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Chapter 2.01 Plane Pass

 In the Pandora plane, in March, a certain guard Keng who was assigned to watch on the lighthouse hugged the meat cat and looked at the sea together.

Wei Keng's look of longing and anticipation was like that of a CEO who endured hardship in order to experience hardship and ended up squatting at the entrance of a kiln looking forward to a car every day after staying in the mountains for half a year.

Wei Keng felt that this was his "childish desire to return to the boxing heart", and he had no idea that his behavior caused his supervisor's little tiger teeth to bite his lips until they were almost crooked! - Space Pao Bai Linglu: "There is no future.

, worthless. Huh, it’s a waste of my time.”

There was no ship on the sea yet, so Wei Keng drove the cat on the window sill to the roof, started recording today's operation log, and turned on the system.

A series of information released by the system after the end of the current mission allowed Wei Keng to know for the first time that the memory of the individual before his death had been preserved. If he had learned this just after his death, he would undoubtedly have been very happy.

, but now it is a bit dull. After these three years, the surviving self has actually felt what the thoughts of the dead self have been, and what I have done in the past two years has nothing to do with the dead self.

Feeling guilty.

You can face the future without any burden.

Wei Keng: "After I return, will all my thoughts and memories be fused together again?"

System: "Yes, during the fusion process, maybe some of your memories are not well integrated and may be lost, but they will all be recorded in the system, and your consciousness will be 100% condensed during the fusion process.

One body.”

Regarding this memory incompatibility, Wei Keng thought carefully about it, checked every part of his consciousness, and determined that he did not seem to have much self-rejection, and all of himself had no objections to reintegration. Some

Small places may cause self-hesitation, but Wei Keng and others admit that there is no factual answer in this aspect, and it can be tentatively regarded as unknown.

Wei Keng took a deep breath, opened his arms toward the distant sun, and stretched his waist: "There should be no problem. By the way, supervisor, thank you. It's a pleasure to cooperate with you this time."

A few seconds later, the monitor behind the system responded: "Excuse me, are you willing to save this time point!"

From Wei Keng's perspective: a space-time diagram is marked. This space-time diagram is marked with multiple timelines unfolding the model, and the origin of all timelines, which is the time after Wei Keng left, is highlighted.

Wei Keng: "Save?"

System: "You can calibrate for the next time you travel."

Wei Keng: “I won’t come, I definitely won’t come.”

System: "This plane is still a high-risk plane in the rating, and most of the threats have been dealt with for you. If you save this plane, you can still remember it when you come to this plane again in the future.

Enter the number of times you have explored high-risk planes. Your potential will soon leave the civilian level, and as a 'scholar' and 'qing', you also need some missions in high-risk planes as necessary resume."

Hearing this, Wei Keng thought for a moment, paused and said, "Well, after the war is over, can I change my job?"

At this point in the conversation, Bai Linglu, who was in the space bubble, stood up and felt that he had grasped the direction and started typing quickly.

System: "Except for serious disabilities, travelers must obey the job system. What about you? According to the latest consciousness test, your individual is very healthy. Oh, I wish you good health forever."

Later, it seemed that the threat was not strong enough, and he directly posted the punishment for deserters: If you do not follow the mission orders of time travel, then all medical insurance and social security will be lost. Contemporary medical insurance includes regenerative surgery. After the brain memory is regenerated, the memory will be lost.

, so social security includes social re-education, and Wei Keng’s two hundred yuan a month room for a otaku is not natural.

Wei Keng's expression was a little complicated. He hesitated and continued to inquire: After the level of the traveler increases, is it necessary to go to a high-risk plane?

Wandu search engine quickly gave the answer: Active time shuttlers must abide by organizational regulations and must not violate military orders issued by the Supreme Space-Time Planning Department for any reason.

[Wei Keng does not know that the Supreme Space-Time Planning Department generally does not forcefully issue military orders. It will only carry out forced treatment in special periods and special areas after teaching certain travelers to no avail. Wei Keng

As an honest person who has behaved well so far, the higher-ups of the Space-Time Management Bureau will not try to force Wei Keng to take advantage of his current thoughts. - Moreover, Bai Linglu is also a clerk below, and has not given any advice.

Wei Keng’s right to issue compulsory orders.]

But Wei Keng is really shocked now. He feels that he should have some experience in high-risk planes. If he is attacked one day, he can shout, "I have done meritorious service for XX, I have contributed to the pioneering work."

There is blood, I want to see xx" and the like.

Time has passed two standard marks.

Bai Linglu was about to get a result he was satisfied with. After getting some permission from Wei Keng to be entrusted, he immediately drafted a rights appeal and sent it back along the gravity well.

In the legal system of time and space travel, when the time traveler and the regulator in a pioneering group of a certain high-risk plane jointly declare that they insist on some basic rights, then after the time and space they pioneered is expropriated, they must also ensure that some principle issues during the expropriation process cannot be


Bai Linglu, Barrister Bai is not a country bumpkin like Wei Keng. She can use the law flexibly.

Now we have reserved explanation clauses for Wei Keng to return to the Pandora plane and exercise authority no less than that of other "highest level" exploration teams.

On the other side of the gravity well, the superiors who were currently preparing to take over the Pandora plane saw the supplementary regulations for system activation. After laughing dumbly, they could only make concessions.

Speaking of which, the superiors of the Time and Space Administration can continue to fight this lawsuit.

Many of Wei Keng's acquiescences were not so clear and were somewhat general. Moreover, Bai Linglu did not make it clear whether Wei Keng could receive compensation in other planes if he agreed to completely transfer the Pandora plane.

But, there is no need! They are all our own children.

Bai Linglu is a relative and child of the supervisor here. He has a strong personality. Now he is being forced by the superiors to forcibly give up the rights to use a plane. It is a bit unreasonable. Now it is good to retain the basic permissions in this plane.

There is no need to do anything too extreme.

As for Wei Keng, he is the blood of a former teammate of the Shangqings in the time-travel team. He has a very honest personality, but he is too honest.

After completing three missions in this battle, the level 1 wants to go back to the main world and sleep. So, I’d better put some pressure on the missions.

So, happy to see everything work out.

in another plane,

Hainan, Lingao Port.

Luo Hongxing looked at the waves of weapons and equipment and industrial facilities loaded on the ship labeled Yuanhua 834.

As a new employee of the Ministry of Foreign Trade this year, he brought a big business to Norinco, including a bullet production line, a set of steelmaking equipment with a capacity of 100,000 tons that has been eliminated in the country, seawater purification equipment, as well as chemical catalysts and raw materials.

, used to aid Central Asia and Persia.

President Nixon of the United States is 75 years old this year. He has served more than four terms, which is equivalent to Roosevelt in history, and it seems possible to continue to be reelected.

At this time, the Sino-US friendship was being heavily promoted on black and white TV. Well, it was quite friendly. Luo Hongxing folded the newspaper in his hand. The date was 1988. The words "Accelerating the Construction of Socialist China" and "Development Only" were hung on the port.

It’s the last word” and other banners.

Here is another timeline, a historical line that deviates somewhat from the same period as the main world.

The northern red furry bear was very calm. When it was determined that Central Asia could not be contested, it gave up useless exports here! Therefore, there was no war in Afghanistan, but focused on the stability of Eastern Europe. This strategic contraction seemed to relax its control of the area.

The hard oppression of the free world has also forced the free world to take over the world's non-performing assets.

Capitalism is a process of inheriting the past and linking the future in the development of human civilization. This process must not only keep an eye on the further development of history and eliminate itself, but also always guard against the influence of the feudal and backward areas with which it comes into contact, which will cause operational consumption of the capitalist system.

As for the former, it is easy to guard against it now. After all, redism does not occupy the core of modern civilization. Except for East Asia, there are many lessons missing from history. Even if the modern social system suddenly jumps, there are still gaps in production management.

, science and education are still lagging behind.

But the latter is difficult to prevent, because the disease is in the organs,

Just like the public servants who took the oath in the auditorium in the 21st century, they cannot withstand the corrosion of sugar-coated bullets.

After the financial plutocrats in the capital world establish direct business relationships with the world's military strongmen and feudal families, they will inevitably form a circle that violates market rules. This kind of transgression eventually leads to the passivation of capitalist global governance, making it impossible to maintain a

Unified market!

The governance of feudalism is quite problematic! Whether it is South Asia, Latin America, or the Middle East, it has been proved that in these areas that have not undergone thorough social revolution, the upper-level governance capabilities are low, and the construction efficiency of grassroots education and infrastructure is very weak, thus forming a

Excessively high labor costs, transportation costs, and production costs. At the same time, the employment rate of the people has declined, and the market has shrunk.

The strategic contraction of Mao Xiong in this plane was almost a stroke of genius. All traditional markets in Europe and the United States fell into crisis after completing the first electronic industry update.

In the history of the main world control group,

After World War II, in order to solve the crisis, global capital continued to move industries towards cheap labor areas, and then digested the markets in these areas to complete asset anchoring. Therefore, first came Western Europe, Japan, then the four East Asian Tigers, and then the third

There is an obvious cyclical pattern here. After the investment boom ends, the financial bubble will be harvested. From Japan and South Korea to the Four Tigers, there are no exceptions.

By the time of the third wave of the Eastern Continent, due to the region's lack of financial openness, capital continued to invest in local infrastructure, which continued to fall into the "excess production capacity" defined by these global financial rating agencies. Despite the criticism of domestic "economists" in the south,

We must also protect employment.

This prevents global capital from flowing out after entering, or in other words, the outflow is through overseas investment by the four major banks in the East. International capital cannot further invest in cheaper places such as Southeast Asia and South Asia.

When this game of drumming and passing flowers cannot be spread, then we can only continue to make small moves, trying to create chaos, and at the same time continue to push up South Asia! Trying to forcefully push capital from East Asia to South Asia and Southeast Asia.

And in this timeline, the first round of industrial transfer has not been completed!

Beginning in the 1960s, the Bears in the north concentrated their strength. In the west, they concentrated heavy armor groups and continued to conduct nuclear weapons experiments. In the east, there were four Minsk aircraft carrier battle groups.

In the 1970s, the waterways of the Japanese archipelago were blocked twice. This military blockade directly sanctioned Japan's economy and turned it into something similar to the "Northern Peninsula of the Overworld".

In the 1980s, the Red Navy had a direct conflict with Britain in the Atlantic. A nuclear submarine immediately sank a British frigate, and then used nuclear tests to show a tough stance. Then, the Irish Liberation Front blew up the London Trading Center.

What is capital? Capital is credit, which can be immediately exchanged for credit in various market raw materials. However, this credit must be repaid. If there is no return, capital will not be invested. When Europe and Japan, the elite areas of the main world during the Cold War, are not

Methods to support the transfer of industries in the United States cannot expand the market and meet the gap of the financial crisis. The credit of capital will collapse prematurely.

So this is the strategic difference between the main world and the furry bears in this world!

The furry bears in the main world want to compete with the United States for world hegemony! By controlling energy production areas, they want to try to turn bicycles into motorcycles. As a result, they continue to invest a lot of aid and military power in the Middle East. However, with the rise of Israel, the changes in the Middle East are hit.

The faction allowed the royal families in the Middle East to survive. And the rash advance in Afghanistan was all in vain.

The furry bears in this world clearly recognize that their national strength is not enough to fully compete with the United States in the world, and have established a defensive Cold War strategy. They cannot open mines on their own, and they have raised the lids of the United States' European and Japanese mines.

.Let these second world industrial countries have no so-called middle class and cannot whitewash the wealthy free world under the operation of capital.

Oh, there is still a mine in the United States. If we just exploit this mine, we may eventually end up like Britain and France after World War I. But the Cold War has reached its most cruel stage, and the countries in the world that have governance capabilities and the potential to form a huge market are

Only one left?

With a conflict on the North Asian border, American Cold War policymakers keenly seized an opportunity.

Politically, defeated countries like Japan and South Korea in World War II were abandoned almost overnight. Huge compromises were also made on the Nanbo Island issue.

After policymakers in the White House received China's promise that it would not build a nuclear submarine base on the east coast of Nanbo Island, and that it would not develop large aircraft carriers in the future, the Seventh Fleet, which was originally in the Western Pacific, withdrew and made every effort to guard against the Red Navy's Pacific Fleet.

, the East ushered in unification.

In North America, the gains have been huge.

Seventy years ago, the door to the East was open and any country could enter. However, after it was destroyed and re-established, everything in this land was closed to the outside world!

In the second half of the 20th century in the main world, this blockade made the Yanhuang people passive, because at that time, the whole world was undertaking technology transfer, and what was scarce was capital. But in the historical line of this plane, the whole world could not accept technology transfer, and what was scarce was the market!

The market is often in the hands of sovereign countries that have the ability to govern and defend themselves.

In this dimension, the American capital world finally breathed a sigh of relief because of its correct strategy.

Compared to the absurd scenario in the lighthouse country of the 21st century in the main plane where "only high-tech companies such as Apple can earn high profits from the East, other interest groups are so angry that they can only curse China for stealing xx",

In the East Asian continent, there are no imported cars from brands such as Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz. High-precision machinery and power generation equipment are American companies that were originally eliminated. Even East Asian TV sets, washing machines, and home appliance factories, which were invested by Japan in the main world, are also funded by Japan.

U.S. capital provided full support to obtain the agency rights.

The United States actually achieved the only most-favored-nation status they ever wanted in East Asia. No one.

Of course, the world's problems still exist.


The ship's whistle sounded melodiously. In the sea breeze, Luo Hongxing took out a Z-trademark fake windproof lighter from his pocket, lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and puffed out.

He opened the system and made a final report: "I am now in the desperate time and space, and now I am ready to set sail and pick up people~"

This chapter has been completed!
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