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Chapter 14.19 (Part 2) Advanced Culture

 In 6820, Wei Keng's strategy was generally clear.

Nowadays, the war in the star sea area of ​​​​Jiulan Star is at a stalemate. Although the new variable forces are growing rapidly, compared with the forces with traditional advantages, the balance of power is still very disparate.

Need to move to the edge area to survive.

During the period of the Iron Star, Wei Keng learned from the information he had during his time with Qingsu Yiyi: The Behemoth Nebula area was a very remote area, and its technology lagged far behind mainstream technology.

All major star sea areas can crush this area, but they cannot kill the legacy of the giant beast here.

Because once you hide in a complex area like the early stellar disk, even if the giant beast is bombed into pieces, as the fleet leaves, these fragments will recover into giant beasts again and quickly spawn into new human groups.

The most important thing is that destroying the humans here is useless - the humans here are laid out like eggs by the giant beasts.

The amount of production is larger than the scale of sunfish. The arrogant destruction only tells the human beings here that "human beings can't do anything. They can only reproduce as beasts."

To guard this sea of ​​stars for a long time, this barbaric model must be replaced by a civilized talent cultivation system.

However, since there is no clear star to provide large-scale energy, level five and level six dark energy inheritors cannot be born at all. Only by inheriting the 'inheritance gene model' can they be born.

Therefore, mainstream civilization is not willing to stay here for a long time.

...The problem of the Behemoth Nebula is restricted by the upper limit of the civilization of the Promised Star Sea...

In the early years, the Interstellar Empire tried to clear out the heretics here. But in fact, in this sea of ​​​​stars, until other better routes have not been found, it is impossible to eradicate the inheritance of the giant beasts here. It can only be regarded as a high-level

A training ground for high-level dark energy users. Of course, the giant beasts here have also successfully created some inaccessible forbidden areas in the nebula through ambush and hiding.

Wei Keng, who has mastered the advanced system, feels that this is a good place to start.

The early growth of the Shuoyuan dark energy requires precious time. Although the Behemoth Nebula is out of order, it can "farm" and "repair the sky."

Wei Keng is eager to try: To coexist with the giant beasts of the star sea, let's see whether the "human cluster based on spiritual language" is tenacious enough, or whether this "nomadic star sea beast" is more viable.

Wei Keng decided to fight for the new generation humans who were laid out of eggs in the Behemoth Nebula.

…Ordinary humans across the Star Sea must unite to seek the hidden hope...

Returning to the war zone of Jiulan Star. As Wei Keng accelerated his efforts to collect hope, he continued to experience "prejudice" and endured all kinds of "being taken advantage of."

Complementary Star, this is a planet that outputs software similar to the "Sealed Star". The same high-rise buildings, the same material rationing, the same brain in the tank... The two planets are similar, just like the circuit boards of different mobile phones.

The layout is the same.

However, the rule here is half-religious and half-game. That is to say, the entire planet is divided into six castes, and those who do good work can be promoted to high-level castes. Oh, as for the lower castes, I'm sorry, that's because you didn't charge enough, eh

, you don’t work hard.

There are also various guilds on this planet. By connecting brains in different guilds and writing code together, better efficiency can be achieved.

However, competition for supply here is also fierce.

After Wei Keng's split body arrived on the planet: when he walked out of the office area, he was forced up by two people who came towards him and said, "Brother, join the club."

The two people blocking people in the aisle have been blocking Wei Keng for three days. They have the courage to stop until Wei Keng is dragged in.

Master Wei looked at their haggard but enthusiastic expressions and knew that he could not resist them. He could only follow them.

In the surveillance space, Bai Linglu curled his lips: If there is anything you can't overcome, you are just soft-hearted and can't stand people's requests.

Of course, on the other hand, this is a side effect of Wei Keng's clustering. It is easy to believe what "things" that look like you say.

[A big country in the 21st century knows etiquette because it has enough food and clothing, and knows honor and disgrace because it has enough food and clothing. Compared with the poor mountains and rivers around it, its citizens are quite simple. They often don't believe that such a colorful scam can be constructed. So often - there are white leftists in the West

Women were deceived and kidnapped by gangs on the border of Eastern Europe. Some people in East Asia were also deceived and sent to Southeast Asia.】

Wei Keng: Sometimes, if you don’t see a person going back on his word with your own eyes, you won’t believe that there is such a “thing” in the world and he was reincarnated into the same society.

Wei Keng pressed his fingerprint in the religious hall, entered the place, and was baptized by the manager's smiling face.

After joining the religion, a large group of matchmakers enthusiastically introduced various young ladies to Wei Keng, who seemed to be quite enthusiastic about the good thing of increasing the population.

This made Wei Keng feel very embarrassed. For a moment, he couldn't help but think "it's pretty good". But then, reality gave Wei Keng a 180-degree turn.

No, as soon as Wei Keng walked out of the door, he saw a down-and-out man driving down the street.

"You betrayed me!"

"Leave me alone..."

This guy didn't howl twice before he was pushed down by the cold-faced priests and dragged away. More noises...

Four hours later.

Wei Keng hacked into the database and learned about the situation.

The coder was introduced by the local church eight years ago and met a girl seven years younger than him. After supporting him for six years, the girl awakened dark energy and decided to enter a higher realm, so - what follows is

The so-called tragedy.

Of course, you can't just look at things from one side. Wei Keng spent another two full days investigating the girl's situation and found that it was not as simple as "she betrayed him".

[By the way, the best app for reading and listening to books is Yeguo Reading, www.yeguoyuedu.com to install the latest version.]

During the surveillance, the girl seemed very guilty, and she was also forcibly dragged away.

...The evil that is determined at the first sight is because some force deliberately "cracks" the perspective of grassroots people. The gap in the door will make people look down on them...

Next, Wei Keng used the investigative power of his team to directly hack the church's database, and finally learned the whole story.

The Star Sea War is already showing signs of long-term development.

The governors of each star region of Jiulan Star require each lower-level region to transport dark energy users.

There is only one sentence on Jiulan Star’s highest document, “Do everything possible to supply dark energy users.”

These young dark warriors will receive unified training and be put into the battlefield.

Obviously, in a life-and-death war, the leaders of Xinghai don't care about the execution process at the lower levels, they only want the results.

The higher-ups of Complement Star added the command to the right place.

And it is precisely the church that has discovered that sending "talents" upwards has huge economic benefits, and will reduce and reduce a large amount of taxes. This is just like the ancient industrial era, when some local organizations found that they could help leaders "persuad" local people to migrate and ensure that

The demolition was carried out smoothly. Then these gray social entrepreneurial organizations could rise quickly.

In the local black market, for the small and middle-class forces, the price of a newly awakened dark energy user has skyrocketed.

In the face of huge interests, family brothers are not reliable. For example, if someone wins the lottery on earth, relatives will not stop until they loan you money until they are really gone. What's more, in the middle and lower classes, this is just the so-called church that sticks together for warmth.


The beautiful love that is defined by the humble is, in the eyes of those with a little power, just a thin red thread that can be broken at any time.

Ever since, in the small room of the Complement Star, Wei Keng looked at himself in the mirror and smiled wildly: "Since this world has no guarantee for germination and growth, then why should we pursue that unstable beauty?

What? You might as well pursue the flame and see who can be more unrestrained!"

...Wei Keng's madness and tranquility are replaced every once in a while, with a stable cycle...

A week later, the academic introducer, a kind aunt, came to the door again and turned on the screen. When there were young and beautiful girls on the screen, Wei Keng smiled and rejected this kind person.

It has been a quiet period for about a year.

Complement Star Center. Xunteng Building exploded!

The suppressed battle robots were ambushed on the streets, the ships in the river were captured, and the electromagnetic cannons fired at the uppermost level of the planet center.

A planetary revolutionary war begins.

...Such changes are exploding on a large number of ordinary stars on Jiulan Star...

Wei Keng made this declaration to the Shuoyuan people who rushed to various places in the Xinghai to support the reform:

1. The so-called advanced culture is not the vocabulary, clothing, food, and entertainment trends set off in developed areas. No matter how popular the "meme" is, it will be lost over time.

2. Really advanced culture is the experience of resisting the "cruel", "hypocritical", "light" and "powerful" repressive systems formulated by various oppressors. It is the "dragon-slaying art" rooted in civilized education.

There are dragons in the world because some people want to be dragons.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. When we work hard and pursue beauty, there must be something that wants to ride on top of our heads.

Even if for a period of time, they will whitewash it, block their man-eating fangs, and then, like Bodhisattvas, advise us to be kind and not think so bad about the world. But once we give up preparations for 'struggle', they will reveal themselves.


Now, we need to catch the oppressors and record the methods of oppression.

In the future, when building, be vigilant at all times.

"Struggle" is advanced culture.

This chapter has been completed!
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