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Chapter 11.27 European Ruins

 In 175, this was the largest foothold of the Weikeng cluster in the Italian Peninsula region of the Mediterranean Sea.

The second largest settlement is in Tunisia, the third largest is in Byzantium, and the fourth largest is in southern Gibraltar.

At this time, this place is a land of white salt. This is caused by the apostle here, the 'Dead Salt King'. This guy is an apostle of symbiosis between bees and thin tube animals. After absorbing a large amount of salt from the Mediterranean,

Bees transport and build nests. Over hundreds of years, a large amount of high salt content has been left on both sides of the Mediterranean, creating large areas of saline-alkali land.

They were built in Gibraltar. Layers of biological dams hindered the exchange of salt between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, causing the salt content of the Mediterranean Sea to reach an astonishing 5%. And the areas close to the coast are even more

There are large brine salt crust mounds..

Faced with this situation, Wei Keng prepared to collect a wave of accumulated salt mines on a large scale in the past few years. Then he dismantled the salt dams one by one, and then - gradually replaced the ecological community in this area with salt-tolerant life.

The community of the Dead Salt King seemed to have realized the horror of this model, and tried its best to evolve its potential. Large numbers of giant insects with sworn crystals attached spewed out of the salt pond. Their pure white color looked like warriors from the Ice and Snow Kingdom, but

In fact, it was a lost dog that was rescued from the spring salt.

In the past, humans were completely invincible when encountering this kind of thing. But if a hard salt cone penetrated the body, they would die of dehydration in less than a minute, and then turn into mummies.

Human firearms cannot kill it, and even flames cannot kill it. Even if it is hit by nuclear bombs a few times, this thing is far more resistant than humans.

However, no matter how evil this thing is in front of normal means, certain weaknesses will make it vulnerable.

The land defense forces are very well defended, and huge chemical radiation towers have been built in all bases.

The biggest danger for this kind of dead salt series life form is that the huge amount of fresh water in heavy rain melts its shell, causing the fragile flesh inside to be damaged by collision. In addition, a very common chemical compound can kill it.

Various organic solvents such as ethanol and isopropyl alcohol are its nemesis. It only takes a little chemical radiation to destroy the permeable layer of salt nerve cells.

For safety reasons, Wei Keng uses ethanol for fortress protection, which is non-toxic, but requires high energy - the fortress has plenty of electricity, so it is suitable.

If the fortress's carbon-based cannon sprinkles a little wine on these "salt monsters", it can be said that the fragrance spreads thousands of miles away. The salt monsters that were crawling densely just a second ago will immediately turn into quiet sculptures.

Considering the stability factors of the weapon structure, the styrene macromolecule organic solute used in large land mechas has a large molecular structure and a low threshold energy level. It is easier to be excited in the Pandora field and can be used in vehicles. Of course, it also has certain

Due to the degree of risk, the protection of vehicle-mounted equipment is very strict.

Considering their comprehensive properties, shipboard weapons use slightly toxic substances such as propyl alcohol.

After finding a way, these weird and powerful apostles in the past are basically like selling out. They press the knobs in the cab of various weapon systems, or in the fortress, or send electrical signals in the mecha control equipment system.

, in just an instant, all the sectors of one kilometer or dozens of kilometers will die.

When Wei Keng regained the entire European continent, he saw nuclear bomb craters one after another, some even directly in the center of the city. The Leopard tank from that year was even half-melted in the ruins of Taotao. When he pried open the weathered wreckage, even

He found the charred black bones inside. This made Wei Keng couldn't help but think of the horrific scenes of what a person endured in the last scene.

Wei Keng: "In the Middle Ages in Europe, there was a kind of torture, the copper bull torture. The tank soldiers who broke down in the center of the nuclear explosion may have experienced that in the end..."

The nuclear explosions were in sequence, and England and Spain exploded first - according to these traces.

Wei Keng's brainstorming restored the scene after Pandora Field crossed the Atlantic Ocean and affected the entire Europe from west to east. The refugee wave was followed by a biological wave. There were a huge number of human remains at the airport, surrounded by

A few planes have not yet taken off. This is an epic disaster scene.

And Wei Keng also discovered that there seemed to be consciousness in the early Pandora field!

Judging from the scene of human retreat, the creatures that were advancing so fiercely had a strategy. They set out from the French plains and then penetrated the Rhine River, destroying all 200-ton ships, forming an encirclement, blocking the highway, and intercepting a large number of humans.

evacuation road.

Then, this wave went south along the tunnels drilled by humans in the Alps Mountains. After Wei Keng cleared all living creatures in the railway tunnels in the Alps Mountains, he saw the intense friction marks on the tunnel walls.

This violent surge reminded Mr. Wei of the scene where a piece of hard shit came out.

The human armies at various tunnel stations back then may have felt so desperate when they saw large streams of biomass pouring out of tunnels with a diameter of more than ten meters. (The tunnel worm scene in StarCraft.)

However, during the step-by-step restoration and reappearance, Wei Keng discovered some doubts and then had more thoughts.

Wei Keng judged from the drilled river sediments that it took about thirty-five years for Pandora's life field to swallow up the entire Europe!

The expansion of this life field started from the west coast of the Atlantic Ocean and reached the eastern border of Poland in about thirty-five years. However, it was not the life field that severely damaged the European residents, but the large-scale march before the arrival of the life field.

In other words, when Pandora swallowed up Europe, there was mobilization in Pandora, which was different from the situation when crossing the Pacific twenty years later! Jianye and the Five Colors Alliance also encountered the tide of life, but in the end

What completely destroys the governance capabilities of human beings in the East is the coverage of Pandora's field.

Perhaps, the tide of life communities in Dong'an was blocked. Existing contents in the Jianye and Five Color Alliance databases include records of a series of blocking battles such as Puhai, Lianyun, and Zhoushan.

But Wei Keng is more inclined to believe that during the early expansion of Pandora, there was a central consciousness in Pandora, and this consciousness had strong mobilizing power. Wei Keng could see that when Europe and North Africa were devoured, there were multiple very large encirclement circles.

Even though the European countries were in disarray at that time, they could not have the various doctrines, spirits, or binding agents as in the East. However, judging from the remaining traces of firepower, Europe's resistance back then was much stronger than that in the East.

Standing in front of the ruins of the Arc de Triomphe, with the collapsed iron tower in the distance, Wei Keng: "The question is, where did the powerful consciousness that might have existed in the early days of Pandora Field go?"

Hypothesis 1: It split and became the consciousness among a large number of apostles. - This is possible. When there is no unified goal, Mr. Wei will be distracted, cooking when he should cook, playing games when he should, and playing games when he should.

Work part-time to save money to marry a wife.

Hypothesis 2: I am sleeping. After taking over the European continent and Africa, I think that humans are not afraid. I think that as long as the Pandora field covers it, I can win - then, now it may be the "billion-eyed" apostle in North America.

, it was "Dr. Qi" before the war. As the human life field continues to expand, he must prepare for the possibility of this thing awakening.

Hypothesis 3: Ascension. The Pandora field comes from outer space. According to current outer space satellite detection, there are "complex transformation echoes of organic matter" in the starry sky. So is there a possibility that this guy occupies more than a quarter of the earth's surface?

After occupying one of the territories, he launched his consciousness into the starry sky through carbon-based radiation?

Mr. Wei: The most classic weird phenomenon in modern times is that intellectuals destroy the place where they live and then run away to North America. If it is selfish to have consciousness in Pandora, it is also possible to become a ball thief. Then the question is, what should I do?

After the Earth comes back, will this consciousness come back again with foreign invasions, mix back into the resurgent human race, and conspire with foreign enemies to become thieves? Haha...

Wei Keng informed his successors of the above three ideas. But no matter what they are! As long as the path of individual human beings through their own efforts is extremely bright, then traitors will not tolerate justice.

Since Wei Keng saw these relics where a large number of human beings were killed and injured two hundred years ago, and was able to have a clear historical reconstruction, he was naturally merciless to the life community in Pandora Field.

After Wei Keng traveled across European countries, the life radiation from his body excited various regional communities from the beginning...

In the summer of 176, even a plane flying over at low altitude caused these groups to flee in terror like a swarm. This shows how cruel Wei Keng's methods were.

In April of the 176th year of the Pandora calendar, the train from the Weihai area to the European continent was reopened. No roadbed life groups were destroyed along the way, and there were no huge node creatures to intercept humans. Although the long road still had to pass through many places, and was affected by alien species

The areas affected by the life field are well protected by the protective cabins on the trains. People can have a good rest on the two north-south lines across Europe, which are three-day and four-day journeys respectively.

The significance of the opening of this railway is that the human forces in the Lihai region can now jointly influence the European continent with the Nordic human forces represented by Greenland.

It is worth mentioning that the "Well Digging Tribe" in the Weihai area at this time was of the same culture as the unification zone. And they still have close cultural exchanges with the northern city-states in the unification zone of the original Five Color Alliance.

The Weihai area is a nation that relies on its own ability to deal with the surrounding apostles. This is an extremely precious historical asset, and Shi Qingyuan has played an indispensable role in this.

Wei Keng and Shi Qingyuan met at the train station in the north of Lihai.

Wei Keng said: "(You) have made arrangements for the second generation."

According to the culture of the conquered area, as the leader of the force, when executing major events, he must determine his successor to ensure that the policy can be continued.

Of course, here, Shi Qingyuan could hear that Wei Keng was prompting the completion of the task.

Shi Qingyuan responded: "Yes, the foundation has been laid, and the next step is the strategy of going west."

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Qin State's strategy was to pacify Xirong, and then go east to compete with the Six Kingdoms. Among them, it destroyed Bashu and suppressed the Chu State. These secondary strategies completed the accumulation of generations, and finally made great achievements. - Shi Qingyuan also determined this long-term strategy.


Wei Keng looked at him with a smile: "You did a good job on this mission." It can be said that this guy is the one he likes most in this mission.

Wei Keng has already said hello to the system and is preparing to arrange a reliable supervisor, Liao Yangxiu. In addition, in order to help him complete his tasks in the future, a large amount of information enthalpy has been allocated.

Wei Keng: "I'll give you five years. You can leave after five years."

Shi Qingyuan: "What about you?"

Wei Keng: "After finishing all the apostles, I will also evacuate, completely evacuate."

Wei Keng's plan to sweep the world was too arrogant a century ago. With the power of one person, he subverted the weird foundation of the entire world, that is, "natural ecology." But now this is a daily routine as spring goes to summer.

Shi Qingyuan nodded.

Wei Keng took a deep breath and said, "Do you think I'm keeping your 'core technology' secret?"

Shi Qingyuan paused: "No, we don't understand anyway," but then under Wei Keng's gaze, he said: "But, I still want to take a look."

Wei Keng followed his words and added: "Well, I won't lose anything if I look around, but~"

Wei Keng patted him on the shoulder: "Sometimes, it is necessary to have knowledge and understanding, but don't learn rigidly! Some of my current actions may also have some mistakes. These mistakes will wait until a long time later.

Discovery. You are still in the basic state. If you are too deeply affected by me, and if you continue along the way and get used to certain normalities, you may find the problem a thousand times more difficult than me."

Shi Qingyuan: "For example?"

Wei Keng looked at the fertile Lihai depression in the distance. The huge windmill was slowly turning to complete the collection of electric energy.

Wei Keng: "Don't you think there are some things about me that are extreme? Well, everyone struggles sometimes, but everyone is extreme when they struggle. You should have your edge,"

Shi Qingyuan gave Wei Keng a student gift: "Thank you, senior."

After the conversation between Wei Keng and Shi Qingyuan, Bai Linglu called up the information of groups of newcomers and asked Wei Keng: "You are a little too nice to these newcomers, well, but this Shi Qingyuan, you are more considerate.

a little."

Wei Keng: “He is out of tune with several other teammates!”

Bai Linglu: "I'm following you!" Wei Keng also did not bird Chongqing City, Jianye, or the Five Colors Alliance in the mission.

Wei Keng: "I only show strength when I am strong, but he did not see that when I was weak, I licked my face and gave in. I will lose a lot of individuals next and continue to fight. This scene will give me a

He has seen it, he has to continue learning, there is no chance that he will just pass the easy break. Farming flow, holding back the ultimate move, this is not the way to play, you must learn to compromise in unimportant places."

Speaking of this, Wei Keng persuaded Bai Linglu: "Help me organize a sorority party for these newcomers, so that they can communicate more after this mission."

Bai Linglu pouted: "You have now opened more than 6,000 timelines, and each timeline has six new people. This is a very complicated task."

Wei Keng paused,

Bai Linglu smiled: "However, you can beg me. You have to set an example."

This chapter has been completed!
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