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Chapter 11.19 Father and Mother

 The human-dominated battle in the Southern Anhui continent, referred to as the Battle of Shannan, has entered a stalemate stage after November.

The conquered area of ​​the plateau is named Shanbei District, and the south of the plateau is named Shannan. This is consistent with the naming rules for the north and south of the Yellow River in China and the east and west of Taihang. After the place name naming rules are consistent, it means that it will tend to be a civilization circle.

This is also the historical mission that Xinghan decided to complete after communicating with the Tongfa District.

The Battle of Shannan is a battle of extraordinary change! But who is new and who is old? Without a fight, who can know the outcome?

Before the competition, Xinghan's social model of maintaining traditional families and favoring men in social organization was "old".

On the contrary, the true society of the Chongqing City Mother Nest, which cultivates the next generation through memory transmission, is unprecedented in human genes. It seems to be "new".

Debating scriptures and distinguishing between “old and new” is often meaningless.

"What is new? What is old?" Wei Keng dug up those dusty materials from his long-standing memory. At the beginning of the information explosion era, countless new concepts emerged in the world, and countless people claimed that they were leading the dawn of tomorrow.

Wei Keng: In that era, countless "pseudo-new things" were emerging one after another. Every time I wanted to carefully judge these new concepts, someone would always jump out and scold me, "You are so old-fashioned and pedantic."

Wei Keng: “Actually, it’s not that I don’t believe in new things, it’s just that I don’t want to believe those who disguise ‘escape as a new style’.”

Under fire, the brood mode is by no means a "new thing", and the traditional family that has lasted for tens of thousands of years is definitely not an old thing that "must be eliminated" in the era of technological civilization.

Of course, what Wei Keng is doing in other corners of the world now, Wei Keng dare not say whether it is a "new thing". Because it seems too dangerous and strange, and it needs to be tested by time.

For example, "immune system"! This is the "direction of life" that makes Wei Keng feel serious.

November 25th. The Chao Phraya River in the Indo-Central Subcontinent is no longer the weird swelling scene it had when it was fighting the fungus a few years ago.

The trees have returned to green, the rivers are clear and covered with silky algae, fish are inhabiting the ponds, and birds are perched on the trees.

After the apostles were eliminated, the ecology here seemed normal, oh, it just seemed. Every few hours, powerful life fluctuations would sweep across the continent.

In this jungle, the leaves of the trees will turn into butterflies, and when they fall into the water, they will turn into algae. The fish in the water will turn into salamanders or birds, and the birds will uncocoon and transform into spirits.

It looks like a little monkey, but the monkey disappears invisible in the life field!

This seems to be an ecology, but it is actually a living system under high chemical energy. Wei Keng's consciousness can change the ecology here into his own "immune system", and each "cell" will of course reduce energy operation smoothly, allowing everything to recover

For the ecology!

The prisoners from the Battle of Shannan are all here now. Wei Keng told them that they can eat all the fruits here and move around freely. But they have to perform some labor tasks with their hands every day.

Or kneading cotton silk, weaving clothes, cutting leaves and pasting them into window paper, or tanning bows and arrows.

In Long Ximin's nest of life, most of these tasks are completed by specialized biological equipment. And these sacrifices are also completed by breeding equipment. - It is not enough to describe it without touching Yangchun water with ten fingers.

The situation of these brood females.

The supervisors cursed and concluded: If Wei Keng's insistence on long legs and waist-length hair had not affected Long Min's genetic choices to a certain extent, according to the characteristics of today's breeding equipment, these priests would not have been able to specialize.

Become something else.

Xinghan defeated these priests, and after comparing their genes, Wei Keng determined that they also had his own bloodline, and decided to carry out ideological transformation on them.

The purpose of basic labor here is to let them know: "People can use various tools, but people should not be tools." According to this concept, let's look back at the development direction of Chongqing City in the past.

Although the path planned for them by the top of the Brood hierarchy seems to be in line with their desire for a higher level, in fact they are not regarded as human beings.


After experiencing the influence for a period of time, Wei Keng came into contact with them.

When Wei Keng, who was wearing a mechanical outfit of colonial uniform, walked into this village with mud and grass walls. These girls, who were naturally beautiful in homespun clothes and garlands on their heads, stopped laughing and looked at Wei Keng with wary eyes.


Faced with such a wary look, Wei Keng silently nodded: "This kind of wariness is the same as mine." The human community in Chongqing, starting from Long Ximin, actually has the Wei Keng gene in both men and women.

Wei Keng adjusted the life radiation frequency band, and at this time, the surrounding small animals and trees began to melt.

The scale of this kind of life radiation is already comparable to the radiation on board the Tianshu Long. The high-oxidation biochip deep in the earth 1.3 kilometers away connects the life field of the entire area together.

In such a life field, the life chain of any non-human organism will collapse. With a slight movement of Wei Keng's thoughts, those small species fell into a deep sleep, glowing with light.

Of course, these girls from Yucheng feel like they are in a warm embrace. This is a different kind of blood connection with the life place they felt when they faced the dragon Xi Min in the nest.

Wei Keng: "This is the radiation field of my genetic frequency band. Most of your genetic chains have the same origin as mine."

A calm voice sounded in their minds.

Wei Keng stared at these girls: "Today, I'm going to give you a social theory lesson. The losers will~~~" Wei Keng waved his hand and made a clicking motion, intimidating them.

Seeing that they were scared into silence, Wei Keng smiled and told them in detail: "If you fail the exam, you will fail the class and be detained in school. Listen to the class carefully, don't doze off, and don't whisper to each other."

The blackboard was hung up, the spiritual language helmets were distributed, and Wei Keng began to exercise new control over these Brood captives whose "emotional intelligence" and "worldview" were still at the kindergarten level.

Wei Keng: “We must objectively realize that in these wonderful times when human societies help each other and rely on each other, they still use each other.

When a social organization reaches a certain level, it is no longer a family of several people or a circle of friends of dozens of people, but an organizational structure of hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of people. Most social relationships are based on mutual use.

Because our brains are limited and cannot handle too much emotion! The total weight is only 1xxx grams. It is impossible to keep hundreds of people's kindness in mind at all times, with gratitude and righteousness.

In mutual use, there will be an advantageous party and a weak party. Then there is class!

I'm not sure how Long Ximin explained his social outlook to you. However, class exists objectively.

You should also realize that you are indifferent to some people and that there is a class gap between different interests! When the dominant party in society is unrestrained, class conflicts will inevitably arise coldly.

Please don't consecrate people in the ruling class and turn them into inhumans.

As long as we are human beings, we will have closeness and alienation, we will be partial to a few people, and we will be indifferent to those who see less and stay away from many.

Whitewashing conflicts will only bring greater cruelty. You can ignore being cruel to others, and others will ignore being cruel to you."

The women in the brood below obviously resisted this kind of narrative, because they had a good relationship with each other, and subconsciously thought that Wei Keng was instigating it.

Wei Keng leisurely added: "Emotions can be exploited, and it is precisely because sensibility is exploited that deception occurs. Admitting that sensibility will be exploited, taking it seriously, and allowing sensibility to grow correctly is valuable sensibility."

Faced with Wei Keng's cold description, these priests from Chongqing City issued various rebuttals unwillingly. Their nostalgia for Long Ximin and the Brood cannot be changed overnight.

The mother nest where Long Ximin is located has added a lot of sensibility to its genes since its predecessor, the Yucheng community. This conceals the objective existence of class to a certain extent.

As an old father, Wei Keng knows that the psychological problems of his daughter, who have been taught bad things, cannot be solved overnight.

The development of conflicts in the future will continue to test these doubts, but now they are just leaving the seeds of their thoughts.

After the lecture.

Fifteen centaur mechanical transport vehicles came over, and the colonial uniforms and work clothes in the logging area on the vehicles were all made according to their body types.

Wei Keng: "The lecture is over today, and I will take you to do outdoor practice tomorrow."

The perspective returns to Shannan. In February 172, the battle lasted for three months.

After six large-scale battles, Xinghan reduced the military strength of the Chongqing City Mother Nest to thin and exhausted.

Although the strength of the Brood has not decreased, it has grown from ten divisions before the war to twenty divisions, and the total amount of equipment has also increased several times. However, the key element of 'people' has been taken away.

Every unit has various problems. Some divisions have plenty of fuel but lack parts. Others have complete parts and lack biological neurons.

On the Brood's side, all the experienced combatants on the front line were taken down by Xinghan at once, and now the expanded military strength is like a bulging fat man, and they can only be trapped in the city.

Due to the lack of capable daughters, Long Ximin could only fill combat positions with a child with an incomplete knowledge system.

These girls who look mature but have no experience are just sent out. If they are taken out by 10,000 people, they will be robbed as soon as they hit the road. The road system in Shannan can only support such a large-scale military mobilization, so that the Brood's current confidence

All gone!

On the contrary, Xinghan seemed to have only expanded the military strength of three divisions, but he had a real bargaining chip on the balance of military victory.

Xinghan's main battle regiment firmly controlled all roads in the Shannan area and cut off the traffic lines around the nest. The dragon-type Min's side lacked mobile strategic power, and their defeat was certain.

On February 10th, the Brood was unable to organize a large number of troops in the Eternal City. After rushing out, they were completely defeated. Small groups of troops were eaten up in one bite.


On February 12, the Fourth and Sixth divisions, which had high hopes from the Chongqing Mother Nest, were surrounded by an encirclement when they returned from the north for rescue. After a series of civil work, the tunnel encirclement continued to close.

, and finally, under the constant persuasion of the spiritual language, the whole army surrendered.

The destruction of these two divisions also meant that Long Ximin had completely failed.

The mother nest system is absolutely central and has fatal flaws. When the periphery expands, the chain of command is lengthened, and the center is separated from the grassroots for a long time, making it difficult to deal with problems at the periphery.

On the contrary, the Xinghan system needs a center with a center, and grassroots with grassroots. The grassroots can be transferred into the center! Wei Keng's philosophy to Xinghan: "In the core of an emerging force, regardless of noble origin, only the iron will can be refined by flames."

Compared with the children in Xinghan who were raised by their "fathers", the children in Yucheng were raised by their mothers. It seems that the latter are endowed with more beauty and nobility, but in fact they are trapped in a box.

Xinghan's style made Long Ximin recall the first time he met Wei Keng. Wei Keng's feet were in the soil, his mind was thinking about the stars, and she was wearing colorful clothes.

In the hall of the Mother Nest of Life, the high priest confirmed the peripheral results and reported dryly: "The channel recovery has failed."

Long Ximin: "Oh, I know, go and count the technology trees of the Industrial City."

When the priests heard their mother's words, they paused, with tears in their eyes.

Long Ximin: "Don't cry. If you lose, you will lose. We are genetically predisposed not to be good at war, and we are using the wrong method to fight now."

By now, Wei Keng is highly certain that his side's victory is inevitable.

But Long Ximin believed that his strategy of "conquering strength with softness" was right, but he just made a slight mistake, causing the child Zhong Tianyun to die, and everything turned into a hot conflict.

(System Monitor: There is absolutely no impact, he is still on the axis.)

Faced with the mother's frankness, there was a rare calm in the spiritual communication network of the priests.

But no matter what, the artillery fire that deserves to be endured is still indispensable.

At 8 a.m. on February 28, Xinghan began to launch a strategic general offensive.

With the strategic initiative in hand, this means that large quantities of ammunition can be easily mobilized and concentrated in a certain area.

For example: in the Battle of Jinzhou, although Baldhead had a total firepower advantage, these firepower advantages could not be converted into battle advantages due to weak dispatching capabilities. On the contrary, in the Battle of Jinzhou, our side completed the dispatch of thousands of artillery pieces and even tanks.)

The battle between Xinghan and the Mother Nest of Life began. As the mechanical watches on the hands of all the commanders in colonial uniforms reached time on time, the sound of artillery shells began to whistle one after another.

The artillery on the ground struck the target that had been calibrated long ago, and one minute after the bombardment, the rocket launcher extended its fire. Then the flying beasts such as the Phoenix King began to conduct ground reconnaissance, inserted into the defense line, and projected incendiary bombs to further areas.

According to the intelligence, the Brood has a large number of underground fortifications in this urban area. If Xinghan's troops advance rashly, they will most likely fall into street fighting.

Although these street battles are fought by fighting cats, fighting cats also spend time training.

Therefore, Xinghan will make maximum use of the time of fire suppression to carry out a lightly armed advance.

Fifteen minutes after the bombardment, on the Xinghan side, rotary-wing aircraft carrying leading soldiers began to assault on the empty high ground after the fire attack.

[Note: The rotary-wing aircraft, also known as the aerial three-bouncer, cost only tens of thousands before the Great Disaster. When losing power, the rotor can still rotate in the airflow and land slowly, which is quite safe, so Mr. Wei naturally does not

stingy creation)

The Xinghan assault team was wearing colonial uniforms and armor. As they advanced, their own artillery fire struck within a distance of no more than fifty meters, and shrapnel and gunpowder smoke passed before their eyes.

These commandos rushed in before the defensive mechas in the various defensive tunnels and bunkers showed up, and used flamethrowers to complete the position capture, allowing follow-up forces to sneak in.

Oh, among the Xinghan side's ground assault light infantry force, war cats are fifteen to forty times more powerful than humans.

Although the cat body cannot carry a weapon with large recoil like a gun, it can explode through the airflow and project grenades holding a line. The grenade projection distance is only within the range of 20 meters and 50 meters. After landing, it explodes into fragments.

A cat carrying five such grenades would have enough firepower in a charge, and the blades and claws tied to its forelimbs would do the rest.

The grenades were thrown and exploded one after another, and the war cats came up to use them one by one, scratching wildly. Smoke and flesh bloomed in the tunnel.

In the No. 1 Brood Life Center, three breaches were made in the heavy defense line within ten minutes, and the defenses along the way were completely stripped away.

Finally, thirty-seven minutes after the battle started.

The highest source of consciousness, the life center of the Brood, ordered all defense forces to stop resisting and wait for the transfer of weapons.

Long Ximin surrendered, what should we do next? Now that Xinghan has achieved military victory, he needs to gain political leverage.

Eighteen years ago, the incident of Ying summoning the counterattack chief spirit did not happen, and Wei Keng would not let Xinghan's children do this.

In the Life Center, Wei Keng met Long Ximin again.

Long Ximin looked at Wei Keng: "What are you going to do with me this time? Kill me and return me to prison?"

Wei Keng looked at her and said slowly: "Have you summarized all your genealogy information?"

Long Ximin: "These have been calculated. I know your social tendencies. But I am the Queen Mother."

Long Ximin responded with a calm expression: "This is my destiny in life, and I can't change it." There was sadness in her words. In her opinion, her camp and Wei Keng's camp were bound to be in opposition.

Wei Keng did not look at her and started making arrangements: "Within ten years, you must divide the life system into three parts! Every forty years, the brood controller must be updated to the next generation. In each brood

The produced individuals will be scattered to various cities ten years after their birth."

Long Ximin: "This, can I say that it is separation of flesh and blood?"

Wei Keng: "If you love them, you must consider giving them a chance to be independent. Also, I will not kill you, nor will I imprison you. If you lose, you have to follow the path I pointed out."

This chapter has been completed!
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