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Chapter 696 Chapter 16.19 (Part 1) The collision of 'different times'

 Wei Keng is on the corresponding general inspector platform during this time travel.

Bai Linglu is negotiating with representatives sent from the main world of time and space in multiple dimensions.

Sissi is the supervisor after the Third Plane War. She is the product of the combination of veteran time travelers from the main world and beings from multiple planes.

In other words, the paternal line of this "Sissi" is a traveler from the main world, and her mother is a fallen individual of a god in this world.

She is the supervisor of the main world and a high-level angel of multiple planes.

...This type of "supervisor" may have a different worldview than Bai Linglu...

When Sissi faced her veteran senior, she held her head high and stated her position: "Bai Ling Deer Angel, the "Industrial God" is not the basis for being a hero. I hope you can convey the correct message to the "Son of God"."

Bai Linglu, as for Bai Linglu, didn't care about the words of the girl in front of him, but lowered his head, tapped his fingers on his beady legs, adjusted himself and changed his clothes, switching between black silk, white silk, and silver silk.

After Bai Linglu had enough fun, he finally responded to Sissi's repeated emphasis.

Bai Linglu raised his head and said: "Don't make things too complicated. What about us~?" (Long tone)

Bai Linglu glanced at her with an infuriating look, and said with the attitude of a heroine: "This time, he came here to rebel."

Bai Linglu faced this arrogant little angel and found out her identity from the information. Compared with other self-made supervisors in this era (within the 150 years of the main world), she was uniquely endowed with the status of

The father of the king and the mother of gods from multiple planes, and she has always been in multiple planes and has never hit a wall.

Bai Linglu didn't want to spoil her.

…At this time, between Bai Linglu and Sissi, two new and old values ​​​​are colliding...

Narrator: After the Third Plane War, the liberal faction was in charge of the entire Space-Time Management Bureau, and there was a backlash of colonial culture from the ancient industrial era. That is, the cultural plane areas that were originally exported by the main world began to be exported in reverse.

The representatives of these reverse outputs are people like Sissi who only come from the main world by blood and were born in an outer plane.

Sissi now prefers to use the multi-dimensional order hierarchy to compare "identity" with Bai Linglu, rather than the "supervisor" system of the main world.

All supervisors are also celestial angels in multiple planes. According to this method, Bai Linglu is just a "high-level celestial angel". And under the theory of multiple planes, angels are weaker than gods.

Sissi has a "you are just like this" and "you are just like that" attitude towards Bai Linglu who has not become a god.

The pastoral era of the main world began to set rules. Supervisors and time-travelers are equal. Even if the time-travelers become gods, their supervisors are also equal to them. The supervisor's status as a "high-level angel" is only for assistance.

The temporary identity of the traveler.

This is similar to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Tathagata Buddha in Journey to the West. In the Buddhist system, Bodhisattva is lower than Buddha. But in the heavenly system, Tathagata and Avalokitesvara belong to the five directions and the five elders and are equal.

In Sissi’s eyes: Bai Linglu has no room for improvement as he gets old, and she is on the same level as Bai Linglu now, and will definitely improve even higher in the future (provided that the multi-dimensional world continues to flourish)

The Sissi in Bai Linglu's eyes is completely ignorant of the rules and lacks cognition.

Bai Linglu even commented in his heart: "Oh, I really think that the multidimensional plane is the center! There is no such thing as a "quantum trace space-time realm"."

As a supervisor from the pastoral generation, Bai Linglu regards the main world as the center.

And even if the main world encounters challenges, it will never be the multidimensional dimension of the 'quantum universe' that seizes the diverse achievements of the main world.

Beyond the "quantum universe", there are other big worlds.

For example, the "Plane of Darkness" shows signs of great rise.

...not speculative, just half a sentence...

Bai Linglu's attitude angered Sissi, the angel, and she spread her six wings.

However, before Sissi could mobilize her world guarding power in multiple planes, a cube appeared above the dimensional space. The cube quickly turned into gold bricks, and the strong suppressive force immediately pressed the little angel back to its original form.

Bai Linglu just raised his hand slightly.

As a veteran supervisor, the information enthalpy she has accumulated and the number of mimetic space bubbles (small worlds) are beyond the imagination of contemporary supervisors. More importantly, the authority that Wei Keng gave to Bai Linglu is also a supervisor of this generation.


Ordinary supervisors build a small space for "crossing the platform".

Here in Bailinglu, there is a planetary world that is at least the size of the moon.

Moreover, Bai Linglu has more than one "dimensional space". Although Bai Linglu has not become a "king" in multiple planes, she exercises all authority against the gods on behalf of Wei Keng in the dimensions."

Sissi was sure of what was behind this golden light, her expression was horrified, and she whispered: "The Kingdom of God!"

Bai Linglu glanced at her casually: "Well, the Kingdom of God? To a certain extent, right."

The massive information enthalpy, along with the "quantum information trend" of the plane film, conducts tens of billions of timeline checks on various rules, forming a "perfect rule information server". This is the so-called "Kingdom of God" in the multidimensional plane


In contrast to the gods who draw the power of faith from the concept of life in this world, which is the information enthalpy, Bai Linglu can draw it from the "time earthquake territory" (in which the Shenzhou plane is located), a civilized area deeply cultivated by Wei Keng, through stellar facilities.

information enthalpy,

Bai Linglu also has an independent supply of divine power.

Compared with the gods of this world, Bai Linglu only does not condense a permanent "godhead". It does not form its own concept and positioning (nail household) in this plane.

But Wei Keng exists in the plane. According to the rules of the supervisors and time travelers in the pastoral era, Bai Linglu can use Wei Keng as the fulcrum to suppress this little angel who doesn't know the heights of the sky.

Narrator: In contemporary times, there are very few time travellers who would serve as such a fulcrum for the Inspector.

This is because contemporary supervisors were unable to strictly abide by the "supervision rules" in the early stages and often crossed the line. Therefore, in the later stages, the time-travelers and supervisors were separated.

Bai Linglu often crossed the line in his early years, but as time went by, he and Wei Keng came to a consensus.

As for Qian Qian, now she only sees Wei Keng's "connivance" with Bai Linglu, but she doesn't see Bai Linglu's obligations as a pure supervisor.

During all the journeys, Bai Linglu relied on Wei Keng's understanding of the "target plane" to adjust her own understanding. Wei Keng was her "godhead".

Bai Linglu may quarrel with Wei Keng in normal times, but when it comes to important interests, he and Wei Keng remain united.

…Contemporary supervisors, whoever has no selfish motives, and whoever is not “in danger of imminent catastrophe” will fly away separately...

Bai Linglu suppressed the "seraph" in front of him.

Bai Linglu came over and pinched her wings, then with a little force, he plucked out a feather, and then blew on the feather.

When Bai Linglu saw her in pain, his delicate face was full of frowns and pitiful looks, and he smiled: "If you assume the role of the supervisor, I will tell you the rules of the supervisor, and now you are showing off the quantum universe

, with the appearance of an angel, I will let you know the power of the earth's main world to suppress the heavens." Then the tone turned cold: "Now, please take back these chicken wings."

After Sissi restrained her wings, Bai Linglu paced in front of her and opened the screen to teach: "The "gods" of multiple planes were three centuries ago, well, that is, before your last universe era, we

(The main world) has been studied, and there are many routes to explore. It is undeniable that today (the main world) only has the "creation of gods" route, which is an objective choice of survival of the fittest. It does not mean falling into "right or wrong, diode" thinking

, ruling out other better options.”

Bai Linglu pointed to the data on the evolution of kings in the "multiple planes" on the six sets of screens in front of him, and objectively stated: "This thing (god-making system) is too long-lasting, too solidified, and the concept of adhering to the main world is


...Bai Linglu followed Wei Keng through time, and she firmly believed that the "tracing system" is better than "creating gods"...

Sissi left. After the hall became quiet, Bai Linglu opened the side interface and asked Wei Keng: "Is it okay to respond like this?"

Wei Keng: "Shan, it's just that you are a bit cruel to this little sister."

Bai Linglu, still smiling, but with a fierce look in his eyes: "Why, pity the fragrance and cherish the jade?"

Wei Keng waved his hand: "Am I such a superficial person? Besides, if I'm pretty but have a bad personality, I can't talk to him."

Speaking of this, Wei Keng glanced at Bai Linglu, and before she could get angry, he continued: "I mean, what she represents behind her is the gods of this plane. This is not good for you."

Bai Linglu twirled his fingers: "What? Are there any plans to talk?" (Bai Linglu knew: Wei Keng didn't want to bring the conflicts to himself, and wanted to attribute all the conflicts to himself)

Wei Keng leisurely sighed with emotion: "I have been stereotyped. It is difficult to talk to these people in the main world, but you can talk to me."

Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng calmly: "Me? Actually, I can't talk to them (the gods)."

Wei Keng confirmed Bai Linglu's serious look and smiled: "I'll beat them up so that they can talk to you."

Wei Keng sent his own plan - when he comes to this plane, there will inevitably be conflicts. Wei Keng's goal is very practical. He does not think that he can destroy some gods, but he forces the gods to accept some principles, such as: destruction.

As for Bai Linglu, Wei Keng has created a function for her. This function will be no less than that occupied by Michael Lena and Monat now.

Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng, with complexity appearing on his unchanged face.

Wei Keng, who often behaved lazily, now acted like he had broken through the wall and never looked back.

Bai Linglu said in a rare and gentle manner: "Be careful not to hurt yourself."

This chapter has been completed!
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