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Chapter 680 Chapter 16.10 (Part 1) 'Workshop Owner'

 If Wei Keng is willing, he will soon enter the path of rising from the sky in all planes.

Let’s demonstrate what it means to be “the strongest demigod in history” and his luck that makes others envious.

For example, in the plane where Enma is located, in this sky empire, fate has arranged for a princess to intersect with her. This marriage line is the blessing decree of many gods.

However, Wei Keng was beyond the expectations of the gods. On the road to destiny, he had an "axis" character, and he was determined not to take the path arranged by others (other gods) a second time.

Narrator: Wei Keng has a small notebook in his mind. On the multidimensional planes, the God of Knowledge and Qin Tianfang have already arranged for him once.

...After the Dark Plane, Wei Keng's own system is a "tracing system", not a godhead system...

Wei Keng now asks himself: With the arrival of the top level of "human" willpower, can the "god" system here be hardened?

But even if Wei Keng did not take the initiative to respond to the industrial godhead, the huge industrial godhead would still slide towards Wei Keng bit by bit along the line of cause and effect.

Because of Wei Keng's unintentional display of his original character, the industrial godhead found a perfect match.

In other words, the "gods" of the industrial godhead are people like Wei Keng.

"Industrial Godhead" was created by Wei Keng. Over the years, Wei Keng's fundamentals have not changed.

In the Pantheon, all the gods also saw the strange situation of "passive movement" of the industrial godhead!

In the entire multidimensional plane, all the acquisitions of the Godhead over the years are nothing but painstaking pursuits and continuous establishment of response "concepts". If you are not careful, you will be rejected by the Godhead. Now some people actually ignore it.


But they are all gods after "technology, industry, and machinery". They don't know what happened back then. At the same time, they can't figure out the cause and effect line. They can only whisper.

Financial goddess Li Yishuang saw something and left in a hurry. The gods thought a little about this.

…The people who are most closely aligned with “industry” right now have a natural incompatibility with “finance”…

The perspective returns to Wanlun Continent,

Three months after Wei Keng decided to become a "hero" professional in this world.

Enma has expanded more and more businesses in the York City area, expanded the scale of the work sheds, and recruited more people. Some vegetable plots have also been cultivated around the water sources upstream of all the work sheds, specifically to provide vegetables for the work sheds.


The work shed is made of old red bricks with pillars and walls, and the ceiling is made of wooden boards and tarpaulin. In this simple studio, many people who can't get out of the factory are attracted to come here to work.

Of course, there are also apprentice craftsmen from schools who come over to work as part of a work-study program.

In Enma's shop: repairing bicycles and water heaters, it started to get busy.

Although these small workshops do not make much money, they are urgently needed and provide what people need. At this time, the market not only includes urban household appliances, but also expands to rural areas.

By-product trade.

In terms of process, Enma has at least provided convenience for at least nearly 10,000 people in and outside the city.

Read the industrial history of the earth and the commercial exchanges between urban and rural areas! It was the most neglected important item throughout the ancient industrial period. But for a large country with a vast territory, the trade potential here is actually huge, and its development must be healthier.

The key to the problem is the lack of people! The lack of liberal arts students. This makes it impossible to develop the potential here.

Mr. Wei lamented: "White-collar workers in big cities are like eunuchs and maids in deep palaces. Although they have no future, they have extremely high vision and are unwilling to come down. Of course, they also lack organizational and mobilization capabilities."

Are rural areas poor? This is an inherent concept of the ancient industrial era.

But in fact, it has "land", "manpower" and "products", and compared to overseas markets that rely on fleets and armies to guard, it is very close to the big cities in industrial countries, but these resources lack integration.

Moreover, in the ancient industrial era, after the country completed urbanization, it gradually became accustomed to the "lack of rural integration".

When "wasting" is a habit, all smart people have become accustomed to it. For example, when taking food in a canteen, many people are used to it. People around them throw away food and ignore it. It's not that smart people can't see it, but it's because of "

"Face," "respectability," and "not wanting to cause trouble" can't be dealt with.

…Change means that where no one was in charge before, someone is taking care of it.…

Enma's group of urban workers formed an organization in the city that crushed the conservative forces in the countryside, and they were also well-educated.

In the year 3226 of the Fire Mark Calendar (when Enma was sixteen years old), in order to sell items such as "glass cans" and "plastic-wrapped chicken feet" that were in short supply in the city, Enma's organization found many families in the countryside to cooperate and began trading.

Narrator: All glass cans have grooves, and straw ropes are placed on the grooves. The straw ropes are raised on the glass cans to prevent collisions. This is an innovation when there is a lack of iron materials.

Pickups began to rush along the gravel roads in the countryside. Agricultural and sideline products were transported to the city, and processing equipment began to be transported to the countryside. Primitive capital began to accumulate in the countryside.

The complementary food industry requires various joints in the production chain: the most important sterilization equipment, accurate feed, and chickens and piglets. It was put into production under the leadership of young people who had been to the city. The recruitment targets are mainly women in the countryside.

In this trade, the countryside received much-needed "material capital", especially some single-cylinder engines.

This is directly burning straw as fuel. For farmers who lack mechanical labor, it may be the only factor that allows farmland to be cultivated.

In the city, under the strict constraints of various rationing systems, some citizens obtained valuable food through Enma's workshop. Some bamboo shoots dug in the mountains, cooked taro, and some bacon were all obtained through Enma's workshop.

Cans shipped to the city.

The industrial industry of the capital system requires "materials of production" and "monetary rights". However, Wei Keng's "industrial industry" requires "human cooperation".

When the upper-level monopoly diverted all the silver coins, the economy of rural areas and other marginal areas became a stagnant water.

No top-down policy in the empire can save the empire, because the top-down driving force relies on "silver coins". "Silver coins" are the blood in economic activities. Monopoly has left the lower classes without "blood".

Only the lower levels cut off the connection with the upper levels and began to build a new set of "blood". This "blood" is not based on silver coins, but a new credibility system.

Enma's current industry is growing rapidly, but it does not make much money (silver coins), but it has allowed many people to survive in the difficult times. These people live between urban and rural areas.

For young people in Sky Empire, the situation at this time is different from the "entering the city and looking for a job in the city" job situation in the 21st century on Earth.

Years of war have made the prime-age labor force scarce.

Therefore, it is impossible for a large number of young people to gather in the major cities of the empire. Oh, if they really did gather, the conscription military police would be smiling because their target was completed.

Those who can be exempted from tax in the city now are actually apprentices, similar to those in science and engineering.

The empire is currently very clear about what can and cannot be recruited, and the recruitment of apprentices is relaxed to the age of twenty-two.

Enma is now recruiting these apprentices, apprentices from the countryside like himself.

As for why Enma can recruit young people? Oh, although Enma's charm value is already quite high now, the main reason is that the wages here are fair.

It is extremely ironic to say that the war has reached the point of severe labor shortage, and all factory owners have continued to squeeze! There is no eight-hour work system, and there is no guaranteed wage. Once a strike occurs, it will be suppressed directly by the military police.

Wei Keng’s comment: Good guy,

When Enma was seventeen, he began to become quite famous in several schools.

Many students are short of money and start to work-study, so they will find Enma's workshop.

Compared with Majek's first-class black-hearted assembly line factory, Enma here works on a piece-rate basis, working hours, and the pace is free. Everyone arrives on time and waits until the machine assembly line is turned on. It runs for three hours and all the workpieces are completed.

Work points are counted. At the end of the month, profits are divided according to work points.

In the entire work point statistics, students themselves do the counting. The work of counting work points is counted as part of the work points. If there are more people who sign up, lots will be drawn.

Enma himself has really good hands and eyes. During the New Year and festivals, he would go to city police stations with a shy face to deliver welfare. Therefore, the grassroots police officers in the city also learned about the situation. They did not take into account the young people like Enma.

Gathering is illegal.

According to the latest laws of the empire, all school youth must report group activities of more than ten people.

Enma has already exceeded the limit, but the sheriff below is unwilling to enforce it.

Fifteen kilometers away from York City, Enma has a gathering base. Young people who are dissatisfied with the current situation in the empire gather here.

Of course this base is a farm.

It is a standardized circulating breeding farm with chickens and several ponds. The chickens consume bean cakes and the chicken manure is fed to the fish. A large number of fish come out every three months and are sent to the canteen, where they can also be eaten.


It is such a serious place where no one knows it is a "club".

The problem Enma is facing now is, at best, the covetous eyes of all parties. There are many greedy people these days.

This chapter has been completed!
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