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Chapter 10.33 Change the day again

 In October of the 163rd year of Pandora's history, after four months of fierce fighting between soldiers and civilians from all over the eastern battlefield in the conquered area, the barbaric wilderness on the earth was like hot soup melting snow.

Humans have greatly wiped out all creatures with the genetic system of the dragons on land. The remaining community nodes of the dragons are still entrenched in major river systems and resisting.

In early October, on the three main river systems in East China, the Huaihe River, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, thousands of warships from the upper reaches of the Imperial Army were preparing to move from west to east, and various departments on land also agreed to install a large number of carbon-based broadcast towers from north to south.

, as well as organic biochemical furnaces and other field equipment are ready to be shipped.

As for on land, in order to prevent some people from going against the historical trend, the Hanzhong decision-makers also transferred three tank brigades to central Anhui. These 234 "Type 62" (20-ton light tanks),

Three hundred and forty-five "Type 59" centaur mechas formed a huge armored cluster on the north bank of Jianye. The smoke of fuel once again rolled up on the land of East China.

The engineering team in the eastern part of the unified control area restored the cross-river bridges in Wu, Qing, and Tongling respectively, and the heavy ground armored troops were enough to cross south along these three areas.

For many city-states in the south, such air force cover and armored torrent with absolute superiority in firepower are by no means comparable to the behemoth frenzy of the past hundred years. Even by the standards before the Great Destruction, the investment of the conquering army in the south

The power can also be called "regular mechanic" level, and nuclear weapons with a kiloton equivalent cannot damage even one third of it.

While the crawlers and steel hoofs were firing cannons across the country, the Jianye Group held an intense discussion in the Zifeng Building. At this time, various factions emerged and began to offer suggestions.

It's just that they have enjoyed it for too long and have been divorced from reality for too long. Over the years, they have realized that their family has a strong foundation and have been unscrupulous in destroying Jianye's strategic power without knowing it, so the suggestions they put forward are stupid.

Some suggested "mobilizing downstream trainers to form a coalition", while others suggested "activating the forbidden bioreactor, releasing the biochemical worms inside, creating an artificial leak to pollute the Yangtze River water and curb the southward movement of the controlled logging area."

In short, the upper-level young faction in charge of Jianye originally wanted to use this meeting to demand (threaten) the various factions in Jianye to pay a price, but they found that the conservatives who had achieved great success in "Hunyuan Tai Chi Xing Yi Gong" at the meeting

, it is very difficult to explain how to deal with danger objectively.

"Tai Chi" needs no further explanation, but "Xingyi Gong" means: Some of the old people in the council are like turtles sipping tea, and some are like pines and cypresses, holding documents for a long time with their hands like qiu.

While others were standing still, some white cranes spread their wings and walked to the front desk with their waists crotched, staring at them, ready to object. Some even turned around like dragons and chatted with people in the back row.

When the new generation of trainers in Jianye are explaining to the old guard that their seemingly "active response" plans are not credible.

I met the old-time bullies in the conservative school and asked back: "Why do you think it's impossible? Young people should read more books. You must know that xxx is xxx. You must be humble and learn more."

[Note: Are the conservatives in Jianye stupid? Maybe some conservatives are really stubborn and stupid. However, it is really incomplete to think that they are all "informed idiots". The social philosophy legacy of modern times: in

Among all those who are truly confused, there must be those who pretend to be confused and take the lead, fishing in troubled waters.]

The new factions in Jianye really felt like they were "intended to kill the thieves but unable to save themselves".

Dozens of Jianye youths had bloodshot eyes at the venue. When they walked out of the steps of the building, the wind blew and they felt dizzy and their mouths were dry.

If the contemporary young faction of the Jianye Group cannot deal with the "confused officials" inside, they can only rely on external means to achieve their goals.

October 10th, Luzhou area. In the Jiangbei headquarters of the Unification Army.

Representatives from Jianye landed on a transport plane and then drove into the site for peace negotiations.

After entering the venue, they faced the tortured stares of representatives from the unified area and put forward a number of requirements including "safety of biological radiation application in the middle line of the Yangtze River".

However, today is different from the past. Talented people have emerged from generation to generation. Jianye has not changed, but the rule has changed.

The early cadres in the control area came from the southern provinces and lacked understanding of the Yangtze River Basin, so the negotiations could only be based on the basic regional demands represented by both parties.

However, at present, the unification area has been supplemented by most of the new forces from Yishui and the Central Plains. After accepting the unification stance, it has its own basic stance towards the Yangtze River Basin.

Therefore, in the face of Jianye's attitude that he still wanted to be at the center of Jiangnan, the representatives from the commanding area refuted it on the spot.

Representative of Yishui, Wang Xiaolong: "Our expulsion of the heterogeneous ecology in the river, Huai, and river basins is for the reproduction and development of all mankind. This is our core will that cannot be changed. We must completely solve the problem within this generation, and any force can

Unstoppable. As for your so-called "center line" and "autonomy", I have checked the information before the Great Disruption. Hehe, let me tell you that since 160 years ago, we have been giving you the opportunity to correct yourself. Please don't

Take our concessions for granted, and Tongfa will never allow local separatism."

After the representatives from the commanding area finished their speeches with high spirits, the Jianye representatives knew that the negotiations had broken down, so they could only leave an uncooperative attitude of "Jianye would not agree" just to save face.

But their attitude no longer matters.

On the 23rd, the general combat operations of the unified offensive area began in the upper reaches of the three major rivers.

Taking into account the differences in water flow rates in various rivers, the Yellow River takes the lead, at 3 a.m., the Huaihe River at 8 a.m., and the Yangtze River at 6 p.m.

In this way, all the major river systems will basically advance towards the southern coastline at the same time, preventing the dragon from escaping to other river systems by taking advantage of the time difference.

It's eight o'clock in the morning, when the sun is shining in the sky.

In the upper reaches of the Huaihe River, ten warships turned their propellers and began to patrol the river. The leading warship used carbon-based signals to point at patches of wetlands to attack, all the way south along the river. The community of Tianshu dragons that had originally launched into the water had to go ashore and were destroyed.

Battle cat bites.

This wave of standard beasts in the domination area went south, dragging the node creatures of the Sky Killer Dragon community that had been suppressed before they had time to breathe again into a survival of the fittest situation. The river was filled with carnage.

The Huai River has been conquered, and the Yangtze River will naturally be conquered as well.

In the planning stage of the cross-river operation, the original three bridges were not enough to make the control area feel safe.

The Yangtze River Basin is a place with the most prosperous water biomes, and more river waterways are needed. The plan for the unification area is to erect eight cross-river pontoon bridges during wartime, and then set up temporary carbon-based towers to bless the vitality of our own standard beasts.

In the early morning of the 24th, the unified expedition area turned north on the Yangtze River, which is the area across the river from Wudi.

Led by a team of cadres who joined the expedition in Jianye City, this largest pontoon bridge was temporarily reinforced.

In this operation involving thousands of people, when a large number of ships entered the river upstream of the pontoon, more than a hundred tons of carbon black material was released, dyeing the entire river black.

In the extremely low visibility of the river, the five senses of the remaining vertebrate dragon-like creatures in the river were blinded.

In late autumn, the vast Yangtze River seemed particularly quiet. The pontoon bridge erection team began to take advantage of the strategic time to quickly insert groups of steel drills into the river, then fix the iron chains across the river, and put pieces of steel into the river that were large enough for two tanks to pass in parallel.

Steel floating plates were deployed on it.

During the whole process, there was cover in the air. All operators wore information helmets and reported the progress of each engineering team throughout the process to ensure that all erection could be completed.

These operations were practiced in strict accordance with the combat readiness regulations for mechanized troops to cross rivers on boat bridges before the Great Destruction.

The meaning of the Tongfa District is that since Jianye has opinions on this cross-river operation, then use absolute strength to show them whether they have the ability to express their opinions.

In three hours, pontoon bridges can be erected on various sections of the Yangtze River, which means that the so-called natural moat is useless!

Even if Jianye still can't understand it forcibly and sings "Huntinghua" across the river, other peripheral city-state forces attached to Jianye should also be able to understand the changes of the times.


In the early morning of the 25th, the journey down the river had been going on for a whole day. The tide of standard beasts in the upper reaches had rushed to the battlefield from west to east. At this time, it happened to cross from north to south, and the war also entered the stage of sweeping across the north and south of the river.

A large number of local teams in various tributaries of the Yangtze River have also completed bridge restoration of old bridge piers.

Each energy station is located near the bridge, and the towering carbon-based towers impact the middle flow of the river, guiding the current like a lighthouse.

The standard herd that had won the victory in the main stream of the Yangtze River also entered the tributary water system at this time and began to swim upstream. From the perspective of the battle in the life radiation field, it was like sharp knives inserted into the terrestrial ecosystem of the Celestial Dragon.

Last artery.

After the standard beasts finished fighting with the Tianshu Dragon and devoured their flesh and blood, they had to endure the genetic infection of the mutated flesh and blood. However, the support of the carbon-based radiation tower made them feel as if they had immediately returned to the energy field of their own community. Their abdomens, swallowed

The flesh and blood is quickly broken down into protein.

The tide of standard beasts quickly continued southward along the river. The whole process was like a Pegasus snow blade splitting open hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of biological communities of Tianshu Long. This speed of change overnight is nothing compared to the destruction of the death wave.

, but this is also something that spans the ages.

Simply driving the tide of standard beasts is one of the powerful means for humans to overthrow the dominance of natural communities.

(Master Wei has prepared too many cards, including death waves, nuclear weapons, and the even more exaggerated "immune system" that is still under development. So although the current methods are very powerful, they are not effective for the ongoing surveillance in the dimension.

For the staff, it doesn’t look that shocking.)


Looking back at Pandora's ecological history.

In the past, communities and communities pushed each other along the front. Once they penetrated deep into the enemy's area, they faced the possibility of the entire protrusion being ablated due to the lack of ecological radiation supply. And the life communities in an area often replaced each other.

Lasts for decades.

For example, twenty years ago, there was a battle between the Sulfur Iron Xuanwu and the Tianshu Dragon community. The Tianshu Dragon was defeated repeatedly, but the Sulfur Iron Xuanwu was still unable to destroy the Tianshu Dragon at once, and had to continuously compress its living space.

But what about now? This method of setting up supply points directly at the hub of biological community movement such as the water system allows the standard beast community in the logging area to march straight into the territory of the Tianshu Dragon.

These standard beasts have not been weakened in any way by going deep into the territory of the alien community. Because there are human ships carrying carbon-based radiation towers to provide them with supplies that exceed natural standards.

In this way, you will feed your war with war, and the more you fight, the braver you will become. And you can also start to evolve to a larger scale after getting enough energy just like you do on your own territory.

Human machines provide supplies for the standard beast tide, and are a dimensionality-reducing blow to the traditional beast tide.

This is equivalent to the history of human wars. Before the emergence of mechanized warfare, the war between Germany and France could only advance each other on the border or consume manpower. But after the emergence of mechanization, Germany relied on mechanization to quickly transport supplies, and was "unsteady" in the east.

"Surprise", "Triumph Parade" on the Western Front.

On the 24th, the upper levels of Jianye City were in chaos all day long.

The army moved south with thunderous momentum, and overnight opened an entrance to the Yangtze River barrier that the Jianye people regarded as the "absolute territory".

After these bridges were opened, tanks entered one after another from the north to the south, and steam smoke spread across the river. It was so lively that people couldn't help but think of the word "throwing a whip to cut off the flow."

Various small and medium-sized human groups in Jianye have also "embroidered red flags" one after another.

All the grassroots personnel organized by dozens of chambers of commerce in Jianye disappeared overnight. Under the absolute rule of trainers in Jianye City in the past, ordinary people were faced with the problem of "if you don't do it, someone will do it. There will be no shortage of people in the last days. If it really doesn't work, just do it."

The arrogant attitude of "leave Jianye".

But now, with the change of heaven, the resources of the control area are constantly crossing the river. The manpower that will maintain the shipping and replace the parts for the mechanical beasts in the future are all gone. Even the sanitation staff who clean the moss spreading on the streets are gone.


The elders who were wrangling at the meeting ten days ago finally became anxious and began to come to the Zifeng meeting to urge the Jianye Trainers Association to resolve all this.

However, no matter how much they urged, the young faction within Jianye was now beginning to falter. They began to explain the difficulties and were unwilling to move.

God is so good at reincarnation. Two weeks ago, these corpses in Jianye refused to cooperate, refused to deal with it, and issued policies. Now, it is impossible to urge any action.

After the meeting, these experienced people who had built the country and wanted to build the country were now panting, speaking tremblingly, and heartbroken.

There are more than a dozen cross-river passages on the Yangtze River. It is impossible for trainers associations like Jianye to send personnel to block the cross-river passages in any control area. It is equivalent to dying in vain. Therefore, front-line executors like Jianye are very concerned about the current situation of the Senate.

The intention of "wanting to make a difference" was also given perfunctorily.

On the 25th, the people of Jianye saw a strange celestial phenomenon.

A thing that has a texture like tulle, but looks like a colorful canopy from a distance, hangs across the entire sky. The end of this canopy cannot be seen at a glance.

However, it is high in the west and low in the east. It is boundless and has no end in sight on the north and south skylines.

From morning to noon, the sky slowly moved eastward. At this time, the people of Jianye felt warm and full of vitality, as if they had entered the afternoon of spring in March from the long-lasting winter. Or it can be said that,

Suddenly he returned to his youth.

In the streets and alleys of Jianye, people looked up at the sky one by one, wondering what this was! At this moment, a row of mechanical giant geese flew past in the sky, and a large number of balloons were scattered. There were hanging balloons under each balloon.

cans, and a letter to the residents here.


System narration records: This is ecological radiation, bringing about frequency band changes. When the human-dominated ecological community, overnight, extremely violently replaced the celestial dragon community.

This happens when the rate at which trace elements such as phosphorus, iron, and magnesium circulate in the life cycle suddenly changes.

Looking back at history, one hundred and fifty years ago, the same celestial phenomenon came to Jianye from east to west, representing the landing of Pandora Field from the Taiyang Ocean.

At that time, the light curtain was thicker, but the direction was completely opposite, and it was full of oppression.

The sky enveloped Jianye City, and Jianye completely entered the apocalypse, and all creatures began to spread crazily. At that time, the broadcast said "All residents, please stay at home, believe in xx, believe in xx, let us get through the difficulties together..."

The voice seemed extremely weak.

One hundred and fifty years ago, the first generation of human trainers worked with the army to continuously clean up the abandoned plants and various animals around them.

Two months later, Jianye heard that a series of city-states in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River were submerged. And a year later, the nano-shield in Chongqing, the last refuge in the Eastern An continent, collapsed. At that time, human civilization fell into ruin.

Today is another day. The first batch of legions crossing the river sent this report, "The wisdom of our descendants has not let the efforts of our predecessors go in vain."

On October 26, Year 163 of the Pandora Calendar, the radiation from the Tianshu Dragon was completely reduced to zero in 90% of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River plain.

The remaining biological individuals along the river withdrew into the Jiangyin area despite being bombarded by 8,000 cluster bombs per hour in the command area, scattering countless white-bellied corpses.

The last community of the Tianshu dragon community on the land of Eastern China is preparing to escape to the sea.


"The Whip Strikes the Golden Stirrup"

Composer: Dragonfly in the Water Sally233

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