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Chapter 729 Chapter 17.06 (Part 2) Iron Star’s Spiritual Field

On October 19, on the frontier battlefields of Iron Star and Anglian, artillery shells from both sides were still flying horizontally, but the armored forces also began to attack each other within the front.

The green on the battlefield has disappeared, and every piece of land has been peeled away by the shock wave of the shell, as if the surface layer of soil has been peeled off.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Anglo's knight-level heavy armored forces formed a formation of three groups to protect the missile vehicles from attacking.

In the Anglo Corps, a "soldier" codenamed Wolf Fang, also known as Zhang Ke, looked deeply at the battlefield ahead. At this time, there was a scar from a shrapnel on his eye frame, which changed his appearance.

You have to be fierce,

He is currently sitting on the triple main turret of the Knight-class heavy tank and the secondary turret on the side, operating the machine gun. Right in front of him, there are trenches, anti-tank cones, and in the artillery fire, there are a lot of black marks from bombing, but still

A standing defense tower.

The heavy artillery attack four days ago left the Anglians with a serious lack of firepower for demolition.

Heavy knights had to be sent to push the iron star's front.

Now Iron Star's defense towers in the Steel Tower City have fully exerted their firepower hedgehog effect. Clusters of 100mm, 150mm, and 200mm armor-piercing attacks continue to hit the front baffle and main turret of the Knight Chariot.

And on the side armor.

The front armor of the Knight tank was like a candle encountering a hot needle, with holes punched out. These holes were barely restored under the action of liquid repair metal.

Of course, the defenders didn't just fire from defensive towers. Iron Star had its own super-heavy mortars on the railway tracks in the city. These mortars were hidden behind industrial buildings, projecting large shells and bombing the battlefield quickly.

One shot also hit the surrounding area of ​​the Knight-class Land Cruiser.

The suspended metal shields above the Anglo Knight-class Land Cruiser barely managed to deflect these heavy shells.

Huge shells landed around the Land Cruiser, and Zhang Ke was covered in dust by the waves of earth. He couldn't help but spit out the dirt from his mouth.

He leaned out and looked ahead again, and another heavy artillery shell slid down. Ever since he stepped into this land, he felt that there was a kind of resistance against him in this land.

…Elixir of Fortune has lost its effectiveness on the Iron Star land…

On the defensive position, among the Iron Star Army, Lina looked at the heavy knight triangle that was advancing forward as the main battle formation, and asked the Iron Star Reserve to send four "heavy infantry" land cruisers to fight.

The woman patted the microphone on her vehicle. The radar radiation surface at the rear of the tank rotated, and the entire defensive position was notified of the counterattack.

Soon, Iron Star's position moved quickly, and a combat group directly in front fired a "slow warhead."

The blue electromagnetic tunnel fluctuations hit these heavy knights, causing them to stop when they entered the first trench.

The first trench of the Steel Tower City was now filled with river water and became a 20-meter-wide moat. After the Anglo Heavy Knight chariot rushed in, it splashed a lot of water. Then the Anglo crawlers continued to dig the soil,

Trying to get out of the pit climb

And Lina launched her skills in this direction! She saw her tank projecting a two-ton missile. The missile flew four kilometers away and suddenly scattered in the sky, landing like angel feathers.


Then a strange wind formed in the middle of the Anglo Knight Land Cruiser formation.

This wind was a "pure oxygen" wind. The original 20% of the oxygen in the atmosphere began to settle on the surface. Soon, within the 5 million square meters where the heavy knight was located on the surface, the oxygen reached 81%.

As the turret on the Anglo chariot rotated in an attempt to block the Iron Star "heavy infantry" chariot, suddenly, the muzzle ignition flame exploded, and all the chariots were ignited with raging fire, and hot wind rose from the steel.

This is Lina's skill: Flame Storm. Since she launches this industrial concept and applies it to sophisticated air compression equipment, her tank does not have high maneuverability, and such high range destructive power is not suitable for siege warfare.

Very useful in.

Lina's flames burned a large area. If specific industrial concept energy was not used to shield the high oxygen accumulation, even a heavy tank with thick blood would have to shed a layer of skin.

Of course, it is normal to kill you while you are sick.

When Lina released the flame storm, the steel hail of the "150 mm" howitzer at the rear just happened to be smashed out. At this time, the sudden wave of howitzer rain was no longer faced with the steel shell of fine steel, but the shell was covered with steel.

The burning melted and softened the metal. Suddenly, its surface shell was exploded with flames, shaking like a cake.

The two combined skills brought heavy damage to the Anglo force trying to attack the tower defense. A Knight-class tank overturned and fell on its side in the tank trench, and the red-hot steel "thorns" emerged under the water in the trench.

"La" sound, among which the "Knight" class land cruiser that emerged from the center of the flame storm had its turret penetrated and was completely destroyed.

The strength of the Anglian White Wings Knights began to suffer serious losses in this siege.

This battle not only resulted in the loss of two Knight-class ships, but also sent a large number of covering infantry to the position.

...There is no invincible army, there are only "life at the cost" test questions...

Two days later, Palm was lying in the infirmary of the Iron Star Prison Camp, wearing a white hospital gown and a plaster tied around his neck.

Zhang Ke leaned on the bed and looked at the test the doctor gave him.

Severe burns are not a problem in this world. After immediate treatment with "repair bacteria", the plaster can be removed and his injury will be considered completely healed.

What Zhang Ke is concerned about at this time is: After Tie Xing's doctor examined his body, he informed him that the tumor on the back of his neck had been successfully removed and there was no harm.

The doctor was stunned for a moment, and saw the ordinary surgery column in the box above this "case". At the same time, he touched the scar on the back of his neck with his hand and pressed it. There was only the itching that had just healed, and the strange aura that had been lingering for the past year was gone.


In fact, since he was captured, this aura has been suppressed to a minimum. The thing that once brought him countless mental nightmares every night was completely gone after he lay in the Iron Star Symbol Hospital.

An hour later, he found the doctor who operated on him and asked "if he noticed anything special." The surgeon wanted to determine whether the "curse" had been transferred.

But Dr. Tie Xing, after listening to his description, obviously could not understand this "unscientific" phenomenon.

The doctor examined him carefully and asked in surprise: "Is this just an illusion caused by pain?"

The doctor looked at the doctor and made sure that the curse was not on the doctor. He was sure that the "curse" should be wiped out.

Of course, Dr. Tie Xing was adamant that Dr. Zhang was brainwashed by long-term oppression and whipping by Imperialist officers, so he was under too much mental pressure, so he looked at him sympathetically and asked him to go back and have a good rest, eat well in the morning, and drink more hot water at noon.

, quiet cultivation at night.

The doctor walked out of the medical room and exhaled. He knew clearly that the past was not a hallucination. It was something that caused serious damage to his mind. It was just that he could not move due to the suppression of the forbidden magic barrier. He never thought about it.

!The power of Iron Star’s forbidden magic is so strong.

He can't use any magic now, but after the same curse disappeared, he felt extremely relaxed, and all the old knowledge in his brain suddenly became lighter.

...In the land of Iron Star, everything is mysterious and cannot violate "scientific" knowledge...

After he walked out of the field hospital, he came to the prisoner distribution camp and began to work on making steel wire mesh for the Iron Star front line. There was no torture or contempt.

After a few hours of labor, a guy wearing a transport team uniform walked in. His name was Mutt, and he was a teammate of Zhang Ke. He was also sent to the north, but he had to be captured for a few days earlier.

Since Muko was well transformed in the prisoner camp and he had the ability to repair machinery, he was pardoned and assigned to the transportation team. Now he is here to "visit" Zhang Ke who is still undergoing transformation. Following the Iron Star policy

, to persuade the prisoners to reform and strive for early leniency from the Labor Union.

The two chatted and made contact in a fixed communication room. They talked about things like "how are you doing", but secretly exchanged information with finger language.

Zhang Ke: "Have you confirmed the range?" (His forbidden magic barrier on Iron Star.)

Mutt: "No, this is not a fixed enchantment system, but one that fluctuates and spreads. If you want to release arcane magic, you must go to a place far away from people, and arcane magic cannot involve anyone else."

Zhang Ke: "If I want to release a carrier pigeon communication technique, can I succeed?"

Mutt: "Can be released, but?"

Palm: "But what?"

Mutt: "As long as you, the basic necessities of life are still here, every time you cast a spell, you will feel mentally exhausted to the point of tearing apart."

Zhang Ke: "Huh? Is this kind of suppression a direct restriction, or is it cutting off our "dirty spirit"?"

Mutt shook his head and pointed to his shoulder, where he operated to remove the tumor. Mutt: "This is a scar. We can't feel it now because the iron star is filling our mental wounds, but now

When we release arcane magic, we ourselves are tearing open this wound."

This chapter has been completed!
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