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Chapter 12.11 The big case of robbery and smuggling

 In early 1237, in the North 193 District, a security chase was going on in the corridor. This was a major case that alarmed many important figures in the inner circle.

Three high-speed speeding cars were running in front of the corridor, and security robots were chasing behind them. The speeding cars running in front threw out brilliant tracer bullets. The alarm bells of the robots chasing behind were also noisy and lively.

Since it is inside an asteroid, there are no helicopters in the sky. The security robots can only be dispatched in multiple lines, but these dispatches have been blocked.

Wei Keng's deployment was thorough, and the possibility of being chased was taken into consideration before taking action. Therefore, smoke bombs were placed in advance along the tunnel path of the security interdiction force wherever the Sheriff could dispatch. Large amounts of smoke blocked the multi-line mobilization of security forces.

reaction speed.

When these security forces participated in the pursuit and interception, they met "Love" when they turned a corner. These robots could not dodge and were confused. Then they did not turn in time and directly hit the straight steel rope at the corner.

Therefore, the current Sheriff is like "the defeated general in the Battle of Xubu", angry that the interception force has not been in place for a long time.

As the chief dispatcher, Wei Keng happily watched these security forces being hung up like monkeys. Under the "new normal", he has solved his own problems through flexible entrepreneurship, and now, the problem is the asteroid governors


The experience on earth is that public security and defense cannot be prevented. The employment rate must be increased and everyone must be given enough space to settle down, so that there will be no rogue bandits in the entire world.

Wei Keng: If someone like me, who is not convinced by the king, can rally a team and set up a new mountain, no matter what you think, the people here are also responsible.

Of course, Wen Tiexing's governance system has not encountered a cunning person like Wei Keng for a long time. Wen Tiexing's managers want to find a middle way between "absolute management on board" and "freedom and openness", Mr. Wei

This kind of guy who has the duality of lying down and being violent will not make life easy for the middle-of-the-road upper-level people.

After chasing for five kilometers, the original team of Wei Keng's team had escaped from the perspective of the police officer. When turning in the middle, another team appeared and used lasers to shoot at these security forces, attracting the security forces to their side.

, mobilize the security pursuers in the form of a relay race, divide the large groups of pursuers into small groups, and then directly get rid of the small groups of pursuers through cross-region and terrain preparations.

Wei Keng explained: This is called the "split plum blossom plan".

Well, this sounds simple to say, but this is the unified dispatch of hundreds of people. This command scale belongs to the regiment-level combat system of the 21st century. Wentie Planet also advocates the security forces that fight in small teams. Where have we ever encountered this kind of force?


What's more, in the lower-level areas of each region, Wei Keng had already communicated with the local civilian organizations, informed them in advance, and made some warnings. Whatever the security pursuers destroyed, they would compensate for it afterwards.

After the chase reached 22 minutes, everything that should be thrown away was thrown away, and only the last security force was left chasing in the main tunnel. The end point in front was a space crushing station, and anything over three meters in size could not pass through.


The security captain in charge of the chase, his eyes burning under his helmet, immediately activated the "infrasonic bombing cannon" regardless of the recoil damage caused by the narrow passage.

The terrifying lethality buzzed and vibrated in the three-thousand-meter tunnel, killing all the rats in the floor tiles. People ten kilometers away felt palpitations.

The escape team pursued by the security forces activated the infrasonic cannon from behind. When the prelude sound wave was about to arrive, a notification came from the space node in their ears, so they put on the soundproof helmet in advance, and the chest protection equipment also completed the inflatable protection, through different densities.

layer, destroying the resonance generated by infrasound. Therefore, during the attack, you only feel a slight sting on the exposed parts, which is not a big deal.

Subsequently, this team entered the gap of the space crushing station and completely left the scene.

This is the 25th major case in the records of the judicial department this year. In fact, Wei Keng has committed more than 32 crimes, some of which were kidnappings against gangsters in the outer area. These gangsters hindered

Yu Mingming did not report the crime.

But this time, the commotion was so big because the smuggler Wei Keng robbed this time was a smuggler in his own right. This was related to the current situation in Wen Tiexing, which was treacherous, and the top brass were fighting secretly.

What the smuggler was smuggling was nominally a bio-enhancement agent from an asteroid. But it was actually a high-end weapon - the Zukong Sword.

Use the physical theory of Promise Star to explain: This is the use of the four major types of particles that interfere with the positive quadrant area in the unified definition, so that within the scope of the moving space, the force within the material disappears and the material structure splits.

This is an advanced munition that can instantly cut a six-meter incision from dozens of kilometers away as long as the space perception is accurate.

This kind of weapon is often in the hands of the military team captains under the Starry Sky Council.

In the fringe asteroid Wentie, it is basically untouchable. Even if the people on Wentie asteroid get it, few people can master this weapon.

This type of weapon can only operate attacks within a few hundred meters without training, and its normal range is more than ten times that!

It is necessary to establish accurate perception from a few kilometers away, or even dozens of kilometers away. Only high-level Star Sea Knights (at least level five dark energy users) can master it.

Obviously, these smugglers were arranged by some well-backed people in Wentiexing.

The smuggler had just obtained the weapon from the temporary jump point in the outer circle, and was immediately targeted by the forces in the inner area. All of this was full of arranged coincidences.

The gang of palace warriors at the inner level were planning to use the pretext of arresting the smuggler to take him into their ranks under cover of circumstances, adding chips to the upcoming political battle within the inner circle.

However, just when the big shots in the inner circle were confident that their plans would be perfect, they did not expect that "Cheng Yaojin would show up halfway."

Mr. Wei, who was determined to cut corners in the outer world and become bigger and stronger, also immediately focused on the sneaky outsiders.

Wei Keng: After investigating the smuggler, we misjudged that he would not report the crime, so we robbed him first.

Yes, in front of the local senior inspector investigating smuggling, Wei Keng mobilized a commando team to directly blow up the smuggler's small building. Then in the heavy fog, the escort team began to evacuate under the cover of optical stealth equipment.

The second before Wei Keng took action, the senior inspectors at the inner level thought that their team had taken action first, so they became furious. However, after asking around, the security intelligence reminded: The one who is doing this right now is

Related to the emerging criminal organization "Outlaws".

As a result, this group of vigilantes immediately changed their mission from breaking down the smugglers' doors to chasing down the lawless maniacs.

In other words, when the security systems of multiple regions came together to encircle and suppress him, Mr. Wei was also shocked, and he immediately understood that he had offended someone special.

But Wei Keng is not a coward. To be precise, he will not shed tears until he sees the coffin. He immediately showed what it means to be extremely vicious and called out all backup teams to attack all security systems with all their strength.

During these twenty minutes, the masked subordinates recruited by Wei Keng felt that they were in danger at first, and they almost wanted to kneel down and surrender. However, Wei Keng immediately gave up on the group of wavering people and exchanged words with each other.

Their communications were shut down in the group, and all their information was disclosed internally.

(Originally, everyone was wearing masks to prevent them from being exposed to other team members after being caught. But now the protection of this wavering team has been broken.)

This shocked all the teams, and then calmly conveyed it to the commander-in-chief. Within twenty minutes, more than 600 orders were issued, and three filings were initiated, which abruptly reversed this dead situation.

At the end, when all the relay teams were out of danger, everyone cheered immediately!

At this moment, these young people from lower-class areas were not just obeying the orders of "Gong Chang San" for money, but they were truly convinced.

Note: "In most cases where the answer is not apparent", whoever can give the "answer" will have leadership skills in the future. This is by no means a personal charm that can be cultivated by "aristocratic education".

If you expect that your "personal identity" and "seat" can command the crowd, and subconsciously regard it as your "core capital", there is a saying on earth that can describe this kind of ignorance: "Born in a deep palace,

A hand longer than that of a woman has never known sorrow, never known worry, never known fatigue, never known fear, never known danger.”

When all the groups cheered, Wei Keng interrupted them with an angry scolding: "Quiet the hell, the matter is not over yet!"

The communication suddenly became quiet. Then Wei Keng said to everyone calmly: "The trouble we caused is very big. The leadership team will hold a meeting to calculate all the benefits of this operation. In half an hour, all the core participants will be paid.


Also, everyone, please pay attention. During this period, you have been bowing down to me. If something unexpected happens (for example, you are robbed, your money is stolen, you are injured), please give a password and I will send someone to send you the password and give you backup funds. Recently, I have been

Be at peace."

Planning a robbery is only the first step. Selling and dividing the stolen goods are complex tasks.

The funds that Wei Keng divided among the stolen goods were all processed. As for the money that has not been laundered, what will happen?

Take the bandit encyclopedia "Water Margin" as an example. After the Birthday Gang operation, Bai Sheng took the bag of gold and silver and gambled, and the secret was revealed.

Therefore, Wei Keng would wash the funds for several rounds every time. One-tenth of the large sums of money would be exchanged for daily necessities. The game consoles would be handed over to the operators, allowing these participants to play for a while without being forced to participate.

Social supplies were purchased. As for the rest, they were replaced with precious metals such as gold and silver and handed over to them for safekeeping.

This time, after Wei Keng held the meeting, he ordered the personnel to disperse quickly and prepare to hibernate for a long time.

Mr. Wei flashed through space and directly handed over the funds to the necessary groups at six locations, and recovered all the stolen goods from this operation, as well as all the important crime tools from all personnel. If this crime tool is not confiscated, once the following people want to use it

Yes, it will definitely be exposed.

This series of processes seemed orderly, but Wei Keng's heart was beating fast.

"As an honest person, if you embark on such an illegal path, well, sooner or later your shoes will get wet." Wei Keng warned himself.

Just after completing this routine "introspection" part, I couldn't wait to start unpacking and plundering the results myself.

There was already a turmoil at the upper level. The calls from the inner level scolded the supervisors on the outer level and issued death orders. However, in this violent storm, there was an inconspicuous space on the outer level, a small

"Kayak" returned to its quiet port.

Wei Keng rubbed his hands and took a deep breath as he looked at the six interstellar space compressed supply boxes.

There are three boxes in the first category: rows of precious element rods compressed by space, shining brightly.

There are two boxes in the second category: individual combat armor, and a spiritually controlled flying sword (this kind of flying sword can move freely in a small space. The space stabilizer in the flying sword is corrected and needs to be quickly communicated with the asteroid.

Starlight coordinate instrument alignment, non-energy system third-level dark energy cannot be used.)

As for the last box.

This is a stack of small metal sticks that look like pencils, flashing with strange lines, and stacks of energy crystals that can be called luminous gems. When he gently held it and was about to pick one up, Wei Keng was stunned. This thing looked like

It is the size of a sword hilt, but weighs a full forty kilograms.

With such a small weight, it must be the thing that got me into trouble this time.

After the system spread out the information, Wei Keng instantly understood the cause and effect. The names of these sixteen metal-colored sticks were: "Zip Hollow Sword."

This weapon is amazing. For Wen Tiexing, it is the core combat weapon equipment - equivalent to a train-load of 99 main tanks in modern times.

When Mr. Wei thought about his group of underground guerrillas, he snatched this thing up: On the one hand, it was a big head, but behind the big head, he felt a little proud! Because he had long disliked this asteroid society, and the inner layers could not help it.

What do you say, but whether the outer layer is messy or not is up to you.

Wei Keng studied the Hollow Sword carefully. Soon, a sword hilt was activated. A space shadow penetrated the upper ceiling and disappeared into the endless starry sky outside the asteroid.

This originally weighed 40 kilograms of weaponry, but after Wei Keng got the know-how, he could hold it with ease, as if it were a projection model that moved with his mind.

This is because after the Zukong Sword is fully activated, the mass of the sword is no longer concentrated on the hilt, but spreads to the surrounding space of a hundred meters to form a field. The twisting of the field will radiate the space blade.

Then Wei Keng activated the second handle, and then the third handle...

Ten seconds later, all the space swords were floating around Wei Keng, and in sync with Wei Keng's thinking, they fluttered along his body. After Wei Keng was levered through the dark energy structure, the weight was distributed in the space around him for tens of seconds.

Thousands of focus points (such as a quickly set-up heavy machine gun) make it easy to swing directly with your thoughts.

If someone in the inner circle saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked.

Now in a starry sky combat team that crosses the Star Gate, the lowest level is a fourth-level dark energy user, but in fact only the team leader of a fifth-level dark energy user masters the Sky-Breaking Sword.

And they all hold one handle, never more than one person, because it is difficult to convert the mass of the Zukong Sword into a field.

Now these sixteen hollow swords hang around Wei Keng like smoke.

The reason is that Wei Keng's dark energy structure is tending to the space system.

This kind of weapon is most suitable for the space system.

As for Wei Keng's technique of controlling multiple hollow swords at the same time, it comes from the system of the hollow twisting plane. It is a control technique that has been refined over time.

"It's worth it, it's really worth it!" Mr. Wei exclaimed after controlling the sword light to stagger twenty meters in front of him, forming a ray of light.

As the saying goes, "A young man holds a straight stick and leaves no hair on his head", Wei finally felt like an earthling.

Sixteen kilometers away, in the tunnel, a security robot that was searching the lower-level residents at a patrol station was rampaging to force all the residents out, and then made them line up. In the torture information cabin, rows of residents were forced to wear police weapons under the threat of security weapons.

If you have an information helmet, anyone who feels uneasy or takes money from certain forces will be tortured by the information helmet.

Someone's half-way cut off has already made the people above anxious, and a storm started.

Wei Keng in the secret base here aimed for a long time by detecting the wave, and finally got it right. The Zukong Sword beside him vibrated slightly, and the space jump wave radiated out.

On the other side, separated by hundreds of asteroid isolation layers and a large number of open areas, the police officers suddenly discovered that the robots around them were like being punched in the acupoints. One, two, three, they quickly fell to the ground in a row.

Come down.

This strange phenomenon made them shout loudly: "Alert, alert!"

After they were on alert for fifteen minutes, a senior security force colonel arrived at the scene. The third-level dark energy user took a serious look at the police robots that were shut down at the scene. Suddenly his face became condensed and he asked people to open the insides of all the robots.

After opening it, I saw that all the chips had been chopped into pieces, although they could still be restored. But the guy who destroyed the robot chip obviously didn't care about hacking into the security department's robot chip.

Four hours later, the police officer responsible for repairing and restoring the chip hurriedly called the chief of security over. The chief was invited in front of the camera, and he could see the scene magnified forty times.

I saw a sentence engraved on the chip casing, "Kill one person in ten steps, leave no trace in a thousand miles."

With a snap, the Sheriff's robot hand crushed the plastic cup to pieces.

These are rampant criminals provoking the asteroid security department.


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