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Chapter 12.01 The Humans of the Promised Star

 2834. The main world is undergoing the third plane war. This is the war between the "liberal faction" and the "establishment faction" in the time and space travel system.

While the mission in the Pandora plane was ongoing, Wei Keng had just carried out a highly oxidizing experiment on the Central and Southern Subcontinent. Part of his consciousness had already overflowed.

Within the Space-Time Management Bureau, some insiders who secretly sided with the "liberals" directed Wei Keng's overflowing consciousness to a large plane far away from the main battlefield in order to contain the high-end combat power of the Space-Time Management Bureau.

A certain "liberal" leader, Michael Lena, is particularly concerned about this point!

In the space-time mezzanine where the "liberal faction" is located, he carefully sorted out the few information about Wei Keng. His evaluation of Wei Keng was: "If he is allowed to join the battlefield, the price we have to pay may be one-third.

A high-end time traveler (Qing level)."

When I heard Michaelena's judgment at that time, many new generation time travelers felt that this description was too exaggerated. But now the war is indeed very difficult, and no one wants to verify that a "king-level" of the organizational system is projected into the war zone, because this

Not good for liberals.

But there was one person who was very concerned about Michaelena's description at that time. This person was Sainz, the "scientific" god of the arcane plane.

After the liberal campaign decision, Sainz found Michaelina.

Michaelena: "You want to find him?" Michaelena looked at this current liberal star in surprise.

Sainz responded expressionlessly: "In the multiverse where I live, there are some tasks that need him to complete. Do you know where he is?"

At this time, Michaelena, who was wearing a holy white helmet, could not see his expression clearly under the halo mask.

In the multiverse, Michaelena's godhead is destiny. He naturally knows what happened to Sainz, but now he publicly requests that the triangular structure of "science, industry, and machinery" is missing, and science can no longer sustain it.

Michaelena: "I will help you make arrangements after the main time and space battle is over! By the way, you need to let him work, and you must need detailed 'persuasion'."

Michaelena knew Wei Keng's character, and it took a lot of effort to get him to do something.

Sainz did not respond, and Michaelena sighed, understanding that it would not be easy for Wei Keng to enter the multidimensional plane again to complete the set task.

Michaelena didn't know that her daughter Li Yishuang, who was beside her, now raised her head and watched the conversation.

Compared with "father", Li Yishuang has already intervened in the grudges in advance, which makes the problem more complicated.

When the perspective comes, Wei Keng is far away from the time and space zone of the plane war. This cosmic star sea plane is code-named the dark plane.

There is also human civilization in this plane universe, but the history of human evolution is completely different from that of the earth.

Here, human beings originated from a place called the Promise Star. Human beings here may have a very glorious history, but what the main world's Space-Time Management Bureau can capture are some "appropriate" time-space flows.

Human beings cannot catch bullets at the speed of movement, but they can catch bees. The space-time flow in the dark plane that can be discovered in the main world is "bees", not "bullets".

The Dark Plane is a far-flung plane compared to the main world. It is suspected that there are unknown possibilities, but there is no possibility of traveling back to the main world.

The time and space in the main world are inherently rare, and the hotter and uncaptured time and space are rare. (Pandora has not yet left the plane. Even after it leaves, it will be sealed in files and will not be decrypted for a long time.)

The main world defines the Dark Plane as the "super-technical cosmic plane". But before talking about this plane, we must first introduce the evolution of humans on the Promised Star.

This is different from humans on Earth. Both parties have converged into primates, and their genes were the same in the ape stage three million years ago on Earth (this is the reflection effect of time and space). However, for humans on the Promise Planet, this process has taken six years.

Millions of years!

The humans on the Promised Planet did not have the canyon evolution process of the East African Rift Valley. They spent hundreds of thousands of years in the arboreal evolution process. When the environmental area where the giant trees were located became increasingly dry and broad grasslands were formed, the trees evolved.

Walk down and start running, gradually starting to look for fruits.

This six-million-year stage was also a stage of ignorance. Due to the long-term tree life and the inability to use fire, the brain could not obtain the nutrition of cooked meat. The evolution of intelligence was relatively slow, but it evolved slowly.

The heart of the tree will secrete sap, and at the same time, it will regularly produce seeds rich in nutrients. These seeds are toxins before they can be fertilized, but if they are not fertilized, they will contain a large amount of nutrients after they dry up. These nutrients were still considered to belong to apes at the time.

The upper-level monopoly of the species forms a certain social system on the tree.

At that time, the upper echelons of the ape community had certain intellectual advantages during development, which were then linked to reproduction.

Once the superiority of a race is linked to reproduction and lasts for hundreds of thousands of years, it will be emphasized in the genes from generation to generation. Therefore, these evolved humans are slightly different from those on Earth.

The apes on the Promised Planet belong to a long-standing matriarchal society.

Therefore, women have a greater advantage in intellectual evolution during evolution. Along with this race, the direction of intellectual development is biased toward memory.

After all, if the master cannot quickly remember the various types of things within his jurisdiction and the changes in size every day, he will not be able to manage them competently. Women fought fierce palace battles in the trees and dominated the selection of the race.

On Earth, it's just the opposite. The early hunting habit gave men an advantage in obtaining food.

And in natural selection, whether the cooperation is close and whether care will be taken in the arrangement! The survivors of the hunt must depend on the thinking of the male group leader! The evolution of male intelligence must respond to complex situations, and the judgment step is the core, so the evolution of intelligence is relatively biased towards


In the era of modern civilization and planetary navigation, development must lead to the same destination through different paths. It stands to reason that the rights of both sexes tend to be equal. However, it is difficult to clean up the residue left in the process of evolution.

The perspective returns to the evolutionary process of humans on the Promised Planet.

After six million years, the climate further changed, trees disappeared completely, and arboreal life finally came to an end. The only giant trees disappeared due to fierce planning and competition by women in matrilineal societies. At the same time, complex technologies for improving crop types evolved.


At that time, humans, who were already equivalent to early Homo sapiens, finally began to end their comfort zone and began to build houses and settle around rivers. At the same time, they cultivated and planted trees on their own shoulders.

Then they entered a settlement era similar to the primitive period of the earth. They began to fish and plant to obtain new energy, and finally started wars with each other.

It took fifteen thousand years to enter the peak state of agricultural civilization equivalent to that of the Southern Song Dynasty. Huge city-states and canals were built.

Then, after stagnating for six thousand years, it finally entered the steam stage, then wasted five hundred years to complete the global electric age, and then stagnated for another six hundred years before completely entering the space age.

This process from the primitive farming era to modern society is a bit long compared to the earth.

But please note that the time it takes for humans on Promise Star to start organizing fierce battles after they get off the tree is much shorter than on Earth.

Well, when it comes to war, people on Earth are still warlike!

The ancestors of human beings on Earth descended from trees early, jumped back and forth in the Great Rift Valley of Africa, and competed for meat with those sharp-toothed and clawed things in Africa, and then evolved their brains. The brains of humans on Earth are inherently bloodthirsty.

Don’t you see that a little boy of seven or eight years old will instinctively find a stick and let the rape flowers swish their heads off? As for the slingshot, oh, don’t let him get the slingshot, otherwise he will be killed if he breaks the glass window.

Chickens and dogs are a hit, blinding people is a big deal. Oh, and you have to put away the matches! Even in modern civilization, humans on earth still have headaches because of the restlessness of male cubs.

Men of the Promised Stars would not be like this. When they were young, they would instinctively pick up a stone and roll it smooth enough. Because in the process of evolution, polishing a beautiful enough gemstone and dedicating it to the treetops for storage can be appreciated.

The Promise Planet people spent six million years relying on the continuous optimization of the fruit production of giant tree trunks to evolve their brains. - After a little time, the brains are more stable than the brains evolved by crazy people like the people on Earth.

In the history of the Promise Star civilization, there were relatively few wars and more politics.

Because when the power gap between the two sides is too large, they will choose to surrender and start to transfer wealth. Only when the strength is completely close will they start a war.

The rule of the Promised Stars is also very stable. After establishing the dynasty, it will accumulate and accumulate again.

It is much more stable than the Earth Dynasty that forgets to spend a few generations. After all, it is women who control the power system and govern with careful calculation. All key indicators are obsessive-compulsive and cannot be reduced, and they will never be returned like men who have spent all their money.

The waves come again.

But precisely because of matrilinealization, its shortcomings are relatively unique.

In the selfish activity of politics, the performance of people from the Promise Star is completely different from that of people on Earth.

An area of ​​the earth has been hit by a disaster, and the enlightened ruling group also knows that there is no profit and water in this place. "I won't exploit you, so just stay here obediently", or "I have to exploit you, but you still

If you surrender to me, I will suppress you, and if you resist, see who can't survive."

In a similar situation in Promise Star, the inner tendency of the Yingming Group is: if a disaster occurs in a place, well, it is a punishment from heaven. The central ruling group feels that there is a problem in this place, and then directly dumps the disaster-stricken place.

Let it be autonomous and don't influence other places.

As for the place that had survived the natural disaster and had tax value, they were forced to join again.

As mentioned before, under absolute power, there will be no war between the two parties. The weak will choose to surrender and gain benefits.

[The situation on Earth where people dare to use one-tenth of the land’s population to beat the strong to death in the face of oppression is not in line with the thinking of the Promised Star people.]

Promise Star is better at using politics rather than war to solve problems. Its thinking tends towards static games and is good at combination. However, it is lacking in the arrangement of steps and the dynamic comparison of various details.

Wei Keng's time travel point did not take place in the prosperous era when the people of the Promise Star were making strange plans, but tens of thousands of years after entering the starry sky.

After tens of thousands of years, after being influenced by civilization, many things will change, and the development of science and technology will also break the old ethics of mankind. And there is a new disaster at this stage, which brings new characteristics to mankind under the stars.


Two thousand years after the Promised Star entered the late stage of nuclear fusion, its star encountered a very rare event in the universe.

That is, the star where it is located is attracted by the gravitational field of the black hole.

What is particularly special is that these are twin black holes that are merging after one hundred thousand years. The sun of the Promised Star could not withstand the tearing of this force, and fell into a period of frequent explosions, and its ecology was almost completely destroyed.

Various human groups on the Promised Star are trying to leave the planet. However, in the process of scientific exploration, there is often a phenomenon of reaping what you sow.

When the people of Promise Star launched a large number of spacecraft with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers to jump outward, a group of researchers conducted an uncharacteristic waste of resources, that is, they did not escape from the black hole, but did the opposite, approaching two

The equilibrium point between black holes.

That is, the center point under the double black hole mass system.

Here, they discovered that after the particles were highly energetic to a certain extent, they evaporated directly. Where did it go? Was it directly sucked in by two black holes? After six years of research, one thing was determined,

Under the black hole "hairball model" system, when two string bands meet in the center, the space will twist.

It was later confirmed that this kind of spatial twisting can be controlled to automatically enter the center of another massive celestial body! The premise is that the center of this massive celestial body is also empty. Otherwise, if the jump fails, it will directly crash into the center of the other celestial body.

It turns into molten particles and penetrates into the core of the nickel steel.

This transition process consumes very little energy, and sometimes there is even no energy loss, and there is still a surplus of energy.

Of course, the excess energy will not explode in the body. This energy is scattered in the universe and will flow out with the mobilization of consciousness!

When consciousness can mobilize this energy, scientists on this plane have conducted a lot of research. The final theory is that this kind of jump will expand the universe, and after the space is stretched, there will naturally be energy. Of course, the energy mobilized by consciousness depends on

A physical structure of sufficient strength can be built in the consciousness, otherwise this kind of mobilization will directly cause the body to collapse.

After the history of the starry sky, the energy race of Promise Star becomes more and more advanced.

In this way, after a hundred or two hundred years of slow flight, the humans of the Promised Star's spaceships that had fled in advance had just reached the edge of gravity and ushered in the emerging individuals who had jumped over after their hometown's technological breakthrough.

What did the escapees on the spacecraft feel like at that time?

It's similar to the ancient times: a group of people were very poor in their hometowns and tried their best to smuggle themselves to developed countries.

But a few decades later, people in my hometown ignored their lifelong journey and went directly to travel to developed countries. And they also brought a message, well, you continue, but first use my technology to create a WeChat group.

The spaceship was originally an isolated island world, but due to technological advancement, it began to connect.

Eight thousand years later, technology advanced again. Human beings did not need to rely on the gravitational balance points of two black holes, but directly found a space connection near the black holes. At the same time, they completed the "energy state" transition technology.

That is to say, directly travel to other planets, and then jump out from the center of the planet and come to the surface. - The human race on the Promise Planet will no longer be extinct and has established an interstellar empire.

However, in the vast deep sky, a large number of spacecraft launched before 1200 years ago are still shaking in the void, and since 3544 years ago, many spacecrafts have leaned against asteroids outside stars, and their interiors have been hollowed out.

, forming a unique habitation within the asteroid.

Although there are space gates in every spaceship and every asteroid, the starry sky rulers of the Promised Star do not allow these spacecrafts, and the asteroid rulers abandon this area.

Promise Star people, they like to save.


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