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Chapter 689 Chapter 16.15 (Part 1) Incarnation

 Fire Emblem Calendar Year 3229, June 18th, this day is Knight's Day. The flowers on the street are no longer the famous flowers in previous years, but some cheap small wild chrysanthemums and pink roses.

Enma began the third round of the empire's senior industrial technician assessment this year. If you pass this assessment, you will be qualified to enter the empire's official establishment, and this exam is also regarded by the residents of the empire as a stepping stone to the middle and upper classes.

Enma's paper test paper is very neat, and the final score is full marks.

As for the assessment of mechanical maintenance in the roaring factory, Wei Keng took the most difficult question: maintaining an Emperor 398 Imperial Griffin-class airship engine.

Enma put on protective clothing and took a wrench to get into the gap in the engine and began to disassemble, calibrate and reinstall the parts. Soon, all parts were repaired within the prescribed two days. He was driving this fourteen-ton propeller airship.

Successfully ascended into the imperial sky.

The written test, the work test, and the double hundred percent score are definitely the shining ones in the entire empire's assessment this year. But as a freshman, there is no imperial family to claim the identity of the illegitimate son, and the final result is still ranked fifteenth.

This is also a common thing in the empire. Any civilian child who wants to achieve success within two days after the test results come out will find a family that he can rely on.

As for Enma, he has done nothing. As for the three generations of his ancestors? They are all farmers, so there is nothing they can cling to.

On the system side, Yan Beixiang wanted to prompt: "Can marry into the family", but after thinking about it, there was still no prompt.

This is because Enma has no intention of "promoting success" and is following the path of "a shovel dancer". This exam is to establish his "senior status".

...The purpose of the Enma exam is to enter the circle. Of course, Wei Keng will enter the largest circle and will not bother to get into the higher circles...

Enma is 19 years old. Officially, he is a student at the School of Mechanical Engineering in York City. Although he has not attended classes for a single day.

In the past, this identity was not suspected. Although students from various schools did not know where Wei Keng went to school, they could meet him twice every year, and Wei Keng was like a timely rain.

Generally speaking, if you can't find a place to live, lack information books, or lack teachers to teach, Wei Keng can show up and put everyone into a class, and then find some seniors to solve the problem, and everyone will borrow the food together.

After paying the money and signing, everything is taken care of.

As for the borrowed money, I have to copy an IOU every week. It’s about 100 words for one silver dollar, 200 words for two silver dollars, and so on. Since I have to write it every week, it’s equivalent to homework. In short

, the IOU just makes everyone understand its existence.

Mr. Wei: This is actually direct funding, but direct funding, "promoting rice and grudges, pitting rice against hatred" naturally breeds, then it is not good.

For students who come to the city from various regions this year, if money is tighter and they want more money, after explaining the reasons, they can arrange work, such as courier "delivering books, letters, fresh milk", or

It's like door-to-door water pipe repairs.

Due to the instability of their employees, these student recruitment companies disband a group every semester, and then set up a new group of companies according to the new students joining in the new school year. This brings about a situation where the military police monitor certain suspicious persons, which brings

great difficulty.

...The intelligence struggle against the empire has been going on...

Enma invented the intelligence splitting method, that is, each person delivers part of the information, and only when it is assembled is the complete information. For example, delivering hot water is one piece of information, and delivering claypot rice another day is another piece of information.

When put together, it is a complete piece of information.

The military police sent by the imperial capital to the eastern cities occasionally caught one or two unrelated young people, but they didn't know what to do after being questioned. The most they could do was let them go.

For students, if there is an accident in which they are arrested by the military police while delivering goods, the company will immediately organize actions to "find people," "protest," and "block the door of the security station." Of course, students who have accidents will also be compensated for mental damages (about ten days of detention a day).

silver coins).

The activities of the revolutionaries of the Sky Empire in the eastern region have obviously increased significantly after 3229. Information security has improved, and funds for activities have become increasingly abundant.

Enma does not directly fund dissidents in the empire, but indirectly transfers funds to the imperial urban struggle faction through employment.

Compared with the ordinary reserves of revolutionaries in the empire, they also have more choices. They not only wait for the urban factions to pull them together to "do big things", but they can also work part-time in the youth study group sent by the Peasants and Youth Association, earning

Tuition fees have to be paid.

Of course, it was also during this process that the revolutionary parties in the imperial cities learned that there were youth organizations in the villages of the empire. Of course, they only knew about them and didn't know much about them.

The things that Nongqing Group gave back to these instructors were also very sincere. "Vermicelli", "sun-dried pork", "maltose", as well as various small commodities such as umbrellas, shoes, backpacks, and a few needles and threads.

These young peasants who come to the city to take classes also work part-time selling gadgets.

In extracurricular time, they push various things to the department store sellers in the city, and then they push small carts into the market in groups of several people.

The revolutionary instructors in these cities, after finishing their classes, put on their glasses and watched the young people walking out of the campus put on the clothes of salesmen and walked around the streets, sighing that "ideal" and "reality of life" are harmoniously combined.

In the eyes of the urbanists: the "postman" who was born in the city took a lower-class route and is currently not in the spotlight. Now they have opened up the ideological links of some young and promising officers in the imperial military.

...The clay giant of the Empire may not care if the skin is cracked or soaked by the sun, but it will never ignore the stabbing of important organs...

Also starting in 29, in the capital of the Sky Empire, in front of the military police building where the exploration team was located, on the dim street lights, dark crows stood like stone sculptures.

On the relief on the door, the dementor's claws are exposed, but in the daytime, on the relief, the claws are hidden in the tattered robes.

In the innermost office of the building of the Exploration Team, Military Police Seagate was looking at documents under the light of a green lampshade. At this time, there were three more key figures in the Revolutionary Party investigation list that she was responsible for monitoring.

"Postman" (the guy who delivers letters in prison)

"President" (the guy in Imperial City who collects IOUs from students)

"Lord" (the leader of the Peasant Youth Group that emerged in the eastern and northern regions, and the local snake who led a series of rural fighting in the empire.)

These three guys are very inconspicuous among the list of people "requiring close monitoring" in the Imperial General Intelligence Department.

But according to the intelligence, the three guys have deep-rooted relationships in various cities, collude with city bureaucrats, and even have connections with generals.

The current imperial intelligence organization just feels that the party's power is becoming more and more secretive, but it does not connect all this with the three new people on the list.

Seagate's cold eyes swept over these enemies of the empire. In her eyes, everyone on the list deserved to die, but because of the "mercy" of the empire (concern about the impact), they could not be hanged publicly.

It wasn't until 3232 years later in the Fire Emblem Calendar that Seagate of the Empire learned that the three inconspicuous guys on her list were actually the same person.

...The empire has been smoking in the dark for a long time, and someone is just adding fuel (gasoline)...

In 3229, when Enma walked out of the teaching hall, he was weighing the gilded notebook of a senior machinist certified by the empire, which became a certificate he carried with him. The concept of "president" became important.

constitute one of the information pillars.

Enma does not appear to the world as a mystic, but his precautions against occultism can be regarded as a model.

Construct multiple concepts about yourself, and the information under the concepts is self-consistent and mutually supporting. During the occult investigation of the empire's intelligence, you become a different person.

As a result, as more and more investigations were carried out by all parties, and during the process of investigating the three identities of Enma, more and more information was gathered through various speculations. In the etheric world, Enma gradually formed an "incarnation"


When Enma got the gilded certificate, the president who was studying in York City School wearing glasses was an incarnation.

Among the peasant youth troops in the north, the one who holds the baton and directs tactics is an incarnation.

And the one who participated in the exchanges between revolutionaries was also an incarnation.

People in these three groups of social activities all claimed that Enma was involved.

Please remember, this is their claim. They sometimes hold meetings by themselves, assuming that Enma is present. But in fact, Wei Keng is not there, and Enma is just like "a picture painted in the center of the meeting place".

And because they acquiesced in Enma's presence, Enma also participated in these on-site activities in the form of information state.

Now Enma knows the three tasks of agriculture, military, and industry, and when necessary, he actually came to the scene in person, walked from the back row to the front row, and participated in the most important speeches.

...Multiple planes, information gathering, can be formed...

Just as Wei Keng came to the arcane world earlier, Sainz tried the Internet at that time, trying to use massive information to accumulate in the etheric world and create reality.

At present, Wei Keng's situation is based on a similar principle. He has established his own existence in the etheric world and can interfere with reality.

This chapter has been completed!
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