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Chapter 731 Chapter 17.08 Carrying a heavy burden and facing difficulties, happiness is in danger

 On October 24th, in the central affluent area of ​​York City, in the Garden Building where Mikael had an appointment with Enma, Sugmat read the current domestic and foreign newspapers.

The latest newspaper headlines in the Sky Empire: The empire will reorganize the cabinet and form a new Duma. In this new cabinet, the regent will announce his resignation, which will greatly reduce the role of imperial power. Representatives of the southern reformists will enter the imperial capital to prepare for the establishment of the Duma.

As for the tabloid headline, Her Royal Highness Princess Sherry arrived in the southern city-state, apologized to the people of the empire for being harmed in the war, and called on all factions in the empire to quickly restore peace.

But Sugmat read all these newspapers. As an imperial soldier,

He has no interest in the political games in these imperial capitals. In his opinion, only the north has the final say and the power to overthrow all.

…In this era, those who hold the final say rarely speak up…

Sugmat opened the Anglo newspaper, and the Anglo diplomats now seemed more interested than ever in the changes in power within the Sky Empire.

The Anglo ministers expressed great "expectations" to the New Deal in the Sky, and put forward what they considered to be "enlightened" standards for trade, borders, and the end of the war. Of course, they also raised the so-called topic of "the proportion of seats between the north and the south."


And Sugmat saw a new piece of Anglo content, which was to prepare to send additional "supplies" to the northern intervention force.

Sugmat squinted his eyes and confirmed: "The so-called sending more supplies means increasing the army. It seems that the Anglos can't hold on in the north."

As an outsider who withdrew from the war, Sugmat had been watching the development of the rebel army.

Apart from the position factor, Sugemat admired Enma very much. He believed that this was the most talented commander in the Sky Empire for hundreds of years.

Sugmat has been taking notes to record every strategic counterattack by Enma, and scratching them on the map on the wall.

A few years ago, Mikael placed various exquisite handicrafts, statues, and flowers and plants here, but now they are all piled with rulers, compasses, strategic maps, and newspapers.

Michael, who walked in with afternoon tea, silently stepped aside as his father studied the man's battle report like a maniac.

"War" is a man's medicine, defeat is poison, and victory is a great tonic.

After Mikael put down the tea tray and prepared to retreat quietly, Sugmat said: "The Anglian prince is late."

Mikael immediately stopped and followed his father's wishes and asked: "He is going to win again!"

Sugamat looked at his daughter with burning eyes and elaborated: "If Victory is a big fish, he is a shrewd fisherman. He inserts the harpoons one after another, but is not in a hurry to reel in the line. He will drag it as long as he can.

After the enemy is exhausted, he will carry out the next plan to use the injured fish to attract more fish. Once it is determined that new fish have arrived, he will quickly release his advantage from the old game."

Mikael thought for a while: "That's what Minral was like a year ago. So now, what does he want?"

Sugmat looked at the northern border with complex eyes and opened an encrypted document. This contained economic intelligence collected by the military intelligence department. In major cities, all industrial products are now moving north, including winter coats.

There are also combat supplies such as fuel.

As a veteran on the battlefield, he determined that the scale of this combat material was too much for an encirclement and annihilation campaign. On the contrary, it was similar to the empire's preparations before the all-out assault on the northern front in 29 years.

... Enma is strategically leaping. It will always add more trouble to the opponent...

At the same time, in the north, Enma was in the molten steel tower city and issued an order to all participating regiments to completely annihilate their opponents within fifteen days.

After the big meeting, Enma found An Jiexin, a current level two hero unit, and gave her a strategic assault mission.

An Jiexin, who was originally full of confidence, hesitated immediately when she saw this strategic prominence on the ground, extending out of the sky empire, crossing the most dangerous Lausanne Gorge in the north, and entering Osi.

Enma: "There are huge risks in attacking with a partial division, but strategically, we have to do it."

Enma revealed the recent trends of the Anglo intervention forces. They are preparing to launch a larger-scale intervention war against the Iron Star. In order to prepare for this war, they have accumulated a large amount of supplies at the Fishmouth Port on the sea of ​​Osimabo.

Enma: "Since it's an arm wrestling match, then don't worry about the boundary line, let's focus on our strategy."

Enma single-handedly targeted the Osima Fish Mouth Port, and then, just like Go, kicked off the Anglo chess pieces north of where the Sky Kingdom's Iron Star was. This was a strategy for countering the pieces.

An Jiexin paused slightly.

Today, the Anglian White Winged Knights are under heavy siege. The Anglian fleet carries the two legions and continues to rush north. This battle is endless. Enma has said more than once: There is no way to prevent a thief in a thousand days.


Enma told An Jiexin: "Iron Star's current problem is that any of our construction may be compromised by external forces. In this world, when only one party can threaten the other, subsequent exchanges between the two parties are by no means fair."

Enma equipped Anjiexin's interspersed troops with eight combat units. In addition to her own steam combat units, the others are also high-speed "Hunter Chariots" weighing 350 tons. These are not tracked units, but

It is driven by four sets of three-meter-high rubber tires.

An Jiexin looked at the expectations of Enma in front of the map and said hesitantly: "Is this battle dangerous?"

Enma: "Yes, if there is danger, you can return alone."

An Jiexin opened her mouth, and Enma continued: "Of course, if you never come back, I will remember you. Those who deserve revenge will definitely take revenge."

An Jiexin paused slightly. As a leader, Enma undoubtedly has a style comparable to that of a god. As a military commander, he has keen insight, careful thinking, and decisive decisions, which can make people believe that he will win. However,

The only flaw is that he is so inhumane. Although he is standing next to him, he always feels as far away as looking at the sun.

An Jiexin nodded and accepted the order. Enma called her to stop her. An Jiexin turned around and waited for further orders.

Enma looked at this resolute female warrior, took a deep breath, and said, "Let's have a meal together tomorrow. By the way, I heard that you like to eat fish?"

An Jiexin was slightly startled, but for some reason, she nodded.

Enma smiled: "It's not an order. It's very hard to fight outside. I hope I can leave you a thought. You must come back victorious."

…"If there had been no war, he would have been a good chef." Many of Enma's subordinates unanimously thought so...

Enma beat the egg liquid and spread it on the cut squirrel fish, sprayed it with vinegar, and then put it in the oil pan and fried it.

On the other side of the stove is chicken soup that has been boiled for twenty hours. The clear soup has been filtered several times and is very clear. It is successfully cooked with the fermented mountain bamboo shoots.

Regarding the troublesome process of the meal, it is not in line with Enma's "simple" cooking spirit, and this table of dishes is prepared according to the state banquet mode. Because this time it is unusual.

The important events of the country are sacrificed by the military. Regarding the temple of the five internal organs of a general, Enma worshiped with full seriousness.

During the war, the mission was kept secret. This dinner was an expedition banquet for the "Lance Group" that was about to be annihilated. The invitations also included Bess, Willy and other emerging generals from Iron Star.

Nominally, this dinner was prepared for An Jiexin. Enma was cooking in the kitchen, and Anjiexin, who was wearing a red floral cloth on her head and looked like a cook, was helping to make bread.

An Jiexin looked at the extremely serious Enma and couldn't help but wonder a little. If there was no war and the years were quiet, maybe she would be such a busy girl in the kitchen now. Maybe a few children would break in and make a fuss at this time.

Enma held the chopsticks and said, "Open your mouth and try the taste!" An Jiexin paused, her face turned red, she opened her mouth and bit the protruding chopstick head. Then she nodded after savoring the delicious taste.

When the last dish was served, Enma stared at the fire and said: "We are out on an expedition, take care of yourself."

An Jiexin nodded. Enma looked at An Jiexin's brisk back as she served the dishes to the table, and sighed slightly in her heart: "It's a pity that I came into this world with a sharp weapon."

…Wei Keng is in the multidimensional plane, and there is no more romance.…

Under the light of the iron star in the north, in the hospital, a bed was pushed into the infusion room. A few days later, a young boy took a breath and walked out of the hospital. The file recorded that the boy escaped from the city and entered

After arriving at Iron Star District, he collapsed due to hunger and was carried to the hospital by everyone.

However, in the ward, this is actually a process of making something out of nothing. The individual flesh and blood from Enma is slowly generated under the infusion of the concept of the etheric world, then the blood vessels, and finally the skin is generated. About ten months later, a person with a physiology of fourteen

Years old boy was formed.

In the new body, the newly arrived Wei Keng woke up unconsciously, read newspapers and wrote. After walking out of the ward seven days later, he joined the city to find a job.

In this initial process, the newly arrived Wei Keng did not bring with him the "perfect memory experience". This was to prevent his personality from solidifying and to remain a "middle man" instead of becoming a god.

For the entire cluster Wei Keng, if the beauty encountered is one, then the dangers faced by the world are endless. In such a world where "the superiors decide life and death", the scale of consciousness has reached what it is today.

A huge group is targeted by equally huge wolves, and it is impossible to pursue small luck.

In the end, Wei Keng, who entered the factory, the battlefield, and the farmland, had already determined his ending, which was to die without regrets.

...No matter what kind of world he is in, Wei Keng can live as a middle-aged man...

On November 1, 3232 in the Fire Emblem Calendar, when Iron Star's annihilation battle against the Lance Group in the north was finalized, the Anglians began to jump up and down and scratch their heads in various newspapers in the Sky Empire.

Ordinary Wei Keng is accumulating further strength on various ordinary fronts.

At this time, in the western part of the sky country controlled by Iron Star, a new industrial city was planned. The production scale of this steel plant reached the world's advanced level. The supporting railway facilities and port facilities can quickly transport the output products to surrounding consumer markets.

Steel production has such a characteristic. When the scale of steel production is less than 1 million tons, the principle of coal and raw material production is closer to the principle. But when the steel production reaches 10 million tons, the biggest limitation is: can logistics cover the production area?

The raw materials needed, as well as the light industrial consumer goods needed by the workers, are transported to the center, and the materials are transported there.

Limin Steel Plant is such a super steel plant. The significance of its existence is to radiate the entire western part of the Sky Empire and even the Kingdom of Osima further west.

In short, within a radius of 500 kilometers, the factory uses super-scale industrial forms to crush all surrounding industrial cities in terms of cost and efficiency. Enma has done homework on all levels of industry, and Iron Star took over the public

After a logistics project is completed, the larger the scale, the lower the various logistics costs.

This move suppressed the western part of the empire, and at the same time allowed the red flag's power to move forward geographically.

…The entire pantheon will get to see the legitimate sequel to “Industrial”…

Whether it is industrial smelting, the recruitment of 500,000 workers, or family resettlement, all are handled by the Agricultural Youth Association, so the Agricultural Youth Association's shares are 100%.

Throughout the city, tube buildings were planned one after another, and roads connected every community. Railroad tracks were also laid in the city, and raw materials began to roar by. Unlike the three-dimensional steampunk cities made of various steel and concrete, the planning of this city

Very open. Such differences in industrial urban design are due to institutional differences.

The urban design is too open, which is a great challenge to urban security. The unemployment rate must be kept at a low level.

And if it is a feudal society, by planning dense residential areas, security personnel can control the overall situation as long as they block key traffic intersections. As for the rest, it is the gangs and societies in each street that secretly govern themselves. For example, in the ancient industrial era,

That's what Hong Kong is.

In short, this kind of urban design is unprecedented. An urban area can easily cover dozens of square kilometers. It is definitely not a city suitable for the upper class of the aristocracy. However, it is suitable for the economic integration of surrounding rural and rural areas.

This will be a super metropolis, and all super metropolises on the mainland are expanded with historical background. This area has not formed a large city in the past because every hundred years, the Western Front of the Sky Empire will have conflicts with external forces.

Due to the military tug-of-war, this city without a strategic buffer zone has been pierced by airships and heavy tanks several times in recent decades.

The deployment of a megacity here is extremely bold strategically. Enma believes that after the establishment of the "Steel City Benefiting the People", it will ensure that our strategy is pushed forward.

…Before the war is over, Wei Keng is already planning to compete economically in the future…

In the central industrial smelting furnace, after the molten steel in the converter enters the open hearth, workers operate a robotic arm to add material proportions to the molten steel, and then go through the corresponding heat treatment process on the production line to increase the strength.

As one of the workers, Wei Keng walked across the blazing flame bridge and recorded the status of the steel furnace under his feet.

The first batch of special steel was successfully refined with the support of system data. Then the next stage of industrial accumulation was carried out intensively, such as the assembly of supercritical steam turbines, as well as core equipment such as power facility rotors.

In fact, in the smelting process of the steel industry, we cannot be completely blind to the material formula.

In the modern world of the main world, Soviet Russia was very good at steel. In fact, it used rare earths to improve its properties. They had a vast land and abundant resources, and their state-owned enterprises had a strong bureaucracy and did not care about profits.

Looking back at the days when people in the east began to cut corners, we understand that advanced technology requires reducing costs without reducing quality to a large extent.

Although the arcane world has quantum tides and various rare minerals, which tunnel and oscillate in the veins, they are renewable. It seems unnecessary. But Wei Keng only sees "comparative advantages" in his eyes.

[The "comparative advantage" is that if you open a supermarket for twelve hours, I will open it at six in the morning, twelve at night, and eighteen hours. You have eighteen weapons, and I will have twenty-four weapons. In one word


Iron Star built such a super-large steel city in order to crush its opponents in terms of economic efficiency. The current high organizational level of the Peasants and Youth League is actually the most suitable for supporting such a super-large city.

Western industrialization is the proliferation of industries, so unfair competition and war will inevitably occur in order to increase the number of industries.

Eastern industrialization is about "stabilizing society" and expanding in scale. It uses the benefits of scale to kill all the marginal weaklings. (Of course, the drawback is that it may also kill innovation. Oh, so corresponding strong organizations must be completed in the marginal areas.

Ensure that innovation escapes from the "involution" vortex.)

Wei Keng, the original god of industry who has been offline for several epochs, wants to teach the gods of this world a lesson. What exactly is "industry"? When technology has entered a stable stage, how to develop with the spirit of "cooperation"

The management system takes the marginal benefit of technology to its peak.

This chapter has been completed!
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