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Chapter 12.05 Strive to grow

 In the year 1233 when the Wentie Star was born, in the inner ring of this asteroid, in an oval-shaped sacrificial place, the space here was modified from the natural asteroid cavity, and the layers of the asteroid core can be seen on the walls.

Metal texture.

Also due to the special structure here, a magnetic field is generated when the asteroid passes through the cosmic particle wind.

The Cihai Sect is the local upper-class force on Wentie Planet, and of course it also has the channels to control the lower classes. As an excellent local snake, its tentacles have penetrated into the schools here and various bureaucracies!

Although the entire asteroid has a very large population and area, it can still be regarded as a closed area with a clear center and periphery. The emergence of religion in such a society is a natural social phenomenon.

In the interstellar age, religious ceremonies did not include kneeling, kowtowing, or dancing to the gods. The rituals changed to uniforming clothes, singing, and praying for each other. But just like the interstellar age, the characteristics of religion are conservative and do not want to change.

Because in missionary work, God is “all-knowing and all-powerful.”

When the information is fixed, clergy can take advantage of the information gap caused by social class to organize a set of methods to "answer doubts" to believers. But once new changes occur and regional religions cannot explain it, there will be

Faith collapses.

Therefore, religions are naturally conservative and will have obvious hostility to any changes and challenges. At present, in the Iron Asteroid, there are waves of voices that do not want to take risks and want to take a stable route. The Magnetic Sea Church is one of them.

In modern times, when the old political elites in the West encountered challenges from emerging powers, they instinctively erupted in hostility.

At present, the new governor of the asteroid is very proactive in launching "intelligent photons" to detect the nebula belt ahead. In the eyes of the local group, this is a very undesirable behavior!

According to the Cihai Sect's evaluation criteria: If Chang Hengxi fails, it will be a waste of local resources, while if he succeeds, he will build prestige and attempt to dominate.

Now in the Holy Land, in the presence of the religious pontiff of the native sect.

The staff of Lanfa Company took out the bail money to solve the problem of someone insulting the sacred fish by spitting.

After accepting this large donation, the religious pope handed over a small bottle of holy water, and declared that it could purify his sins.

This Lanfa Company is an industry owned by Qi Duo's surname on Wen Iron Star. Although Ta Xi Qi Duo is just a bastard in a family, he still needs to help with some things that are obviously unintentional disasters. Of course, in addition to these things, there are also some preparations

A plan to attack the planet lord together!

What the Pope and the person in charge of Lanfa Company didn't know was that the scene of their transaction happened to be watched by many monitoring interfaces of Chang Hengxi, the Lord of Wentiexing.

The light and organic matter in the entire Iron Star are Chang Hengxi's eyes. This is no exaggeration at all. She is a seventh-level dark energy user and can serve as a "goddess of nature" on the natural planet.

Let’s go back to the time when the holy fish died. This really has nothing to do with Taxi Qiduo’s spitting.

On the Wentie star, due to the detection operation led by Chang Hengxi, the returned smart photons collapsed, which caused the entire inner circle area to be hit by unstable radiation.

The large creatures in the marine ecosystem of the asteroid were killed by "radiotherapy". This is how the holy fish died.

It's just that when the members guarding the holy fish were checking the video to find suspicious points, and if they couldn't find any other reasons for the time being, they would first find this scapegoat and be ready to close the case at any time.

In fact, those who wronged Taxi all know how unjustly Taxi was.

[Similar to the outbreak of lung disease in modern times, when no cause could be found, the problem was first blamed on some people eating wild game, and then the bamboo rat breeding was wiped out.]

The weak, invisibly, are subject to more constraints than the strong. The strong often get praise for being "eclectic and innovative" when they go out of their way, while the weak will go out of their way, and once bad things happen around them, they will

It's just harsh criticism.

This is the philosophy of "lay down". As a weak person, you do less work and show less enthusiasm, because you are not protected when doing things. If something happens, you will be the one to blame first.

So Mr. Wei is not prepared to be sunny, and of course he cannot be lifeless. Well, so he is prepared to be sharp! Tsk tsk, which is the "violent attitude" that people who have been in high positions for a long time always comment on.

As an earthling, you can't be domesticated into a pet.

Three months passed quickly, and Wei Keng yawned while looking at this textbook. How should I put it, this textbook was too boring.

Starting from junior high school, main world mathematics is mainly trained on methods. Space geometry, algebra, such as multivariate equations and parabolas. Many big questions test complex application questions and the application of multiple formulas. In terms of test scores, the answers are wrong, but

If you solve the problem in the right order, you can still get most of the points.

But the math class here does not test algorithms, but tests the computing power of the human brain. - But, almost all elementary school questions are four-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and in high school the number has been increased to eight!

Sin, the angle behind it is not the standard 30°, 60°, 45°, but the very tricky 13.2°, 44.3°. Before you solve the problem, you must first memorize the table!

On Earth, children of this age only need to master methods, because computers can be used for calculations. The science system on the planet is different. They think basic science is very simple, and the speed of thinking is very important.

Wei Keng commented: "This is not teaching mathematics, this is testing memory and patience."

Jing Guyu: "Humans in this area have evolved in a different way from the Earth, so the directions in the enlightenment textbooks are different. Please don't be biased. After your memory and patience are strengthened, your logical reasoning will become more comprehensive due to the clarity of the overall perspective."

Compared to people from the Promised Stars, humans on Earth are more likely to get into trouble."

After a few seconds, Wei Keng said: "Are you talking about me?"

Jing Guyu responded two seconds later: "Of course not. You don't need a horn when you dig into it. A hole will be drilled out of flat ground."

The memory ability of the Promised Stars is what makes most junior earth travelers laugh at it and then sigh with dismay. Most travelers finally have to hand over the calculations to the chip.

And Wei Keng said: "The perverted memory of the promised star people" - but he directly attacked it with the pride of the earth people. Wei Keng's own brain is that of the promised star people in this world, and he can be regarded as a middle-aged man.

The reason for giving up the roll is because of talent.

Moreover, Master Wei's consciousness came from the Pandora plane.

Pandora's spiritual language has a unique understanding of mathematics. Mathematics is not just the numbers in the chip, but also the scalars of various concepts. The scalar in the spiritual language is not a single weight, but a variety of descriptions.

In the language of the soul, it is simply a quantitative concept of "one ton", the size of common substances such as "gold", "silver", "copper", "iron" and "water", from gold bricks, iron blocks, to buckets, specific concepts describe quality


Sin, on top, the native Promise Star person may only be memorizing a table.

In the spiritual language system, Wei Keng re-understood it using various situations of real-life application.

For example, the differences between various types of gears in the industry and the changes in bite force were all conceived and the concept of each angle was determined.

The people from the promised planet are still carbon-based creatures and belong to the same level as the people on earth, but the basic distribution of racial values ​​is different.

But the thinking ability evolved by the people on Earth in the Pandora plane belongs to the pinnacle of carbon-based organisms! It is completely crushed on the level of intelligent species.

The applied mathematical construction of diverse scenarios and the expression of spiritual language are the characteristics of intelligent species evolving to a higher level of thinking.

That is equivalent to the fact that everyone else is a bicycle, but Mr. Wei does not think about aerodynamic competition, and here he directly uses aviation gas turbines. - Li Da Zhuan Fei!

After class, Wei Keng was chewing nuts and holding the test paper to train his thinking.

Jing Guyu is also well-informed. When Wei Keng completed all the courses step by step, he seemed to have a twitch at the corner of his mouth: "If you really can't change the routine, you won't change it. If you have to change it, that's just old practice."

After upgrading the routine, turn around and find the way from a more basic level! Just one word 'axis'."

In primary education at a regional school in Wentiexing, Wei Keng began to feel at ease after getting used to the amount of calculations. In several exams, when faced with numbers one by one, he was just like an old salesman grabbing the numbers casually, grasping the weights as well as he could.

, the error of reaching five grams of floating is the same.

The process of answering questions is like a printer filling in your own answers on the test paper.

After passing the basic exam, Wei Keng also gradually determined the specific details of the differences between the science and technology industry habits on the Promise Planet and the Earth.

At the same level of technology as the Earth, the input keyboard of the Promise Star is too cumbersome for the people on Earth. For the people of the Promise Star, perhaps the geoengineering process steps are too many to deal with.

In the process of production and development on earth, the importance of correct steps is behind the tendency to logical order, and male thinking has the upper hand.

On the Promised Star, in the process of production and accumulation, there is a tendency for all details to be accurate and stable, so women have the advantage.

Seventy percent of the top students in Iron Planet School are girls. This ratio is similar to the ratio of males in science and engineering in the 21st century on Earth.

In school, after finishing the exam, Wei Keng took the ascent elevator to the surface of the asteroid.

This was originally a task assigned by the teacher, but Wei Keng regarded it as his authority. From going every three days to going up every day.

On the surface of the asteroid, Wei Keng pulls the bulge by throwing out the rope, floating quickly on the surface of the asteroid, cruising the bumpy iron planet, while trying to contain the fear at high speeds.

Male teenagers on the Iron Planet are growing muscles at this stage, but the explosive power of their muscle strength is insufficient, and more is endurance, which means they can walk for several hours carrying a large amount of heavy objects on their shoulders. (The legs of a pack horse are very long,

The torque is good for long distance walking.)

Men on Earth generally have larger heads, which makes men and women the same height, making women look taller. Men on Promise Star have slightly longer legs, which makes them look more handsome!

Wei Keng retrieved information from the Pandora plane and deliberately adjusted his development through training.

There are some extreme sports that he would never do on earth. In order to train his balance and reaction in this plane, Master Wei! For example, running through a narrow gap of half a meter at a rapid speed of 100 meters. If he is not careful, then

It's a bruise, a brush with death.

As for why you work so hard, it's because you are a consciousness from the earth, and your star body naturally lacks the genes to match your consciousness, so it must be cultivated.

As a human being on Earth, no matter how I lie down, I will take action when it is time to take action at the critical moment. "A surge of blood! Both parties will be harmed! The strength of a man and the fierceness of a man do not lie in the brute force on the surface, but in the true fire in his heart."


Based on Pandora's self-information, Wei Keng fine-tuned the various nervous systems and left and right brains of the Promised Planet's body. After fine-tuning, the ratio was very close to that of humans on Earth.

As for doing this, Wei Keng wanted to return to the feeling of being a human on earth. This feeling includes: "challenging fear" and reaping the joy of "achievement".

Wei Keng and Diao Min commented: "If we really have to follow the natural development of the promised star, I won't be a man anymore."

After training today, Wei Keng looked at his strong body covered in sweat, exhaled and started taking a shower.

Under the pounding water, Wei Keng frowned and cleaned up the special-smelling oily secretions on his navel, and asked the system: "What is my specific mission in this world? What knowledge system do I need to explore?"

Jing Guyu responded as if he didn't care: "In this plane, there is no need to search, you only need to verify the knowledge."

Wei Keng: "What, verify knowledge?"

Jing Guyu: "When dark energy appeared, the people of the Promise Star embarked on a new evolutionary direction. However, the leap from the original carbon-based human body to the energy life in the universe was a huge leap. There were a lot of uncertainties along the way.

At present, the growth of energy organs such as "dark energy" in carbon-based bodies is actually an unstable evolutionary transition state."

In other words, the Promised Planet people suddenly began to come into contact with the energy state body before they completed their complete evolution on the carbon-based level. If we were to switch to humans after the era of the Pandora Plane Guardian Kengren Emperor and come into contact with the phenomenon of energy, no matter the race,

Both the system and the civilization level can reflect the potential for greater stability.

Wei Keng paused for a moment: "So, my mission is to reach a high level of dark energy, right? At present, what is the highest level of dark energy that a traveler in the main world can achieve?"

Jing Guyu: "The late seventh level. - In this plane area, the one who wants to achieve a constant state for thousands of years is the seventh level, which corresponds to the king's rank. But compared with other planes, it is too difficult to completely develop."

Completely develop, surpass level eight, and surpass the entire Promised Star civilization.

There are only a few billion people on Earth in the main world, and it has only been less than 800 years since it entered the space age. It is really difficult to surpass this civilization that has entered space for almost tens of thousands of years.

Of course, the total scale of the many timelines currently developed by the main world is no less than that of the Promised Star civilization. However, it is impossible for the main world to mobilize all the power of the planes to the Promised Star!

The two civilizations are sharks and tigers, overlords at different levels.

Wei Keng checked the dark energy structure in his consciousness and paused: "At level seven, I can give it a try, but forget about it at level eight. I'm not sure I can do anything that the other ministers haven't done.


Jing Guyu: "That's natural, as long as you open up it will be fine."

Wei Keng paused: "By the way, what's going on with my stomach?"

Jing Guyu pretended to take a serious look at Wei Keng's navel: "It's okay, just wipe it with alcohol. It will be fine in a few days. Don't pick it, it's easy to get infected."

This chapter has been completed!
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