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Chapter 15.16 (Part 1) Beyond life, one must be rational

 At this time, the star sea controlled by human beings' super-vision is very peaceful. In the vast interstellar dust, all carbon, hydrogen and oxygen frequency bands are radiating gently, and the planets are like sand and stones on the sea floor. In the "ocean current" of the star sea, the planet's

The mechanical facility controls the opening and closing of the carbon base field, spraying the human population like spores.

All of this is just like the earth in the late Cretaceous period, when dinosaurs on land reached their peak, and various kinds of angular rocks in the ocean formed endless cans to support ocean species, and mosasaurs began to kill everywhere. Everything was so beautiful.

…Except for the quietly approaching star in the sky…

In the 253rd year of Wei Keng's voyage,

On the ancient holy star, in the strait area on the continental edge of the East Asian continent, in the good hexagonal dam grid, the altar area No. 4545, the sea surface is like Penglai Wonderland, the water vapor is controlled by the nano force field and solidifies into mountains the size of Mount Tai.

The mountains on these mountains are the shadows of the will of the solar system for thousands of years.

This is a coronation ceremony,

Among the people of Wei Keng's generation, at this stage today, the superiors and inferiors have been distinguished. Now, under the witness of the powerful wills of the entire solar system, the leader of the new generation will be crowned king.

At this time, the global carbon-based frequency band will resonate and perform a chorus. Oh, the oldest carbon-based frequency band chorus on the earth was completed by human ancestors one million years ago (Wei Keng). The strata of the entire earth at that time recorded global carbon

The first 100% reverberation feat of base matter.

Of course, today's reverberations are not the same as those in ancient times.

The difference between the two sides is like the difference between the quiet sound blown by a xun in the era of human ignorance and the difference between the symphony chorus in the symphony music hall in the 21st century.

Back then, Wei Keng sang on the planet, which was a rebirth out of the wilderness, but now the planet is a Pandora field of various colors, with colorful bubbles shining charmingly on the top of the planet. This is an extremely complex art.

The new generation of human beings will complete the life field synchronization ceremony in the holy land of mankind, through which their "leadership" will be recognized by the solar system.

Shanzhen is the protagonist this time. She has a tall neck and raises her head to look at the rising sun in the east.

The vast life field swept across the entire sea surface. The efficiency of this frequency band was far better than a million years ago. Even the life activities of molluscs on the seabed stopped, and their shells disappeared and turned into eggs.

During the nearly three hundred years on Earth, she served as the center of communication, representing her generation and the general label of all human achievements. She will take her new generation into space and enter the next stage of humanity.

The resonance of the entire life field was sent to the entire solar system, but something went wrong during this ceremony.

…Wei Keng returned…

In the last three days of the ceremony, strange halos appeared on all major planets, even massive celestial bodies such as the moon and Ceres. This halo surrounds all stars and is also a concave energy field, but refuses to respond to all kinds of communication.

Eighty-seven hours later, these rings expanded six thousand times, like red dots and cross coordinates, marking the planets, and then solidified light appeared in the outer reaches of the solar system.

Immediately afterwards, a rebellious "organic frequency band" directly broke through the chorus like a sword.

...Master Wei came back to confront the atmosphere team...

After wasting a full 250 Earth years on many overseas planets, Wei Keng completed the control of tens of thousands of stars with the Earth's solar system as the center.

The consciousness named "Spirit" is fully released in this sea of ​​​​stars. If you encounter any group that you are not convinced of, you can choose the battlefield and come directly to do it!

According to the stratigraphic records of various organic planets in the star sea, Wei Keng is now an unprecedented cluster of super humans in the human super order in 200,000 years.

...Once a super human cluster appears, there will be traces...

Note: Human burial habits are now also burned into genes. When humans are in a group state, they will bury in the traditional way when encountering individual losses. The kaolin clay is wrapped with a layer of sealing on the outside, and the tomb is built with basalt blocks on the inside. Finally, there is a coffin.

Inside is a coffin.

When a human individual begins to travel extensively across the Star Sea, his tomb will definitely be recorded in the strata of each major planet in the Star Sea at that time. This is a sign of its large-scale occupation of the Star Sea.

...Wei Keng has currently scanned the traces of various seniors on each major planet in the occupied area...

In the realm of stars, Wei Keng has yet to find anyone stronger than himself within these two hundred light-years.

However, Wei Keng was not at all proud, because he failed to make breakthrough progress based on the technology provided by the wave wheel, so he was anxious and could only continue to make up for the quantity.

[In modern times, starting from the end of the 20th century, Dongfang's steel production ranked first in the world, and its basic industrial chains were also first in the world. That is to say, during that period, faced with the oppression of the world's top technology, in the face of the most advanced fighter jets,

Under the reality that warships, nuclear submarines, and satellite systems are all under pressure, the total number that must be able to fight is maintained in anxiety.】

As a civilization, after it encounters setbacks in the most important problems it faces, it will make "excessive progress" in other aspects.

Wei Keng searched for various human super-objects in the outer territory. After finding no humanistic breakthrough, he began to drive towards the center with his own confusion.

…As soon as I came up, I came across the “Hair Hair Ceremony” held by the new generation of my own age…

When Wei Keng arrived in the solar system, he paused and felt the same fluctuations coming from the same life field on the earth. It was a very "intimate" feeling, like the smell of a biological sister.

However, Wei Keng later understood that this was a life form that originated from the same generation as himself.

The clusters led by Wei Keng and Shan Chen come from the same carbon-based ocean. When the intersection of carbon-based frequency bands is strong enough, the "mutual repulsion" that once was too disparate in the frequency bands will no longer exist, and will return to "mutual attraction."

Narrator: Status will create a barrier between men and women. In the 21st century, a woman with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan will look down on a man with a monthly salary of 4,000 to 5,000 yuan. However, by the middle of the war, the country returned to the war stage, and the tertiary industry collapsed, and the country began to enter the "work-based"

In the "relief-for-relief" welfare system, men need to be mobilized due to their physical strength, and more work can be exchanged for more benefits. Women of that generation suddenly began to feel that men are very dependent on them.

Of course, Shanzhen has just achieved the status of Hai Qike, the leader of this new generation of clusters.

Wei Keng suddenly appeared as another powerful individual, emitting carbon-based radiation that was far superior to hers. This seemed to create a contradiction. However, they belonged to two human genders, and the organic frequency bands of both sides were attracted to each other.

There was a subtle reaction throughout the solar system.

But for Wei Keng, who came with a certain purpose, he was not here to play a cool plot of "fighting back against the divorced girl".

…Wei Keng: I’m coming back now to be a father!…

According to their standards back then, Wei Keng's leadership was several grades lower than Shan Zhun's, but if the paths were different, the standards would be meaningless.

Wei Keng wants to directly violently suppress the humans here.

In the universe, Wei Keng immediately issued his request to all human groups in the entire solar system!

Wei Keng: "All human exchanges must be limited, and "leadership based on pure carbon-based exchanges" is prohibited. Human beings must redeem their right to speak in the labor and exploration of constructing the world."

Ling Ke's declaration of "tyranny" immediately made every human organism on one of the eight planets in the solar system feel "difficult to handle".

Wei Keng: Then don’t do it!

The unruly people are just here to overturn the table.

A large cursor was pointed at the solar system, and at the same time in the universe, rays of light began to gather at zero point four astronomical units near the eight planets. This is "muzzle diplomacy", the most primitive, most effective, and most "uncivilized" of the ancestors of mankind.

diplomatic approach.

Wei Keng activated "energy solidification" throughout the solar system. This facility directly slowed down the speed of all light in the solar system.

In this way, various energy lines in the universe, fast and slow, can be reunited at the node to form a coordinated attack.

Wei Keng returned at the age of 253 (three hundred years later on earth) and solemnly announced that he would rule the entire solar system!

…This is the overlord taking the bow forcefully and forcefully…

When the azure star energy weapons from the alien region arrive in the solar system.

The Sun Controller who guarded the ancient holy star tried to resist in the face of such a menacing influx, but this shocking rebuke was heard throughout the orbits of the eight planets: "咒~"

Just one word, no complex tone, but it circled three times in the solar system,

The blue rays of light directly penetrated into the center of the sun, deciphering the energy defense of the sun's outer layer in less than four minutes and disarming her.

The battle between Wei Keng and the strongest controller in the solar system ended within four minutes.

Regarding the description of this contest, Wei Keng's self-assessment was: "Punching Nanshan Nursing Home"

...Wei Keng, the middle-aged man, explained his "too strong" situation by saying: Now the entire human area is filled with old, weak, sick and disabled people...

Wei Keng returned to the solar system as the Great Demon King because "humanity is about to be destroyed, and traditional morality no longer plays a role."

Wei Keng: But now is not the time to judge the old morality, it is time to quickly look for alternative ethics from a primitive perspective.

It is the 184th Earth Day when Wei Keng arrives in the solar system.

The controllers of the stars on the sun have announced their surrender. If they continue to fight, the interior of the entire star will face a collapse, and a severe solar magnetic storm will occur. The ecological system of the entire solar system will have a terrible impact.

…The perspective comes to the churning sea of ​​hydrogen in the outer layer of the sun…

Star controller Wangjiu, who is more than six thousand years old, stares at Wei Keng, who is in the convection zone of the sun (equivalent to the Earth's crust).

After Wei Keng returned to the solar system, a ram drilled directly into the radioactive layer of her star (equivalent to the Earth's mantle), drilling very deep.

The growth rate of "Ling Ke" is astonishing in the 600,000-year history of the sun. And from a long-term perspective, "Ling Ke" can be seen from the sources of starlight mobilized in the sky.

, it controls more than just one star.

Wei Keng, who was busy controlling the great whirlpools at the North and South Poles of the solar system, only said one sentence to "Wangjiu": "Humanity's super eye will attract a super enemy. This star is now run by me. You can watch, but you are not allowed."

Get involved in anything."

Wei Keng gave her a rough "project plan".

Compared with the most basic Dyson ring control technology, Wei Keng is to get close to the core of the star!

…replace dialogue with war.…

Three months later.

After Wei Keng came to the earth again, he went straight to the residence of three human communities and faced the leader's question of "survive or perish".

Since I haven't received any news from the leader of the solar system.

There is no doubt that the three human communities do not know that the "clumsy-tongued" guy standing in front of them is the existence that controls the sun and stars. In their view, this guy "Lingyi" just left three hundred years ago.

The "disabled ones" of the ancient holy planet.

In response to this inquiry, the leaders rejected the proposal and made ridicule with complicated information. Oh, it was so complicated that Mr. Wei did not have the emotional system to understand it.

After repeated confirmation, Wei Keng announced that he would declare war on them. He would use the most primitive star table battle mode of mankind.

At the same time, Wei Keng also performed a coquettish operation simultaneously, that is, he came to Shanzhen's palace and announced that she must become his partner.

Wei Keng left for two hundred years and wanted to rebuild the "ideological system" of the Ancient Saint Star. He lacked channels, so he directly wanted to seize Shan Chen's leadership.

Well, as long as Bai Linglu and Qin Xiaohan were there, Wei Keng would probably "furrow his brows". But now, being alone, he was completely shameless. Shanzhen was very surprised and unbelievable.

She is incredible and incomprehensible, similar to a mutilated dwarf proposing to a princess in modern times. Oh, "The Frog Prince" is an innocent story among childhood children, oh, if it is really placed in front of adult women, this is such a horror


Imagine: a female celebrity who is among the tens of thousands of people in the 21st century sees a smelly man suddenly announcing that he is coming to marry her. Don’t let the scene be too "exciting"

Among Shan Zhun's various reactions, Wei Keng could only understand "unwillingness" and "dislike".

On a daily basis, if the opposite sex had such a reaction, Wei Keng would never force him and just turn away. But now it is a war, and women's sensibility must give way.

Wei Keng didn't want to marry her, he just wanted to take away her leadership: "When you have achieved leadership in these three hundred years, your emotions should not only belong to you."

Shanzhen: "Are you forcing me to give up the leadership of the community? Why can't you fight for it openly and honestly?"

Wei Keng exuded a sarcastic smile: "I am fighting for it openly. I just gave you a few more ways to tell your community that this is the era of power. When power can destroy everything, please give up your feelings for survival."

Wei Keng strode forward, and under the shocked eyes of countless people, he held down Shanzhen and patted her face. Then in her emotional reaction that turned into rejection, he said: "If human beings are addicted to sensibility, they will lose their

Reason, then what awaits is death."

When walking away, Wei Keng paused for a moment: "Oh, it's nothing. Life is precious, but love is even more valuable! Life is always the most precious, and it is an existing miracle in the material world. Putting aside things other than life,

You have to think rationally.”

This chapter has been completed!
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