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Chapter 15.14 (Part 2) The whipping from the tyrant

 In the 92nd year of the Gengshi Calendar, Wei Keng was sure that he was completely emotionally separated from the entire human race on Double Star. As long as he was around, they would do the opposite. So Wei Keng was ready to leave.

Before leaving, Ling Kai decided to start a war that "he must lose".

In 1992, after failing to ensure the production of key materials for the two planets, the great tyrant Ling Kai separated the "mainstream wills" of the two planets and built an information wall.

Such direct information independence. Of course, this resulted in a tsunami of opposition, with almost all individuals on the planet denouncing the destruction of the "tyrant".

Throughout the Double Star, Ling Ke's final declaration came: "Given the fact that personnel and production exchanges have been cut off, it is meaningless to maintain information exchanges."

Wei Keng is now aiming at the "wrong point" of the superhuman era.

…Success and “emotion” and failure are also “emotion”…

Looking back at the Pandora era a million years ago, when human pioneers were in the process of getting rid of the insect swarm in the future of mankind,

The first generation of emperors regarded central cities as "humanities carriers", allowing liberal arts personnel to abandon conservatism and pursue innovation. They must reach peripheral areas for production and exchange.

Today's human beings are super-sighted and exchange information too frequently, without such "actual exchange".

Human beings in various regions seem to feel the same emotions emotionally, but in fact! When the environment is different, the risks to life are different. And the survival risks faced by life can never be shared equally through information exchange.

Therefore, the current human society is inherently unfair. If the central areas do not come to the production sites personally, then they have no right to "praise", "criticize" or "discuss" the producers in the peripheral areas.

…The right to speak is also a right. Since it is a “right”, there may be unfairness. Some people are more able to “speak” and monopolize the “right”. A fair society should speak according to labor.…

In the 56th year of Double Star Ball, while Wei Keng completed the double star star control, he also encountered resistance.

First, there was resistance on the surface of Planet No. 1. The first generation of people that Wei Keng rescued, which is now the key departments on the planet, appeared internal ghosts.

When Wei Keng found out that this traitor was his most promising student, he more or less sighed.

After the total solar eclipse of Planet No. 1, the Judgment Stand was deployed.

On the metal platform, the female judge looked at Wei Keng and reprimanded without any remorse: "You destroyed the best thing for mankind."

Ling Kai walked up to her and sighed: "I can't argue with you, because the current truth cannot be truly explained in words. I will execute you to leave a deterrent to the public," and then changed to a quietly encrypted message.

The language of the soul said: "Actually, I won't kill you, because I need you to see for yourself that you are wrong."

Before the judge could say anything, Wei Keng put a shielding helmet on her, silencing her voice.

…History, when there is no war, most human beings are often accustomed to unfairness and will collectively oppose fairness, because the founders of the system have given them the illusion of becoming “beneficiaries”…

In the radiance, all the parts of this inner ghost were reduced to ashes. Then, Wei Keng turned around and stared at all the subordinates, intimidating and majestic as the carbon-based radiation tower suppressed all the No. 1 planets who dared not be angry.

People who speak out.

Wei Keng said to everyone on Planet 1: "Now, you think I am wrong, but in my opinion, you have made a bigger mistake. And you have no understanding.

If you don't admit your mistakes, then I can only ignore mine. There is no winner in this confrontation, and I don't expect you to correct it.

Since no one of your generation or mine can escape "skew", let's use "bleeding and pain" to warn future generations.

And if there are no conflicts and disputes, mistakes will never be corrected, and the children in the future will live with stronger thinking suppression!"

Wei Keng looked at Planet No. 2 in the sky. The hymn frequency band between the two planets has been linked except for the visible light band: "When everyone thinks they are right in a conflict, someone must be wrong. Find out the end.

Who is wrong is the key to you and me."

…Actually, Wei Keng did not burn his own students…

Wei Keng seems to be ferocious, but in fact, all the inner ghost's thinking and willpower have been condensed by "concave energy field technology" and transformed into a new individual. She will regenerate again in the next fifty years. Yes, Wei Keng is going to give

She changed her perspective, a perspective of survival that could not receive the complex emotions conveyed by the outside world.

The long-term perceptual evolution has caused them to ignore the essence of life.

Four years after Wei Keng executed the mole, in the twin-star space orbit, after receiving a carbon-based distress signal from 70% of the people on Planet 1, they started a war with a sense of justice.

Planet No. 2 began to interfere, and the huge steel airborne troops in the sky arrived on the ground and began to compete with the ground's counterattack system.

As a "tyrant", Wei Keng also deployed battleships here when he built a hundred-meter-wide river network on the surface of each planet. This simple and crude mobile heavy artillery regiment destroyed a large number of troops from the stars.

Wei Keng, who was ready to be overthrown, actually won the first confrontational war! The space technology level of the two sides was an era apart, and his own military strength was almost 1 to 40 compared to the other side. No matter how you calculate it, Mr. Wei is the best.

I lost.

But in the end, various precision-guided bombs were destroyed by battleship shells from geomagnetic field compass-guided weapons.

The surface of the entire planet was covered with the remains of interstellar airborne troops and tanks, and these wrecks were quickly repaired by Wei Keng and turned into one's own defensive weapons.

...Master Wei can't help but take the war seriously, but once he takes it seriously, it will be dangerous...

Double Star, the first war, Master Wei succeeded in suppressing the opposition despite losing all the people and having almost no loyal troops.

Of course, after the victory, Wei Keng simply took advantage of the "emotion" characteristic of human beings and rewarded the commanders of the defense forces who might be wavers.

For them, after all the communications that may have been "negotiated" with the outside world before the war were uncovered, they were forced to believe that "they were trying to confuse the enemy" and were practicing "curved loyalty."

Wei Keng: "Since we can't get rid of these two-faced people, we might as well be more generous and believe that they are our own people."

…Wei Keng is using production activities to educate humans on Planet 1, and he is also using war to educate humans on Planet 2 to be more serious...

Double stars, in interstellar orbit, space battleships are parked one after another.

On one of the flagships, a commander projected his gaze at Planet No. 1. They did not fight the first battle because they misjudged the planet's river network system and its carrying capacity for military weapons.

The river can carry thousands of tons of weapons, which is more powerful than any ground armored force. The advance tunnel protection and camouflage also prevented a large number of troops from being destroyed by firepower.

As for the Intervention Corps, they lacked heavy firepower platforms on the ground. Even though they were weaponized with precision guidance and reinforced with bullets, they still could not defeat the defenders.

Linda Su, the commander of the "Justice Ally" sent by Planet 2, was holding an inspiring flag in the carbon-based information chain.

Then, within four months, a second wave of war was launched.

...The military power of Double Star Planet No. 2 summarized the gains and losses of its first wave of battles, but it seemed that the summary was not complete...

In the second wave of the war between the two stars, the tens of thousands of tons of aerial fighter jets from Planet 2's "Justice Alliance" came from space and took turns swooping into the atmosphere and then passing through the atmosphere and leaving, just like the ancient Lancers taking turns sprinting in circles.

Likewise, these air and space fighter planes cut into the atmosphere and began to launch a series of fire strikes.

The electromagnetic gun falling from the sky, like the light punishment falling from the sky, directly penetrated and destroyed the defending gunboats in the river from the center, and then the interstellar paratroopers landed.

Just when everything was going well in this entire battle sequence, a large number of interstellar landing pods began to fall from the sky.

The "Tyrant" counterattack came. Just as the interstellar landing was halfway through, the nuclear explosions on both sides exploded, and huge electromagnetic waves washed through a large area around it. Then, tens of thousands of tons of carbon-based radiation also

Released in space (that is, a million years ago, the death wave of the Pandora plane.)

When all communications in space were cut off, counterattack fire from the ground emerged. It took more than ten minutes to land on the ground from outside the atmosphere, and the process of more than ten minutes was like the barbed wire in front of the machine gun position in Normandy.

Countless electromagnetic cannons emerged from the ground, and the sky was filled with destroyed flames.

Ever since, Wei Keng won the second wave of interstellar landing battle again!

…After the fight, Wei Keng found that he still had most of his skills that he had not used.…

A year later, the third war broke out. This time, Wei Keng's tricks were more ruthless. Wei Keng took away the command of three aerospace planes in the air, and then interspersed them with the flagship. Although in the process of seizing the flagship

It failed, but succeeded in destroying the flagship.

The flagship of Planet No. 2 exploded and fell to Planet No. 1, killing all the senior commanders and generals on it.

On the double star, only one cluster of Lingyi is starting to fight. (Contains 100% guard capacity.)

On the Double Star No. 2 planet, it had powerful equipment, powerful technology (Wei Keng did not use high-end black technology, and would sell it to the insiders if he did), as well as human support, and was defeated three times in a row.

Mr. Wei himself doubted whether he had "too much martial virtue".

In terms of evolutionary path, Wei Keng's growth across planes of consciousness, from modern times to various starry sky worlds, has been from beginning to end, and it has been against the advantages of the upper-level group, from beginning to end.

And humans in this plane have not fought an "idea-level" extermination war for at least hundreds of thousands of years.

This chapter has been completed!
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