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Chapter 724 Chapter 17.02 Each raises funds

 From the overall perspective of multiple planes.

Wei Keng's first wave of individuals who traveled through (Enma was one of them) have begun to show their shining moments in various dimensions.

On the high-dimensional platform, Bai Linglu is also busy. For example, on the reincarnation platform of Wanlun Continent, which is currently connected to China Unicom, souls are passing the "root test". After the test, Bai Linglu will put them into the non-multiple dimension.

Face., Well, these obsessives who were tested for "obsession attributes" are all souls whose "shackles of faith" are not so heavy in multiple dimensions. They were killed by the tide of the times and detained by Bai Linglu, and did not return to the gods.


Bai Linglu glanced at these time and space war prisoners and asked his subordinates: "Which one of you wants this?"

After some selection, the supervisors in the Bailinglu team finally chose very few of these "obsessives" from multiple dimensions.

There is an independent "technical system" in Wei Keng's dimensional journey. Even in terms of "obsession", there is also a "scientific" and "perfect" cognitive system (Zhengguo system).

The "transcendents" selected by Wei Keng from the planes such as "Shenzhou", "Pandora" and "Darkness" are also advanced "souls" with highly stable willpower and belonging to multiple planes.

Bai Linglu's team of monitors obviously has very discerning tastes in selecting those with obsessions. The quality of these souls under the glory of gods from multiple planes is obviously too low, the traces of transformation are too serious, and their obsessions are all kneaded.

Come out (deliberately through the process of beautiful, then blackening and other processing).

Let’s not talk about Liao Yangxiu and Yan Beixiang who joined the team early.

Even new supervisors like Gu Wanhong begin to value "authenticity, true colors" when catching obsessives.

These supervisors criticize the multidimensional soul system: "True temperament" is inherent, acquired experience can only be regarded as tempering, grasping the innate, and then forging the "self-obsession" can be regarded as a famous weapon

.Mediterranean people have preconceptions and impose concepts later. How stupid is that?

Just like the Mediterranean civilization in modern times, those groups deliberately set a free model for the sake of freedom, violated innate laws (objective development laws), artificially shaped various "freedom" templates, and finally used "labeling" to opportunistically claim that

Find the "personality" of various people.

For example, it is obvious that human beings are divided into two categories: male and female. The heterogeneous ones are only a very small number of one in 100,000. However, they are blurred from childhood, and become all kinds of diversity.

Those kneaded by the outside world will naturally not be able to withstand the fire test from the outside world. Only the innate ones can withstand tempering and polishing.

The Bailinglu team finally packaged these captured obsessives directly and sent them to the main world to exchange for information enthalpy.

At this time, the number of captured obsessives was getting larger and larger, which also made Wei Keng increasingly aware of the problem of "multiple dimensions".

…All “mortals” are the “skin scraps” of God…

The battles between the gods stir up mortals, but each time they leave traces on their fate.

For example: some small actions of the God of Steam still slightly interfered with the battle situation. After being moved by the God of Steam once, Sugmat was considered a child of luck.

In the relevant time and space, the "fate lens effect" produced is very strong.

All the "obsessives" sent down by the gods can't help but get closer after knowing about their own "sons of destiny". In this way, they can use the sons of destiny as a lens to observe those who have traveled through time.

In the Pastoral Era, when the time traveler combat mode was still very primitive, only then would one follow the Son of Destiny.

However, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, after entering the third plane war, the battle mode of the time traveler has evolved and developed over such a long period of time, from "cold weapons to killing each other to information-based tracking of the enemy."

...In the main world for more than five hundred years, due to the increasing monopoly of dimensional knowledge, newcomers who have traveled through the world have not made progress...

In today's top formal space-time war, following the protagonist is equivalent to entering an "observation lens magnified a thousand times."

Any time traveler who has just arrived has not established a great cause and effect with this world (the armor protection of destiny), and has not formed the driving force in the development of the general trend (the maneuverability to control his own destiny in the changing situation), and he has not changed the world.

The powerful wish (to defeat the firepower of fate).

At this time, if the time traveler is not concealed and breaks into the strike circle where one's own deity is exposed and is identified as the "protagonist's interpersonal circle", then he is being hunted for his head.

The 21st century has proved that the combat system and the idea of ​​military confrontation are backward and backward. No matter how many tanks, artillery and missiles you have, it is still useless.

…The main world’s dimensional technology is still progressing, but talent development has reached a bottleneck…

Of course, in any era, only the top side has the technological strength and technical literacy to fight formal battles.

In multidimensional planes, most divine battles cannot reach the "super-intensity" level.

Wei Keng and Bai Linglu belong to the top class,

The "armor", "mobility", "firepower" and "concealment" before launching are all conscious in controlling the destiny in time and space, and its system is quasi-first-class.

Michaelena has stopped the actions of a series of auxiliary gods such as the "Goddess of Finance".

As superior gods, they rarely send information enthalpy to specifically change the fate of certain indigenous people to create "protagonist's luck".

And those "protagonists" created by the gods are just "cannonballs of destiny". These cannonballs of destiny have set off various "trends" in history, trying to deflect the trajectory of human history.

Mortals without the protection of "willpower" are equivalent to "weak armor". They give up their original ordinary and stable dreams, are hit by these fateful cannonballs, and turn to speculation.

But now Wei Keng has arrived and has established huge karma (armor) with many people in the world.

If God wants to change (fire), he will interfere with the change of a large number of mortal beliefs.

Wei Keng can also make adjustments (maneuvers) in the general trend and avoid the interference of fate.

The gods must once again attack the relevant people in the mainland (restart fire). And if the gods do more, Wei Keng can make them conflict (reverse fire), create a conceptual conflict, and then lock down the gods.

"The Bad Omen Gold Coin" is Wei Keng's classic counterattack, a counterattack against the existence of excessive divine interference.

The general trend of the "business cycle" in the entire continent is related, which involves the greedy nature of the entire Wanlun countries.

Strictly speaking, the "bad omen gold coin" is equivalent to the destiny fortress of Enma's side. All the financial goddess' actions against Wei Keng cannot avoid the capitalist crisis caused by the "bad omen gold coin".

[Different things have different resistance to fate. For example, in the late Qing Dynasty, a small rubber stamp incident linked the railway return to the country and the road protection movement. Then the shot on the Jingjiang River, the fate of its existence, was affected by this small incident.

A small accident broke through all at once! Looking back a hundred years later, despite earthquakes, epidemics, stronger economic and trade wars, and military confrontations, the momentum of progress is still moving forward. This is the "Armor of Destiny"]

...The multidimensional planes have never encountered a war between "humans and gods". Wei Keng, this "human", gives the gods a headache...

The God War has been quite difficult for the gods so far.

It's not that they haven't heard of this level of divine war. Many gods may have experienced this kind of divine war in history. But now after the third plane war, after being "free" for such a long time, most of them

The gods are not prepared for this level of confrontation.

Here in the Pantheon, the gods had a conversation. Many gods were quite dissatisfied with the current situation, such as the goddess of finance. She was the target of the "Shovel Dancer".

Before Wei Keng arrived at the multidimensional plane, the new gods had planned four stages of time and space.

The first stage: Enlightenment Gunpowder Age, there are steam engines and electricity, but the scale of machinery, that is, the level of dwarf craftsmanship, is just that the output has been expanded. Griffins and ground dragons are loaded with weapons of various calibers and still walk sideways in the sky and land.

.The faith of the old gods is still there, and the new gods are fighting against it.

The second stage: the primary mechanization era. Railways have been extended to all important coastline points on the mainland. There are superpowers that smelt millions of tons of steel. There are heavy machinery units of more than 100 tons running rampant on the battlefield. At this stage, the new gods have taken the lead.

And formed a coalition to secretly lay out the division led by the faith power in the next era.

The third stage: In the planetary era, electrical equipment or photonic equipment has become dominant, and high-definition display screens or neuron link devices have appeared. At this time, humans have established observation systems in space, but interstellar voyages are still far away.

A little bit worse. At this time, the new gods have serious differences and opposition. They will penetrate the crystal wall and start a world war.

The fourth stage is the interstellar age. In this era, space is filled with darkness and depth, and technology seems to be dominant. However, faith has deteriorated, and the remaining belief systems of some failed gods have begun to "corrupt" and are used by demons.

...The gods of the Pantheon directly let Wei Keng enter the fourth stage, but Wei Keng was not that "docile"...

The first stage is the most stable and belongs to the novice house of new gods, but the belief power is too little and the concepts generated are not enough.

The fourth stage, the interstellar era, has planets with populations in the tens or hundreds of billions, producing extremely powerful concepts. These quantum concepts can even interfere with the rules of the real universe, but they are unstable. It is even said that the godhead will become unstable due to the constant changes in the opposite chaotic plane.

Corrosion, and due to the incomplete understanding of the rules of the universe by human civilization in the early historical period, the materialistic universe influenced by idealism will eventually collapse. According to the time of the main world, this interstellar plane will soon disappear.

Therefore, the second stage and the third stage are popular planes that the gods compete for. And it is these planes that Wei Keng descended on.

Because Wei Keng's current behavior of avoiding inheriting the industrial godhead was too obvious, the Pantheon named the wave of consciousness that Wei Keng came to this time as "The Originator".

…The Pantheon placed too many shackles on the God of Industry, and Wei Keng simply avoided the result…

Some of the weak gods in the Pantheon have chosen to retreat in the first stage of time and space when facing the "powerful battle". These gods have confirmed that the "Originator" is an existence they cannot afford to offend.

For example, Robert, a third-level king, is the "God of Data" in the third-stage plane. When faced with Li Yishuang's series of invitations, he responded: "The intensity has increased. The prompts of the space-time system on conflict planes are all marked

“Red High Risk”.”

Li Yishuang still wanted to persuade her, but Robert simply shook his head: "I'm sorry, this is beyond our limit."

Robert has already calculated. He can become the "God of Calculation" in the first plane. If those intermediate gods in the second and third planes really defeat the "Originator" and divide most of the "industry"

Priesthood, he comes out again

If they are severely beaten by the "Originator" and a large swath of the priesthood becomes vacant, then in the second and third planes, the "God of Data" godhead can also have priesthood expansion after surviving the great tribulation period.

Now in the second and third level planes, those powerful new gods have ambitions to advance. As a newbie, Robert does not want to get involved.

...As a member of the gods, Robert understands that the problem now is that there are too many "gods"...

The contemporary travelers of the main world are not the ignorant but absolutely ideal beings from three hundred years ago.

The first batch of time-travelers from the pastoral era who entered this kind of world were the ones who dared to break through the wall of the unbelievers.

It's a pity that that generation was trapped in a foreign plane on a large scale. For the time travellers, death is not the worst. If their consciousness is sealed, it will probably take thousands of years of suffering. After the third plane war, the main world will be in such a state.

The world created a new concept, and only after becoming gods did some of these people get saved.

And after these "a few" returned to the earth, they had to start regeneration and continue to return to life due to the loss of consciousness. (The fertile ground where the flow of time and space is slow is for healing damaged variables)

…There are more people riding the cars and fewer people pushing the carts. However, everyone wants to ride the carts and is unwilling to get off to push the carts...

When Robert saw that Li Yishuang seemed to want to persuade others, he couldn't help but want to warn her: "Financial godhead is only in the second and third level world, with medium godhead. Do you really want to get involved in the battles of these strong men?"

But Robert finally held back and sighed in his heart: Shen Gongbao in the list of gods...

Robert remembered that a long time ago, probably in the 29th century, the World Wide Web in the main world still had the reflection of the "Pandora Plane Rules".

At that time, he had seen half of the "Origin" at that time.

Based on the current information, he has a certain understanding of high-level time travellers.

In this time-travel era, people have entered the arena of competition on a scale of consciousness, and the difference in strength and weakness between people is greater than in any previous era.

The veteran time traveler has a huge consciousness. Even if there is a setback in this plane, he can still mobilize his consciousness from multiple planes. In the area of ​​​​multiple planes, even if the home battle is won, the subsequent cause and effect will not be the same.

Very troublesome.

…The Third Plane War has developed to this day. Although the flowers are still blooming in the eyes of the travelers at the bottom, people at the top understand that everything will not last forever…

Li Yishuang met with his father, Michaelina, at the center of the Pantheon.

As the God of Destiny, Mijia could not be looked at directly under the information tent. But Li Yishuang seemed to feel that Mijia seemed to have transformed behind the tent.

Michaelena looked at her daughter and asked calmly: "Have you really decided not to apologize or admit your mistake?"

Li Yishuang paused: "I'm not wrong. I can't be wrong, and I can't be wrong." Li Yishuang became firm on this point after becoming a god.

Michaelena heard this answer: "Okay, since you insist, then I will help you fight this war." He handed Li Yishuang a ball of light.

When Li Yishuang left.

Michaelena looked at the industrial godhead in the void and whispered: "Since you can press this for the multiverse, then I must also press the equivalent, so let's bet on fate."

After a long time, he couldn't help but smile: "It's a showdown."

...Multiple planes, the consciousness groups coming to travel are still like bright meteor showers...

After the Third Plane War, Michaelena, as the leader of the "Freedom" faction, won the victory and has always maintained his "charisma".

When the gods of the Pantheon hesitate, and a large number of low-end obsessives have no effect. If you don't want to give in, then the only way is to overdraw your luck in the "warring plane" to fight with that "axis"

"People" forcefully collide.

Michaelena has mobilized "Qing" (consul) level travelers to reach the target plane.

In the Time and Space Summoning Hall, high-reward plane tasks are launched in the columns of various travelers. The reward level of these tasks is thousands of times higher than those of ordinary tasks.

From then on, Michaelena faced the fate of multiple dimensions for his daughter.

…Sometimes, when you stand in the “many people” camp, you feel like you can’t fail.…

On the other side of the void, in Bai Linglu's creation space, Wei Keng's consciousness group is already in place, ready to enter multiple planes at any time, those war zones in the mortal world.

"Cluster" is Wei Keng's characteristic. When Wei Keng is on a plane, the "cluster" mode will emerge.

Bai Linglu made calculations in his mental field, and after calculating the landing points on many planes that fit Wei Keng's "Mid-Man's Pose", he opened the main world and opened his own camp to express its stance.

Bai Linglu: "I looked for other people (the kings of the great river system), but there was no support. Aren't you disappointed?"

Wei Keng: "It's okay, they have their own problems, and they can't see my chances of winning at the moment, so they have their own ideas."

Bai Linglu was stunned for a second and said: "But, in fact, the multiverse is not suitable for multiple individuals to expand." Bai Linglu saw that Wei Keng was preparing to "pass on from generation to generation" in multiple planes, and couldn't help but give a reminder.

Wei Keng nodded: "Yes, it is indeed not suitable for a time traveler who wants to preserve his will, but what about this world?"

Bai Linglu: "I would like to ask, is there anything in this world worth your sacrifice?"

Wei Keng: "Well, I can't find it, and there seems to be no reason. You want to tell me: This place is too desperate, so why not leave?"

Wei Keng looked at Bai Linglu and suddenly recalled the memories of the two of them working together for the first time. He came to the Pandora plane for the first time. He wanted to leave at that time, but as he gradually settled down, he stayed there to complete various missions.

There is a reason.

Wei Keng: With the advent of technology in the multiverse, there are too many aloof gods, too many who shout slogans of justice and freedom, who are gentle and elegant, and whose white gloves are not dirty, walking into the palace of victory. There is a certain person missing here.

This kind of existence, I, as a middle-aged person, cannot achieve this kind of existence, but I am willing to turn into a group of "ploughs" to carve out a space among the gods and let them sprout here.

When Bai Linglu left.

Wei Keng couldn't help humming in a Beijing accent: Let that ~Pantheon~ come on! Be brave! Fight! Heart! Shock.

This chapter has been completed!
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