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Chapter 14.25.1 The Tao of Heaven is constant and runs through all things

 In the year 6825 of Jiulan Star, Wei Keng had already built a system suitable for the preservation of life on twenty-eight wandering celestial bodies at the junction of three remote areas: the Border Behemoth Nebula, the Empty Void Sea, and the Hades Shou Star Area.

sequence structure.

Of course, Wei Keng's design is not just the roller structure of Lost Paradise, but also has a variety of artistic styles.

For example: On some planets similar to Neptune, Wei Keng has carved all its crustal mountains into tire-like grooves, making its seafloor ocean currents a stable clockwise structure, thus allowing the space capsule inside to stabilize under the thrust of the ocean currents.

clockwise rotation.

Every planet deserves Wei Keng’s unique design.

These allow an entire chaotic planet to be designed into a stable spiral... Oh, Wei Keng's interest in doing all of this is just like a child on Earth spinning a top when he was seven or eight years old.

However, what is now "rotating" in an orderly manner is the planets. This forms a unique art.

... Mr. Wei never thought that one day he would be able to engage in art...

Art is order, huge order. It brings instinctive comfort to human beings.

Normal people spin eggs when they're bored, oh, hard-boiled eggs.

On the Nirvana planet, Wei Keng is spinning an egg in the kitchen while providing a summary: When doing this action unconsciously, you hope to spin as long as possible. Once it falls off and loses balance, it becomes a spinning circle.

There is a feeling of loss.

"Bang bang bang!" Someone knocked on the table nearby to remind Wei Keng to cook quickly and not to play with the ingredients in the kitchen.

Wei Keng, who transferred eggs, is offline, and other Wei Keng will discuss in a group.

Human beings are the highest animals that have evolved naturally on earth. Human beings’ tendency towards order is the tendency of natural life towards negative entropy.

Planet carving is both art and science.

Under Wei Keng's conditioning, the energy of each planet, which was originally small, operated according to negative entropy and was no longer chaotic.

After these planets enter the "operation" state, they can still return to the negative entropic operation system even if they are slightly disturbed and fluctuated by the life here.

This self-stabilizing effect is to ensure that even after the "naughty child" is slightly damaged, it can still ensure that "the order of heaven is applied to all things."

Wei Keng thoughtfully remarked: Tao has eternity. Here Bai Linglu Digu said: "If you are ordered by heaven, you will live forever?"

…Jing Guyu’s narration lamented: The division of labor between supervisors and time-travelers is very necessary. Both of them can act unscrupulously as fools in areas that they are not good at.…

Wei Keng: 'Strictly adhering to the human base theory, we must create such a cradle for the original human beings. This is the inevitable development of human civilization towards a higher level.'

For a gyroscope to rotate for a long time, it requires very high precision in axis machining. A child's gyroscope and the 'gyro' of an intercontinental missile's inertial navigation are not the same workmanship. The satellites on these planets have been carved to the core. The summary of the theory is

Relying on sophisticated technology.

And just like "no hexagonal snowflake is the same", the symmetry of the core of a planet like Wei Keng is still diverse.

…high-dimensional space field…

Bai Linglu Shen Shen Daotao's remarks: "This is the formation theory of Wei Keng Shangxian. The earth is massive enough and has just enough scarce materials (water, carbon oceans). The base is stable with the moon, forming regular geomagnetism and energy.

The planet with just the right frequency (located at the appropriate center of the sun) and maintaining the negative entropy movement is a great formation of innate life evolution, which is rare to encounter.

And those with small mass, weak core energy, and even no sunlight energy, have a negative entropy system, which is the acquired "life preservation" formation. Well, under the Tongtian Sect, it is not just the killing of the Ten Jue Formation

, and also has the formation of 'pregnant and nourishing all things'."

Bai Linglu: From destruction to rebirth, this is an improvement in the realm of cultivation.

Jing Guyu is much more rigorous here: she recorded in detail the theory of negative entropy rotation of the planet, as well as the data on the development of life on "thousands of planets after transformation".

This theory seems very simple. Because it is a summary of very common things, this belongs to "Tao in the rubble", but extending the summary of very common phenomena to vast phenomena in the universe and tiny phenomena in life is to prove "Tao"


Wei Keng is the only one who conducts experiments on the planet to verify this kind of thing.

At least in the multidimensional plane, where the core of the earth is penetrated by primitive chaos, this experiment cannot be done. There is no "god" who is determined to do so.

Now in the dark plane, the dark energy here is no less than the high magic system of some planes. Most of the travelers are dazzled by the magic of the dark energy here after entering. How can anyone follow this kind of "proof path" started by Jane?

"the road.

In particular, the phenomenon of "enlightenment" is a common phenomenon that also occurs on earth.

The difficulty of "proving the truth" is no less than that of a nation's determination to fully industrialize under a late-developing situation.

Looking at the 400-year time travel era of the entire main world, Wei Keng is a guy who started from the pastoral era and still adheres to a simple creed.

The theory of the negative entropy system of life and its environment is very simple, and this "simplicity" also shows that it is widely applicable!

All the planes explored in the main world at this stage cannot escape the "life-devouring negative entropy".

...Wei Keng is currently conducting a major life experiment that the main world of Earth cannot currently provide...

Data from hundreds of planets that verify the normal growth of life and the maintenance of intelligent and orderly human society are also common to all planes.

This is "hard currency" technology.

Bai Linglu described Wei Keng as "Biyou Palace Formation!" He was really qualified to "show off".

Jing Guyu took a look at Bai Linglu's team and understood why they were so wealthy.

In the entire main world exchange system, outstanding groups of time travelers export a large number of the most cutting-edge and rare technology systems all year round.

The "fertile soil" they hold is of extremely high value.

In today's situation where established supervisors generally end their "time travel" operations, Bai Linglu did not panic at all and did not become a 'king'. He still had the status of a single "supervisor" and relied on "one supervisor, one supervisor".

"internal" division of labor.

…Evangelization requires concentration,…

Return to the plane of darkness.

Now Wei Keng has moved towards the jump channels on the nodes of these planets and established roads for transferring people to the outside. At least 6,700 cores have initially completed information symmetry.

High-energy space rings have been built on the inner orbits of several energy stars on the border. A batch of "Shuoyuan Second Stage Awakening" bodies are placed on the star rhombus array, and can safely complete the 0.2-second level of high-energy transformation. Starting inside the star

Engage in "moving bricks" activities.

All of this was felt by the people in Jiulan Star!

In the Jiulan Star, the core of the planet, the highest star palace connected by the jump point.

Xin Zheng saw some of the discovered "hidden pits" and "starting rudders" moving like ants, and said to Ding Ming: "Does he want to leave?"

Dingzheng paused and said, "Yes, we have been fighting for too long and have caused too much damage. The children below are also a little alienated."

...The devastation of the war, through this year's conflicts, the Jiulan Star Center finally discovered with hindsight...

The awakening of high-level dark energy requires a lot of energy experiments. To be honest, Wei Keng did not lack energy during the time he integrated into Jiulan Star.

Over the years, Wei Keng has mobilized the energy scale from Jiulan Star and started experiments, which is enough to allow self-awareness to come into contact and verify various advanced dark energies.

The various sixth-level dark energies required for other complete sets of "smelting" technologies have also been verified from other secondary stars.

But! Wei Keng can honestly say that he paid for these by himself. He has made dozens of times more contributions to Jiulan Star than ordinary true disciples, building and repairing warships, and controlling small stars to provide supplies.

Wei Keng: It’s not like Jiulanxing is giving me alms. You can create possibilities and seize them. You Jiulanxing wanted more, so you traded with me. Now we can’t trade. Let’s get together and disperse.

Don't talk about who is kind to whom.

…early 6827…

Jiulanxing cannot cope with the interstellar war and wants to find more "open source" in Weikeng.

In the Zhanlan District, law enforcement agencies once again came to "disrupt" Wei Keng's work.

The core group of Jiulan Star is unfairly distributed. The war will not kill the planetary masters in the center of Jiulan Star, nor will forces break away from Jiulan Star be born. But as the new generation becomes disengaged, the power of the old dark energy ones will disappear.

In the future, Lexiaotian and others like Zheng Ting will be promoted to level seven, reducing the power of the inner core faction of dark energy users in this battle. The new battle will definitely indicate that the power of these seven-level veteran dark energy users fighting against the outside world will be strengthened.

If Jiulan Star is defeated in this battle, it will lose one or two hundred light years of its territory. And Jiulan Star's core cannot be crowded with too many seventh-level dark energy users.

Some frontline combat seed players have begun to say that during the changes in Jiulan Star after the war, some planetary suzerains will inevitably be squeezed out of the core of Jiulan Star and become exiles.

This made the law enforcement faction in the rear feel a doomsday crisis. They could not force the "frontier faction" like Le Xiaotian, so they came to pass the pressure back to Wei Keng.

Wei Keng looked at the group of goddesses at the negotiating table who were speaking increasingly fiercely, tilting his head and opening his ears, "nodding" from time to time.

"Hmm" "Hmm" "Pretty good"...

Wei Keng's formulaic response to these women's demands.

This chapter has been completed!
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