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Chapter 2.18 The War to Stop the War

 Wei Keng's advice seemed to have an effect, and the Shenzhou Temple realized that it was inappropriate to continue this battle. Then it began to exert force, and many orders were quickly issued from the center.

Wei Keng’s friend Bai Jingqi has already revealed the core information about the strategic decision-making of China’s top military officials. Wei Keng’s friend Bai Jingqi has revealed the core information. Who is Luo Shui?

, all parties have tacitly excluded Luoshui, but now that it has been proven that it cannot be swallowed, Luoshui must be informed of everything.

"Brother Wei, this trip is dangerous, I'm really worried about you!" Bai Jingqi seemed to care about Wei Keng sincerely.

If Wei Keng had not inadvertently obtained some information from relevant electronic chips, coupled with the impression left by "a large number of transport planes he gave in the early stage", the honest Wei Keng would really think that this brother Bai might really be doing his own harm.

A good man with a knife.

But now, facing Brother Bai, who was very close to him, Wei Keng couldn't help complaining: "Sometimes it's better to be confused. This way you won't be lonely."

Bai Jingqi came to Wei Keng and said that it was about a distant cousin of his. Shenzhou was going to attack the huge body of Rakshasa Kingdom, and Bai Jingqi's distant brother was the one who received the order from the central government.

A general.

During this war, General Bai paid great attention to Wei Keng's frontline military situation.

Wei Keng's tactical command level is very satisfactory. In the eyes of this general who was born as a general, he is even a bit "timid". With the high ground in hand, he can completely allocate part of his troops to attack. But at that time, Wei Keng was more inclined to

A deep defense line was built in the inner zone, but later these deep defense lines were not used.

But one of Wei Keng's undisputed advantages in the entire battle is that he is fast! He can march quickly! He can supply supplies quickly, and he can quickly mobilize the accumulated strength of the people. With this, he has already surpassed the vast majority of people in China.

General. Perhaps it is because China’s decadent bureaucracy cannot compare with the system built by Luoshui Commercial Group in terms of logistics.

Therefore, after General Bai received the combat order, he wanted to ask Bai Jingqi and Wei Keng to meet to discuss the material supply issue for the upcoming northern battle.

Wei Keng lowered his head and thought for a moment. As a substantial leader, Wei Keng is still accustomed to starting from the bottom perspective. It is possible to provide supplies for other legions, but this kind of movement that mobilizes a lot of civilian enthusiasm cannot be done.

A promise made freely and generously.

Any great cause that can successfully gather strength from the people is not at all because "its principles are good", but because the benefits of victory must ultimately be given back to "all individuals among the people"!

[That is, 880,000 trolleys and 310,000 stretchers voluntarily moved forward without any complaints. But decades later, under the same name, they continued to give profits to "compatriots of the same blood and clan" and opened them in every county.

The department responsible for its commercial services was criticized for being mentally ill.】

Now throughout Luoshui, the modern logistics system for 300,000 people built on the Western Region road system can still operate stably during wartime. People even actively enter risk areas that may encounter enemy fire to deliver supplies by remote control drones.

This is not Wei Keng’s brainwashing!

In the past few years, we have taken full care of the culture, education, health care, and clothing, food, housing, and transportation of our subordinates, substantially making their lives better. These were completely unqualified investments in the eyes of business and private individuals at the time, but they were huge capital during wartime.

(The essence of capital is reputation).

When this people's livelihood security system faced external threats, tens of millions of people under the new industrial system established in Luoshui suddenly burst out with terrifying combined efforts.

But what will be the consequences of these groups of ordinary people, who all have their own families, paying for a "military operation not controlled by Luoshui"?

Wei Keng can use his prestige to issue orders in the short term, but if there is no profit, it will be overdraft!

The so-called brothers settle accounts clearly. Wei Keng and those who are willing to listen to his reasoning now settle accounts very clearly. Wei Keng: "Who said I am not a businessman? Who can calculate as accurately and as carefully as I can?"

Wei Keng and General Bai had a conversation on the Internet. Since the remote network is not yet a 4G network, and both parties are in a war zone, there is no wired network. The two sides had a conversation similar to the text forum in the 2G era (featuring a dialog box

Scroll down). Both parties clicked on the keyboard to confirm the rationale for this private commercial transportation!

In the scrolling lines of text, Wei Keng, who was not a pure warrior, elaborated on his own opinions.

First of all, all wartime transportation requires money. If there is no money, as a general, after the war, China will auction mineral raw materials in some areas to ensure that Luoshui Group can win the bid. Of course, as long as it can win the bid, the debt

Eliminate it, and the kickbacks that should be given to the general will also be given. Wei Keng still understands how to behave.

Huh? General Bai doesn't seem to understand the twists and turns here? Or maybe he is surprised, why is Wei Keng, who is supposed to be an upright military man, like this?

In this regard, Wei Keng explained to him: "If you don't know how to deal with the bureaucracy, you will hit a wall when doing key things at critical times. After this battle is over, I may be disbanded and return to work, so you don't have to

Worry, I will ruin the morale of the warriors in China."

The somewhat "awkward" signing of a military remuneration contract for civilian logistics ended, and discussions on specific strategies began.

This discussion is because Wei Keng must know his battle plan in order to effectively arrange logistics planning.

The northern attack plan obtained by Wei Keng here is more detailed than that of the White Tiger Hall in Shenjing (the hall where military strategy is discussed). Of course, General Bai also believes that Wei Keng can keep this military operation secret.

General Bai's tactics and strategy are also very simple. He is to seize a strategic support point in Mobei, and then make destructive assaults from all directions, like acupuncture, striking a protrusion of thousands of kilometers, using the least amount of force to force Rakshasa to stand there.

Regional strategic defense ultimately consumes the Soviet army's strategic logistics forces and achieves strategic countermeasures.

Following the example of Huo Qubing, the Xiongnu could not live in North Asia until they were poked thousands of kilometers away.

[China is now the Han Dynasty’s strategy for defending against foreign enemies, rather than the Ming Dynasty’s scholar-bureaucrats who despised the barbarians and refused to garrison troops, allowing foreign enemies to come in and attack.]

At noon on October 13, the Siberian Railway, a small town near the Angara River.

This small town did not have much defense originally. Everything was still a bastion left over from the Tsarist Russia era. With the bombardment cover of General Bai's light mechanical artillery, the special teams wearing Longyan individual armor quickly captured various commanding heights. The blockade of the town was completed within ten minutes.

Dozens of kilometers away from this town is the city of Yeniseysk (population 20,000), and General Bai has paralyzed the entire city's ports and transportation stations through bombers, cutting off the Siberian railway and waterway transportation hubs.

And this is a start.

In the next seventy hours, after continuously cutting off dozens of Soviet transportation nodes, General Bai's assault began to turn westward, exactly to the northern section of the Western Region battlefield. This was also the case when Mongolian Khan entered Europe. A line, but actually a stab in the rear of Krukov.

Kazan Fortress.

General Krukov looked at the situation coming from central Siberia, his beard froze at the corner of his mouth, and he had no words. The strategic rear was unstable, so he rushed back temporarily.

In war, the fog factor is very important.

It is impossible for the general to directly understand the movement of the opponent's troops like a cheat. He can only use various real-time details during the encounter to make up for the enemy's position on the map.

When a large number of cities in the north were attacked and the signals were completely interrupted, Krukov rationally judged that this was a small force and not something to be afraid of. However, he still dispatched fighter planes to conduct reconnaissance.

As a result, the anti-aircraft missiles deployed by the Soviet Air Force were jammed by electronic warfare aircraft due to radar interference, and the screen was full of false targets. MiGs scrambled into the air and crashed into the missile net, and forty of them were shot down.

Therefore, the Red Palace now believes that it is necessary to send ground troops to re-enter the northern region and gain control of the river in order to prevent the Chinese troops from inserting themselves into Siberia and threatening the industrial city clusters west of the Ural Mountains.

Krukov tapped the table, looked at the subway in the north, bit his pipe seemingly calmly but was very troubled and asked himself: "How many troops are there in the north now on the Chinese side?"

There are not many troops. General Bai has three mechanized battalions under his command to facilitate the air force's release. Then he will drive directly along the road from the release point for fifty kilometers to attack the Siberian key road.

The supply stations it requires are specially developed by the Luoshui Group. This kind of research and development is not to win arms orders, but to explore for some uninhabited areas in the vast territory.

The entire supply station is highly automated from deployment to operation. Six technicians can complete the operation in half an hour. After three hours of construction, it can even be abandoned within an hour and the key internal facilities can be transported away from the base station. , transferred to other base stations.

The logistics and technical personnel brought by General Bai's assault force did not even occupy the redundant establishment.

The Soviet command just grasped a point and sent air groups to break through the temporary missile positions and prepare to come over to wash the ground. As a result, General Bai changed places directly. Although the Soviet army had an absolute advantage overall, the land in North Asia was too vast. big,

With the destruction of major transportation routes, the Soviet army encountered such agile destruction, like a bear fighting a mosquito but never being able to hit the target.

On the North Asian battlefield on October 24, Wei Keng finally reaped the benefits of China's flank and rear destruction on the western front.

At the high-intensity confrontation point in the Western Region, the Soviet army went through the last round of urgent attacks and barely broke through the first line of defense. It discovered that there was a denser defense system behind it, and it was still hundreds of kilometers away from the core area of ​​​​the Ile Valley. Realized that the war objectives could not be achieved.

As a result, the rude Mao Xiong finally made diplomatic contact with China.

In the splendid hall, with sandalwood tables and black veils on their heads, the officials met at the meeting. Faced with the intertwined status quo on the border in northwest China, they began to interpret the incomprehensible art of language among themselves.

This crisis in the Western Regions was due to the Western Region Army's initial rash advance. Although the subsequent deployment of troops saved face, it initially lost the blame for three armored groups! If it cannot be pinned on others in time, it will be pinned by others.

So, now, on this stage of big bosses, some people are responsible for whitewashing, some are responsible for decriminalizing, and finally, some are responsible for coordination.

Those who are responsible for whitewashing are the humblest officials in the cabinet meeting. They want to cover up the mistakes of the general decision-making. At the same time, the young men in the army are all from aristocratic families, and it is impossible to strictly investigate and pursue them. Speaking for these young people is also Gain popularity for yourself.

The person responsible for taking the blame is the backbone of the meeting. As the group that talks the most and has the loudest voice in this parliament, they must attack in advance and hurt their hearts so that their opponents are busy defending and have no time to target their own bosses.

As for the big bosses who finally stood up to coordinate, they would easily accept the responsibility of "my poor leadership" and then unite with a big gesture.

As the commander in charge of the troops on the front line, Wei Keng's report is also the focus of cabinet discussions.

Of course, the business group behind Wei Keng and the officials of the Wei family in the court also have a certain degree of weight, and they are not tools that can be used as weapons in court struggles.

Before Wei Keng's report, some chief officials in Shenjing would greet Wei Keng in advance and help Wei Keng polish it up, lest Wei Keng, a fool, said something he shouldn't have said in a confused manner, causing a new round of fighting in the court.

After learning about this kind of ecology in the inner temple of Shenjing, Wei Keng couldn't help but sigh: "Yes, I understand, the big shots leave a margin for the people they favor, and the overall margin contributed by the people below is like this It was squandered. Tsk.”

[Of course, the crows on the Soviet side are as black as black. After this battle, the news newspaper explained this sub-center conflict like this: The great Su xx successfully educated the imperialist forces in the east. Then, General Krukov’s chest There will be a few more medals.】

In early November, Wei Keng counterattacked and regained the position, and once again completed a powerful forward protrusion along the lower reaches of the Ile River, intercepting Su's 70,000 light armored troops who had originally detoured in and cooperated with friendly forces on the east bank of the Ile River. In the end, he lost all his baggage, which finally brought the battle to a conclusion.

After the "small defeat" in the Yibohai area, the Soviet armored forces began to withdraw westward in an organized manner.

Wei Keng also ordered all the troops to begin to shrink in an orderly manner, fully prepared for a possible violent counterattack.

Wei Keng got the information from General Bai, and now the Red Palace is also worried. It has mobilized a large number of air forces from the European side and is preparing to deploy some super weapons eastward.

The peace talks between the two parties have touched each other's bottom line, and it is not appropriate to do anything more extreme. So everyone took a step back and dispersed.

In mid-November, after the Soviet troops had completely retreated, the tracks were rutted, and bullet casings and dilapidated tents were left everywhere as garbage.

Wei Keng's pursuit troops moved forward completely along the Ile River and arrived at Yibohai. They once again closed the gate to the western border of China's Western Region. At the same time, the friendly forces in the Zhungeer area also moved south, and the two armies met in the middle of Yibohai.

In this meeting scene, a dozen patrol boats and an off-road convoy on the shore met each other and took photos with each other.

It was such a simple act to announce that all the territory had been recovered.

During this battle, the soldiers who survived the frontline mission waved their hats and cheered. A buffet celebration feast was held that night, including barbecue, pickled cucumbers, fried cabbage, tomatoes and scrambled eggs. The Service Management Department rarely agreed to provide some low-alcohol rice wine.

In fact, the soldiers who had just relieved themselves from the tension of the battlefield found it extremely difficult to control themselves. They would drink even low-alcohol drinks until they were drunk. In the end, the inspector came in and forcibly pushed the overdrinkers down and sent them back to sleep.

The style of painting at the rear is different.

Groups of young scholars in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas seemed to have found another reason to be dissatisfied with the affairs of the court, demanding more troops, and often arranged to have their wills cut off in the streets, seeking to clear their name in this matter.

In response, the foul-mouthed Wei Keng used the convenience of his super remote control chip to anonymously yell at these talented people on the Internet: "Damn it, you have to have a caesarean section to prove your ambition. If you don't cut off your fingers, you can do it at home." Howling wildly, like a husky, you are still barking, are you trying to eat shit from me? The great Buddha and Bodhisattvas of the imperial court say you are not worthy."

Mr. Wei's inappropriate remarks in the tennis world seemed to have been quickly noticed by China's netizens. Perhaps the management in these young and talented tennis circles were originally netizens. When they started to check their identities through their addresses, Wei Keng directly The information on the central chip in that place was logged out.

Then, change another ID and continue.

This chapter has been completed!
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