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Chapter 2.20 Building Kunlun

 Because Wei Keng's behavior was so contrary to historical common sense, it was difficult for his actions to be approved by the Chinese commentators.

But the good thing is that the upper echelons of China are not too vigilant. If they are really serious about everything, they will not condone so many chronic diseases in this huge country.

After Wei Keng significantly cleared away his clan's influence in Luoshui, he began to really turn to the plateau!

The top leaders in China reluctantly confirmed this, and came to their own conclusion, accepting the explanation that "Wei Keng is a real prodigal".

"No one would invest in an area where people would get altitude sickness. If they did, they must be stupid." This is the consensus in China's investment community.

Wei Keng's performance in accepting the order to serve in the plateau area is generally regarded as a signal that Luoshui accepted the military preparations and idle duties.

Who would have thought that Wei Keng was being serious?

"Wei Keng is indeed a fool who loves to be serious." In China, the upper-class scholar-bureaucrats who were sitting in the gardens, playing with Song porcelain, strange stones, and playing with fish collectively accepted this result, which was harmless to them.

After Wei Keng followed the first batch of migration teams across Kunlun, Shenjing secretly lifted the alert for a civil uprising in Guanzhong.

And the poor people who have followed Wei Keng in the past few years are now involved in a wave of uncertainty.

Traditional scholars represented by Sun and Zhang could not keep up with Wei Keng's ideas.

After they took over the management of a large number of industries in Luoshui in ignorance, they didn't know what the next step was. They could only go with the flow, and now they are moving forward with the wave of Wei Keng.

[Following the crowd! This is a common problem for all innovators after they achieve initial success and suddenly come to the forefront.]

Because I suddenly reached the top from the bottom and obtained the public weapon. If I don’t know what to do, I try my best to do things that look good.

This is like a novice who has just entered the production line and knows nothing about complex production machinery. Oh, then do what seems right, wipe the table a few times, and read a few pages of regulations. Don't let others think you are doing nothing.

And he did nothing wrong.

The incident in Paris was a typical example. What did they do after the wave peaked? Organize citizens and build armed forces. They did not do any of these things that could effectively contain the European-imperialist alliance's counterattack.

Everyone was doing what "they can't do wrong" at that time, that is, "discussing who is qualified to be the new representative", and no one was doing what was right for the group.

These middle- and lower-class citizens who had turned around, under various suggestions from people who also claimed to be knowledgeable, put their initial vigorous energy into this useless aspect, and it was difficult to even operate it, let alone protect their own fruits.

Now, the same is true for these poor families in the upper echelons of the Western Economic Union. They suddenly gained power, but they have not yet had time to develop the ability to think based on their own class.

But it's different now. When Wei Keng put power into their hands, he also put a new obligation on them! Going all out to build the plateau and the Western Region is the only right thing at the moment.

Wei Keng: "Reading the history of history, the mission of the leading brother is to clearly point out a direction that can make the new force grow stably and grow when it has just debuted and its eyes have just opened. To avoid the inconvenience of stumbling with the left foot and the right foot at the beginning. coordination."

In fact, "Which class will be the most advanced in the future?" It's not that Wei Keng doesn't understand, let alone the evasion in the eyes of some "scholars who claim to have a far-sighted perspective" after reading the Su XX newspaper. It's just that they don't say it.

In Wei Keng's inner classification, the scholars currently in the Western Economic Union are representatives of the small property owners.

Now they are just forming a new group, and everyone is still in a state of ignorance about the future direction. Once they pass the stage of stable development, they will bring their own class-property perspective to decision-making.

Now that Wei Keng is going to the plateau to build in the Western Region, he is actually taking advantage of the initial enthusiasm of the poor people who are still unclear in their minds to strengthen a more advanced group.

Coming from a more futuristic era, Wei Keng can always propose "resonant" strategic points to encourage those he wants to talk to.

In the year 2200 of the Qin Dynasty, on the tennis forum controlled by the Western Economic Alliance, an article titled "Why We Didn't Win Decades Ago" began to be widely circulated.

The article directly uses a large amount of data to prove that China's national potential was insufficient in the last battle for hegemony. This deficiency is a cognitive issue within the country.

"In peacetime, celebrities from all walks of life always complain about the overproduction of materials, the lack of economic efficiency of various industries, and the low efficiency of loss-making operations. But during the super war, almost all materials are in short supply. Economists will explain that war is caused huge consumption.

Reasons can be found in both periods, but the problem will not disappear when the reasons are sufficient.

If a person's whole body is stiff, the cause is attributed to "sitting for a long time"; if the eyes are black and the world is spinning, it is attributed to "running in a hurry", then "no one has the disease"?

The great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs. If the country cannot fight, is there nothing wrong with it?

Confucian scholars said: Grain, fish and turtles cannot be eaten, and wood cannot be used. This is the way for people to maintain their health and die without regrets. To maintain their health and lose their lives without regrets is the beginning of the kingly way.

On this day of peace, if the people reduce their clothing and diet, will the country be safe?

Our country, the Liao Dynasty, has a vast population and a long history of development. It should have been deeply cultivated and cultivated for a long time. However, nowadays, the basic output of farmers, craftsmen, roads and information is small per capita.

Now those who share my ambitions should embrace each other and advance together, expand the power of the country on the road, be thrifty at the top and work hard at the bottom, not shy away from good words, and be of the same mind and have the same desire."

After fighting a war, Wei Keng spoke very forcefully, but this was just to make those who created resistance for him stop for a while. If he wanted to actually implement it, he needed to take quick and practical actions.

After entering the plateau, a complete system is needed to solve the problem of "unsuitable for economic development" here.

In the past, these issues did not receive full attention from the human production system, but in this era, humans can maintain mobility on the moon.

The current development problems in the plateau area are only low air pressure and difficult roads, which are far less than the technical difficulties of building a palace on the moon.

It boils down to a matter of determination

After the Kunlun Mountain Tunnel was drilled, various manufacturers in the Guanzhong region began to invest in technology in various industrial chains for this march.

For example, general-purpose molecular sieve oxygen production equipment.

This kind of equipment that uses electricity to squeeze air through molecular sieves to produce oxygen. A 21st century home model in the main world only costs four thousand yuan, which is about the same price as an air conditioner. Even the model used in large factories only costs

It costs tens of thousands of yuan to purchase a set to add oxygen to the room.

When everyone on the plateau is poor, there is no need to develop this industrial chain.

[This is just like the 20th century. The old farmers at the grassroots level have become accustomed to frugality. They feel that the free daily weather forecast on TV is the best, and they don’t use it if they can. 】

However, when a large number of wealthy intellectuals had to come to the plateau to accumulate industry, their minds had to turn away from fashion trends and start developing oxygen supplement appliances for home use and public places.

Now as the Western Economic Union is marching towards higher ground, this industry has been formed very quickly, comparable to the rise of the mask industry in the 1920s after the second millennium in the main world.

When there is sufficient oxygen in each room and cab, coupled with slightly higher carbon dioxide stimulation, people's mental productivity can be fully released, and then development can be carried out based on the complete experience and data of railway construction in the main world.

Compared with the main world, the black technology of this world is easier to develop on the plateau from a technical point of view.

Looking at railway construction, when building a railway into the plateau in the main world, construction workers need to overcome the serious problems of human hypoxia and diesel engine hypoxia.

In this world, the technology of Tesla’s on-board reactor has been completed.

On one of the long construction sites in a high-altitude wilderness with few birds, the construction group stretched out bit by bit like a greedy snake.

The "Snake's Head", the first frozen soil excavator weighing 3,000 tons, drills pipes into the frozen soil, melts the frozen soil, enters the maximum frozen soil layer, drives into the foundation, and establishes a thermal insulation layer.

The second large-scale rail laying vehicle weighing 5,000 tons is used to fix the rails.

The two heavy-duty vehicles are twenty kilometers apart, and the work responsible for monitoring road construction conditions and reinforcing construction at special locations is also within these twenty kilometers.

On the vast plateau, with the majestic Kunlun Mountains in the background, what is spectacular and majestic is not these heavy machinery! It is the human heart.

There are more than 50 such construction sections, and the construction period for directly entering the plateau from Guanzhong is expected to be completed within two years.

After the reorganization of Luoshui, cooperation with heavy industry groups such as Fenghou became more in-depth.

The spring breeze brought by the prodigal Wei Keng will make the group's life better and better.

Due to the difficulty in supplying materials for railway construction in plateau areas, the natural rotation of water bodies in many permafrost areas is too slow, making it unsuitable to erect temporary roads (which are cheap and then dismantled after a few years) to assist construction, so airships were directly used.

Based on the basic parameters of the Soviet-Russian Kirov airship, Wei Keng proposed pragmatic standard indicators. The load capacity indicator should be large, at least 500 tons, and 1,000 tons is best. The speed and maneuverability requirements are not large, controllable, and stable. , safety and other features should be prioritized.

This technical indicator is very poor for the current Shenzhou, but Fenghou Group has spent a lot of energy. This is because Xi Jinping has ordered too many, and the first batch is one hundred.

According to the current plan of the Western Economic Union, based on the density of automated airship material transmission towers deployed on the plateau, Fenghou Group's technical staff estimate that this is at least a need for four thousand airships.

Wei Keng, on the other hand, has also tried to lay out three airship manufacturing factories in terms of industrial layout, and installed Tesla power storage equipment and anti-gravity systems. Apparently, he "does not believe in the supply volume of Fenghou Group."

In order to make Wei Keng believe in Fenghou's strength, Bai Jingqi called him one after another via video chat to ask questions and repeatedly promised: "I will personally supervise the process and will definitely connect Brother Wei's leg on the plateau on time and according to the measurement."

In the oxygen bar on the plateau, Wei Keng, who was eating shredded pork stir-fried with potatoes and preserved eggs mixed with tofu, heard President Bai think about himself so much, and swore with tears in his eyes: "We will never forget each other even if we are rich and noble!"

However, as soon as Wei Keng ended the communication with Bai Laodi, he contacted Luoshui Group's airship R&D department and issued the following instructions: "Airship technology is very important. Personnel, funds, and equipment should be discussed and resolved first after reporting.

No matter how cheap Bai Jingqi's products were, Wei Keng would be "foolish" to buy some of his own expensive products.

Innocent and honest Wei Keng: Because, what if this brother stabs me one day?

In peacetime, water often flows to lower areas and people move towards big cities.

However, after the Battle of Talas, the false peace was broken. After Wei Keng completely formatted the Guanzhong Luoshui Group, it began to reverse the flow. A large amount of funds and manpower in the Guanzhong area flowed towards the plateau and the Western Regions.

Consumerism in big cities begins to decline and is replaced by savings!

Families in the Guanzhong area have begun saving on a large scale in addition to necessary consumption such as medical care, education, food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Savings! It represents that society has increased wealth that can anchor savings.

And now, as Wei Keng himself and a large number of former Guanzhong scholars have gone to the plateau, and the construction of the Western Regions has begun, grassroots producers have begun to believe that the wealth of the Western Regions is increasing!

In the process of high savings, a large amount of real wealth is still being produced overtime. Light and heavy industrial products are continuously piled up in the plateau area, and begin to turn into reservoirs, power stations, ultra-high voltage power grids, and now water-saving ecological farmland in the Western Regions.

Wei Keng, who has the feeling of "little people", understands: "It's okay for people to save money and temporarily lend money to the country for construction. But this is saving money for yourself. You must have clear accounts and communicate with your parents at home. When you grow up, your parents will take away the New Year's money." The situation for you to get married is different."

The words "awareness needs to be high" and "the ideological realm needs to be improved" can no longer fool Wei Keng, and Wei Keng is not prepared to fool people in this world.

Since arriving on the plateau, as he has witnessed more and more engineering construction teams and material support teams promoting this magnificent construction, Wei Keng has become more and more certain: "I will never let anyone be selfless.


In this world, when miracle-level human achievements rise one after another, there are always people who think that society is diverse and that there are people who can selflessly dedicate themselves to certain people, while they are others allowed by the diversity of society.

This cognitive problem has almost accompanied the development of civilization from the stage of ignorance to today.

In the year 2201 of the Qin Dynasty, when the people in western China were doing their best to conquer the worst nature, some noises were talked about by the "national scholars" in the east.

During the Battle of New Talas, the trials of the defeated generals were ongoing in Tianzhu. The military court review, which was supposed to be strictly confidential, had the ruling of outside public opinion introduced.

Zhao Luochei raved in the court: "The outcome has not yet been determined, and we will fight again with the powerful enemy in the north of the Great Wall."

Although his arguments were considered by the military judge to be the arrogance of a loser, the 10-year sentence was upheld and he was thrown into a military prison.

However, outside public opinion is quite interested in this talk of fighting again.

As a result, these leisure guests sitting in the east enjoying tea and fragrant rice began to take stock of the entire plateau, the new electricity, steel facilities, and grain production in the Western Regions in the past two years, and from this they came to the conclusion that if something happens again in China

The results of this type of conflict will be different.

It's just that they ignored that the steel, electricity, and transportation roads they discussed were actually the wealth built by the people there, and were linked to the savings of the people of Western China.

The middle class in the east generally own stocks, and any rise or fall can affect their joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. Any small fluctuation in the east will trigger countless suggestions that "the people's interests are disturbed", but now it is

Under the guidance of public opinion, the various conclusions discussed about Xisai fighting again all ignored the wealth savings in the Western Regions.

"Your own property is important and you should not gamble. The wealth created by others is public, and you are the public. If your own circle thinks it can be used, you must have the courage to do it." Such a thinking mode has been generally ignored.


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