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Chapter 2.28 Earthquake Peak

 The shuttle to the Pandora plane was completed on time, and with the fluctuation of the space nodes, Wei Keng disappeared into the wormhole again. In the eyes of the people in the Pearl River District, Wei Keng's departure from the wormhole was to go back for vacation, because Wei Keng

Leave arrangements were made for various positions two months before the wormhole opened.

So before Wei Keng stepped into the wormhole, many people said "Have a nice vacation" to Wei Keng.

In response to such blessings, Wei Keng could only smile bitterly and feel helpless: "Am I on vacation? I stay here all year round, and I have to work when I return there. In the 21st century, migrant workers can go home once while working.

.When can I go back to the main world and do nothing for a week?"

These complaints from Wei Keng made the onlookers' space-time group feel that compared to most time travellers, Wei Keng lacked the spirit of "wholeheartedly dedicating himself to the cause of plane development."

[These accumulated negative impressions of Wei Keng will not be refuted by Wei Keng. Just like the negative comments made by bosses in the 21st century about "young people being degenerate and unwilling to get up early" will not be corrected by the parties involved.

Those who love time travel, what do they love? And Wei Lao is tired during time travel, so where is the fatigue? Daily activities that can be nominally classified as 'work', positive people are because of optimism, and negative people

Is it because the mentality is wrong? So just adjusting the mentality can solve the problem?】

In September 2004 in the Chinese plane, Wei Keng came back. After flashing out of the laboratory on the plateau, he started a new work arrangement without stopping.

On the third day after returning, Wei Keng wore a straw hat and squatted on the beach on the east side of the Gobi Desert. He held a handful of sand on his fingers and spat lightly on it to feel the stickiness of the sand in his hand.

Around Wei Keng, there is a green plant belt composed of large areas of vitex plants.

This is sand after the action of desert soil binder. By penetrating into organic matter, the sand is clumped, changing the structure of the soil at the granular level.

The raw materials for preparing this adhesive are very cheap, that is, some herbs including straw.

In the South, due to precipitation, the natural decomposition of plant fibers will cause the sandy soil to harden. In the dry northwest, Populus euphratica will not die for a hundred years, will not fall for a hundred years after it dies, and will not rot for a hundred years after it falls.

Natural conditions do not support the rapid conversion of a certain process, and humans should think about accelerating a certain process to restore nature to balance.

In places with abundant water resources in the Yellow River Basin in Guanzhong, Western Economic Union has built a large number of reaction tanks to process raw materials such as straw and transport them to desert areas through special trains heading northwest.

Although this set of sand solidification industry chain technology was directly copied by Wei Keng from the main world, it is not a black technology. Twenty years ago in the Chinese plane, some universities did relevant research and made

The adhesive manufacturing method has been developed. It’s just that! Due to cost, this technology has not been industrialized.

It can only be produced on a small scale, and the cost is unacceptably high. And now even if it is large-scale production, after reducing the cost, it is not competitive. If you maintain farmland, the cost of one acre is still as high as 10,000 yuan. And it still requires

Continuous investment. In today’s market, there seems to be no business reason to do it.

In the main world, it was also after the 23rd century that with the overall improvement of mechanized productivity, information networks allowed urban residents to control wider external areas. This kind of desert cultivation technology appeared under the people's growing desire for "land control"

Marketization is possible.

[Don’t use the 21st century’s consumption outlook to judge the consumption outlook of people in the 23rd century. Just like the Orientals who just industrialized in the 20th century did not understand that there would be such things as “expensive plastic villains with hundreds of thousands of gold cards” a few decades later.

However, this acre of land in the northwest can only grow a few grasses a year. In the 23rd century, it is exactly the financial product pursued by urban residents.]

In the 27th century, Wei Keng's family also had a piece of land that was fully automated and managed.

This is like "the present ocean left by our ancestors", it is difficult to buy more.

For example, although Wei Keng and Wei Qiang had no dispute over the property rights of the land, neither of them allowed the land to be sold.

Wei Keng, Wei Qiang: "This is the inheritance of our ancestors. We will only sell it when the family is ruined."

There are complete desert vegetation on the surface of the land. Forty-seven metal and plastic greenhouse plantations can use solar energy to supply 50% of their energy. Of course, they are also connected to the external power grid, while underground there are 16 and 50 plantations.

There are underground buildings with a depth of 99 meters and a large number of warehouses. The water source is connected to underground rivers. Some underground areas are specially drilled to 99 meters to serve as cemeteries.

Although Orientals of various eras have different views on some consumer goods, there are still some commonalities that run through the ages. And this commonality was deeply understood by Wei Keng and his wife.

Save! Effective savings. Even if you can’t use it all, you can leave it as a memory for future generations.

Now, looking back on history, among most people in the East, the concept of "savings is hope" has never wavered. This is very different from the Western concept of "freedom is hope."

In the 21st century, these two concepts have had a huge collision. Western society has lost its employment-based economy, and the so-called freedom of citizens has turned into pseudo-freedom under the "bombardment of public opinion." While the East has fallen into inflation and "savings have turned into pseudo-savings"


Therefore, when the current generation of the main world looks back on the third xxx (comprehensive verification and destruction), it believes that everything started in the first half of the first century of the double millennium.

Wei Keng is an Oriental, so he pays attention to Oriental issues. That is, the problem of failure of savings.

The recent history of the main world: Two millennia ago, Eastern society began to open up by selling shoes and hats, and then became the world's factory in the following decades. It was true that capital was accumulated at the beginning, but in the later period, it reached the level that the global structure can tolerate.

Holding the upper limit of credibility only accumulates the digital quantity of foreign exchange currency. This grid that limits the East is the global military pattern. The U.S. Navy and hundreds of military bases combined with other powers around the world create a glass ceiling.

When the international currency exchanged cannot be exchanged for technology, and the purchase of resources is restricted, the output value created by year-round labor has become an extravagant squandering in a consumer-oriented society. This has resulted in exports not actually being exchanged for the so-called "innovative technological value", but has been

is fed into inflation.

Therefore, the major currencies within the Eastern economy do not have the ability to maintain value under the general trend!

Within a few decades, eggs rose from one or two cents to one yuan. The so-called middle class could only panic and exchange currency for real estate (property), which was the only thing that could maintain its value at that time.

When a young boy pursues a girl, he spends 500 yuan on hot pot and afternoon tea several times a week. Just to be decent in front of the opposite sex in a month, he must have the ability to spend 3000 yuan per month, and all kinds of "haves" created by capital

The festival of "meaning" gives the so-called opportunity to create "romance", which also requires extra consumption.

And these consumptions may not necessarily bear fruit in the end, because the ideas of men and women have been gradually conquered by the outside world since the opening up.

When this industrious nation multiplied by the great rivers of the East suddenly discovered that saving was useless, getting married, having children, and placing hopes for the future became empty talk.

Then the young labor force among the billions of people can only choose to lie down. This lying down is equivalent to a large number of non-combat attrition in this over-limit national war.

Compared with the Cold War in the second half of the last century, both sides of the Cold War in the first half of the new century also paid a heavy price. The East trembled under the burden of the confrontation, and once again fulfilled the prophecy of the lyrics: xx has reached its most critical moment.

The focus of Wei Keng's work in the Pandora plane is to lead the people after the disaster to unite, survive, fight against foreign invasion, and solve the problem of food and clothing. That is Wei Keng's commitment to the world of Pandora.

The focus of Wei Keng's mission in the Chinese plane is to push the country back to the path of construction and accumulation, so that the common people's hopes can be re-linked to savings and having children. This is Wei Keng's obsession that has never dissipated.

The wind and sand in the desert are still noisy, and sand fixation equipment is still being driven into the grass grid piece by piece.

After eating at noon, Wei Keng placed the iron lunch box in the sand and brushed it. The sand made the rice bowl clean.

After working hard for many days, Wei Keng's rosy face turned gray again after returning from Pandora.

The drifting sand will settle down and grass will grow.

In 2205, more than half a year later, rows of low-water-consuming windbreaks such as black locust appeared in the West Gobi. After the soil was improved, the moisture in the soil was locked, and the grids formed by the black locust were filled with large amounts of water.

The grass-green glass greenhouse, although the air is still extremely dry, is full of lushness under the protection of plastic and glass.

Media workers from the east flew in helicopters to observe this lush scene.

This picture of millions of hectares of fertile land is very shocking. Although China in this world has completed industrialization and agriculture has been declining year by year in the national GDP, in the hearts of Chinese people, the word "large acres" and prosperity are still linked.

Of course, scholars from the public sector in the southeast have unsurprisingly raised doubts. They believe that destroying the local natural environment will trigger retribution from heaven.

Therefore, the relevant bill banks have given this industry a very low credit rating, and the bill exchanges are unwilling to accept financing from this part of the assets and will have to observe it for another two years.

They also seem to have done some well-founded popular science.

Because, just as the Western Economic Alliance was destroying agriculture on a large scale in the Western Regions, Soviet Russia was also engaged in mechanized agriculture in Central Asia. However, their methods were very crude. They did not use greenhouses or drip irrigation. They directly turned over the soil with agricultural machinery and pumped river water. Flooding led to the depletion of the Aral Sea in Central Asia and soil salinization. Immediately afterwards, there was a catastrophic locust disaster.

These experts use the failure cases of Soviet Russia to rate and describe the technology-intensive and capital-intensive agricultural production model of Wei Keng, and describe its unfeasibility. This is vicious suppression.

[In the 21st century in the main world, the West has never recognized the market economy status of the East. When rating, it has always referred to South Asia to provide evidence for anti-dumping sanctions. 】

Of course, this kind of operation did not exceed Wei Keng's expectations. The financial people had already been on guard against it due to their carelessness.

Wei Keng: If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. Change, or a game, is about to begin.

Regarding this large-scale economic war, how to win? We need the position of the youth group! Wei Keng believes that he can get the youth group to stand on his side.

A revolution in consumption patterns has begun.

The initial scope of this counterattack was not large: major cities in the west began to restrict the driving hours of private cars, gradually expanded the original public transportation system, and only opened the purchase of small and medium-sized electric vehicles.

After being questioned, it seemed as if the enemy's main force was determined, and they continued to march boldly: they completed the construction of public bars in the best areas of the city, and all public bars offered a 10% discount for a man and a woman to enter! In addition, they also advertised We promoted projects such as pre-planting flowers in advance and online greenhouse rental.

The final decisive battle is housing: the company directly assumes the housing fund guarantee for the workers. Five months after joining the company, the workers take a loan from the company to buy a house. Once they get married two years later, or one year after they have parents and children (with a clear blood relationship with both parties), the house will be officially confirmed. Ownership and security are transferred from the company to the individual.

Anyone can get an education, it is easy to find a stable job, it is easy to buy a house, there is no need for a car, and there is no financial pressure to pursue girls. This kind of social economy is a society that is not dynamic in the eyes of some upper class people.

Wei Keng: "We are in the information age. Young people in this era have no shortage of items they want to consume. Do we have to rely on our private sector to make it difficult for young people to buy a house, get married, and have to beg on their knees for a job?" "Can we develop? Enterprises cannot always think of letting society bear the cost. If they want a better human supply chain, they must join in social transformation.

What? Enterprises are under great pressure, purchasing raw materials, and lack of funds for market development. Points for raw materials are arranged, and market channels are recommended. Stop investing in the eastern market, and you can't exchange technology.

In China, as the financial centers in the east stopped importing capital to the west, capital from the west also stopped gathering in the east. Stock trading was not an option for young people in the west, and they were all guided to a new direction of saving.

As the first batch of glass greenhouse vegetable farms in the Western Region became profitable, they were immediately bought by people with just a little money. Then, they were rented to the region at a low price in the Western Economic Alliance controlled trading market.

Contractor. Low rent cannot stop investment, because the output is arranged by big data, and the output is value-preserving.

Labor is not about forging a fighting spirit that is approved by some superior people.

In the East, the unruly people have been rebellious for thousands of years and have long been untamed. The men save money for themselves, not the gold mines that the meat-eaters in the palace can fry and refine at will.

In the spring of 2005, although the growth of traditional consumption also stalled, it did not enter a depression.

The civilian automobile industry has experienced a sharp decline. And other economic projects, such as various privately operated bars, singing and dancing, are also because of the 10% discount offered by the Western Economic Alliance in similar public entertainment halls, and wine can be pre-ordered and stored in Pinduoduo

, directly wiped out the eastern chain industry that leads the country.

Most of the consumption of ordinary people in western China is concentrated on electronic products, drones, ecological houses for everyone, and high-speed train tickets that can travel three times a week. If you don't use this travel ticket every week, you can

90% cash back directly, or it can be converted into cargo tickets to transport the fruits you want, or send the soil and fertilizer you want to transport.

The economic activities of the huge consumer market are gradually decoupling from traditional groups, which has greatly promoted the renewal of the new generation of civilian consumption in the Western Economic Union.

The guys in the east who held the financial scepter were anxious. They discovered that this bastard Wei Keng was going to rebel against heaven.

The financial system in the east wants to eat more and occupy more on this plate! But Wei Keng divided the plate directly.

The lifestyle of ordinary people has been completely changed, which may seem like nothing. But for those at the top of society, it is similar to a mass extinction in the ecological world. The higher you go, the worse the luck.

For example

When the community's fuel usage is gas cylinders, the group controls the gas cylinders and monopolizes the civilian fuel supply. But if the community's fuel usage is changed to gas pipeline supply, gas cylinders are no longer needed.

When the use of motorcycles for transportation was originally the mainstream, residents suddenly changed their mode of travel to bicycles, electric bicycles and shared bicycles, and the motorcycle industry was about to shrink.

When residents need washing machines to wash clothes at home, if community public laundry rooms solve everyone's daily clothing cleaning problems, then the washing machine industry will be in decline.

But now the west is not only changing the consumption of these gadgets, but is completely out of touch with the east, re-planning the life style of ordinary people. Making daily necessary consumption cheaper and more useful, more conducive to the accumulation of social wealth. Rather than the will of capital

planned excess consumption.

If this lifestyle were to expand, it would already mean war, and the loser's upper class would be ruined.

In southern Anhui, under a high tower of a Buddhist temple, Bai Yiyun was recruited here again and met a monk.

This monk was originally a disciple of a certain cabinet boss. He was dismissed from his post because he was involved in a certain external corruption case. It seemed to the outside world that he became a monk out of frustration.

But he still plays for his group.

Now he was sitting in front of his seat. After tea for three rounds, he slowly said: "Help me deal with someone."

Bai Yiyun was silent for a long time: "Since it is my benefactor's order, it is my duty to do so."

This chapter has been completed!
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