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Chapter 14.14 The past and future of the sea of ??stars

 In the year 6815 of Jiulan Star, five years after the recruitment order was issued, 327 light years east of Jiulan Star, there is red dwarf star su34454, which has a mass equivalent to four-fifteenths of the standard sun and a surface temperature of three

A star with a temperature of one thousand one hundred degrees Celsius.

There was a solar ejection, and a touch of gold appeared on the dark red star. And these golden particles surged into space, and then provided extremely expensive supplies to the Jiulan Star fleet anchored here.

There is not enough space inside a star like a red dwarf for helium fusion to occur, so it does not even reach the red giant stage. It is a very stable star, and the explosion just now was controlled by human factors.

Five years ago, the Weikeng cluster arrived here on a federal cruise ship with 14,000 people. They carried out three cycles of star rotation on this star. They built a ring of matter and then vibrated the star uniformly and stably.

Gravitational and magnetic fields.

When this simple battlefield infrastructure controls the helium atoms inside to perform an artificial helium flash, the energy of the helium flash erupts orderly through the vortex tunnel opened by gravity.

In the entire engineering collaboration process, without considering the various stringent requirements for wartime adaptability, this control of stars is comparable to the sixth-level peak ability to control the transmutation of matter and high-level dark energy.

With abilities like Lulem reaching the peak of level six, she can also control such a red dwarf star to form a supply point.

But this kind of work consumes her working hours. In a war, high-level dark energy users like Lulem are definitely the main force.

When the Wei Keng cluster can fill such a job, theoretically, it will give Jiulan Star an additional level 6 dark energy user who can be put into the battlefield.

In the battle between the two first-class star sea forces in the Jiulan Star and the Arctic Jet Zone, these "qualified" teams on the red dwarf stars began to become important weights.

The total battle of modern war is also the arrangement of "Tian Ji Horse Racing", where the inferior horses drag the superior horses, the superior horses beat the middle horses, and the middle horses beat the inferior horses.

Ordinary people fill the odd hours of engineers to improve the overall efficiency of the entire society. As long as it is organized properly, a country with a seemingly small number of people can suppress the power of a large number of people underground.

Wei Keng had a larger number of people during the initial construction on the red dwarf star. In fact, when the helium flash started after the project was completed, there were only more than a thousand people in control. The Wei Keng engineering team finished the construction of a red dwarf star and ran non-stop.

Construction on other red dwarfs.

…When unscrupulous people like Wei Keng can become model workers, then there is a pattern of profiteering that the world doesn’t know about…

Eight hours after the helium flash of the frontier red dwarf star, the supply ship heading here from Jiulan Star obtained this batch of precious supplies through the jump network. This supply allowed Ark-level warships to carry out a star annihilation

level blow.

Supplying at the frontier is like a sweet spring in the desert. This is just the first red dwarf star built by Weikeng.

In the submission of the overall mission of Wei Keng's "Kangxin" to Jiulan Star, it can be said that it has temporarily transformed fourteen red dwarf star objects into energy sources. This is equivalent to having fourteen 'gas stations' on its front edge. This

This can be considered a major contribution in this battle.

Jiulanxing mobilized throughout the entire battle and directly commanded only 891 level six dark energy users.

There are only a hundred or so people who can build energy supply stations using stars. In terms of energy in interstellar wars, in the frontier, a crucial theater, Wei Keng can provide a seven percent increase.

After seeing the benefits, the sect masters of Jiulan Star became more and more interested in the dark energy user "Yin Keng".

…The dark energy practitioners of Jiulan Star Planet can see that the satellite clusters come from the same source, because the basic characteristics of life are the same.…

At first they thought it was ordinary clone-type dark energy. This kind of continuous creation of "incarnations" is not uncommon in the Star Sea Civilization.

However, the highest record of dark energy in the clone series is only 6,000 people, and it is generally less than 1,000 people. Moreover, the dark energy structures that appear are generally the physical enhancement series, and their thinking structures are also the master brain and the clone brain structure. The actions that can be completed

They also all carry out military operations with a single weapon.

A certain sect master of Jiulan Star had a third-level guess: "Is it, advanced soul control?"

The clusters gathered in Yinkeng this time were all Level 4 Dark Energy and Level 5 Dark Energy during the construction of the star. And there are various types of Dark Energy. In the end, those who collaborated together were all Level 6 Dark Energy users.

Felt pretty complicated to control the stars.

The masters of Jiulan Star confirmed that each individual of the ‘cluster’ dark energy does not have excessive thinking restrictions. Otherwise, it would be impossible to reach the fifth level of dark energy one by one.

This is a top-level inheritance. This kind of inheritance should be famous in known civilizations! Why did it suddenly appear? So they thought that the closest dark energy was the "Hymn" (the one that Chang Hengxi defeated with his fleet)

a) That kind of dark energy control.

Jiulan Star has sufficient evidence to show that these are not all the individuals in the "Hidden Pit". Moreover, these fourteen thousand people are only those who can be dug out through the line of Zhengting in Jiulan Star.

The three masters of the life system of Jiulan Star conducted a deduction: similar to the "group" dark energy mode, at the fifth level, if the number exceeds four thousand and does not limit the thinking ability of the body (compared to individuals with limited intelligence)

easy to control), then out-of-control phenomena will inevitably occur.

Xin Zheng (Level 7 of the Gravity Department) has concluded this: Next, there will be times when it can be used to play its role. At that time, we can take a look at what the "hidden pit" is?

So, out of concern about this unknown dark energy, Jiulanxing side

Let the "hidden pit" be put to full use in the rear for energy logistics supply.

…Everything is put to its best use, and the pattern of ‘many reds and super blues’ in the starry sky is quietly formed…

In 6815, the battle lines in the inner circle of Jiulan Star changed.

The ‘Arctic Jet Zone’ invasion legion completely crossed the “Expectation” nebula.

When the nebula passed through this area four thousand years ago, thousands of human exploration spacecraft that had "anticipation" for the sea of ​​​​stars behind the nebula played the music of "anticipation" together, and named it here.

However, the "expectation" in the past has turned into a "dispute" now.

The Shanhe-class battleships from the "Arctic Jet Zone" side have stationed themselves in the center of this place.

The center of the nebula is a yellow giant star, codenamed "Beacon of Hope."

The mass of the "Lighthouse of Hope" is 2.6 times that of the standard sun, its volume is 11 times that of the sun, and its temperature is basically the same as that of the sun. It is a type of "red giant".

Because it is very bright in the "Expectation Nebula", it was named the Lighthouse.

Now in the gravitational field of this yellow giant star, the Shanhe-class battleship, which is 10,000 kilometers long and looks like a huge roller, has entered the territory of the star. It immediately encountered an attack from the defenders of Jiulan Star. This scene

, from a macro perspective, it’s like “a battle of creatures in the early Cambrian period.”

When the air and space fighters several kilometers away from Jiulan Star were preparing to start bombing, these small ships encountered batches of light cones before they came close to the range of twenty-seven light seconds.

These light cone points originate from the vast area on the surface of the Shanhe-class battleship. On the front of this Shanhe-class battleship, halos are radiated over an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers comparable to the area of ​​Russia. These halos emerge from

Tiny threads formed one after another, swaying in space like jellyfish.

And in every area where the tentacles rippled, warships that were like tiny dust particles were all stuck to the tentacles, and then burst into flames brilliantly in space.

When thousands of tentacles at the mountain and river level have cleaned up all the "fine dust" in space.

All the contact wires began to merge, pointing to the information terminals of all "air and space fighters".

Four minutes later, thirty-six light seconds away, the four 100-kilometer-level warships on the Jiulan Star side were responsible for final control. The protective shields were shuttled through, and all personnel were forced to perform a space jump to escape before the warships fell.

…This is the key to the entire battle…

A small hole was punched into Jiulan Star's star sea defense line. And this small hole can seep out a lot of "small gravel".

After the Shanhe-class battleship broke through the "Lighthouse of Hope", above the roller-like continent in the Shanhe-class battleship in the Arctic jet zone, at the jump point that looked like an artificial sun, a thousand-kilometer warship jumped


Such a small warship is like a "large intestine within a small intestine".

When this thousand-kilometer battleship appears in the center of a cylindrical battleship that is tens of thousands of kilometers long, it will cause a storm in this cylindrical world. However, rows of force fields flicker, dragging down the fluctuations scattered by this battleship like a dragnet.


The battleship "Blazing Gold Stone" was owned by the Battleship Devourer. That's right, after the "Silver Blade" was lost, she took out the battleship she used a hundred years ago and used it again.

Women have no shortage of clothes, and gold-eating warriors have no shortage of battleships.

After the "Blazing Gold Stone" came to a complete stop, Gold Devourer walked out of the high-energy ring in the center of the ship. She raised her fingers and put them to her ears to listen, nodded, and quickly went to see her teacher, Jumang.

In the last battle, it was an extremely embarrassing act for Jin Yan. The battleship was snatched out of thin air, and she was put back. As a real-level time traveler, she also received a lot of "idle comments" from her peers.


Now she was recruited back because the guy who was suspected of stealing her battleship appeared in the frontier war.

In the Shanhe-class battleship, in front of the energy halo where Ju Mang was, Huo Jinzhu stood as a junior, looking up at the message.

In front of her is a nebula diagram, and on the nebula is a picture of seven red dwarf stars.

Jumang: "According to reports from the prisoners captured in our frontline battle, the cluster attacking you is on these red dwarf stars, providing supplies for the Jiulan Star people's battle. What are you going to do?"

A sharp blade flashed in the golden long gloves of the Devouring Gold: "I want to avenge my shame."

Ju Mang: "It seems that you remember him very deeply."

Jumang, through the dark line of Jiulanxing, is very concerned about the existence of "hidden pits".

Jumang: According to our speculation (the planet masters of the ‘Northern Jet Zone’), the dark energy behind this “cluster” mode should belong to the life system.

Yanjin Yan looked at the surface with burning eyes as if he had been deceived: "He deceived me twice. The third time, I will let him know the price!"

Ju Mang: "The enemy you have identified is very extraordinary. According to reliable information, he has a cooperative relationship with two level six dark energy users of the 'Time and Space System' and 'High-Order Material Transmutation' on Jiulan Star."

Jumang's information also confirmed the existence of "Zheng Ting" and "Lexiaotian". Although they don't know their names, they already know their existence.

Seeing the control of these two dark energies, Gold Devourer couldn't help but think of the scene where space warping, quark cloud and other technologies were mobilized during the battle with "Kang Xin", and he couldn't help but nodded.

Ju Mang: "You have to complete the attack mission on Planet A 343 first."

Jin Yan looked at the map and opened his mouth, obviously wanting to stick to the problem he wanted to solve. But under Ju Mang's gaze, he could only accept the order.

After Yan Jinzhu left, Ju Mang looked at the direction of the dozens of red dwarf stars on the intelligence and thought about something.

Because of the existence of the satellite cluster, it is more like a third party intervening in the competition between the "Arctic Jet Zone" and "Jiulan Star".

And who is this third party? Lixingxing District, no, it is not as good as Jiulanxing. Zhenxuntian District? Although that is the holy land of space-time dark energy, it is too far away.

The news of the collapse of the yellow giant ball "Beacon of Hope" did not spread widely on the Jiulan Star.

However, in the interstellar map of Jiulan Star's "Ark" class command fleet, it was confirmed that there was a sixty-light-year inverted detour in the Arctic Creation Zone on one's own front, and an assault was underway towards the rear of Jiulan Star's front line.

In order to ensure that this morale is not frustrated, Jiulan Star has also appropriately increased the protective fleet near the core star to prevent the invading group from retaliating.

But these "core stars" do not include cheap red dwarfs.

So on the red dwarf, Wei Keng's order was: "Try to play the role of the mainstay on the battlefield."

Wei Diaomin from the core control room of Red Dwarf: Tsk tsk, this kind of "mainstay" is nothing more than replacing direct descendants to perform high-risk and high-cost tasks.

As a ruthless man, what Mr. Wei is most wary of is that his commander is not of the same mind as him.

In the supervisor's space, Bai Linglu suddenly sneezed.

...The space link in the starry sky was quietly forged at this time...

On Jiulan Star, Wei Keng (the original body) looked at the light prisms floating above him. They were all sent by Jiulan Star to test Wei Keng's "loyalty".

There are a total of forty-five investigation teams, each of which is a "Guardian" level.

Guardian standards: High-grade sixth-level dark energy, and the highest officer on the dwarf planet of Jiulan Star.

In this battle of the stars, as the importance of the satellite cluster increases, the top management of Jiulan Star becomes increasingly intolerant of uncertainty.

These people came to confirm Wei Keng's identity, but the atmosphere looked more like an interrogation.

The Guardian, second in the third row from the left, was the first to ask: "The ones investigated based on your genotype are the people who were at the helm of the faction from the 454th voyage in ancient times."

In the sky above Jiulan Star, this star sea map with a length of one kilometer unfolded.

The map shows that eight thousand years ago, the Promised Star was the starting point. After multiple navigation routes were launched, one of the navigation routes was highlighted. Then, it showed the 3,633 planets that this navigation route passed along the way. And then

It shows sixty-three branches, planets with the surname Qi Duo, forming ethnic groups in the area.

This map of the Great Migration of the Star Sea was placed in front of Wei Keng, and the interrogator asked Wei Keng to reveal his origin.

When Wei Keng looked at this magnificent map of human migration, he ignored the interrogator's questions and instead thought about it in a daze, promising an epic picture of star civilization heading towards the "Star Sea" in its early stages.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, the surname is no longer linked to a family, but more like the origin of a nation on the planet, such as the extremely large ancestral clan of 'Yanhuang'.

Mr. Wei opened the time travel system and clicked on the situation in the main world.

At this time, the human civilization exploration in the main world has just flown to the planet of Proxima Centauri.

…The basic technologies of the two planes are different…

In the main world, after centuries of technological development, "quark" fire has finally been developed. This "quark" fire can guide the return of quantum information from the human plane. In other words, the traveler completes space travel in the adjacent plane

Afterwards, directly travel back in the main world area.

The starry sky navigation in the main world has already set sail. Today in the 30th century is the starting point of an unfinished future.

The future of the earth may be the same as the plane of darkness.

Wei Keng faced Qi Duo who looked like a river on the star map in front of him, a long river of travel stretching in space, and shook his head after a few seconds.

Jiulan Star, Wei Keng measured step by step along the kilometer-diameter star sea map, each step was more than twenty "light years" away. Shi Shiran's walking, in Wei Keng's self-description, was "

A shaky start."

However, the time and space monitors felt that Wei Keng was very handsome walking in the starry sky. In their attention, Wei Keng finally stood on the "Behemoth Nebula", an icon that the Qi Duo family had not touched.

Just when the prosecutor of Jiulan Star thought that Wei Keng was confessing his origin in the Behemoth Nebula.

Wei Keng suddenly turned his head and asked the Jiulanxing prosecutor in a daze: "What did you ask just now?"

Note: Fragmentation is a unique thinking phenomenon of people on Earth compared to people on the Promised Star. It is not only because when people on Earth eat scavenging, they digest alcohol and drink alcohol, which causes their brains to be anesthetized and they cannot connect things. It is also because men on Earth think too much

To jump, to jump from one line to another, cannot come back.

Just as the interrogators were angrily preparing to recount the story again, Wei Keng tapped his head to recall the questions they asked.

Wei Keng said to the Jiulan Star commanders: "Why are you always clinging to the past? It's my words. You should focus on the future."

The prosecutor looked at Wei Keng's "fearless" expression: "I understand, you don't want to reveal your origins, so let's talk about the dark energy system. I heard that your dark energy system is based on the ability of the time and space system."

Blue Star can provide you with the corresponding resources."

At the end, another person added: "I hope you can join us."

However, after Wei Keng was fascinated by the lake, he looked unclear. Wei Keng felt that this kind of problem was brain-consuming, so he didn't want to think about it, so he simply didn't think about it.

Wei Keng's note: As long as I don't hit the line, there is no need to be smart. If you are too smart, you will ignore the core goal. As for if you don't want to do it, just pretend to be stupid. As long as I am stupid enough, the smart people who force me to do it will know how difficult it is.

And retreat.

The supervisor commented: "When it is turned, it is like a muscle. It makes people want to grab his ears."

Ten minutes later, these censors were sent away, and Wei Keng returned to his space-time control ring on Jiulan Planet.

The original body of Wei Keng began to connect his multiple independent entities. Looking at the scene of firefights in the distant starry sky, he slowly said: "The fires you lit always burned some of me, an inconspicuous weed. But then, the world shook.

In the tide, every drop of water contains the sweat I am willing to pay."

This chapter has been completed!
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