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Chapter 15.06 Mind Plane

 On the subspace membrane, in the hall of the plane comprehensive system. On the vast land, a team of thousands of people is studying some of the information returned from the Pandora plane.

The contemporary plane travel project already has a complete set of support systems for the formally established travellers, which are grouped and assisted according to multiple disciplines such as biology, landforms, climate, astronomy, culture, etc. At the same time, a fixed system is used to deal with various situations there.

After the Third Plane War, the supervisory system of dimensional logistics became very large.

Although this generation of supervisors is no longer as creative and romantic as in the early days, the system has been extremely good and efficient for hundreds of years.

After Wei Keng arrived at the subspace membrane, he was currently being scanned in the space field, and groups of space nodes were entering Wei Keng's information body.

According to the latest operation, traversers should "hold" these scans into their own nodes as much as possible.

Then, Wei Keng held one, two, four, eight...

When Wei Keng held 2 to the 29th power, the entire space hall stopped. The entire information space was filled with hot changes and had become unstable.

Once the information field collapses after being observed, everyone here will be affected.

...Wei Keng, who has just returned from the dark plane, is currently in a period of strength...

Throughout the space hall, Su Yue'e was speechless as she looked at this brilliant spiritual beam of light. Although separated by an information barrier, her soul was in awe of the majesty of consciousness, and her instincts were trembling.

In addition to breaking away from the carbon-based body, the gap in consciousness of human beings in this era is no longer limited by the "carbon-based physical boundaries of the earth".

When Wei Keng's traveling consciousness formed a huge "star" in the dimension, the mysterious Pandora plane node also naturally formed a "collapse" at this time, seeming to have actively fallen in to welcome Wei Keng's arrival.

Throughout the hall, all the participants were whispering. Under such a spectacle, their entire team together could not escape their relative insignificance. They were like ants looking up at a towering building.

There are only 10,000 nodes at the sergeant level, and less than 1 million at the minister level, but Wei Keng seems to be able to capture infinite nodes.

If Wei Keng continues to capture, there will be no information enthalpy to capture, and the larger the scale, the slower it will take to load through the dimensions. For example, for Wei Keng's consciousness to pass now, it will take 500 large hourglasses, which is one or two years in the main world.

time, so the supervisory department temporarily stopped Wei Keng.

Bai Linglu walked in and saw such a scene in the hall. He had expected it. After glancing at Su Yuee, he directly opened the communication system.

Su Yue'e paused. What Bai Linglu did was against the rules. She was clearly the person in charge of the delivery mission. The exploration process of contemporary planes involves a strict division of labor to ensure a balance of power.

Bai Linglu: "Are you ready?"

Dimensionally, Wei Keng was simulating the development of human embryos under Pandora's physical rules. When he heard the pair of white deer returning, "We can travel a long time ago, do we still need to add nodes?"

Bai Linglu: "Just load the first-order traceability in the future. We can't afford it here." The first-order traceability is one million.

Then Bai Linglu chatted with Wei Keng about other things, made an "ok" gesture, and cut off his communication.

…In the hall, with Bai Linglu’s gesture of acquiescence, operations continued…

As Su Yue'e watched this scene, she heard terms such as "first-order traceability" and "primary industrial scale polyploidy."

Although the current Space-Time Management Bureau is a professional system, Wei Keng is an independent system and has corresponding technical standards.

When Wei Keng entered the plane shuttle, Bai Linglu also walked towards his supervisor area.

Obviously, Bai Linglu came here to explain: She has always been solely responsible for everything involving Wei Keng and cannot be replaced.

Bai Linglu: "Director Su, I'm in too. Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

Su Yue'e: "Of course you need to pay more attention. By the way, you are a senior. When traveling between planes, I hope you can actively judge the situation of the planes."

Bai Linglu used a seasoned official tone: "Everything is about safety." After saying this, Bai Linglu smiled at her and said: "Are you interested in doing a plane mission? I will take you there."

Su Yuee'e's face was stiff, and she could only force a smile to express: "Thank you..." But it was unclear what she was cursing in her heart.

…When Bai Hengqian was reborn, Bai Linglu had no care and no friends in the vast land. Of course, she didn’t need friends when working.…

Wei Keng's consciousness began to shrink from the perspective of the supervisors of the main world, and began to condense into a singularity.

On the target plane this time, related particle quantum flashes appeared, and the angle of view was enlarged. It was a carbon-based molecule. If it was enlarged, it was on the DNA gene chain in a cell. Quantum fluctuations jumped and transmission had begun.


Wei Keng arrived at the carbon-based cell and began to grow. The cell began to divide twice, then became a blastocyst, then differentiated, and gradually became an embryo.

Ordinary babies in the main world do not have the ability to think, but here, Wei Keng, who is still sensing in the dimension, jumps to the consciousness of his neurons very early.

The gestators on that plane have already begun to radiate carbon-based frequency band information to the conceived children.

Wei Keng once completed the spiritual umbilical cord on the plane of Pandora. Under the strengthening of the years, this prototype quickly evolved into a complete and complex structure, just like the "limbs and fins" of a whale after entering the sea.

One million years ago in this plane, the spiritual language left by Wei Keng was a singularity. This useful ability, after countless years of massive evolution, has become a human physiological function.

When humans are in cells, they begin to input information just like robots are input into the operating system.

Is it just like this? Wei Keng doesn’t know whether this is good or bad.

…It’s been too long, Wei Keng didn’t dare to comment too much…

From an ancient perspective, this violates the "human base" theory, but it has been a million years since then, and a new base has been born.

Just like, after humans use fire for a period of time, the digestive tract is no longer suitable for digesting raw meat, and human life is basically inseparable from fire.

After the embryo developed for about fifteen lunar tide changes, Wei Keng understood a lot of current information about this plane by injecting the carbon-based information into the "spiritual umbilical cord". He named it the plane of the mind field.

One million years is enough time to wash away everything. After the development and prosperity of civilization lasted for thousands of years, it suddenly expanded across the starry sky, and civilization continued to develop on a broader scale.

Nowadays: human civilization has begun to break through physics and rely on stars to extract Pandora fields for life evolution and civilization development (Pandora fields have become industrial products of the star production system).

With gradual progress, after entering tens of thousands of light years into the starry sky, it was discovered that the information field that creates global life exchanges comes from a super civilization called the Yi Field.

When this super civilization disappeared, the technological pollution left behind spread viciously in the star sea, turning a large number of primary civilizations into human insect swarms. (It wasn't until they arrived on Earth that year that they encountered Wei Keng's Human Emperor activation.)

What was the situation of this once-prosperous Yitian civilization? It can only be roughly described as very big, very big. The civilization of Pandora Earth millions of years ago described this civilization in just a few words.

Before Pandora Field arrived on Earth, the main body of Yi Field civilization was not based on a single race. Instead, it was a transcendent existence based on a diverse carbon-based ecology.

Human beings, as a racial civilization, have not yet figured out what the components of the mind field civilization were when it originated, and how large the territory it affected was? The mind field has disappeared.

The novel human civilization is like the newborn sun, and the mind field civilization, the stars at night, was missed in the cycle of day and night.

…In the supervisor space of the dimension at this time…

As for the Earth Main World Time and Space Project Supervision Team, after learning this series of information through Wei Keng.

Su Yue'e immediately sent a task to find out what other ultra-advanced technologies besides the Xinghai consciousness transmission technology?

Of course, the tasks they assigned were tasks. Whether Wei Keng could do them or not was another matter.

Bai Linglu is analyzing the information obtained by Wei Keng through the spiritual umbilical cord on his own platform: the life field that penetrated the earth and created the Pandora era of mankind is actually just a detector of the spiritual field civilization spreading to the star sea.

Bai Linglu’s note: Please be careful not to use human social thinking to speculate on the Star Sea Civilization. Human beings have an almost conditioned reaction to things like detectors. When the detector comes, will the invasion warships come next? - Then

It is the logic of human beings "I see, I conquer". The logic of the meaning field civilization is: "I pass on your changes, and we connect."

Higher-level alien civilizations have more unique ways of influencing lower-level civilizations.

In a million years, the Yi Field Civilization may have reached the level of evolution of energy-based life, and may not have paid any more attention to the inheritance of carbon-based genes.

And because of this, the civilized races affected by the "intentional field" all became castles in the air where genetic evolution was interrupted, until they encountered the earth! Human beings maintain a strong inertia as a species and continue to evolve.

The development possibilities that Wei Keng left for earth civilization back then were extremely huge.

After Wei Keng passed away as the ancestor of the first generation of wise people, human beings began to evolve significantly.

Human beings in the main world are born ignorant, but now in the mind field plane, they are born with understanding and common sense.

Bai Linglu uses the most cautious attitude to judge: it is just like the difference between lower vertebrates and humans.

...a million years have passed, and the era of rise has long passed, and now it is another era...

After Wei Keng left that year, humans on Earth spread into the star sea in just tens of thousands of years, wiping out the large swarm of star sea insects left behind after the spread of the Yi Field ruins.

Judging from today's perspective one million years later, Wei Keng's "Human Homo state" was still very primitive when he left Pandora, similar to how modern Homo sapiens looks at early Homo sapiens. And according to the year given in the genes, it is still very primitive.

Died young.

Of course, at that time, many foundations had been determined. For example, the human cluster on the plane of consciousness, the carbon-based life span of one generation is six hundred years (the total life span is five thousand years), which is the genetic legacy of the era of wise people.

of chains.

After the wise man stepped onto the stars, the spiritual man traveled across the universe. In this process, human beings became extremely powerful.

Humans are killing all the major relic planets in the mind field civilization. Oh, the once terrifying star sea insect swarms that were constantly chasing organic matter were found by spiritual beings on the main planet.

On these planets, human beings began to proliferate in their original aggregate form (the Pandora state when Wei Keng was first born), and the Pandora field's high-energy life bubble replicated.

It only takes a hundred years for a new group of wise people to emerge from the main planet at the core of the insect swarm. As for the star sea fleet of the insect swarm that traverses the planet, there is no support. Yes, they are in the star sea.

They were all inexplicably captured and melted by light groups. Half a million years ago, the last insect swarm in the Milky Way also disappeared.

Maybe it perished, or maybe it escaped while the Milky Way and the Andromeda cantilever interacted with each other.

All in all, from 900,000 to 500,000 years ago, the shale fossils of various organic planets faithfully record the alternation between the insect swarm disaster and the fourth natural disaster.

...Bai Linglu is studying silently by herself. Although the supervisor's space is lively at this time, it does not belong to her...

Wei Keng cares about the field plane and obtained this information while still in the prenatal education inheritance memory. This has already caused an uproar among the team members of the main world "Haotu".

There is an advanced human civilization beyond the main world in the plane of the mind field.

Various contemporary time and space organizations are offering bounties for ways to deal with the "worm swarm". In those planes where carbon-based chitin shells and metal materials compete, many time travelers are trying to end the bugs in various aspects of communication and psychic abilities.

However, either the effect was not good, or I was assimilated into the insect swarm.

Wei Keng hurriedly ended the Pandora plane mission, leaving the researchers who observed Pandora in the main world "out of context". The "out of chapter" was so uncomfortable that they had to find someone to "continue it".

When Bai Hengqian was sure that Wei Keng would not be able to return to the dark plane in the short term, they anxiously found other travelers to take his place and tried to copy it. But all failed.

Now Wei Keng has once again traveled through the Pandora plane, and the subsequent developments reported are even more exaggerated than the most optimistic guesses of experts in the main world. Human beings have actually eliminated the fittest from the insect swarm. The inherent human social form has been maintained, and the insect swarm has been eliminated.

Crushed over.

Although the information returned by Wei Keng is unclear, the memory of "the existence of a single swarm of insects" in the gene is not fear, but a delicacy similar to "seafood abalone". Oh, it is just like humans seeing a big lobster broken open

, the feeling brought by the shiny flesh.

…This is a period of strong human beings, but in such a period of strong human beings, is it easy to be a human being?…

However, Bai Linglu was thinking that within one million years, the Pandora plane civilization had obviously found a mode of consciousness transmission to travel across the star sea. According to the situation of tunneling from the main world, this super civilization is very likely to

Ascending dimension.

Perhaps it can be said that after ascending to the dimension, it was tunneled through the main world one million years later.

According to the information Wei Keng has obtained from prenatal education, there have been several huge blank periods in the evolution of human beings for one million years. What happened during these blank periods?

Also, an important piece of information is that one million years later, the race that Wei Keng projected onto is not the only human being, but a branch of humanity! After one million years of development, human beings have become a "realm gate"

The "human superorder" in the order "Family, Genera and Species".

In other words, in this sea of ​​​​stars, there are no little green men, no octopuses, and all kinds of weird aliens. Some are from different families and genus of humans, killing each other on various planets.

Contemporary human beings still retain the idea that in the process of basic human thinking evolution, the independent intellectual consciousness of young people and teenagers, combined with the social thinking of middle-aged and post-middle-aged people, constitutes the unique wisdom cluster of the earth, and each cluster has inherited memories.

The "fear" in Wei Keng's inherited memory now comes from other humans of the same genus.

Wei Keng: This concept of human social civilization may be different. Perhaps the internal individual relationships may be like fairy tales, or even more perfect, with no oppression or resistance, and everything is as docile as the coordination of living matter.

Wei Keng: "However, civilization is moving forward, and there is no problem. If it stops, how can it be called civilization?"

The Yitian civilization left behind the remains of the insect swarm, and after human civilization, it will also leave behind the remains of the humanoid society. Destiny has its destiny! The earth will still be the earth one million years from now.

…This time in the supervisor space, we were faced with a struggle for dominance from the beginning…

On the earth's space-time membrane in the main world, as the input of Wei Keng's prenatal education thoughts ended, in the general information coordination hall, the information chain transmitted by Wei Keng suddenly shrank, and the information transmission ended.

Because, Wei Keng’s consciousness point has completely passed,

The film in that plane space is very tight, and only when consciousness travels, it can bring some information (before the era of plane travel, the dreams of human consciousness also brought information in this way).

After Bai Linglu and Wei Keng had entered the target plane, Su Yue'e looked at the only remaining information coordinates in the space. She was silent for a long time, exhaled, and whispered: "Isn't it just a hundred years earlier than me? Pretending.

What senior?" (A hundred years really doesn't count as a generation difference. She personally hugged Qin Xiaohan's daughter a few years ago.)

Su Yue'e bit her lips lightly, and then recalled the impact and sense of tolerance she had just witnessed from the "soul light pillar".

This is a completely different feeling when she has guided other "non-standard shuttles". Although it is indescribable, in terms of the order of information and the possible evolution diversity, it is like the remains of bright gems and mixed dirt.

compared to.

Su Yue'e: The existence of "Flicker" is what everyone wants. But the 'gems' have long been divided up.

This chapter has been completed!
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