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Chapter 538 Chapter 13.18 The Fragility of Lingdianxing

 The core planet in the inner circle of the Zero Point Star is similar to Mercury. It is made of pure metal under the blowing of the solar wind and shines brightly. However, just below this planet, a dense quantum transmission network has been built. This planet has also been occupied by the Zero Point Star people.

It is called "Holy Heaven".

The ruler of the Holy Heaven is a seventh-level interstellar suzerain. His name is simply called Psalm.

As an existence that has survived for two thousand years and carries too many thoughts and memories, gender has been very blurred. At least when he built the virtual world of "Underworld" for a thousand years, he never identified himself as male or female.

The image exists.

Facing such a critical moment at this time, He controlled the Angel Eyes (an existence with seventy or eighty rings rotating around a center) and stared at the interstellar expedition fleet, trying to communicate. At the same time, he passed all the turning points to recruit the universe of Zero Point Star.

The soldiers came back to resist.

The "holy paradise" facing war now has the charm of a doomsday technological bloom

Against the dark background of the universe, huge silver mechanical rings are oscillating in an orderly manner around the planet with mechanized surface patterns. In space, groups of electromagnetic signals like a mass spread in the universe, forming a kind of cemetery.

A sense of solemnity. However, this is completely different from Chang Hengxi's feeling of drowning the outer planets in the light of life at every turn.

In the sacred heaven, in the core energy area of ​​the planet, Chant, as the supreme ruler of this star field, has sensed that the first batch of fleets have been completely destroyed. (Chang Hengxi) has a higher dark energy level than him!

In the Holy Heaven, the quantum consciousness of the Zero Point Star warriors who were eliminated in the first battle was transmitted back, re-infused into new quantum cube crystals, and then matched into the new incarnation. These hair colors and skin can make

The human form that the otakus of the main world in the modern era cheered for, is packaged in very beautiful boxes!

The objects in this cube are all at the level of remnant souls! After being destroyed in a battle, some will be weakened to one-third, and some will be directly weakened to one-fourth. When there is only thinking and no consciousness, it will collapse very much.

Fast, so in the end, you have to gradually weaken the body's various desire perceptions and become a pure steel-like artificial intelligence.

With such a war-damaged consciousness, if the perception is not weakened at this time, I am afraid that it will immediately degenerate into an animal that only knows how to follow the biological senses.

At this time, in this mechanical planet, crystal-like consciousness storage devices are flowing in the force field conveyor belt, and then injected into the human body like a delicate porcelain doll, completing rebirth.

Zero Point Star has been crushed into this state, and Psalm still wants to fight. He has been operating here for two thousand years, so he knows that he is invincible, but he still has some luck.

Shengge's luck was due to poor information. Although Lingdianxing was not a shabby village like Wentiexing, it was still on the fringe. Shengge knew about all the major families in Xinghai, but Chang Hengxi did not belong to any major family.

So when she saw a "village girl" leading troops to annihilate her, she felt that she could still be beaten in this conflict, and did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

The forces of the Promise Star's Twin Black Holes are the remnants of the interstellar empire back then. It has declined over the past three thousand years, and all affiliated forces, large and small, have become disobedient, but the Promise Star is still the first echelon of interstellar forces.

Relatively speaking, Zero Point Star is currently just a bump that has grown slightly in the sea of ​​stars over the past thousand years.

You want to use a difficult method to make the big forces give up the attack. This strategy is effective in 90% of the cases. But in the remaining 10%, the big forces really want to attack you.


Unfortunately, after the return of the light speed, the Star Sea Council made strategic adjustments again. The unlucky guy like Chant belongs to the ten percent.

Before this, the main world regarded the culture of this plane as a "world of the immortal type".

That is, the state of 'one person, one sword, the strongest rank', this is wrong! To a greater extent, this is because few of the time travelers sent by the main world can truly break through the seventh level of dark energy. And no one is like Wei Keng

Breaking through to the most prosperous interstellar central area would open your eyes.

This plane is actually a high-tech world! After the seventh level, dark energy users also have fierce political struggles in the entire star sea. The resources they can dispatch at the center of power are not of the same order of magnitude as those at the edges.

The Great Star Sea Force and the Small Star Sea Force are both interstellar forces, but their technological levels are vastly different.

In some areas, the space suits are made of straw paper and cheap plastic cloth, while in other areas they are mechanical armor battle suits.

As the hub of the Star Sea, major forces have achieved real breakthroughs in industrial technology and scientific innovation over the past few thousand years.

The seventh-level dark energy users who are in power at the center of the star sea are completely different from the planetary masters who stay on the edge and live in apartments.

For example, Chang Hengxi is currently leading the expeditionary force and is driving this super battleship with a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers. After nearly ten thousand years of accumulation (continuous transformation during this period) of all the forces in the entire star sea, there are only thirty-one ships.

Chang Hengxi, as an outsider, although her dark energy level is very high, her origin is equivalent to that of a "village girl".

Nowadays, almost all seventh-level dark energy users have families. Chang Hengxi was born in Wentie Star. No matter how powerful she is, the higher-ups don't want to see her.

Relatively speaking, Qingsu Yi belongs to the top family in Xinghai since he was born. Currently, among various interstellar forces, there are at least sixteen planetary clan masters (seventh-level dark energy users) who are related to Qingsu Yi.

When Qingsu reaches level eight, it will automatically become the center of these branches!

Please note: The forces of these branches are now mixed and contradictory, and they cannot be unified for the time being. I cannot end it personally, because directly ending one side is equivalent to abandoning other branches.

And it can easily cause turmoil in the star sea, leading to large-scale interstellar wars.

After Qingsu Yi returns, if he wants to obtain certain rights, he must support his agent.

Therefore, Chang Hengxi, whose whole body was thoroughly touched by Qingsuye, was helped to a high position (all the atoms of Chang Hengxi's body were woven by Qingsuye himself, and the balance was adjusted).

Now, "village girl" Chang Hengxi has obtained military power.

All the warp resources within the Star Sea Alliance are owned by the owner. It is inevitable that Song, a seventh-level dark energy user, will be targeted to establish his authority in the unsatisfactory area that has evolved over the past thousand years.

This hunter-style interstellar war is advancing according to the hunter's plan.

It took Chang Hengxi's fleet fifteen days to completely jump to all orbits, and gradually began to push toward the inner circle.

From the perspective of outer space, the fortress in Zero Point Star is a highly automatic "clock"-shaped planet.

There are a large number of asteroid artifacts in the orbits of large planets. There are no humans on these artificial celestial bodies, but they are inlaid with gems of human quantum consciousness.

These residents living in the quantum consciousness gems are doing parts-like work according to the plan, while their own thoughts are sneaking into the virtual "underworld".

This shift from reality to fiction has caused the production facilities here to remain unchanged for thousands of years. The operating machinery on the planet is full of "clang" noise.

The 80,000 worlds affected by the star gate center of Zero Point Star.

After those residents of the small world came into contact with the evil "top beam" of Zero Point Star, the planet was eventually exploited, and the upper class vassals flocked to Zero Point Star, the lighthouse, like moths to a flame, to carry out the "supreme" quantum imprint!

Some people in the Star Sea Council have long been unhappy because in the past five hundred years, there has been no awakened "higher dark energy system" in this Star Sea area.

It's just that "Psalm" is a branch of another Xinghai family, and touching it in the past would be like creating a cause and effect.

But now times have changed, and the star-sea forces behind "Hymn" have given up on him.

During the war, "Chang Heng" constantly threatened Chang Hengxi, but was deceived by Chang Hengxi's "hesitant" appearance. On the fifteenth day, when the entire Zero Point Star was shrouded in the control of "light and shadow", Chant discovered Chang Hengxi.

Xi has been deadly aggressive from the beginning.

If you beat the younger one and offend the older one, it’s because the “old one” sees you as easy to bully. But if you are the ruthless one and educate the younger one, the “old one” will tolerate it and get over it.

Within the zero-point star, the orbital area allows liquid water to appear.

Planet Liver is a large gaseous planet in the seventh orbit within the gravitational field of the star.

The interstellar siege has begun.

After waves of nuclear magnetic pulses exploded on the planet covered by aluminum metal, the starboard lights began to go out in large areas.

This planet is originally a large gaseous planet. The aluminum-shell buildings are very magnificent, but the mass is very small. If it is burned with a solar weapon, it will ignite and disappear like plastic foam.

Of course, what has also disappeared is the culture on this planet.

In these silver-carved cities, the Star Knight commandos of the Expeditionary Force began to land after being burned by the Star Destroyer beam.

A batch of landing machines weighing tens of tons boarded the fleet. These level five dark energy users can deploy hundreds of meters of protective shields and a large number of nano battle groups in space, and after landing on the ground, they become capable of searching for a thousand

A super soldier with a meter range.

The mechanized troops of Planet Liver to suppress the people are vulnerable to these starry sky knights.

With the insertion of energy one after another, the armed forces trying to fight in the city were destroyed in batches!

Groups of weapon-level nano battle clouds, under the command of the Star Knights, airborne to various predetermined areas, either turning into ball lightning, or turning into sharp nano filaments!

The destructive power of a nuclear bomb is only a few kilometers, but the interstellar knights like Promise Star can clear all resistance within a kilometer in ten minutes, and can advance towards the established area.

The jump points of the internal star gates of Zero Point Star, each large planet, and asteroid are flashing rapidly. The local group of Zero Point Star is like a water pump, bringing back its own forces in the star sea.

It's just that the fifth-level space warriors transferred by "Anthem" are of low-level energy type, mostly of physical enhancement type, and their equipment is backward.

Although this area also has equipment such as space travel and teleportation, as well as hollow swords, overall, combat maneuvers still use rocket jet packs and super-expandable magazines as attack weapons!

The armed technology that Zero Point Star can mobilize for its interstellar knights is completely different from the Promise Star expedition force.

The troops under Chang Hengxi's command have a tactical maneuver speed four times that of the Zero Point Star Knights.

When the defenders slowly rushed towards a certain war zone through rocket packs, Chang Hengxi's Star Knights quickly gathered more than ten times the strength. And the equipment comparison was even higher than that of an era. The gap was like electromagnetic reactive armor.

A comparison of tanks and rivet-covered armored cars of World War I.

War is about national strength. National strength here is not just about the source of troops, but also about high-tech weapons that weak countries find very valuable. Strong countries support the front line like turning on a faucet.

The hierarchical model of "Anthem" has frustrated the complex dark energy system of the entire star field, and the dark energy users in the entire society are as monotonous as the military units.

The physical arts system is divided into: apprentice temple, first-level temple, second-level temple, third-level temple,...

The energy system is divided into: trainee psychic apprentice, first-level psychic, second-level psychic, third-level psychic...

On the aluminum alloy planet of Liver, there were 60,000 interstellar knights garrison. In just three days, they changed hands. Chang Hengxi only sent 20,000 combat troops and 6,500 jump points, losing less than 300.


After the battle, the star was like a boiled creature. After being gently shaken, it was all reduced to a skeleton. The halo composed of nano clouds swept over the authentic cities, and there was deathly silence.

The original prosperity and sacredness of the 80,000 star sector centers were all destroyed overnight.

War is tragic, but the existence at the top of the wave will not care about this "years of prosperity and decline".

At the top of the major super interstellar forces are almost godlike groups.

These energized beings will not get angry for every injustice in the world.

Even when a massacre occurs in a large number of edge star areas in the star sea, it will not cause emotional fluctuations among the seventh-level dark energy users, because the star sea is too huge and no system can respond efficiently.

However, if some middle-level galactic forces forget about the "Supreme Punishment" for too long, then thunder will come out of the blue!

The various forces in Xinghai seem to be conquering each other, but they have a set of standards for conquering. It is similar to the summary of the laws of the country by various schools of thought during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period: the monarch is fatuous, the ministers are derelict in their duties, and the people and their careers are disordered.

At this time in the star sea, places like Iron Pattern Star with harsh conditions, a large number of poor people at the lower level, and "scarcity" of talents are taken for granted by the central forces. However, areas like Zero Point Planet with tens of thousands of nodes have not been able to escape for a long time.

If there are promising level seven dark energy users, then there is something wrong with the system.

After taking down the outer planets, Chang Hengxi immediately searched for many "unbelievable" places on the transition point planets under the jurisdiction of "Hymn".

For example, there are piles of remains on every planet. These remains are neatly stacked in a hexagonal honeycomb-like metal pool with a side length of fifty meters, and all surrounding information databases have been deleted.

The defenders of the Promised Star Expeditionary Force were very keen on such oddities and believed that this was obviously the destruction of incriminating evidence.

Narrator: Just like children who fail to finish their summer homework are prone to getting angry, when it comes to top-level political forces, such things happen even more often.

Soon, the experienced interstellar guardians under Chang Hengxi reported the suspected reason behind this suspected massacre site.

After capturing the Liwu Planet, the expeditionary force captured a large number of people in the area and conducted genetic monitoring, discovering the phenomenon of "gene" enrichment. This phenomenon can only be caused by large-scale inbreeding.

On the Power Throne inside the Light of Life Battleship.

Chang Hengxi, who lacks vision, made a confused guess: Because human mutual trust has been destroyed, only blood relatives can be trusted. So is there a large number of inbreeding?

However, outside the light, the guardian respectfully proposed another possibility to Chang Hengxi! That was gene single selection.

Human conservative forces like order. Although human genetic diversity is conducive to human development, human genetic diversity will bring about characteristics that do not conform to "standard aesthetics."

Narrator: The Western extreme in the 21st century is that aesthetics is diverse. Fat people, flat noses, and buck teeth all must be beautiful and must be reflected in games, film and television works. This is one extreme. But there is another extreme on the opposite side.

That is the unified standard for thinness in the East, China and White. Both extremes are wrong.

Lingdianxing has gone to the latter extreme. When upper-class humans become successful and famous, they will choose a partner. This kind of selection eventually became a market-based model, selecting the gentlest, most beautiful, and most beautiful humans.

This is just like all men in the 21st century want their girlfriends to be Bingbing and Yifei, and all women want Dehua and Yanzu.

When social aesthetics become fashionable and interfere with reproduction, and scientific and technological progress can turn fantasy into reality, human beings will quickly lose their "evolutionary foundation".

On Planet Zero, in just one thousand years, with the development of cloning technology, everyone has used this "beautiful instrument" to reproduce.

This resulted in a high degree of genetic enrichment on Zero Point Star within a thousand years. Humans in the Zero Point Star area are an "artificial" race.

And those large remains areas are not the brutal massacres, but batches of individuals with developmental errors during the reproduction process. Their minds and consciousness were separated from their carbon-based bodies on the platform, and their bodies were sent into the pool.

The experienced defender reported the investigation facts to Chang Hengxi, who was silent.

Subsequently, Chang Hengxi turned his attention to the chant, and Chang Hengxi, who was in the halo, terminated all attempts to persuade the chant to surrender.

Sixty-three days after the fleet arrived in the area, the troops were already pointing towards the inner circle.

At this time, the fourth large planet on the Zero Point Star happened to revolve in a sector with an angle of only 30 degrees, which left a huge gap in the entire star system, which exposed the No. 1 planet (Holy Paradise) in the center.


Psalm also seems to feel that the planet where the body is located has lost its outer layer of protection.

At this moment, the defense fleet she called from other planets arrived.

The Zero Point forces began to resist stubbornly. They spread automated floating cannons along the periphery, trying to build a "Magino" in space.

This model of merely trying to make up for the lack of combat effectiveness by stacking up fortifications has been proven wrong countless times in the Earth's short history of several thousand years.

This is like: when the Mongols attacked Jin, the generals dropped iron caltrops, blocked the city gates, and held on tightly. As a result, without the defenders leaving the city to interfere, the iron caltrops were easily picked up and cast into horseshoes and horseshoes.


War is about initiative.

Chang Hengxi arrived at the front line in a temporary energy battleship. After conducting energy mapping of all floating guns, he handed the reflection information to his own Star Knights.

Fifteen hours later, the expeditionary force's interstellar commandos began to rush directly towards the floating cannon. Since the operating speed of the floating cannon was fixed, it was all observed and calculated by Chang Hengxi's "energy reflection".

Therefore, when the barrage fired by the floating cannon of the Zero Point Stars, there were just a few gaps that could be predicted.

As the commandos penetrated into the core, they accurately destroyed the energy supply fortresses in the center of the floating artillery group. The expeditionary fleet penetrated the array of floating artillery fire without any damage.

The reason why there is no silver 300 taels here is because Zero Point Star lags far behind the expeditionary force in terms of high-level dark energy, technology, etc., but it also deploys fixed "key points" as the information center of the floating artillery group. In

Under Chang Hengxi's "light and shadow" dark energy detection, the light and shadow weapons of these fixed points have nowhere to hide. These preparations are just "students rolling dice to make multiple choice questions", using a ritual to ensure a comfort.

After Chang Hengxi's fleet defeated the floating artillery group, everything was not over yet.

One kilometer long "engineer ships" entered the floating gun group, docked with the paralyzed control stations, and immediately completed the data link breach.

These floating guns with a barrel length of 500 meters are spread all over the sky. After the energy supply is restored, the lights that were originally shut down flash again, but this time they immediately turn slowly.

These millions of floating cannons in space aim their muzzles at the "sacred paradise" with dozens of mechanical satellite rings.

Such a scene of defection is like the kingdom being defeated and the captured kingdom soldiers, forced by the foreign enemy general, turning their guns on the "princess" or "king daughter".

What was once absolutely majestic, noble, and holy can now be targeted by artillery fire.

Since then, Holy Paradise, a planet with a gorgeous skirt, has been directly exposed to the aggressive sight of the expeditionary force.

The expeditionary force's thousand-kilometer-long heavy-duty siege fleet and armored assault fleet were in place.

Chang Hengxi originally had the ability to destroy the floating artillery array head-on, but now she has adopted the most technical method, which is to tell her enemies and her allies: "Although she is a village girl, she can pick up a sharp blade and pick up


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