of targets of the same size, and has the advantages of being good at training and not picky eaters.

There are no obvious shortcomings, just advantages. On the contrary, those novel war beasts that have outstanding advantages but obvious shortcomings are either afraid of cold, have bad gastrointestinal problems, or even have too long growth period, so they cannot form large-scale natural populations in the wild.

Coupled with the defeat of the main body of the Celestial Dragon, the living space of these highly agile creatures that rely heavily on the protection of the biological community collapsed from above.

Teacher Jiang fell into reflection.

Lightning appeared in the sky in the distance, and a group of about fifteen large creatures, the Demosaurs, fell into the siege of eight Lugia formations.

The wire-guided rockets intertwined with the electric current of the Sky Killer Dragon. The winner was determined after a while. The Sky Killer Dragon creature that fell to the ground struggled to get up, but its wings were bitten by the large battle cats.

Tear it into pieces and bring it back to the carbon-based radiation area arranged by humans.


If the current people in the command area were to analyze the dispute over the route of the mechanical beasts at that time, it would be possible to more clearly point out the mistakes of the trainers in Jianye. The intellectuals were too high-end and were divorced from the masses in the various designs of production activities.


After 100 years of Pandora's history, Jianye no longer has a comprehensive strategy to restore human civilization. When trainers choose better mechanical beasts, they are just choosing partners.

On the contrary, the conquered areas adhered to the strategy of "restoring the civilized areas of mankind".

Choose biochemical war beasts, give them wide applicability, and start from civilized "pragmatism". Design for the public, not individuals.

Of course, the above analysis is all hindsight!

For a hundred years, Jianye, the Five Colors Alliance, and countless geniuses have not been able to figure out the idea, so it must be the "limitation of the times."

Reflect on the past, not to compare "present success" with "past shortcomings" to be proud, but to think deeply about why "people in the past were trapped" and why the dilemma can be broken between the past and the present. Beware,

The next dilemma.

Wei Keng: In the entire Pandora Era, mechanical beasts are the largest cultural remnant of the city-state era. To break away from the old era, it is not to arbitrarily deny it, but to analyze it.

Arrogant denial can only be denied for a while, and will continue to be picked up by "nostalgiaists" after the limelight has passed. However, serious analysis can leave enough warning to future generations.


Just like the concubine culture in modern times. What ended it all was the two-pronged approach of morality and law. When later generations tried to pick up this "concubine culture" again, that is, to accommodate mistresses, they were scorned by society.

On the other hand, the "betrothal gift culture" was forcibly denied and cut off for a while, but it was not fully analyzed. Instead, it was calmly picked up in the late modern era.

Note: After the 22nd century, betrothal gifts and dowries are directly registered in the Civil Affairs Bureau and have legal binding links. When one party is dissatisfied and terminates the contract, the Civil Affairs Bureau can directly return it to both parties. Since it is no longer profitable, this

This traditional ceremony guaranteed by the law, on the contrary, later financially independent young people gradually felt that it was unnecessary to exist and almost disappeared. In the 23rd century, the bride price and dowry were transformed into a provident fund model. The savings increased, but within five years of marriage

It cannot be withdrawn, but of course, for childbirth and education, it can be withdrawn in advance. At that time, betrothal gifts and dowries were similar to the ancient sacrifices that evolved into the modern burning of paper money.)


The unification area sorted out the mechanical beast culture and fixed it legally.

In terms of ethics in the control area: it is reasonable to admit that human beings have feelings for mechanical beasts that they interact with more.

However, humans as a race and mechanical beasts have a cold relationship between "use" and "being used." Do not use the empathy that should be used for the same kind with mechanical beasts.

Legally: Only designated mechanical beasts can communicate with each other humanely, and most mechanical beasts must be treated with strict regulations. (In the Chinese plane, private pets are prohibited and public pets are cultivated.)

Within a group of mechanical beasts, only one group leader can communicate emotionally with humans.

The rest of the mechanical beasts cannot be given anthropomorphic names, cannot be given extra feeding, and of course they cannot vent their malicious abuse.

Venting on a mechanical beast will destroy the stability of the mechanical beast and is an extremely unsafe behavior. It is like urinating on a socket and being electrocuted to death. This is your own death.


When Jianye's research ship left, the remaining worms of the Celestial Dragon community on the shore, which protruded from the mud, immediately retracted into the mud and did not dare to emerge.

At this time, fifty-seven kilometers away, Chu Cang from the command area took one last look at the boat returning to the south, sneered and said to the new comrades beside him: "The cowards who don't even want to touch their feet in mud will live blind for a hundred years.

Our forefathers fought through thorns and thorns before they could reach a certain size, but now their feet are bound when they walk."

The place where Chu Cang was staying at this time was a house made of metal plywood. There were groups of carbon-based signal transmitting machines in the room.

In a glass tube as thick as five thousand rice grains, biological muscles wriggle like typing on a keyboard.

This is a carbon-based machine designed seven years ago. It is an object that has been eliminated in developed areas. Now the latest model of the device is a full neuron input system, which can input up to 60,000 various color element information. The color item alone is

Reaching more than a thousand types.

However, old items are easy to maintain and maintain, and the Wanbei comrades who joined just a few months ago can become familiar with them and operate them at the same time.

The next generation of those who worked for Zhen Xin Zheng in Northern Anhui have now been poached by the Tonghua District. Compared with their fathers who diligently contributed to the city-state system, today they have all joined the Tonghua District.

Among the three strategic rear areas of Jianye, the last one is no longer under Jianye's control. Although nominally the old people in the city-state here are still inclined towards Jianye, the future belongs to the young people.

Of course, it would still take Jianye several months or two years to realize this fact.

The unified expedition area rushed into Yuzhou. After defeating the southward intervention of the Five Color Alliance in Hejin, it mobilized the manpower of Yuzhou and now has opened the railway line to Huaibei. A steady stream of supplies has been imported into the Shanghuai area.

Material supply, personnel exchanges, and even great righteousness, the commanding area has a better grasp of the people here, and the people of Shanghuai soon became a new source of water in this wave.

On August 30, the first phase of the recovery of Huanghuai was completed, and the Yishui side held a simple meeting.

The fluorescent lamps approved by the Tongfu District and supplied to the forefront are much brighter than the current mercury pressure lamps in Jianye. Because rare earths were mixed with the Tongfa District, the technology has reached the level of the late 20th century.

Chu Cang started the meeting. After opening the map, everyone put on their helmets.

Chu Cang performed a mental language projection. From everyone's perspective, the contour markings on the map now changed from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, becoming a three-dimensional simulated terrain map.

That's right, this is the language of the soul, which conveys abstract things in imagination to the other party's mind using a more advanced information model than the past written language.

Chu Cang is the fifth level spiritual language. Although these local comrades are learning in a hurry and consuming a lot of sugar liquid every day, the time is still short, and the strongest ones are level two.

The complex activation of memory cells in the brain requires training. The cadres in the southern part of the controlled area have been studying this for decades. Oh, now the new-born children are even more involved.

Although there was only Chu Cang, a foreign cadre at the meeting, and the other thirty-two people were local cadres, due to the gap in expression ability, Chu Cang was now the core coordinator.

He conveyed the overall strategy of conquering the area: "The Jianghuai area must go down the river!"


I haven’t made a big pot for many years

Composer: Dragonfly in the Water


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