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Chapter 716 Chapter 16.32 (Part 2) Black Technology

 In the summer of Fire Emblem Calendar 3232, the wheat harvest of the previous season has been completed, and the planting of the next season has not yet begun. The fields are using bean sprouts to replenish the soil.

The slack period has begun, and at this stage, seasonal factories have begun to recruit workers.

The parts processed in the workshop of the small factory, such as the hot ball engine tricycle, were transported to the next door factory for assembly.

In rural areas, various types of mechanization, including tricycles, have emerged, just like the ocean of "bicycles" that popped up in the streets after the shared bicycle era in the early 21st century.

In small and medium-sized fuel plants in rural areas, straw fuel is processed into usable alcohol liquid fuel in small furnaces, and mixed with refined oil products in cities.

In the Iron Star control area, small chimneys have become the norm. The iron horse that cranks the wheel every time it is started has become a must-have vehicle for every household.

Compared with the finely crafted fuel vehicles of urban aristocrats, tractors are not quiet enough to start, and they do not have arcane air-conditioning or magic crystal interface. These tractors only have one awning at most. If the owner needs, they can weld an electric fan, and then

The circuit is connected to the battery.

From the perspective of "high sophistication and innovation", the tractor industry is naturally inferior to those "bright and fragrant trucks".

But the essence of a vehicle is to carry things, just like horses in the ancient agricultural era were used for riding and transportation.

It is not used to show off wealth. Moreover, the "carriage" is not a well-bred horse, nor can it match the breed.

In Mr. Wei's industrial logic: the productivity of high-precision industries is concentrated in the production of luxury goods such as "famous watches", which has always been wasteful. The "output value" seems to be high, but the "labor assistance" to most people is very small

Among the industrial indicators designed by the Agricultural Youth Association, the development of each village's "small and medium-sized transportation capacity" is as important as grain production.

…New industrial activities inject new anchoring systems into the ethereal world…

Currently, under the rules of Wanlun Continent, steam engines are still the mainstream, and only steam can be confined in a special metal cylinder. The tunneling effect of explosion phenomenon is still too strong. At this stage, internal combustion engines can only be installed on aircraft, and aircraft

Small size and small tonnage.

This has led to the fact that currently there are still steam airships on the mainland, and the range of rocket launchers is also limited! Because the nozzle will be damaged by attributes when it is burned to a certain extent.

Nuclear power is generally used on large combat machines, that is, super vehicles of more than 300 tons, 600 tons, or even 1,000 tons. As for medium-sized vehicles with dozens of tons, they are limited by the production of fuel. These few tons are more than ten tons.

The payload is exactly the vehicle needed for civilian use.

Many factories with less than a hundred people need to distribute hundreds of tons of steam crane vehicles.

There is always a shortage of machinery in rural areas, and sometimes even pack horses have to be used to purchase goods from the market.

The first batch of young peasants Enma took away had spent some time in big cities, and they had a "phobia of lack of machinery".

The big ones are too expensive, so just assemble small ones. No matter how bad the mechanization is, it is better than mules and horses. Mules and horses need to eat oats and soybeans until they are fat enough to move, and tractors are not picky.

In the past, the overweight trains running on the imperial tracks ran through a series of steampunk steel cities, leaving the backward rural areas far behind. Only manor owners who occasionally bought large amounts of farmland could show off large-scale agricultural machinery.


Now, change all that!

And just as the status quo of backward production was gradually changed, the spiritual status quo also changed subtly. And this change was even more profound.

…The era changes, providing some rule changes that the new gods are looking forward to…

In the "Children's Palace Special Training Class", Wei Keng looked at the young people sent from various rural areas and was speechless for a moment.

In ancient times, "experiment" and "arcana" meditation were closely related, because the energy tunneling phenomenon in the experimental phenomenon was engraved in the spirit of arcane apprentices. Nowadays, the phenomenon of constant operation of industrialized machinery and the concept of communication are also related to "

The skill mechanism released by "hero unit" is closely related.

The mechanical operation phenomenon that the public defaults to forms a concept, which is then combined by heroic units. These concepts are then mobilized for "skill release" when necessary, such as the "super precision" brought by Wei Keng's "Strike Aura" and Sugma

This is true for the "split attack" of special light prism weapons.

In the past, "concepts" were created and launched in urban areas, so the wars of several major empires on Wanlun Continent also revolved around the confrontation between industrial cities. - But now, when more and more machines are used in rural and rural areas, they are also beginning to be born.

Industry related "concepts".

...Wei Keng: Hey, changing rules? Well, some black technologies in the laboratory may be very efficient and appear in engineering applications...

On July 1st, the heat has gradually swept across Wanlun Continent. Popsicles have also been distributed to the factory.

The raw materials for making popsicles are agricultural and sideline products. Fruits pickled in sugar water are now chopped, mixed with sugar water and frozen into hard, long cylindrical sticks, which are distributed to various working factories to cool down.


In Weapons Factory No. 14, the gun barrels were removed one by one, and the barely moving 150-ton armored target vehicles were towed to the test site for target practice.

A group of teenagers wearing specific armored clothing were also standing on another "Energy Destroyer" vehicle. This other vehicle was loaded with a large amount of dry ice and liquid nitrogen.

These young students are the first batch of "Industrial Special Education Students" from Iron Star. In Enma's words: "In terms of their ability to understand concepts, they are much better than me, a middle-aged man."

The exercise began, and as they began to mobilize their familiar concepts, after the energy destroyer radar radiated light, the target vehicle in the distance was covered with a layer of "energy shield of white frost".

When the shield is strengthened, the 150mm rifled gun and 200mm naval gun one kilometer away are ready to attack.

…The era of multi-dimensional science and technology is darker than the technology in science fiction novels during the struggle for hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union at the end of the 20th century…

With the earth-shattering firing, three 150mm rifled shells hit the weak side armor, while the 200mm heavy shells hit the front armor, completing semi-armor penetration, that is, the warhead was stuck on the outer armor layer.

The "frost energy barrier" seemed to have no hindering effect, but after the cannonball penetrated the barrier, it did not have the power of the explosion as imagined.

When the shell penetrated the target, sparks just popped out. After activating the fire-fighting foam mechanism inside the target vehicle, it had no effect anymore. The fire was covered by white foam.

Willy, who was watching by the sidelines, did not put down his telescope and was surprised by this situation and said: "Squib?"

Enma said leisurely: "Squibs do not produce sparks. The burning rate of the gunpowder inside the shell is changed by the low temperature."

Then added an explanation: "(Ice Shield) reduces the explosive charge in the shell from explosion to slow burning."

After the exercise, the investigators entered the armored target vehicle and took out the artillery shells. These artillery shells did not explode into pieces, but cracks in the middle exploded, and the shells seemed to have been "shaped open".

During the operation, all the internal explosives were leaked.

An explosion is a violent instantaneous combustion that generates shock wave energy to break open the confines of a small space. However, if the explosion is turned into a slow burning, it becomes a bomb.

It's like if you just light a cannon and throw it out, it will make a "pop" sound, but if you break the crack in the middle and then light it and throw it out, the flame will appear along the crack.

The "ice barrier" just released is like this. When the artillery shell penetrates, a large amount of internal explosives are rapidly cooled down. Most of the explosives cannot reach the detonation point at once. When the thunder in the projectile ignites the warhead, only a small part of the explosives are ignited.

, the shells exploded, and when the explosives that finally recovered from the "cold" were ignited again, they could only start to spray flames along the cracks in the shells. They could not produce explosive power.

…The refrigeration technology of this era can be carried out through light waves.…

Enma looked at the twenty young men operating the "Destroyer Chariot" and determined that they could release the "Ice Shield Skill" on the battlefield to reduce the lethality of large-caliber artillery.

As for these teenagers, they are all people in the countryside who experienced the freezing phenomenon of compressed gas after the first generation of icehouses were built, and then grasped the "concept" after being exposed to quantitative knowledge such as mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Those who can release skills are not heroes, but can also be elite units. The heroes in the era of turbulence are all promoted from the "elites".

And for such a young "elite" unit, the future is promising.

This chapter has been completed!
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