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Chapter 11.41 The Differentiation of New People

 The Australian mainland was a force that retained a higher level of technology before the Great Destruction. And compared to the forces on the Deccan Plateau, their cooperative attitude was also good. It must be said that these descendants of the merchant race have the ability to assess the situation. This is compared to the Indian caste.

The culturally immersed Deccan city-states are better, but the business environment in India is like, "When they see you uncomfortable, they feel they have made a profit."

In the energy umbrella, electronic control, nuclear reactor materials, superconducting technology, condensed matter physics and other information before the Great Destruction are preserved, as well as technological things.

This is of value to the civilizations of the main continent who currently have some partial scientific breeding technologies. The Tonghua District and Xinghan currently cannot exchange these technologies with the Deccan. Relatively speaking, the biological agriculture technology in the Tonghua District is not

It is desperately needed by other rebooted survivor bases around the world.

The agricultural technology that re-emerged in the Pandora era is different from the mainstream agricultural technology represented by the bald eagle before the Great Destruction.

Development of European and American grain science and technology: On the plains of the country, integrated irrigation and harvesting technology and specific high-yielding seeds are used to minimize production materials and labor.

The Lighthouse crushed the whole world at this point. Relying on its military control of global waterways at that time, commercial dumping of staple grains suppressed the grain industries of various countries in good years, and used it as strategic control in disaster years.

The focus of the development of Oriental agricultural science and technology is to produce agricultural products in various environments as much as possible. Regardless of which grain the world's food market consumer demand favors? First, develop a set of cold tolerance, drought tolerance, and salt-alkali tolerance.

The agricultural strategy is to lease large amounts of land in various countries around the world. For example, in New Zealand, the lease period is an exaggerated hundreds of years.

To this end, we have specially researched various drought-resistant and cold-resistant crops for these various climate zones, and then equipped them with agricultural technologies such as greenhouse insulation and water retention that specifically respond to the local climate to ensure increased production in the area.

Even in the dry areas of Saudi Arabia, we have developed a system for growing rice in the desert, as well as solar energy to desalinate seawater and provide irrigation.

For small countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, it is difficult to maintain their independence under the food strategic offensive of Europe and the United States.

The internal grain markets of these small countries are harvested by external forces in peacetime. However, the production cost of grain exports is relatively high because the climate conditions are not suitable for the seeds provided by agricultural technology companies in developed countries.

[Using Europe and the United States to develop seeds for our own land and compete with Europe and the United States for the grain market. That is the biggest joke! So if we follow the European and American grain strategies, we will not be able to earn foreign exchange, and we will not be able to guarantee our own food.]

Zhongguo's international food cooperation allows these small countries to have a complete planting system developed for the local climate.

In times of peace, planting the "livestock feed" needed by Zhongguo's market can be exchanged for valuable foreign exchange. When food prices are too high, it can be immediately converted to produce the food needed by small countries.

Although the irrigation system and the continuous cultivation of agricultural planting talents still need support from the East, as long as the agricultural equipment is stocked and relevant talents are ensured, stability can be maintained in the next ten years.

You know, the US imperialism will not give you stability for more than ten years. Every time a newly elected leader comes to power, he must burn three fires and kill a "chicken". There is no guarantee that the knife will fall on your head.

?Compared to dispatching aircraft carriers, the cost-effectiveness of depleting troops and supplies is better.

In this regard, in recent times, even in political systems with only feudal tribes' governance capabilities, military leaders knew that if they wanted to control the center of power for a long time, their food strategy must not be sold to the capital of European and American powers. Because in chaos, as long as the army can eat

Without food, only the "democratically elected president" in the political arena will be removed from power. Although the corrupt military failed to support political agents, it will not be removed from power.

Food has never been a purely market issue, but a strategic issue.

At this time, in the Pandora era, the global shipping lanes had not yet been opened, and the "organic production" of the control zone on Blue Star also adhered to the Eastern strategy of modern times. (This was taught step by step by Wei Keng, and is completely absent in Hollywood movies.)

A few months ago, Wei Keng first destroyed the colonies in the Great Barrier Reef area and first built a stable "organic farm and biochemical power station" comprehensive base on the eastern front.

After communicating with the Energy Umbrella Survivor Base in Australia and China, Wei Keng mobilized enough instant noodles, batch after batch of clean purified water, candies, and artificial chocolate, playing the economic card.

As for the packaged canned braised pork (this is a standard herbivorous beast) and canned salted fish. As for the food collected from the body of living creatures, the residents of the Energy Umbrella dare not eat it due to religious reasons here.

Voters here even see food from the bodies of these creatures, as if they were biochemical bombs. It is no wonder that they are highly sensitive to genes, and their protein supplements are limited to some genetically stabilized poultry eggs and artificial dairy products.

The above-mentioned proteins can only be eaten by voters.

The Tongfa District respects this eating habit.

Lu Min: This kind of living in a shell will not change for a while, but sooner or later it will become "really delicious".

The residents of the Energy Umbrella instinctively swallowed their saliva when they saw the expeditioners from the Commanding Area and Xinghan biting chicken legs and simmering noodles in a hot pot.

However, I am still afraid! In the past few decades, there have been countless cases of abdominal mutations caused by eating mutant meat from outside. Religion has always claimed that this was caused by "gluttony". They looked at these outsiders and waited for the last ones.

The Lord of faith sends down punishment.

Oh, if these outsiders didn't have guns on them, now these seemingly submissive residents of the Energy Umbrella believers would come up and tear them apart crazily, defending their beliefs and what's right.

Although the appearance of this new generation that grew up in the Wei Keng era and the humans in captivity are not racially different yet, interspecies differences have been quietly accumulating.

In the 182nd year of the Pandora calendar, the Wei Keng cluster, under the prompts of the Australian native guides, who were the search teams in the original energy umbrella, completed the sweep of all communities from both northeast and southwest angles.

One by one, carbon-based life towers replaced the giant tumorous trees of the local apostles. And the standard beasts also replaced the ecology.

The entire Australian apostle community could not survive even a month, which made the young people in the unification area who were just born in the city-state era lament the "excellent" matching mechanism of the Australian area. In short, it was isolated from the world and eventually became a war

Five scum.

After solving the apostles, in order to strengthen exchanges between the two places, the Tongfa District established an exchange office here. Wei Keng sent 500 Xinghan teenagers to the Australian mainland for exchange and study abroad, and then Wei Keng himself left the mainland in a group, leaving only

A team of 1,000 people continues to process the Southern Ocean krill community.

In the 184th year of the Pandora calendar, when Wei Keng had swept across the world and the humane ecology surrounding the earth was completely established. An episode occurred here. This episode had a far-reaching impact and directly led to another conflict between humans two hundred years later. Among the surviving branches of humanity today,

of extinction.

With the unification of the earth's carbon-based frequency bands, carbon-based resonance has been successfully mastered by humans.

Outside the "Energy Tower" residence in Australia, in front of the newly built small building playground, young people studying abroad in Xinghan started singing on the spot after hearing the news. From the beginning, one person sang, to everyone singing in a few seconds: "

Moving forward, our blood is strong and sharp, shocking tigers and wolves; moving forward, our steps are sonorous, and in the wind and rain, I hold up my chest; moving forward, our blood is hot, carrying the mission and responsibility on our shoulders; moving forward, iron

The flow is rolling forward, riding the wind and waves, shocking all directions, and is unstoppable——"

This kind of carelessness, not caring at all about the strange eyes of others outside, holding head high and chest out, ordinary but confident image, is incompatible with this place. This means that in international exchanges, we have to build a group of small groups for them outside.

Building, a large playground.

Oh, compared to the commanding area, the young men of Xinghan are more unrestrained. And they were all born in 172, and they are in their prime of life. Even if they have a conflict with the law enforcement team in the energy tower! They don't care about the law enforcement sticks in their hands.

The essence of monotheistic religions is to create "gods", forcing ordinary people who think they are weak to kneel down in front of this "powerful" person and convert them, and use a stream of fallacies to force you to admit that he does seem to have some truth.

Wei Keng explained in his education to the Xinghan bastards: The essence of civilizational pride is to bring out those qualities worthy of respect in the long history of mankind, let ordinary people follow them, and know that they can be proud.

Wei Keng does not believe in religion, while the Australian human survivors are fanatics after the Great Destruction. Although Wei Keng did not directly collide with them, the two sides have ideological differences, and there will inevitably be conflicts between those who inherit different ideas in the future.

[Wei Keng doesn’t argue with the survivors in Australia because Wei Keng knows that he is too strong. Communicating with force is just establishing a new god. Wei Keng is not interested in doing these boring things, but for Xing Han

It’s just right.]

In the society of the Energy Umbrella, a group of weak people who are intimidated by religion find confidence by intimidating others.

When he met Xinghan, a group of organized teenagers like Chaoyang, a unique collision broke out.

When they arrived in Australia by plane, the young man from Xinghan felt that it was too gloomy. Especially when Xinghan's third team heard locals say on the sixth floor of Building 3: "Clone slaves"


The leader of the third team of Xinghan couldn't bear it anymore and questioned the upper level of the energy tower on the spot. When he didn't get a satisfactory answer, he punched his big nose and bent it.

Wei Keng's status in the Xinghan is equal to that of his father. Although Wei Keng does not have a mythical self in the Xinghan, the children of the Xinghan adhere to the same logic: "Insult your elders, bully my orthodoxy, and smash them in anger!"

Xinghan's actions triggered a crackdown by the old-school power holders within the energy umbrella. Subsequently, these "energy umbrellas" sent out law enforcement teams wearing mechas, which were violently beaten by the Xinghan team armed with sticks and simple elastic restraints.

Facts have proved that no matter how well the armor is worn, it cannot prevent punctures in the crotch! The strong muscles can beat three people, but they cannot withstand ten people fighting together. Those warriors wearing heavy armor and mechanical suits were beaten by more than two hundred unarmored teenagers.

Beat the sixth floor to the seventh floor.

The shooting was not suppressed until later. More than 200 teenagers present at that time confirmed that the enemy's force was ready to open fire. They immediately sent 50 people back to get the colonial armor, and then directly took the "toy crossbow". Well, this thing they made

They are all of the same standard, with interchangeable parts and a range of two hundred meters.

These law enforcement teams armed with large-caliber muskets were like clumsy elephants when faced with the organizing power of the spiritual language of the Xinghan teenagers. They missed a shot and were hit with an arrow in the door! Fire shot out from the steel on the bullet floor, but instead

Aroused the viciousness of the "Xinghan people".

This is a genetic defensive characteristic. When you use a gun or a knife, don't blame me for the stress reaction and start fighting for your life.

These Xinghan archers who shoot arrows do not need to directly observe the opponent, but directly describe it from the perspective of their teammates, and shoot the arrow as soon as they flash out! It is as accurate as cheating (in the language of the soul, the perspective of the companion is your own perspective).

After dragging for half an hour, the remaining Xinghan directly changed their clothes. With the blessing of biological armor, they threw a pound of iron eggs, which could instantly dent the metal helmet from a distance of fifty meters, plus the crossbow arrows.

, pushed all the way forward. If the energy umbrella showed up against any resistance, four bows and arrows were fired directly to block all blind spots, and the weapons were also captured.

As for the few Xinghan young people who were shot, after retreating under cover of homemade grenades, the medical soldiers directly took out the bullets with scalpels, and then used blood packs to recover. - And with this blood pack technology, the energy umbrella religious believers

They thought it was weird witchcraft.

Wei Keng did not give the Xinghan any regular weapons. The above-mentioned crossbow arrows, iron eggs, and grenades were all homemade by them, and they were later captured.

After four hours of fighting, Xinghan and his gang had the upper hand! They firmly occupied the key points of the entire base, stripped all the 4,000 prisoners and sent them to the bathroom for custody. They hung up several senior officials in the control room and whipped them.


The elders who got this draw had to learn the Chinese words "Uncle, please spare my life".

The dispute had to be settled through diplomacy! Lu Min, an eighth-level spiritual language, had a headache when trying to persuade young people to calm down. After the critical incident, he was ridiculed by Wei Keng because he was also crazy back then (when he bombarded the new people)

Lucheng also treats the conservatives who can't stand it, and just do it regardless of the consequences. Now the way of heaven is reincarnated.)

This incident made the entire residents of the Energy Umbrella realize what a brand new human being in the outside world is! What spiritual language is! What humane evolution is.

However, for the energy umbrella social group, it is a mixture of fear and complexity.

In the eyes of these survivors who consider themselves to be God's chosen ones: being able to resonate with consciousness and repair quickly, these are the abilities of world-destroying disaster beasts!

The humans in the outside world now are, well, just a group of teenagers, with the same abilities. And they are more flesh and blood than them. They have the ability to react emotionally.

This incident was forcibly suppressed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which mobilized forty Level 4 psychic language suppression teams and "chili oil" radio frequency guns, but the turmoil did not end.

After a few days.

After being defeated by the energy tower's religious believers, they began to stigmatize the outside world's humans, claiming: "It is the forbidden fruit of grabbing alien species."

The Xinghan youth immediately used a loudspeaker to retort: ​​Your whole family is a bastard, your new god is a bastard, got pregnant out of wedlock, and messed around with pigs and dogs.

In this rant, he spewed out all the words that no one had dared to blaspheme in the past. "You are a childbirth center with no parents and no mother. It hides filth and dirt. It is filthier than a cesspit. Go back to the cesspool and do it..."

Keyboard hero Wei Keng definitely did not teach them this way. This is because they are self-taught, or... it is the influence of Wei Keng's unruly genes.

These are the words of the Xinghan trolls. In the past, if they questioned God a little, they would be burned in the tribunal.

He cursed for 20 hours continuously, and also went around with a loudspeaker, verbally abusing the Pope's family.

Xinghan's curses and "energy umbrellas" were unable to be dealt with. When these religious believers opened fire, Xinghan dared to use mortars. Xinghan and his group of energetic guys were ready for the second battle.

Since the last stop, they now hide sniper rifles, infantry cannons, and some mechanical beast modifications.

In the end, the exchange cadres of the unified control area made adjustments with a wry smile, because it was really too noisy.

As for the Energy Umbrella Religious Group, they will never dare to offend Xinghan again!

For these religious believers, if they continue to claim that humans outside the world are inferior humans, they cannot defeat them. And they cannot even criticize them.

Sacred spiritual enlightenment? When you can scold you so much that you don’t dare to talk back, who is doing the more soulful output?

As for driving away the logging areas, it is impossible. If humans want to grasp the coordination of global organic matter, they must establish a carbon-based tower in the southern hemisphere as an important "hub" node.

There are more than a thousand regular troops in the command zone left behind, but they are stationed on the southern front with armored divisions.

Although the Conqueror Zone was reconciling the conflicts between the Xinghan and the locals, it was actually executing the strategy. In fact, the Xinghan conflict assisted the implementation of the strategy for the common rejuvenation of mankind to a certain extent.

The goal of the control zone is to strip away the filthy class here, recruit tens of thousands of people, support the enlightened forces of the pioneer team (military) here, and ensure that there is a human force here that can develop normally in the "human renaissance stage".

Combating superstition and returning this place to secularism is a top priority.

However, in this way, letting Xinghan quarrel has side effects. Xinghan is not a "tool", although it plays the role of "being used to break superstition" in conflicts. However, they are not a tool.

As for the current situation, who is genetically superior, the orthodox of human beings, the ruling area smiles and refuses to argue, while the Xinghan cannot be provoked. The history of Chongqing has made them hate the pitfalls of human evolution. Return to the natural man

State, adhering to the human base, this is the legal system of Xinghan.

Xinghan's emotions are easily aroused in this regard, and it seems that they can be used to attack problems, but this aroused emotion will eventually create new problems.

A hundred years later, Xinghan may become a rival to the commanding area, but the boss and the second will compete, and the third and fourth will be eliminated first.

Now that Master Wei is still here, "human morality" is an iron law and ethnic cleansing will never be allowed to occur, but what about the future?

Wei Keng has determined that he is a species. As a species, he will not live forever. As a species, he cannot slaughter his young. He must tolerate the next generation, and at the same time, he will leave. Once Wei Keng leaves, there is no need to abide by the differences in the next generation.

The "kind concerns" of the previous generation have disappeared. In equal competition, right is right and wrong is wrong. Just as Wei Keng showed no mercy to his contemporaries in Avalon's life-saving capsule on the Deccan Plateau.

Nowadays, human beings are undergoing great differentiation, due to different development directions! People in different regions have become as different as mice and cats.

Fifty thousand years ago, Homo sapiens evolved language ability, which developed rapidly. Today, language has become a complex system! How did Homo sapiens evolve from a short syllable ability to a complex description ability in just tens of thousands of years?

Woolen cloth?

The answer is very cruel. Individuals with insufficient language skills will die quickly!

Any evolution is bloody. And social evolution is even more so! Ineffective individuals and groups will be quickly wiped out. And the more complex the internal communication among human beings, the faster the weak ones will be wiped out.

The humans in Australia were finally included in the survival camp for the revival of human civilization! They survived the entire great destruction, but they also missed the real experience.

In this "Wise Man Walks on the Stars" event, the humans who have contacted and cooperated with Wei Keng have more or less passively linked to Wei Keng's spiritual language field.

Not only Lu Min but also the teenagers like Xing Han, Greenland ice and snow remnants, some people from the Antarctic subcontinent, and even the Japanese islands, all have received Wei Keng's "brain wave communication" due to the accompanying development, and have inserted traits!

This trait is very weak, but as long as it is used and under evolutionary selection, it will inevitably become more and more prominent.

But only in Australia, Wei Keng quickly left after sweeping all the ecological areas in the southeast and southwest, and had very little contact with local humans! There was no trait of inserting the "protein band emitted by the brain". Perhaps Wei Keng was too tired.

I no longer want to be exposed to a society I hate.

After the end of the "Sixth Mass Extinction", Australian religious believers were still grateful to the gods for blessing them with survival, but they did not realize what they had missed!

What's even more frightening is that with further ideological rejection, "reproductive isolation" will even form. And even if reproductive isolation is not formed within this hundred years, if the combination of the other half's bloodline makes the "mental language" ability not develop quickly, it will be utilitarian.

With sexual thinking, no one will choose to combine with her.

Just like the past on earth: the aboriginal people who flooded into Australia 10,000 years ago and wiped out all the large animals stayed in Australia. Compared with the development of the old world, they began to "fall behind within the species". As a result, they were almost killed during the great colonial era.

In the biological world, all the species that have flooded into Australia have experienced a happy match at the beginning, and have been washed away by other new species that came in over millions of years.

Australia is too closed.

In November of the 184th year of the Pandora calendar, the first batch of polluters entered the towns built in the conquered area. This batch of polluters totaled five thousand people. At the same time, Xinghan's sons also successfully completed their inspection in Australia and returned.

On Lu Min's side, when he handed over a batch of 5,000 tons of steel parts and 6,000 fuel engines to the 'Energy Umbrella' Group, he saw the arrogant young pope next to the Archon. Lu Min flashed a trace of pity.


Human beings are evolving rapidly. According to the latest data from the ruling area, in three generations of human beings on the earth, the brains and nerves of newborns in early-developing areas and backward areas will have "a difference between sound and disabled." And in another hundred years,

This difference may expand to the point where communication becomes difficult.

In today's era, in the mainstream areas of external civilization, when spiritual language can describe the brilliant star cores and the beautiful scenery of the golden ocean in the deep sea rift valley, these old-age humans in Australia who have endured for two hundred years are still obsessed with power?

This is equivalent to human beings using words to describe poems and magnificent artistic conceptions that will last forever. But the dogs are still quarreling over the leader position of who will eat the bones first.

Lu Min sighed to the young pope in his heart: "At your current age (you can live seventy years later), you should be able to see this funny scene by then. Oh, by then, you may be numb.

, and then lament that God does not respond to faith?”


Jun Zhaixing also has a trolling brother. Jiatli’s birthday is February 2nd. Junzhaixing’s birthday is March 3rd.


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