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Chapter 721 Chapter 16.37 Cutting off the Empire

In the northern part of the empire, on the farmland of the winding river, Seagate, the former captain of the Dragon Blood Military Police, once again entered the war zone. At this time, she was acting as a royal private detective to help someone in the empire understand the battlefield at this time.

Now she was standing on a small hill. The mechanical spider behind her swung the shovel, digging up the ground and exposing the barn. She picked up a handful of golden millet. Outside the millet was a glassy shell that looked like

very beautiful.

This kind of petrified shell (siliconized exterior) grain is very difficult to find, and only Seagate, as a mystical scholar, discovered it.

She squatted down, lost herself in her thoughts and released her mental power. She felt the strong vitality in the grain, and a mental wave that was the same as the sun, although this wave was very weak, so weak that it had almost no effect.

But she was sure that it was the "aura" on that person, the aura of the sun.

Then she picked up a grain packaging bag. The trademark on the bag was the same as the trademark of the solar cooker in the area controlled by Iron Star at that time.

…Enma’s body smells like straw after being exposed to the sun.…

At present, the Agricultural Youth League has such an energy utilization project, which will unfold a huge metal foil to form a large pot, and a huge solar stove is generated. This thing is great. There is no smoke when boiling water. And it is carried out every year when food is processed.

Before petrification, a ray of sunlight can effectively maintain the vitality of the embryos in the seeds and enhance the shell-breaking rate of sowing.

All crops in the Agricultural Youth Association are enchanted with sunlight, which can prevent the negative mysterious effects of necromancy.

This processing and storage step of "roasting grain" using solar cookers was very widely used at this time and has formed a concept.

The great changes of industrial nature taking place in the countryside of the empire today all come from Wei Keng.

After meeting Enma, Seagate naturally sensed the smell of "Enma" from a mystical perspective when he came across these grains.

… Seagate sighed in his heart: Why are you an enemy of the empire?…

Seagate picked up the communication crystal device in his hand. This device was designed a bit like a mobile phone in the late 20th century. In Wanlun Continent, this compact ultra-long-distance communicator is very precious.

As a person who had been abandoned by the empire, Seagate was found by the palace.

A clear voice came from the other end of the phone: "Seagate, do the people of the empire here need our help?"

Seagate turned back and stared at the airship formation, his expression condensed with loyalty.

This airship formation is the imperial princess's vehicle. This is Sherry's first trip in the past five years, and it may also be the last time she patrols her country as a princess.

This kind-hearted princess heard that the people of the empire in the countryside were working very hard, so she was instigated by the rebels to rebel. So she wanted to represent the image of the empire and make some positive impacts during this trip.

After Seagate was found a few months ago, the princess asked her to be her bodyguard.

It has to be said that Sherry's charm points are extremely high. Seagate, who was about to leave, was attracted by the princess's personality and decided to escort her.

The land in the north was now desolate, and the tricycle ruts of the Iron Star were clearly visible inside and outside the empty villages. These were to prevent the imperial army from plundering, and the peasant and youth cadres took them to work.

But when Seagate faced the princess's innocent inquiry, it was really difficult to answer the truth.

Seagate, who has been struggling in the darkness for more than ten years, knows clearly: a few years ago, the people of the empire were in great pain during the war, but now, after that man established his footing in the countryside, he began to rebel against the empire, and the countryside of the empire no longer existed.

No more starvation.

The people of the empire in rural areas were not coerced and deceived into resisting the empire, but they voluntarily followed that person to resist the empire.

Seagate could only kindly deceive the princess: Your Highness, the people here are very happy to see you passing by. They now have food and clothes. They are very grateful to the empire for their kindness and thank you for your concern.

There was silence for a few seconds on the other end of the phone line. It was obvious that the ice-smart Princess, although locked in a deep palace and unaware of the outside world, could still tell the truth from lies.

At the same time, Her Royal Highness also knew that Seagate was telling lies at this time because the truth was not easy to tell.

...Fifty-four kilometers away, in the airship that looks like a snow silkworm in the sky...

In the living room of the palace-like airship, Sherry, wearing a long skirt, looked down at the earth below the clouds and thanked Seagate in the communicator: "Thank you Seagate, say hello to the empire residents there for me." The princess's voice was very loud.

Softly, but Seagate could hear that the princess was depressed.

After the communication ended, the etiquette officials on the side asked Her Royal Highness to leave the airship observation deck. As Her Royal Highness held up her long skirt, took off her white stockings and crystal slippers and left her seat, the window behind her was closed.

As Her Royal Highness the Princess's airship moves away, the Empire's ground reconnaissance troops are still performing ground security tasks.

Seagate personally boarded the fifty-ton combat robot vehicle.

There are a total of thirty-five such vehicles on the ground. Some of these vehicles are mechanical spiders, and some are iron cans that walk upright. They carry gorgeous royal shields and 15mm caliber rapid-fire firearms.

The entire area is a combat area for peasant-soldier guerrillas, and there are rocket attacks from time to time.

Seagate's ground team is responsible for "opening up the field of vision". In order to prevent unscrupulous people from setting up large-caliber rocket launchers at the corner of Liao and threatening the princess's travel, they are constantly searching on the ground.

The ground mechanical force where Seagate is located cannot be too far away from the channel of our own airship force. It is really just wrapping our little feet to open the way in front.

In the report of the Imperial Military Department: The Iron Star rebel force is very bold in its combat style. Once the Imperial Army is alone, they dare to annihilate and destroy it.

Every night here, as the escort combat force sails safely in the air, there are often rockets and sporadic shelling on both sides of it, attacking the imperial princess's escort troops.

And Seagate quietly endured all this with its own team.

Boiling water dripped from the exhaust pipe of the steel spider that was spraying hot air, and it walked forward with a creaking sound. It was wary of every hill and every forest.

In the afternoon, Seagate picked up the newspaper: The current time is 5:24 pm on September 8th.

At the same time, the main strategic force of the Peasants' Youth League was concentrated in the north of the empire.

... Enma knew that the princess airship passed under his nose, but he did not intend to waste his troops on this "little princess"...

The iron wall encirclement has been completed, and the heavy armored units of the Peasants and Workers Legion have exchanged fire with the Empire's heavy knights.

The empire's dual hero unit, equipped with level 7 and level 4 heroes, is undoubtedly powerful in combat power. But here in Iron Star, Enma's template is level 6, and it is not equipped with super skills.

However, Iron Star's military strength is three times that of the Empire in some areas.

One minute after the war started, Enma used his identity as a postman to send an email to the entire empire's revolutionaries: There are many main forces in the empire, but it is better to cut off one of them than to hurt ten of them. Annihilate them on the spot at all costs.

This army of the empire can severely attack the arrogance of the reactionary group and prevent its departments from running rampant in the areas under our control.

After the inexplicable "cry" of the postman sent electricity throughout the empire, the imperial reformists and radical parties took it for granted that Iron Star was a little anxious in the face of joint suppression by the Anglo and imperial troops.

... Enma: "To serve the dish, you must first report the name of the dish"...

The Lanhua River Bay where the Minlar and Hunter groups were stationed was surrounded by rows of heavy armored firepower.

The first announcement was that rows of 150-caliber grenades fell from the sky. After these warheads fell from the sky and hit the Empire's heavy armor, Henry's tank was hit by a bullet. The violent tremors caused all the soldiers in the Land Cruiser to shake their ears.

He was deafened for dozens of seconds.

Although Iron Star's high-explosive bomb did not penetrate the half-meter-thick steel shell armor of the super-heavy tank, it still made Henry bend over. Then he looked up at the flashing lights inside the vehicle. He was sure to be the Imperial Army.

Arrived the raid.

Inside the chariot, Henry's eyes flashed with surprise and uncertainty.

However, when his entourage blocked him, he walked out of the vehicle and stood on the observation platform in front of the tank, which was like the mast of a ship. He leaned out half of his body and looked at the artillery falling in the sky.

Suddenly, the general suddenly ducked back, and at the same time, intensive bombardment fell again, this time hitting the tank 500 meters behind.

The 150mm howitzer cannot penetrate the Imperial tank, but it can cause problems with the tank's external area sighting system, which will reduce the accuracy of the Empire's land cruiser's fire counterattack in the next step.

After Henry retracted, he felt that the shelling was strange. The trajectory of these five consecutive shells did not come from five units.

…Iron Star’s artillery now uses special technology…

At this time, here at Iron Star, Orr looked at his sturdy fifty-ton self-propelled artillery and couldn't help but admire how awesome and genius this thing was. Of course, after the attack, he immediately evacuated the artillery.


When his troops expanded into an artillery company, only one self-propelled artillery was issued, which made him very frowned upon. How could this one gun be called an artillery company?

However, after passing on part of the knowledge in the "circulation facility" and getting hands-on training, this cannon is really worth an artillery battery.

A traditional artillery battery consists of five guns, which are deployed in various positions to focus fire on the opponent at the same time based on the artillery commander's signal instructions. This requires the artillery commander to blow a whistle to map and coordinate the five points.

However, this highly automated self-propelled artillery performed "ultra-high technical operation". Within a very short time, it fired sequentially at five elevation angles of 75 degrees, 65 degrees, 55 degrees, 45 degrees, and 35 degrees. Large elevation angles naturally

It has a high ballistic trajectory, a long ballistic flight time, and a fast flight speed in the small elevation trajectory section. In this way, the muzzle lands one by one from top to bottom, and it can fire five shells in a row, and then these five shells land on the enemy's position at the same time.

.Form an artillery battery strike.

Moreover, no artillery is exposed, and there is no need to build artillery positions. After the attack, you can evacuate immediately without fear of counterattack. This convenience is comparable to "you don't have to wash the dishes after eating."

(Oh, this is the advancement of artillery hardware technology after the 21st century. It is a classic milestone in the development of artillery, just like the French Miss 75 artillery shell automatic retrieval technology in World War I.)

...Enma is fighting an information-based and digital battle. Even if the weapons are slightly insufficient, the thinking is advanced...

Before the war, the Iron Star Army had completed the mapping of each road. As long as the artillery car received the order, it drove the artillery to the predetermined position on the front line and at the same time accepted the firing parameters sent by the information command center.

Of course, the technology content behind it is very high, which involves very information and system processing. For example, when a large number of artillery units survey and map to frontline targets, they need to complete the calculations of all shooting elements in a very short time. Computer facilities are required.

Very high, oh, the difference engine cannot achieve such computing power.

In the sky, there are shadow balloons one by one. These balloons unfold their dark pupils and focus on the earth. The silicon carbon chips inside are connected to the chain of Enma's consciousness.

Enma reduced the tunneling interference of particles in the chip by reflecting the rules of the alien plane. He was building a supercomputer cabin in the air-cooling area of ​​​​the airship where he was, and the light paths jumped through the air in the airbag inside the airship, forming a

Integrated circuit-like systems.

Enma is in the airbag of the airship and is now a "living creature" with a "nervous system"

As Karite's first visit to the Far Plane, Wei Keng calculated that the consciousness carrier of the mysterious sphere was actually gases such as carbon monoxide, methane, and nitrogen dioxide. This is just like human beings are composed of water, protein, and fat.

The quantum phenomena of this world allow these gases to form living tissues.

The "strange balloon" is chaotic, but the aerial reconnaissance balloon constructed by Enma is orderly.

Hundreds of years in the future, after the same principle becomes known to the world, students in the school will design an "optical brain" system based on "high-purity optical component materials".

…In the transformational war of multiple planes, various signs of future technology will appear.…

Iron Star's lightweight (thirty tons) artillery car, like whack-a-mole on the curved road, launched artillery attacks from all directions back and forth. After bombing continuously for a full twenty minutes, the heavy units began to charge.

The four-hundred-ton energy destroyer tank deployed its radar surface on the battlefield, emitting streams of blue light at its own troops. The thirty-ton liquid nitrogen contained in the vehicle body was completely released in just twenty minutes. With the white

Energy shields (ice shields) are put on all the mountain giants, as well as the "heavy infantry fighting vehicles" and "sky airships" in the front row.

"Ice Shield" adds defense.

Enma's strong attack aura, which is the perspective hanger, increases the attack power.

Iron Star's force is now equipped with the strongest buff, and is pressing in front of the Imperial Army.

…The tremor of explosives on metal shattered the arrogance of the empire’s generals…

Minlar watched as the main force of the rebels that he had been pursuing for so long appeared in front of him, four times larger than he had imagined. He was obviously "surprised" and shouted "joyfully" to fight back,

Minlar's subordinates could hear their commander's voice becoming hoarse amid the tremors of shelling.

At this time, they were not facing guerrilla armed forces with only small diesel-powered locomotives, but instead equipped with imperial standard weapons. No one knew who had delivered the elite weapons to the empire's most radical enemies.

In the eyes of the imperial nobles, they could not even imagine that the bumpkins like the Peasant Youth Association had obtained industrial furnaces and could make their own equipment. The arrogant imperial nobles still regarded the rural rebels as "backward" and "rabble".

In the impression that I can’t stop a head-on battle.”

But now under the night sky.

As the streamer warheads were facing each other, they had to face a reality! They were the ones who were now vulnerable to the fight.

In the blazing fire, Minlar's tank was hit by a rain of grenades in the air, destroying the observation window of the entire riveted armor belt, and the broken iron pieces flew around. The surrounding imperial soldiers hurriedly fled from this terrible metal storm.


The Imperial Land Cruiser was not destroyed, but was suppressed in the artillery battle, and all external observation forces were unable to defend it.

The Imperial officers in the Land Cruiser also realized their shortcomings, but their area was really not suitable for defense and was too open.

Moreover, Minlar had charged too hard before and had no friendly troops.

...Enma also besieged the Imperial Army for the first time, and then saw the skills of the Imperial heroes...

8:33 pm on the 8th.

The four knight-level heavy tanks and armored vehicles of the empire were completely defeated. The steel was sprayed with burning flames. Looking at the totem of the empire in the ethereal world, it had also turned into decay. The fine steel that had lost its conceptual protection was like burning.

Medium wax tablet.

This battle lasted for three hours, and Enma was stunned by the powerful skills of Minlar and Hunter who took turns to "conceptual repair" all the units on the battlefield.

The scene where these two imperial hero commanders were on the land cruiser when they released the divine repair technique:

The Land Cruiser radiated blue force field light, and a mortar flashed out from its tail. The mouth of this mortar, which ordinary soldiers could jump into to take a bath, contained a tank of mercury liquid.

The torrent of ejected flowing metal fell onto the imperial armored units at the forefront. After being contaminated by the liquid metal, the shell of the Land Cruiser, which was originally stained with spots and with raised rivets, began to smooth out and the rivets continued to be pressed back.

These "Knight Chariots" are like a certain legendary KV2 heavy tank on the Soviet-German battlefield. They are like nails nailed to the front and cannot be killed no matter how hard you hit them.

System information pop-up window prompts: The machine god quantum field, attached to mercury, can enter the machine to dissolve metal, and can also precipitate metal. It can be used for automatic repair in machinery. Even if there is a quality defect in the parts, it can be repaired in unimportant parts.

Choose material to fill the parts. Unreliable tip: Its effect is driven by the mental field. It is recommended to use black dog blood to eliminate it.

The last sentence was a joke on the system, but Enma analyzed it from the perspective of maintenance: the concept of information connected by dirty things will cause erroneous fluctuations in the machine god's quantum field.

Enma thought in his mind, maybe he could encourage the Imperial soldiers to urinate on their tanks.

…As for Iron Star, the sky bi-wing fighters began to fly over to further determine the situation of the Empire’s land fleet…

After Enma saw the skills of "Henry" and "Minral" from the Ether Factory to perform liquid metal repair on the Land Cruiser, he issued a request to the rear artillery unit: "Suppress those two Paladins! Don't do that.

Let them release their repair skills again."

As a result, the shells hit Minlar and Hunter's tanks head-on. In the ensuing battle, they were held hostage throughout the battle and had no chance to assist the Knight-class Land Cruiser on the front line of resistance.

Finally, under the bombardment of saturated firepower, the concepts of the two land cruisers collapsed like a smashed clock.

This chapter has been completed!
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