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Chapter 525 13.07 Chapter 01 'Good Times' after the Plane War


In the main world, the third plane war is over. In the area dominated by the multi-dimensional god of destiny (Michaelena), there are fifty-seven third-level kings, two hundred and thirty second-level kings, and one thousand

The end of the unification signed by 645 first-order kings at the joint meeting ushered in the era of "enlightened" expansion. The history of the Space-Time Administration officially ended.

On the screens of the various dimensions of the shuttle space, the new rules are announced. All travelers can freely choose popular areas to travel through, lifting the quota control of areas in various planes by the old Space-Time Administration.

Since then, some popular travel areas are no longer monopolized by a few upper-level members of the Unification Faction. In the travel hall, the upper limit for some fixed-frame travellers has become unlimited.

Just like in the late 20th century, under the governance of free capital, a number of super cities with tens of millions of people emerged around the world. After the restrictions on the current multidimensional planes are lifted, some super planes will also be born.

The announcement also standardized the representatives of each region and the new king's hierarchical system.

A first-level king exists on a plane forever, and the plane is stable relative to the main world. Jing Guyu belongs to a first-level king.

A second-level king must survive forever under the above conditions, and must ensure that he has a dominant nature in this plane and can respond to various challenges to a large extent without falling.

In addition to being immortal, third-level kings are absolutely dominant and can use rules to create a position suitable for eternal existence, such as Monat's promise to Sainz. The same is true for Michaelena, Qin Tianfang and many others.

The third-level king no longer controls one world, but has influence projected on multiple planes.

The current accepted view of the main world (contemporary new generation) is that the multidimensional areas where human beings are located, these powerful human plane consciousnesses, illuminate all human areas.

Because these high-level kings are too powerful and can no longer be punished in time and space, "freedom" will have the upper hand in the third plane war.

These high-level kings can no longer live on the plane forever. At the same time, the power of new travelers invested in the main world every year has gradually stopped taking up a large part, and the main force in space-time development has become a more efficient obsession.

Although Obsessives are not suitable for traveling between multiple planes, they have a large number of soldiers and can be produced quickly. Almost any ordinary person from a plane similar to the 21st century on Earth can recruit them.

The will does not need to be clear, as long as it is guided by the system, follows the core desires, and takes the wrong direction, it can be used as a "weapon".

Just like on earth, lower-level life forms, such as insects, although their lifespan is short, their reproduction rate is definitely larger than that of mammals, and their supply is large. Some kings began to cultivate their own time and space races.

The Ending Agreement of the Third Plane War was signed. After the king divided the space-time territory at the center of the gravity wellhead of the main world, information began to be sent to various dimensions.

On the plane of Pandora, in the surveillance space, after reading the news, Bai Linglu smiled suddenly, helplessly and said with emotion: "Human beings are more flexible than animals, but if you compare yourself, you will find yourself

Stubborn. It is obviously wrong, but you deliberately ignore it, and deliberately reduce your inner responsibilities for the sake of immediate vested interests."

Although Bai Linglu did many things in the early years that were not in line with the rules of the Space-Time Administration,

But after the Space-Time Management Bureau disappeared, Bai Linglu began to speak out for the Space-Time Management Bureau! Of course, these words were more like speaking for the supervisor's authority.

Bai Linglu: The current changes in time and space are definitely causing greater chaos. Travelers from various factions lose their restraints and will inevitably lead to unpredictable paths.

Bai Linglu looks at the current issues through the "view of history" and someone's habit of "comparing the superior to the inferior" thinking.

Wei Keng's golden mean thinking of "Comparing the top with the bottom" is like this. Every time he reaches the middle stage of exploring a plane, he calls out the stereotyped thinking that has been formed since this plane. By comparing it with the original intention, he observes whether he has any problems in this plane.

If there are deep-rooted mistakes, remove them.

Bai Linglu’s judgment: This is how he maintains the “golden mean”. But unknowingly, Bai Linglu follows the golden mean.

Bai Linglu opened the plane territory map and defined the new era like this: "a hundred flowers are blooming" at the moment, but it is actually the beginning of chaos.

Just like the 22nd century adapting a certain ballad from the 21st century: xx spring breeze blows all over the ground, blows all over the ground, the leeks are so energetic every day, let's not be vigilant, the world is so crazy that even mice are acting as bridesmaids to cats (financiers are acting as bridesmaids for everyone)

Rich Man) Qi Delong Qidong Qiang Qi Delong’s Dong Delong Dong Qiang.

However, Bai Linglu, who was watching coldly, did not expect.

The time traveler (Wei Keng) whom she had accompanied for a century or two left her "briefly" and was rapidly losing mode.

If the above-mentioned "comparison process" of Wei Keng was still there, Wei Keng in the Dark Plane would soon discover that he was very different from himself in the Pandora state and the Space Twist plane state.

Wei Keng will immediately reflect morally on the madness of his various actions of "hijacking a spaceship" and "asura star sea for fear of chaos in the world".

But this process is no longer there! To be precise, it was deliberately arranged by some people in the earth's space-time department.

As a result, Wei Keng's own "stabilization valve" was removed.

Because some people assume that if Wei Keng's thinking is too stable, there will be no chance for Wei Qiang's consciousness to rekindle.

Wei Keng, who is ordinary and average-looking, has a huge foundation in the evaluation of many veteran time travellers. That is to say, Wei Keng, this fire pit of consciousness, can be used by anyone, but it is too "rigid".

But the person who planned all this didn't know that after the stabilization valve was removed, another self that was suppressed by Wei Keng rekindled!

[An honest person is like a blank page of paper. That’s because he painted it white. It doesn’t mean he is white. He is waiting for others to scribble. Therefore, Wei Keng, who lacks stability, bursts out of the cage and becomes more and more prosperous.

The plotters acted completely in accordance with the interests of their own camp in this matter.

At this time, at the conference at the end of the Third Plane War, in the Kingdom of Destiny, when the liberal leaders openly declared a "new era, without unreasonable supervision" on behalf of representatives of multi-dimensional travel, Mi

Galena's daughter Li Yishuang is connecting to her information chain behind the bright scenes.

There are incentives and even threats. For example, Jing Guyu received a letter "hoping to continue cooperation."

Li Yishuang got it from the dark plane: traveling to monitor "everything is normal" - these are the codes for "he didn't find it".

The "fire" was suppressed by her! This was originally an operation that was severely punished by the Space-Time Administration, but now it is a legal operation during the Third Plane War.

The third plane war has come to an end, the hymn of freedom is still singing, and incidents with negative attributes are even less likely to surface.

Let’s continue to focus on the newly established Space-Time Alliance meeting.

When the strongest and richest people in the plane travel agree, it seems that everyone in this time travel is moving in a better direction.

In the main world, Earth, Anzhou, and at the mouth of the Pudong gravity well, with the light flashing, a figure returned to the projection center.

Luo Hongxing returned to the main world.

In the third plane war, he was a staunch unifier, but the unification failed. In the current situation, he who did not want to recognize "freedom" was separated from him who wanted to maintain "order" in the plane.

.As a result, that part of him was separated from the him in the plane.

In this part, he is applying to return to the main world, continue the rest of his natural life course, and undergo regeneration surgery. He is preparing to be born in 2900.

As a loser, he left a sentence when he left the main plane: "Ninety percent of the free people who cheered for the victory in the plane war this time will become victims of the next plane war! Without the final bottom line of order,

The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak.”

Luo Hongxing walked out of the skyscraper next to the entrance of the gravity well. On the conveyor belt were batches of optimistic and active new travelers.

However, the new generation of time travelers in the gravity well area slightly avoided Luo Hongxing when they passed by, because the retirement symbol on his body was dark. Because in this season, those who retire are the defeated ones. Everyone is happy to meet the tavern hermit.

I'm an expert, but I don't want to get involved in stocks with green lights.

At present, the new generation does not understand this veteran time traveler. Instead, they are told that they have come to a good era.

Compared with the past time travel era, time travelers can have more adventure opportunities, have more system guidance, and enjoy more information enthalpy.

In the multi-dimensional trading center, various abilities, bloodlines, prop systems, and even thinking blessings such as "Dao Yi" and "Experience Book" are no longer subject to strict approval and can be purchased freely.

Oh, maybe this is really a good era, because everyone is benefiting now and no one is suffering yet.

However, no matter what era, there will always be sacrifices.

When there is little understanding and full of expectations, it is a good era. When there is more understanding and there is too much criticism, it is a bad era.

After Luo Hongxing left the hall, the originally quiet atmosphere became lively again. Groups of interfaces introducing planes flashed in front of everyone.

Since the pastoral age of time travel has ended, the golden age of time travel has also come to an end, and now is the Silver Age.

This chapter has been completed!
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