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Chapter 14.34 Recruitment

 In the universe, true seventh-level dark energy in the space-time system is very rare, just like the seventh-level dark energy in the creation system.

When Wei Qiang (younger brother) got stuck at the peak of level six dark energy, it showed that this was by no means a threshold that so-called outstanding people could cross.

Wei Qiang lamented: Wei Qiang did not give in until his death, unwilling to become a weak king, so that the hero disappeared. It was not that Wei Qiang was not capable enough, but that he took the wrong route. (This is the elder brother's evaluation of his younger brother.)

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Although Wei Keng is not a "genius", the route he has taken cannot be matched by a single "genius".

When each individual among the massive selves has a clear self-awareness and handles the "social contradictions" well, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes.

Wei Keng: The so-called "super civilization" does not mean looking at the longest wooden board, but making all ordinary wooden boards join together without gaps.

...Wei Keng: The seventh level of this time and space system is not the seventh level of that time and space system. What I am doing is not the orthodox seventh level of time and space in the sense of the dark plane...

In the Battle of Jiulan Star, Wei Keng planned to release all his 20 years of technological accumulation at once.

The release of an excessive amount of time and space twisting force affected a large area of ​​massive celestial bodies in the entire star sea, so it quickly caused "like attracts like".

Three thousand six hundred light years away, we are pursuing the "relativistic jet" left by a super black hole. A certain space-time dark energy user, Zhen Xun (female), this group of space-time warships with the size of six thousand kilometers and the shape of gem crystals.

, aware of the twisting of the stars caused by the "space-time system" of birth.

After Zhenxun broke away from the speed of light, he looked at the abnormal direction, and after identifying it for a while, he murmured and confirmed: "A large area of ​​energy is stagnant, and the forward vector radiation is compressed to almost zero. The space-time system? Huh?!"

Zhenxun masters the most orthodox seventh-level space-time system inheritance in the dark plane. This inheritance comes from nine thousand years ago, and there is no other family. Five thousand years ago, her sect conquered the time-twist and space-twist systems.

, pushing this dark energy to the top level of inheritance.

And now she sees the newly emerging time and space twisting in the Xinghai, just like in the ancient industrial era, the old F22s in the United States had sealed their technology, and suddenly discovered the J20 on the other side of the ocean.

She immediately turned her gem crystal battleship and aimed it in the direction of Jiulan Star. The name of her battleship was "Galaxy Coordinates", and at the same time, she happened to receive the signal sent by Dingming from Jiulan Star towards her area.

"Help" notification.

And because of her arrival, Wei Keng brought the biggest variable in the original plan in the battle of Jiulan Star.

...Dingming has always suspected that Taxi Qiduo ran away from the black hole area...

The perspective returns to the Jiulan Star domain, where the masters of the Jiulan Star planet are overwhelmed by the blooming green lotus.

In the supervisor group, Bai Linglu sighed: "The Dark Plane is indeed a big world."

Jing Guyu: "Huh?" Bai Linglu, who has always been immodest, now suddenly praises this realm humbly. Jing Guyu doesn't believe that Bai Linglu has changed his gender.

Bai Linglu: "No one can see the principle of this sword formation in the air twisting plane. There are too many angles to observe, and on this Jiulan Star, even though it is much more complicated than before."

Jing Guyu understood that Bai Linglu was emphasizing whether this current technology was derived from the technology of the Second Plane War Space-Time Battle.

The two supervisors are now certain that Wei Keng's taking this path means that the main world has the power to control this large plane, but is this really the case?

…went to a high place and had height problems…

After Wei Keng dealt a blow to Jiulanxing, he simultaneously attacked Jumang. A huge sword light poured into the "Shanhe Class".

The environment inside the "Shanhe-class" battleship is now like a plastic sleeve filled with soap bubbles! These various low-level dark energies fill the interface between the phantom "soap bubbles", and high-level transmutation dark energy is flowing.

Narrator: Foam steel can build a higher carrying capacity with a lighter mass. This high-level dark energy is in the form of a foam-wrapped low-level dark energy. It is a labor-saving mode that Wei Keng has determined can effectively seize large warships.

After the sword light poured in, the energy shield that originally surrounded the Shanhe-class battleship disappeared. Without this shield, the guard cang cluster that captured the ship could drive straight in.

In the Shanhe-class battleship, the entering guards relied on the "bubble" structure to form bunker walls, and gradually poured into various areas, eliminating the resistance in various areas within the Shanhe-class.

Jumang occupies the main optical axis and seems to want to regain control of the battleship. However, separated by layers of soap bubble-like field boundaries, the huge roller area no longer accepts his dark energy at all.

...Wei Keng: Other people's battleships are just incense...

And none of the capital ships in the "Arctic Jet Zone" surrounding the Shanhe class battleships escaped the Wei Keng battle.

On the Blazing Goldstone, Jin Yan and Zhenwei were directly pressed against the wall by the force field. Five energized guards were directly in front of them, deciphering, no, dismantling the original controls on the Blazing Goldstone.

system, and then directly "space-time welded" our own system. It is equivalent to taking away someone else's cattle, changing the nose ring, and putting a new brand on it.

A sub-individual of Wei Keng is dedicated to appeasing the "victims".

In the hall, each individual Wei Keng used smelting dark energy to quickly control various structures. In the prisoner cabin, the guard Keng stretched out his finger, hooked the golden sword and Zhenwei's nose to comfort him: "This is our control."

Area, next I will place you on the Ammonia Star, and the jump point there will be opened for you."

Ammonia is a gas giant planet in the 48th orbit of Jiulan.

Wei Keng opened the star map very skillfully, and then taught them how to evacuate from the space tunnel to a safe area.

Yanjin Yan stared at Wei Keng with some embarrassment: "You? You like to rob my battleship so much."

Wei Keng pointed to the other "Arctic Jet Zone" battleships in the sky outside, and then pointed to the "Shanhe Class", and said the famous saying that let Yan Jinzhao and Zhang Wei remember for a lifetime: "I'm not just robbing you.

Yes, only children can choose, I want them all.” It was said with such certainty, it was like a trailer.

As soon as he finished speaking, several more "sword lights" poured into the warships they were pointing at.

…I’m leaving soon, so I can grab as much as I can…

In the orbit of Planet No. 5, all the warships under Dingming's command were also packed away by Wei Keng.

Dingming stared at the surface of the star. This unprecedented large-scale fusion was thousands of times greater than in previous wars.

His face was expressionless except for numbness. Behind him was the "sliced" satellite fortress. After the fortress was shattered by its own energy, it came together again. In the crash, a large number of fragments appeared.

For such a huge artificial star structure, violent red splashes appeared at the impact site. These are the melting of kinetic energy converted into internal energy, and "bloodstains" spread on this behemoth.

Even if the satellite fortress stops burning, it will become a pile of ruins because the various structures are asymmetrical. The most important thing for such a high-energy physical structure is to be absolutely symmetrical to prevent "resonance" damage in the planetary field.

Dingming saw Wei Keng again, or in other words, Wei Keng had been staring at him closely, and came to interview him about his experience after each wave of fighting. (Wei Keng explained: "I was talking while fighting, so I

to make peace”)

With the stars as the background, Wei Keng's body, backed by the boundless typhoon-sized lotus, pointed toward the starry sky, Dingming followed Wei Keng's direction, and the three hundred billion square kilometers of vast star surface beside him, thousands of

The beams of light extend into space like pillars reaching the sky, until there is no end in sight!

Wei Keng: "I already miss my old relationship." Mr. Wei was playing the emotional card at this time, emphasizing that he and Zheng Ting were friends, so he didn't kill him for the first time.

Dingming sighed: "How could it be like this?"

Hearing these words, Wei Keng smiled, sketched a recliner in the void, sat down on it, and gave one to him: "If I say, when I arrived at Jiulan Star, I had thought about doing this.

,are you mad.""

Dingming: "Do we have a sworn knot?"

Wei Keng: "No."

Dingming: "Then why?"

Wei Keng: "You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. What's more, you can't help yourself in the above position, right?" Wei Keng seemed to be considerate and made excuses for Dingming's wrong judgment.

, it must be clear that the more you listen to it, the less it tastes to you.

Because this person understands you so well, then says he can't persuade you, and finally digs a pit for you, and now talks to you who fell into the pit, "I know you will make this mistake, so it's not surprising that you make this mistake."

Wei Keng is deliberately irritating, standing on the dry shore, pretending to be a good person, and pretending to be on your side. This is specifically to repay the "proper arrangements" he made for him before. Mr. Wei is somewhat narrow-minded.

Dingming suppressed his anger and interrupted Wei Keng's words, and Yin Yang responded: "That's really true, I'm sorry!"

Wei Keng smiled: "It doesn't matter, I don't mind now."

Wei Keng was calm and indifferent, but it made Ding Ming's thoughts confused. Wei Keng said lightly "It's okay, I don't mind" and dismissed it at a glance. This was the biggest loss for the entire Jiulan Star since its establishment.

Dingming is about to cry without tears. In the distance, the falling fireball is heading towards his ecological ocean (garden).

However, Wei Keng's smile made his heart twitch. However, when he made arrangements for Wei Keng on behalf of the Jiulan Star Sect Master before the war, there was not even a light "I'm sorry", but only a "should obey the overall situation."

However, Dingming didn't know that what Wei Keng wanted to respond to was not his "I'm sorry".

Rather, Jiulan Star has been fighting in the Arctic jet zone for so many years and has severely damaged a large number of planets. It is so "light and fluffy" that the people behind it do not pay any price and use mediation to solve the problem!

When Ding Ming, who could definitely say "lightly", met Wei Keng's "lightly" after lifting the table, he realized how abominable his own logic was.

Wei Keng's expression at this time was in the right place, worth more than 11,000 insults!

The defender of Jiulan Star suppressed his anger and regained his rationality and said: "If I insisted on protecting you, would there be a different result?"

Wei Keng glanced at him: "You? Protect me? Do you have the determination to insist on 'right and wrong'?" His tone was flat, and the disdain was like good wine, the more you taste it, the stronger it becomes.

Dingming was speechless. Indeed, he could not keep the bottom line in his heart. At that time, Wei Keng was very weak and seemed to be able to be arranged. With the pressure from the top, how could a fair boundary be maintained?

Wei Keng profoundly concluded: "When life no longer fights for possibilities, it is weak and compromising. When I first came to Jiulan Star, I understood this, so you and I can't escape.

That camp must be on the opposite side.

Dingming sighed.

Wei Keng raised his hand. On the fifth planet, many satellites that were originally falling were now frozen in the air. The huge fragmentation sputters were also temporarily wrapped in the viscous force field. Within twenty seconds, the satellites were suddenly falling.

Wei Keng, who controlled time, showed mercy and the disaster suddenly stopped.

Wei Keng said to Ding Ming: "Go and save your planet. But I remind you, my sword light will continue to bypass the surface of your planet, and the center of your jump point has been captured by me. In a short time

Don't be delusional."

Wei Keng summoned a "lotus" and flashed out a material beam. This material beam also penetrated the remains of the planetary fortress. Wei Keng also absorbed the high-value energy materials in the originally losing defense systems through this.

Although Wei Keng asked Dingming to go back and protect his planet, the knife did not move away.

Nowadays, the entire magnetic field of Planet No. 5 has been penetrated by the targeted dark energy smelted into a big hole. Dingming returned to it, but he did not dare to fill this big hole.

...The winner must have the attitude of a winner and determine what is right and wrong...

At the same time, the winner was also decided on the Shanhe-class battleship. Wei Keng mobilized the main force of the star beam and concentrated the siege on the Shanhe-class battleship. The core optical axis of the entire battleship seemed to be dyed, from the original golden color to transparent


Jumang did not want to endure the shame and humiliation, and tried to destroy the Shanhe-class battleship, but his several energy bursts were squeezed out by the "bubble" filled in the battleship. His dark energy was like a "skinny man" competing with a big-ass "fat man"

The seats were squeezed out of the way.

Finally, on the optical axis, Jumang was blocked by a brigade of 1,600 people from the Wei Keng group in front and behind.

Faced with such a siege, Ju Mang wanted to kill several Wei Keng, but the Wei Keng cluster was not a swarm of insects. Under the mutual fire suppression, none of them were destroyed. Instead, his dark energy field was abnormally consumed.

The dark energy of these fires projected by the Wei Keng cluster can quickly transform into the dark energy of Jumang. This is what Wei Keng is armed with after being "smelted".

Ju Mang soon discovered that his dark energy system was rapidly declining at a rate of 10% per minute. He was horrified to realize that the Wei Keng group was trying to kill him.

...Wei Keng: When you drive him away, he will fight to the death. When you want to kill him, he will escape faster than a mouse...

The Jumang had no choice but to turn into a tsunami of light fields, rushing towards the rear exit of the ship along the optical axis, and scattered along the way. On a large number of optical axes, Wei Keng arranged an interface combination.

But after he rushed out of the battleship, he happened to fall into a space contraction.

This is the Ten Absolute Array System of Space Twist Planes, which uses space fluctuations to create changes in material properties and transformations in energy patterns. In short, it uses higher-level air twists to simulate various dark energy effects.

This high-level seventh-level dark energy user wanted to break out of the Shanhe-class battleship and gain a foothold in space, but as soon as he left, the force field wormhole at the tail of the Shanhe-class was activated by the Shanhe-class tail wormhole before he had gone very far.

The black hole sucker pulled it back.

Fifteen light seconds away from this Shanhe-class battleship, the Ammonia star

The planetary ring of this Jupiter-like planet has been occupied and controlled by the satellite cluster, and this material area was ignited by the stream of particles emitted by the Jiulan Star Sword Array, forming energy factories rich in information.

The rings on the Ammonium Star radiated out, and the light filaments extended to the level of mountains and rivers.

These light filaments form a chain of concentrated light,

The diameter of the "light filament" is about 400 meters, and the interior is obviously stratified. The nuclear burning in the innermost blue area quickly rises to 30 million degrees.

The light filaments swing and the center of the entangled mouth can complete billions of degrees of ignition at any time.

The polyglot is entangled more and more densely. As long as it is covered and the density of the light filaments reaches the point of collapse, (Wei Keng) will be able to have a wave of singularity explosions, which will eject the individual molecules of the polyglot at the speed of light, scattering almost a ray of light.

Outside the year.

...This scene surrounded by red flames is like a nine-dragon fire covering a stone rock...

There was silence in the entire space. I have seen crazy people, but I have never seen anyone dare to do this. In front of the mediators, I want to kill chickens and scare monkeys.

The problem suddenly came to the mediators, and their original strategy of silence could no longer be maintained.

At this time, Chang Hengxi stood up and said: "Taxi starts the helm, that's enough, stop!" The melodious voice echoed on the outer track.

The entire Jiulan Star, as if its eyes were focused, locked on Chang Hengxi,

Chang Hengxi's heart beat as he turned to face Wei Keng's fierce light.

At this time, all the neutral parties in the entire ruling hall were staring at Chang Hengxi. Two seconds later, there was an echo in the space: "Well, it's old aunt Chang Hengxi. I haven't seen you for a long time."

After hearing Wei Keng's response, Chang Hengxi finally breathed a sigh of relief. If this guy can respond, he can negotiate. It's just that the word "old aunt" sounds a bit weird. But he doesn't care about it now.

Chang Hengxi sighed: "If you want to establish your authority, just like Wen Tiexing did back then, you have already done it. If you want to negotiate, I think you can make demands. Including, you can acquire stars in Jiulan Star for a long time.

Control authority. At present, there is no need for you to do unnecessary killings. If you want to be willful, you might as well think of Lord Yanyao."

Wei Keng paused and asked: "Um, let me ask, which Yan Yao you are talking about? (Wei Keng projected Qing Su Yi's message)"

Chang Hengxi asked strangely: "Don't you know the name of that superior?"

After Wei Keng confirmed that Qingsu was also an eighth-level dark energy user, he fell silent. This was definitely out of his calculations.

A few seconds later, after most of the concentrated dark energy was decomposed in the space furnace, Wei Keng released him.

Wei Keng originally planned to release it to show goodwill to the Star Sea Council, but Chang Hengxi took the initiative to talk to him, which happened to fit his plan.

…The first person to stand up and speak out in a crisis can be a representative.…

Wei Keng said leisurely to Chang Hengxi: "The battleships are all mine." Then he pointed to the interstellar immigration jump point in the core of Jiulan Star, "Also, I will no longer stay on Jiulan Star, and the grudges have been settled since then.


Chang Hengxi looked at Wei Keng strangely: "That's all?"

Taxi Kairuo directly crushed the core area of ​​​​Jiulan Star in all directions, and finally wanted to leave? Even after the incredible incident on Wentie Star, Chang Hengxi was still surprised by Wei Keng's brain circuit.

However, Wei Keng never cared whether Chang Hengxi understood or not. After completing the conversation with her, he immediately started to raise the "flag".

…Now, Wei Keng wants to put an end to this great uprising in a phased manner…

At this time, the mighty music of the east wind has been transmitted from the star.

At this time, Wei Keng, who was monitoring the interstellar parliament, began to declare categorically: "This war, the war you imposed on me, is a dog-eat-dog war between the two classes of your planet that control resources.

, a large number of casualties are just a bargaining chip for a small group of people at the top of the star sea to divide the interests.

Today their war is over. In order to prevent them from carving it up, I fired this shot."

Wei Keng's tone was high and high-spirited. Finally, he moved his hands forward, with momentum like lifting a star, and scolded Fang Qiu: "I leave today, and the civilization I carry will open a way. You have a long way to go, and you still have the ability to suppress me.


After finishing speaking, Xinghai realized that this was a "young man".

This chapter has been completed!
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