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Chapter 2.06 Ah, goodbye friends

 March of the 137th year of the Pandora era, the upper reaches of the river, Chongqing City. This natural city was once on the upper level of the mountain and neatly divided into modules by huge trees. Now preparations are in full swing.

On the river, fifty-meter-long tortoiseshell boats sailed on the river. These "boats" had no propellers, paddle wheels, or sails. Instead, they had rows of turtle paddle-like limbs underneath the hulls.

Perform paddle sliding in dragon boat mode.

These boats are also a kind of livestock, livestock hauled on the water.

Now it is carrying waves of supplies towards the downstream direction of Dongting Lake. Of course, these also include batches of stitching beasts lying in the depressions on the deck of the tortoiseshell ship.

When these ships pass by, they will emit sounds in a special frequency band. The trees on the tall canyons on both sides will receive these sounds and then transmit them downstream. Such a system forms a communication system that is more efficient than the "hoover pigeon" network.

If you look at the current state of Chongqing, it looks like a mobilizing human group.

In fact, the central consciousness of the genetic community in Chongqing does not deny that it is human.

The ancient buildings from the civilized era that she occupies in the core area of ​​her rule contain a large number of books from the old era, which are her favorites.

Because of this, when facing the traditional city-states in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, the Yucheng consciousness will call the other party the old human beings, and then claim to be the orthodox descendants of human beings.

Human beings have the characteristic of self-exclusiveness - the more cohesive they are within their own group, the more they will reject similar people outside the group. Therefore, human beings are rare in nature and are organized to perform "thorough cleaning" of other similar groups.


From the human perspective: slight changes in many things in human society will produce the uncanny valley effect, making it difficult for humans of the original era to understand.

The communities in Yucheng have industries, but they don't like them. But they will be activated when necessary, such as now. Upstream of Yucheng, large smelting buildings have been opened one after another.

After the combustion chamber located at the exit of these pyramids hundreds of meters high is ignited, the interior begins to become red hot, and charcoal is added from the entrance of the slope.

On the land around the pyramid, plants with only bare branches began to grow. On the land of several square kilometers, as the plants exchanged air, the earth undulated slightly. And these airflows finally passed through the several meters thick in the earth.

The plant pipes converge into the vent at the bottom of the pyramid and are injected into the center of the tower, thereby increasing the temperature of the furnace. Eventually, hot steel will be produced inside the tower.

Industrialization is a social attribute for human beings in the civilized era. Once the productive forces develop into the industrial era, as the material needs of everyone in society are liberalized, the world-famous productive forces will be activated to continue to meet this supply demand.

But in fact, the remaining nature of human beings in primitive times is a constraint brought by anti-industrial society, because maintaining industrial manufacturing services will strangle human beings' sense of freedom.

Therefore, after the completion of industrialization, developed regions immediately transferred their manufacturing industries as soon as they accumulated a wave of accumulation, maintaining their own freedom and pushing the labor to other regions.

Of course, in order to maintain this comfort permanently, they use patented technology to remotely control production in external areas, and then use financial means, that is, setting up a bank to let these emerging manufacturing areas enter the market to gamble, and a harvest will allow the capital (reputation) of the emerging areas

As time goes by, continue to work for yourself to meet your own needs that cannot be reduced.

Therefore, it can be seen that the developed regional societies before the Pandora era were in the contradiction between "consumption demand" and "anti-production constraints". The latter caused them to shrink most of their industries and only maintain the bottom line of high-tech industries.

The former ensures the world order to supply itself. In the end, it is euphemistically called, I innovate, you work, global division of labor.

But these human genetic communities in Chongqing have completed "evolution" to a certain extent and solved this contradiction!

They can completely shrink the industry when it is not necessary! And they can suddenly restore the industry when needed.

Imagine: a human group has developed to the point where it can build aircraft carriers, and has a series of industrial systems such as oil refining and steelmaking. After the war, these industrial systems are all sealed up. There is no need to convert the military to civilians, no need to build cars, and no need to maintain a huge

The logistics system completely minimizes the consumption of social operations, because everyone can return to small farmers and handicrafts, and then the happiness index is extremely high. When needed, they can suddenly become various craftsmen and fight for the species wholeheartedly!

Anyway, Mr. Wei Keng cannot understand such a so-called "elf" form.

The human genetic community in Chongqing has got rid of the social attributes of "industrialization" and turned it into a "social tool" that can be taken up and put down. This is one of the reasons why people in Fusion believe that "it has surpassed the old human civilization"


Just two years.

The fusion people of Chongqing have returned from the handicraft industry of "inserting wooden poles into animals" and sewing "human bodies and organisms" to the level of using steam and water power to forge and cut steel. In the military, the use of nitrate substances has also increased.

Generated. This community gradually started its own battle mode,

The fact that Chongqing City has become like this cannot be said to be entirely due to the threat posed by Wei Keng. Rather, it is that the genetic community in the Dongting Lake area has been severely damaged when it moves south! It can be annexed.

[You can refer to the Free Eagle of the New World: The time when industrial production capacity was most developed was during World War I and World War II. Because there was instability in the outside world, there were advantages to be taken advantage of, so the industry was stimulated by interests and exploded. But if the outer region is stable, even if this stable

The regional military power can be smashed by oneself, but as long as it cannot be occupied, there is no need to increase capacity for this purpose.】

In August, after the Tongfa Army Group integrated the Guangdong economy.

The genetic community of Chongqing City was also cleansed by Dongting Lake, completing a strategic replacement.

The original amphibian genes in Dongting Lake were replaced by otter-like genes, while the genes of the red-crowned cranes on the lake, which rely on long legs to stand, were replaced by swooping ducks! Well, these ducks have four paws, two for water-popping, and two

The eagle directly hooks the target with its talons and drags the target until it is exhausted. Then it takes the prey ashore and uses its talons to hook out the meat and eat it.

On the rafting trip in Dongting, Long Ximin stood on the lake. Her clothes were not silk, but made of long cotton threads connected with palm-sized scales. This kind of fish scales is very moist, and in the 21st century

It is made of "hornbill bone" and "tortoiseshell" texture. Of course, because there are gaps in the scales, you can always see the white skin exposed when she walks around.

Ten kilometers away from the location of Long Ximin, it is the place where Qi Shengxun and Dongting genetic communities merged two years ago. The traces of the giant monster that devoured Qi Shengxun on the tidal flats have long since disappeared. Instead, Long Ximin's armor

The beast army continued to dig holes in the tidal flats, pecking away the last Dongting genetic creatures remaining in the mud.

Now she is looking south. The Dongting Lake genetic community has split, and the remaining parts have split into several small communities and have begun to flee in the east-west direction. The passage has been opened, and she is going there to complete her mission.

The perspective returns to the south, and the development here represents another development direction of mankind after the end of the Pandora era.

Perhaps it will also turn into a community. Wei Keng, as the leader in this direction, has not reduced the social attribute of "industrialization", but is preparing to turn "industrialization" into the "constant temperature" attribute of his own human community. - Wei Keng

: "No matter what happens to human beings, the actual ability to realize big dreams will become stronger and stronger."

Maintaining industrialization as a constant "constant temperature" requires a stable energy supply. Therefore, Wei Keng invested a lot of effort in this project, trying to make this power station practical, that is, other people except himself can perform routine maintenance.


Now outside the No. 4 Experimental Power Station, a large number of glass window ecological laboratories have been established. It is like the plant ecological cabin of a spaceship. Under the influence of the radiation field of the replication and proliferation of methanogens, the organisms in these glass squares have endured

When the proliferating bacteria reach their peak, they dissipate life radiation. Each grid plant acts as a radiation-proof buffer layer and also serves as a "marker".

Of course, in addition to establishing biological protective belts at these facilities, Wei Keng has also implemented relevant personal protection measures.

The personal protection measures are roughly as follows. Workers here should reduce their dietary fiber intake two days before work, especially not eating fungi; drink carbonated drinks and eat a small amount of protein blocks as a supplement of water and energy;

The beverage produced by squeezing and filtering the juice of fresh plants is used as a vitamin supplement.

After Wei Keng collected these data, the professional scientific team of the Deadly Plane also completed the design of the second phase of the biogas digester.

The plane of death invited a team of engineers from the nuclear power plant to make relevant suggestions based on the situation through the wormhole.

Most of the activities that may be exposed to life radiation can be completed directly with cable-controlled machinery. A series of standardized processes such as feeding, diluting with water, and quick shutdown are summarized.

When the second phase of the biopower station is completed,

Wei Keng looked at the metal tower guarding the center of the circle of biogas pools. Dozens of liquid pumping tanks and feeding tanks were hung on the upper part of the tower. These tanks were connected to each other by metal pipes, forming a hexagonal symmetry.

When Wei Keng stood on the rooftop nearby and looked down at the construction achievements, he suddenly felt a little strange. He always felt that he had seen this design in some materials before coming to Shenzhou.

While Wei Keng was thinking about this problem, Bai Linglu had already filled in the name in the information file - Biochemical Reactor.

The color of this noun is purple, and when you click on it, there is a hyperlink. Bai Linglu sends the rest of the technology: including super strong cyborg warriors and large combat creatures (pictures of giant squid). Below these technologies,

A little reminder: these are all technologies that can be applied in the Shenzhou plane.

Mr. Wei Keng's mouth twitched. This is the timeline next door to China. The level of biochemical technology development there is quite high. The program suggestions given by the system are obviously based on the existing technology there.

Due to senior Luo Hongxing's suggestion, Bai Linglu is now trying to take advantage of the situation. However, what she did is still too obvious.

After Wei Keng saw this information, he reacted with caution and said: "Is this inciting me to go back to the Chinese plane to cause trouble? I look more and more "biochemical" in this plane. Am I... I don't know?

Do you feel that your ability to withstand biochemistry is getting stronger and stronger?"

Wei Keng was playing with his fingers out of boredom, and without paying attention, a 1 cm nail grew in a few minutes. He quickly cut it off with a nail clipper.

The individuals arranged by the Wei Keng Cluster at the Biobacteria Power Station have already experienced life energy adaptation. Their nails can grow rapidly, and their hair can grow to waist length in one day.

[As for other hair on the body, it can also be done, but letting it grow will make the body itchy, so Wei Keng won’t do it. What about this? For example, if you cut off the hair below, you will feel like beard stubble pricking your legs...]

Unlike ordinary people, it is difficult for Wei Keng to judge which one he belongs to according to a fixed standard. However, Wei Keng has always made various efforts to be an individual and a person recognized by society.

Wei Keng can gather 1% of the huge life field of this biogas pool and let it radiate focused on certain creatures, allowing them to grow and recover quickly. Of course, it can also gather on other people.

There is a new hospital nearby, which has recently accepted seventeen cases of limb mutilation.

For these people who are not him, Wei Keng resonates with them, that is, sings the same song.

Then read a common book and exchange experiences.

Finally, blood injections were given to these patients and brought into the common life field. The growth force exerted by the biogas bacteria was transferred to these disabled patients, allowing them to recover from their injuries.

This can be said to be the most important application now, but~~~~~

Wei Keng was once worried that he could not find a substitute for this kind of medical technology that could only be applied by himself.

Just when Wei Keng was troubled by this, Luo Hongxing came to explain a few days ago: "You are the node of this community, and the entire human community will always have someone to maintain this technology."

Pandora On November 30, 137, in the Life Radiation Sanatorium, after the life fluctuation of the last patient this year became normal,

Wei Keng in the hospital closed his eyes and began to spread his sense of life outward.

With the ability to absorb the radiation of marsh fungi, the perception obtained by Wei Keng individuals here is hundreds of times clearer than in other areas. Even a group of birds five kilometers away can detect it.

But now Wei Keng is looking inward, experiencing the entanglement between the fluctuations of his life and this world.

At this time, Wei Keng "noticed" that there was a door behind his life! This door was also the node for traveling between planes in his self-awareness.

Now I can go back at any time.

In the Pandora plane, things are getting more and more complicated. After the operating procedures of the power station are determined, Wei Keng needs to familiarize the new workers with the operating procedures, which will take three months.

And in the latest soilless cultivation, it is necessary to complete the selection and cultivation of dozens of crops.

Sun Xiangyang awarded several boxes of labor medals to Wei Keng, making Wei Keng embarrassed to give up and leave.

In the year 138 of the Pandora calendar, it was the fifth year of Wei Keng's arrival, nine months and twenty-nine days.

The two sides of the Pearl River Delta that were originally in ruins now have a large number of villages and towns full of the openness of the times, neat factories, dotted residential buildings, and loudspeaker broadcasts on every street. After staying here for more than a month, I am ready to stay here.

The population has also reached 67,000. (excluding Weikeng cluster)

But Wei Keng will eventually go back.

When Wei Keng was able to control the radiation of life in the world of Pandora, with a little gathering, a space wormhole using the life field of this world as its energy source appeared naturally.

This time it was April 4, 138.

This wormhole looks to be of the same type as the wormhole on Yuanhua 834.

Soon Sun Xiangyang arrived with his people. They tried to make contact and determined that the space-time gate was still repulsive, but they soon discovered that Wei Keng could get close to the wormhole.

When a Wei Keng passed through directly, all the Wei Keng suddenly disappeared on the spot, but as the Wei Keng who passed through the time and space gate returned, the Wei Keng who disappeared on the spot appeared again.

Fifty minutes later, this space wormhole opened to its maximum within an hour, and then began to slowly shrink. According to the trend, this wormhole is temporary and will completely shrink in a few days.

The group of people discussed around the time and space gate. Sun Xiangyang announced that everyone should leave, sent people to seal the time and space gate, and then announced the meeting.

Before the meeting, Sun Xiangyang had a conversation with six representatives of the Wei Keng cluster in the office.

Sun Xiangyang asked frankly: "What are your plans?"

Wei Keng replied honestly: "I still want to go back there. After all, my home is over there."

When Sun Xiangyang heard this, he paused. As a man who has been wandering on the sea all year round, he understood Wei Keng, so he said with emotion: "Yes, my home is over there."

Then Sun Xiangyang said sternly to Wei Keng: "Your personal needs will be considered by the organization, but now I have to trouble you to work the last shift."

Six Wei Keng said: "Yes!" They saluted collectively.

However, when Wei Keng left, Sun Xiangyang asked one last question: "Comrade Wei!" Wei Keng couldn't help but stop.

Sun Xiangyang: "Will you still, um, I mean we can meet again, right?"

Wei Keng was slightly startled and said after a few seconds: "I think I can."

This chapter has been completed!
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