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Chapter 16.05 (Part 2) Ghost Luck, Ghost Wealth

 Fire Pattern Calendar Year 3223, June 28th.

After seven or eight days on the train, which was filled with the smell of vomit and noisy atmosphere, Enma finally came to this big city with a large number of brats. The boys who had been living in the countryside since they were born, came to this place with colorful flags flying.

After moving to a big city, it's like a child in the late 20th century entering an Internet cafe for the first time.

In the past ten years, we did not see as many colors in the countryside as we do today. The girls with fair skin and beautiful clothes in the photos in front of the shops are incomparable to the girls in the countryside.

One by one, they got off the bus with longing for a better future. They were determined to make a difference in this world. Wei Keng was the last one. He buttoned his nose calmly and smeared his boogers on the wall of the station. He was here.

The first traces of "intense ink and color" were left behind.

The system prompts: Picking your nose is not good.

The extremely low-quality Wei Keng quibbled: "Huh? We've run out of paper."

The workshop life in the city soon began. After arriving in the city, Wei Keng also needed to find a job in the city between going to school. As a person from the countryside, he had to abide by various restrictions in the city.

There is a daily theorem in industrial society that under seemingly equal circumstances, poor people have to accept more rules.

Because, when the rules are formulated "for the common good of all", in the end, when they are implemented, they are "let the weak comply first" to save implementation costs.

…Factory machinery crushes the newly incoming raw materials, and on the high-rise buildings of the factory, the capitalists behind the railings are also looking at the newly arrived “consumable materials”…

In the factory building with roaring steam, the hammers powered by the pressure of the central steam engine continue to hit and make noise.

The innocence and childlike innocence brought by this group of children who came to work in the city were quickly shattered. The old workers roared loudly and began to oppress the newcomers. The enemies, the capitalists, squeezed the surplus value, and those who had been squeezed for several years

Unable to resist the superiors, they continued to strictly discipline those who were weaker than themselves.

Recently, in the factory where Wei Keng worked, those who had worked in the city in the past few years had been chatting in the tavern over the past few months about how they were the "light of righteousness" for the fathers of the little boys who came from the countryside.

Mom disciplined me.

No, with more and more empty bottles on the wine table, they were bragging loudly about how to make the newcomers work steadily and take over more overtime work.

They arrogantly talk about how they should be polite to the watchdogs in the factory and have the same love for animals as city dwellers.

They arrogantly declare that they must humbly ask for advice, otherwise it will be the newcomer's full responsibility to cause trouble.

Of course, they are even more "enthusiastic" in giving advice to newcomers: be kind to them and don't bother yourself when you are unhappy.

A few months later, the windowsills of the dormitory windows that everyone had cleaned were once again covered with dust.

The young man from the countryside changed quickly. From the friendly and mutual assistance he had agreed upon, he also became scheming. He began to use his brains to get an extra pickle for the meal. He began to make small reports for a better room. He began to fight for that.

Dozens of people get a small quarterly reward, which makes each other stumbling blocks.

When the oppressed who lack compulsory education are unable to resist when faced with the superstructure that governs rewards, punishments and punishments.

Weak people can only get involved with each other at the bottom. However, for a certain hero, if his anger increases like this, the world will have to pay for it.

The factory where Enma works is making plastic shapes.

When gases such as ethylene are generated, they are quickly processed on the production line and turned into various civilian products. Of course, the smell in the factory will make even the strongest person suffer from lung pain after seven or eight years. Of course, at that time, the factory

If you are a middle-aged worker, you will be absent from the factory due to various reasons such as "lazyness"

Three kilometers away from the factory, on the hillside upwind, is a luxurious mountain manor.

Ma Jack often turns on the crystal surveillance projection on the office building on the central platform of the manor to review his factory.

Whenever he watches the assembly line factory continuously producing his own products, he feels a sense of satisfaction that the value of his life has been realized.

This Majek often boasted at high-end drinking parties: "I support tens of thousands of people by myself, and what I do is a great charity."

However, no one knows the little secret of his success.

In a wealthy building, there is a room that no one can enter, and Majek often runs here alone.

…These days, there are some secrets behind the rise of businessmen…

Now after finishing work in the morning, Majek passed by the corridor where various noble collections were kept and opened a small hidden door. Behind the door was a dark room filled with the smell of smoke.

He carefully took out the wild mahogany box. The box was engraved with various weird patterns. He opened the lid of the box and found a small ceramic figure inside. The figure's body was engraved with various witchcraft patterns. And in this figure

In the palm of his hand is a withered fruit.

Majek carefully placed the little ceramic figure on the altar, knelt down and worshiped again and again. Then he picked up another bright fruit, pricked his finger with a silver skewer, dripped blood on the fruit, and then put the

Replace the withered fruit.

When this bright fruit was placed on the hand of the little ceramic man, the blood penetrated under the peel, and veins appeared like muscles. It squirmed and connected with the palm of the little ceramic man. At this time, the little ceramic man could not see it.

A strange smile appeared on the smiling face. After seeing this smile, Majek felt relieved and began to close his eyes and make a wish.

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Is this ritual? It’s about raising ghosts. Twenty years ago, Ma Jack was still a skinny young man. His biggest wish was to save money to buy a bicycle of his own. But everything changed after he obtained a secret book of Kanyu.


Twenty years ago, when he was volunteering in a hospital, he got an abandoned dead baby that was said to be the result of internal strife in the imperial court. Then out of a state of obsession, he started raising ghosts for the first time. It was a

Wealthy ghost.

Twenty years ago, the money-rich ghost first gave him a hint by pushing the compass to give him the information.

The ghost wrote a reminder on the note with his tongue that he wanted to purchase fuel property, so he started to hoard fuel in advance. A week later, due to some problems with the Sky Republic's transportation line, the fuel he bought increased sharply.

This made him, who originally just wanted to give it a try, start to get out of hand.

After the first time, there will be a second time. If you raise a ghost to bring wealth, you will also raise another ghost to bring luck.

…No mystery can withstand overdraft…

The more ghosts you raise, the longer it lasts, and if you are negligent, the backlash will be greater.

For example, five years ago, he accidentally committed a taboo and failed to offer the freshest dew in the morning, which caused him to be unlucky for several months. His grandson was kidnapped, and the ransom was paid, but he was still ransacked.

Since then, he has been very careful and arranged the feng shui pattern of his home himself. If a servant changes it without authorization, he will be beaten severely at least, or kicked out directly at worst.

Today, after the two little ghosts were enshrined, they had a playful fight on the eucalyptus table that looked like a tomb, and then gave his new suggestion, which was to "reduce the factory price and improve the quality at the same time." Jack Ma's eyes flashed.

Liang, because at this time if he "shows sincerity", he will just meet a noble person!

…compared to the dusty floors in industrial cities and the advertising cloths hanging from airships high in the sky, they have always been very beautiful and fluttering in the wind…

In the city, he has always wanted more supply shares. But he has been unable to wait for the opportunity. If it is really a big shot's whim to test the plastics supply chain, his goods are of high quality and low price. Then he can seize it.

Opportunity (given above).

He decided to make a good deal at all costs.

Majek thought to himself: Well, the workers’ money should be delayed for a while.

Yes, not paying will definitely arouse workers' resentment, so they announce layoffs first to make workers panic, and then after panicking, they announce no layoffs and take the opportunity to lower wages.

As a successful person, he is very proficient in this set of psychology.

This chapter has been completed!
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