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Chapter 698 Chapter 16.20 (Part 1) National Conditions in Multiple Planes

 In June 3230, in the small industrial city of Misul, the melodious heavy hammers and the continuous forging of small hammers sounded one after another in the city.

Amid the rising tide of depression and rebellion in the empire, the traffic flow in and out of this small city, which was originally a second-rate city in the empire, began to increase.

The original production of steel rails began to continuously expand production capacity. It also added other industrial facilities, such as metal pipes and industrial gas tanks for storing liquefied gas.

This small industrial city restored the "pyrotechnics" that the big men with batons in the imperial cabinet wanted to accomplish.

The big shots in the cabinet only hope that the "baton" will produce a magical effect when they swing it, but they are not willing to bother to observe how much firewood is left on each stove.

Enma: "Argument for the sake of results. Alas"

The "economic anemia" caused by the large amount of gold coins withdrawn by the upper class of the empire before this began to be alleviated with the injection of funds and organizations from the Peasants and Youth League.

At this time, the Misour industrial area and the surrounding agricultural areas used the form of "bonds" to communicate, that is, tickets for industrial products were exchanged for notes for agricultural products.

The issuance of bills depends on the value of the industrial products stored in the warehouse. The City's Industrial Youth Association will send people to each warehouse to collect statistics, and then exchange them at the bill center. This is a "reputable currency".

Only when each factory actually produces "fertilizers", "synthetic fuels" and "heavy machinery" and delivers them to predetermined warehouses in the city will it have purchasing power for raw materials, daily necessities, and upstream machinery maintenance.

...In this economic model, it seems to be a replacement, but in the process, the city loses its pricing power...

Due to the collapse of the imperial economy, agricultural and sideline products were reasonably distributed under a well-organized system and became a hard currency comparable to gold and silver.

However, when any model is prosperous, it should study the crisis, instead of relying on metaphysics like those idiots in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

Enma put forward a theory in the "Agricultural Youth Association Economic News": After the wealth produced by society meets the needs, the various "surpluses" generated will enter the circulation process, and then drive the development of various "models" of society.

This "model" can be the antique trading activities of the upper class of the aristocracy, or it can be the renovation of houses in the countryside.

Human needs are diverse, so "modes" are also diverse.

Various "modes" consume the "surplus" of social production in different ways.

Of course, the production "surplus" that can be consumed by the "mode" is "hard currency". For example, antiques consume various car beads and walnuts, which are hard to find for a period of time. This is "hard currency". In the social and cultural circles

After the "model" could not accommodate the "surplus" of social services, these surpluses, such as Wenwan walnuts and other foods, became cheap things that could be used as firewood.

Enma's note: No "model" can be infinitely overdrawn in economic activities and carry the massive "surplus" in large-scale social production. Even the basic need of "human reproduction". When society forcibly imposes "surplus" on this

The "model" will also shrink this "model" and produce the doctrine of unmarriage and infertility.

Love economy, marriage economy, education economy, all producers have created a large amount of surplus (consumer goods) in this direction, for example, various love packages, two-person emotional experience consumption, diamonds, cars, wedding rooms. Is it even in the ancient industrial era?

, to make the "patterns" that have been stable through the ages, such as the "male-female union rate" and "childbirth" in industrialized countries, suddenly collapse. This is the endurance of the overdraft "pattern".

…The cognitive advantage in thinking is more important than the advantage of having the “means of production”…

Enma told the Agricultural Youth Congress: We must realize that our core economic advantage is not that "canned goods are more fragrant than railroad tracks", but that we have made effective plans for the supply of some key economic materials and market circulation.

Now the Agricultural Youth Association uses "fresh vegetables", "fruits", grains, and canned food to occupy capital and actively acquire control of industrial assets.

This is because the empire has had no plan for industrial and rural economic production for a long time, which has allowed the empire's economy to focus on military industry for a long time, while other light industries have been depressed, so that during this period, processed agricultural products can become "hard currency".

Enma: The "mode" of consuming agricultural and sideline products in cities has a "threshold" for the consumption of this type of "surplus".

Once the breakthrough threshold is reached, agricultural and sideline products lose their "hard currency" and their control over industrial production activities will decline, which will allow the imperial conservatives to use their "asset theory" to counterattack.

If you want to completely replace the old forces, you must separate your perspective from the existing "agriculture" and "agricultural and sideline industry" links.

...War and economy have one thing in common, they both require "organization" and "prejudgment"...

The Youth Association led by Enma, just like the War Staff, is also preparing for "mode" consumption when deciding to control a new type of key production means.

After the second half of 3230, when the capital of the Agricultural Youth Association reached the maximum value of its industrial investment in Michal City, which was about 70 to 80%, preparations for "road infrastructure" and "factory expansion of production" began.

", "models" such as the renovation of rural fish ponds, greenhouses and other production facilities to consume the "surplus" of industrial production.

When Enma sets up each "decision", he will arrange personnel and observe the understanding ability of the personnel when executing. But when it comes to this level of thinking, Enma (Wei Keng) discovered that the human beings here are inferior in "willpower"

It is different from the earth.

Objective evaluation: The peasants and young people in the north still lack experience in managing a country's economy. People in each region tend to follow their butts in cities and rural areas, leading to policy tilts. In such a huge country, which side is slightly tilted?

will gradually start to become unstable.

As industry advances, agricultural areas lack capital investment and lose production flexibility. (Please refer to the late Soviet Union)

If the pace of industry does not advance, all urbanization will have no roots. In the environment of market competition, it will become weaker and weaker until it is eliminated (refer to South American countries)

In the words of the earth, you have to walk on two legs, left and right, and take separate steps. Even if you take a step, you will not fall down. You must also use long-term future changes as a "mark", otherwise you will go around in circles.

lock up.

…At the top of all social systems, there must be an overall view…

Although Enma is only twenty years old now, he is actively choosing a "replacement", that is, someone who can step in if something happens to him.

At first, Enma thought it was easy to choose a "substitute". After all, he was the one in the middle, and there were too many people smarter than him.

But "smart" does not mean "strong willpower". In this era where everything is affected by information, people are also affected. In the words of the ancient arcane era, if the "orderly good" paladin stayed in the abyss, he would also be affected.

Corroded into chaotic evil.

Enma discovered that on this plane, people in different areas can easily have their perspective affected by that area.

Even if Enma elaborated the theory, but:

People engaged in agriculture only focus on the agricultural development cycle, only on how to expand agricultural output value, how to ensure smooth supply of chemical fertilizers, agricultural machinery, and enable more agricultural bills to be issued. If this continues, cities will not be able to consume so much agricultural products.

Later, the new cadres in rural areas, now mixed under the influence of the "enlightened faction" of farm owners, will inevitably start to adopt operations such as "reducing production" and "keeping the market hungry" to keep the "agricultural bills" strong.

Those engaged in industry will definitely do the opposite. In order to make industrial bills more valuable, they will begin to tend to establish industrial scissors. In this way, rural areas and cities will begin to confront each other.

Enma now has a headache for the comrades in this plane: "Can't you stand on the principle of working together and develop independently? Industry and agriculture are two legs, why do you just stop at "which leg is the most important?"

Regarding the problem, why can't we raise the height to the brain?"

At this time, in the supervisor's space, Hongzhen said: "People in this world have no brains~" Before she could finish her words, she was pushed away by Yan Beixiang. Yan Beixiang said: "You should be brought into this 21st century

In the Internet age, people in this world lack willpower.”

Enma, or Wei Keng, was slightly startled.

After being awakened, I suddenly understood the objective reality in dimensions:

Although human beings on various planes are similar in thinking to the main world, there are "national conditions" in the multidimensional planes, and the basic rules are more easily anchored by widespread beliefs. On the other hand, in the thinking of ordinary human beings based on carbon-based standards

Consciousness is weaker than the main world.

The "consciousness" of the multidimensional planes is the soul. Even if humans on Earth in the main world have not been trained, the size of their souls is about twice as strong as that of human consciousness in the multidimensional planes, and the strength of their souls is much stronger.

Soul strength means that when accepting "changes", you can still hold on to your true heart and not be led astray, let alone collapse.

...Yan Beixiang looked at Enma and said silently in her heart: "You should realize that you are not a human being, but a god"...

Wei Keng's own understanding is that the development of a person's worldview should be nurtured in the "objective and neutral" pure "amniotic fluid" ideological education during the juvenile stage. This "amniotic fluid" ideological education is from the age of ten to two.

Between ten years old, basic compulsory education.

If you "accidentally make friends in mixed society" or "do not control the Internet and develop Internet addiction" at this stage, it is equivalent to "breaking the amniotic fluid", and the "embryo" of the worldview will be distorted.

In the 21st century, in big data recognition, most of the blind people who are driven are people with an incomplete world view.

In this plane, "everything has information," and all mortals are in the web of "fate", fulfilling the roles entrusted to them by "fate".

In the summer of 1930, Enma was in Mihal City, looking up at the sky and saying nothing.

Gao Wei Shangwei Keng criticized: "Only those who don't want to use their brains and lack subjective initiative will believe in fate."

This chapter has been completed!
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