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Chapter 14.21 How Much Do I Die?

 Geniuses are geniuses because they are focused in a certain direction and stand out from the crowd like an awl.

The appearance of the middle man is like bricks and tiles. Before any specific miracle is accumulated, they are just bricks and tiles.

Except for the tile standing on the top ridge, no one knows it.

In the dark world, the top tile (Wei Keng) is chatting and laughing with the proud men of gold and precious stones.

1,283 light-years away from Jiulan Star, the expedition fleets of Le Xiaotian and Zheng Ting have been fighting here for fourteen Jiulan Star years. As a fleet deeply inserted into the "Arctic Jet Zone", their fleet

Strength has also gradually been taken seriously, and Jiulanxing has added many forces to this fleet.

Of course, the ‘Arctic Jet Zone’ also paid attention to them and dispatched a fleet.

In Canopus District, Planet 763, the fifteenth space battle begins.

The battleship White Meteor (the second-hand battleship that surrendered in Yin Yang Star) was ordered to arrive in the area as the battleship to maintain the line and test firepower in this battle. This battleship was sent by the 67 people from the Wei Keng Group

The team is jointly responsible for the firepower, including Molten Core and Yuno, who are familiar to Le Xiaotian.

Le Xiaotian looked at the battleship cluster in the distance and sweated in his hands. Of course, the white meteor still held up its flanks. Under the control of the mind language of the Wei Keng cluster, this old battleship was protected by key energy.

The efficiency is eight times higher than before. Although the frequency of firepower is weaker than before, the effective strike of the salvo also makes the enemy warships unable to ignore it and becomes a force that forms the battle line.

The artillery battle between the two fleets has been bombarding each other for three hours. Like battleships in the mountains, groups of secondary guns fired beams to strike. However, these beams were intercepted by the force fields ejected by the battleships on both sides, like two groups of children throwing clods of soil at each other.

, no one can hurt anyone.

However, as the fleets of both sides get closer, the firepower will become more and more precise. The main guns of both sides have already reached the level of being able to severely damage the other side, but they are always stored and not fired.

Such a close approach is like the formation of musketeers in the Enlightenment Age of the main world. They may bear the possibility of serious injury and pursue an opportunity that can kill the opponent.

…Each fleet group relies on the space edge to maintain military communications…

Le Xiaotian shouted to Yunuo on the left screen: "Yunuo, how is the energy supply? Speeding up, charge!"

Yuno: "Shangguan, the supply has reached its peak, but the impact team hopes that we can get closer to within a hundred kilometers."

Le Xiaotian's face was livid, and he said in a low voice: "He (Wei Keng's group) wants to see how many holes I have in my body?!" Even so, he understood that Wei Keng's request cannot be ambiguous in combat.

Zheng Ting: "Give the energy authority to me in twenty minutes, and I will do my best to strengthen the shield."

Le Xiaotian: "Zheng Ting, how long can you delay the fire strike?" - As a friend, Le Xiaotian knows that Zheng Ting is in a new breakthrough level six state, and the dark energy of space and time is limited. A lot of time has been consumed in these battles.


Zheng Ting: "Don't be nervous. They are very on-point in their work." Zheng Ting said that they were a group of physical enhancement system Wei Keng sent by Kang Xin's identity.

...Wei Keng: "If the fire cover is not in place, I will not rush"...

The firepower of various groups of small spacecraft in space has become so intensive that it can be felt by the naked eye to be denser than the surrounding stars.

Various small reconnaissance vehicles in the universe interfere with each other and cause noise pollution. Everyone in the outer cabin can receive a "buzzing" noise from the communication receiver.

Especially when the enemy's particle beam passes through the outer magnetic protective cover of the fleet, the harsh electromagnetic noise is hundreds of times more uncomfortable than scratching a blackboard with fingernails. Even if the body is strengthened and transformed, it will cause nausea and vomiting.


Just when the fleets of both sides can get as close as 0.1 light seconds.

A white light appeared on the left side of the broadside's line of fire. Then a row of jump points appeared, and this row of jump points was directly connected to the opposite fleet.

During the White Meteor broadcast, Yuplait confirmed the report: "The impact has begun."

At this time, on Le Xiaotian's communication interface, the appearance of the leader of the team supporting the high-speed aircraft (an independent individual of the Wei Keng cluster) appeared.

Wei Keng individual: "Our army has deployed its position. After the countdown of seventy-four seconds, please support the firepower and be ready."

Wei Keng sent dense stereoscopic projection data. The data included where the artillery beam would reach during Wei Keng's leap, and when it reached the internal force field. After marking the force field, the artillery would open on the battleship within a few tenths of a second.


In short, it requires multiple breakthroughs in space and just the right time.

…War is about creating a time difference and making good use of it…

During the war on the main world's star surface, human tactics developed and evolved. In the starry sky, some basic rules still exist.

On earth, there are artillery, missiles, and air force bombs dropping all kinds of fire cover, and tanks and mechanized infantry charging. The impact force sends back information to further provide accuracy for fire strikes.

In space, although the battlefield is three-dimensional, the essence is the same. The space becomes hundreds of light seconds, and the time accuracy becomes microseconds.

When Wei Keng launched the attack from the front of the Le Xiaotian fleet, the "Arctic Jet Zone" warship had not yet realized what it was. It even saw rows of flashing jump points and mistakenly thought it was just a new type of fire strike warhead.

But such a "warhead" is too flexible and moves very suddenly.

In the Arctic jet zone in space, while the huge island-like warships were still using their energy to deal with fire suppression and the huge drone swarms, these storm commandos connected multiple sets of magnetic fields and firepower to break through, and drilled smartly.

Entered the battleship.

…At this point we come to the victim’s perspective…

The superior Ming battleship was originally directly controlled by Jiahai, the guardian of the sixth-level creation system.

Now Ju Mang, the seventh-level dark energy user who was originally in the frontline Shanhe-level battleship, has separated a will figure here. The original battleship captain is standing on the side to give command.

Ju Mang stared at the "Inorganic Fire" and "Space-Time Spindle" behind the "White Meteor" on the flagship.

This seventh-level dark energy user had to admit that the Jiulan Star duo of these two battleships had their own tricks. When facing such a complex defense line, it took them three hours to defeat the floating planks deployed by their own interception fleet.

artillery network and completed minefield destruction at the same time.

Faced with a seemingly easy victory, they simply sent an old and captured battleship as the vanguard.

And even this old battleship performed well.

The battleship Superior Ming, an ambush fleet, is hiding near the shadow of the planet. Once Jiulan Star Lexiaotian leads the fleet to break in directly, a huge flaw will be revealed.

Jumang wanted to win over these two Jiulan Star heroes, especially the Space-Time Spindle, which was too slippery and eye-catching.

Just looking at the "White Meteor" posted in, he suddenly felt something was wrong. That was the White Meteor had canceled its counterattack and was setting up a field (coordinate field) in space.

Ju Mang didn't believe it. This was an oversight. There must be a reason.

An alarm suddenly appeared on the platform, and at the same time, the ship collectively took a deep breath.

"Alert, alert, there are a large number of jump points in the direction of Cescilla, please take precautions."

…Wei Keng bragging: Such a clumsy ambush could have been detected by my three-year-old detection consciousness...

At this time, on the destroyers on the periphery of the fleet, the automated secondary battery systems were deployed and began to intercept the unmanned assault groups one by one. However, after the interception fire destroyed a large number of phantoms, these destroyers intelligently reviewed the results and determined that the interception rate was 0%.

, requires precise judgment.

However, when the high-precision scanners were turned on on the shells of the "Arctic Jet Zone" capital ships for identification, the central alarms on the three capital ships blared sharply because dark spots appeared on the stars.

When this kind of star "grows mold", every time it appears in the past two years, it gives the commanders of the Creationists a big headache. Because the calibration facilities in the entire star sea will lose accuracy.

But this time, the timing of its appearance was such a coincidence.

A large number of destroyers had just opened the doors of some of their huge gun bays, but they had to retract under the strong light.

When Wei Keng charges, the enemy's sighting system must be disabled.

Of course, those observation systems deployed as satellites in space were shattered by space needles one after another under the hot sunlight, and the hot ion clouds poured into the cabin, and "flames" emerged in space. This is actually

The air flow produced by metal sublimating at high temperature.

The floating visual systems deployed outside the "Arctic Jet Zone" space fleet were all blinded.

…The scale of Wei Keng’s spiritual language communication reaches its peak here,…

And when the enemy is blind, it is the time to seek victory, a time to create.

When the strong light radiation had not yet ended, a third wave of alarms appeared among the large warships in the Arctic jet zone. This alarm was more urgent than before.

"Invasion, it was discovered that the target was close to our ship. U333, x564, and y098 were all invaded."

On the flagship, Ju Mang suddenly stood up, and the powerful dark energy field covered the inside of all the battleships. A second later, he exclaimed: "Jumping gangs to fight, when did the dark energy users of Jiulan Star become so brave?"

At the same time, Wei Keng, who had logged into each battleship, was also stunned because he felt that every atom in the ship he logged into was artificially in an orderly state.

The Wei Keng group murmured: "Seventh level dark energy user." But then confirmed, "It's just the seventh level dark energy power projected from the jump point."

Wei Keng then deduced the direction of this dark energy space based on the fluctuations in the battleship's space. Finally, Wei Keng discovered that the seventh-level dark energy came from the direction of the Jiulan Star's forward battle zone, which was hundreds of light years away.

"It's so far away, how can you beat me?" After a wave of panic, Uncle Wei became as arrogant as a villain.

Wei Keng: 'When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins.'

Wei Keng boarded the battleship's hundreds of clusters and ejected the weapons of the Hollow Sword from their hands, and began to continue the attack.

The nano cloud filled each cabin like mist. In the nano cloud, Wei Keng commandos were like monsters in the depths, using space interfaces to break open the door and cut off the protective robots one by one.

Facing some cabins that suddenly closed and turned into a blazing cage of thousands of degrees, Wei Keng broke through the moment the cage closed.

At a higher level, in the countless star spaces spanned by the two parties, the Eternal Heart Wei Keng directly launched the "interference" to block the projection of the Jumang. The dense star cores on the star map gave the Great Ark battleship in the Arctic jet zone

The sect leader taught a lesson: "Why, you can't stretch your hands that long."

"Starry Formation of Zhoutian"

...Behind the arrogance, there is plenty of margin...

Jumang is the top material transmutation type of dark energy. The battleship at this time is like his biological intestines. He can also wriggle the energy network at any time to turn any area into a secret room. He originally had absolute confidence, but!

He couldn't help but look in the direction of the starry sky. The jump passage that was originally smooth to him now became obscure.

At the moment when he lost consciousness, these boarders began an operation that shocked him. Hundreds of people used space power in one direction at the same time to destroy one blockade, and then moved on to the next one.

He blocked one and faced the attack of all the boarders. And Jumang discovered that the on-board combat effectiveness of the six battleships, including the Superior Ming, could not defeat this commando.

And in just six minutes, his main battleship was like a human body being attacked by poisonous gas, hitting the core position, the energy warehouse, the combat weapons depot, and the command cabin. So much so that he had to take action.

Jumang calculated that if he wanted to completely control the battleship, he would have to project at least one-twenty-fifth of his attention on controlling the "Shanhe-class" battleship. However, the sub-consciousness he projected here was not even one-hundredth of his own.


Of course, what shocked Jumang even more was his will.

Mr. Wei was not unscathed during the assault, but faced a huge energy blast, seizing various important nodes in a nanosecond. In the process, he faced a sudden transformation of the material properties within the entire battleship.

For example: an area that was originally made of ceramics and carbon fiber became a strong magnetic material in an instant.

In this way, with a tyrannical ability comparable to turning stone into gold, Wei Keng just passed by it head-on. When it did not cause more damage, he seized the moment of phase change and cut off the energy and phenomenological radiation equipment.

In the center jump point of the Superior Bright Battleship.

Ju Mang stared at the assault team outside the hatch and couldn't help showing a helpless expression.

He had just persuaded the forty-five Wei Keng clones who were trapped in a dead end to surrender. Of course, he understood that this was impossible, but he just wanted to understand.

But the individual Wei Keng, who was on the verge of death, looked at the glow on the screen, smiled, and said slowly: "I surrendered, but you didn't seize the opportunity."

Regarding Jumang, Wei Keng also recognized that it was from the same dark energy system as Yanjinzhu.

But on the Tourmaline Star, Mr. Wei managed to live an ignoble existence. As a unruly man, if he managed to live an ignoble life without success, the next thing he would do was to perish together.

The death of some individuals in the battle only made Wei Keng more ferocious. Like wild beasts, the Wei Keng group began to forcibly kill the personnel on each ship, instead of prioritizing prisoners.

Yanjin Jumang was stunned. Although he could control the material of the ship's hull to "move the wind and rain", he could turn a small space into a steel furnace or icehouse instantly. Under such control, not only was he not afraid of the guy on the opposite side, he was tit for tat and launched a sword formation.

Start directly annihilating the upper nodes of the fleet.

Most independent dark energy users will lose their composure when facing death. Of course, they will either be under "absolute control" and remain silent.

However, the performance of the Wei Keng cluster was so decisive and unified in mocking Ju Mang in the center.

In the end, Wei Keng was destroyed faster. All the battleship central nodes and energy were controlled. After Ju Mang crushed six Wei Keng to death, he was unable to maintain the projection that spanned hundreds of light years within this squadron.

As the projection was cut off, Jumang returned to the "Shanhe-class" battleship a thousand light years away. He replayed the encounter and contacted the Gold Devouring Sect. He now felt how difficult it was for his disciples to learn the lesson.

Tangled up.

...War is about technology, but ferocity is also necessary...

On the attack fleet, Wei Keng's battle group had suffered 12% casualties, captured all the capital ships in the "Arctic Jet Zone", and captured eight sixth-level dark energy users. These prisoners' dark energy levels,

None of them are at the true level.

Facing Wei Keng's light blade, a few people were stubborn and wanted to activate something, but Wei Keng immediately cut off the body, divided it and stored it in the life support cabin, eliminating the armaments of the three warships.

After Wei Keng captured these eight battleships, he sent a message to Le Xiaotian: "These fleets are just bait, there is an ambush fleet on the side of the planet."

After accepting and digesting this information, Le Xiaotian paused and said, "Return quickly. If you can't take it with you, destroy it."

Wei Keng responded carefully: "If you can take it away, of course you can take it away."

Wei Keng can still transport three thousand-kilometer-level battleships and a large fleet of destroyers.

In fact, this tactic of quickly seizing the ship also greatly shocked the ambushers. They were waiting for orders on the back of the planet. But Jumang's willpower disappeared directly, which made them lose the basis for further actions.


For the ambushing fleet, should you go up or not? It is hesitation. Such redundant judgment will damage the execution of regular tactics.

Due to Jumang's decoy fleet, all level six dark energy users were captured, and Jumang himself lost the communication link.

This frightened the elite troops in the creation area who were trying to attack the inner area of ​​the star. Therefore, the ambush was not possible and the matter ended.

Wei Keng in the star mobilizes the memories of those lost individuals in the space field, silently enduring the fear of final death. Youyou said: "How much can this world kill me?"

The Wei Keng cluster's external performance was very mediocre in response to the outcome of the entire confrontation.

If you want to change your tone in this star sea, sooner or later you will have to confront these warships at the top, and if you confront, you will be sacrificed. At this stage, the tactics are fully prepared, so we can face the outcome of the struggle calmly.

Of course, the internal results are not dull. All Wei Keng's participating individuals have repeatedly reviewed all the unexpected points in the ship seizure, striving to "roll" this set of tactics to a lower number of casualties.

(End of chapter)

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