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Chapter 749 Chapter 17.23 Still tenacious, further suppression

 In the age of technology, industry, and machinery, there are no temples in the traditional sense.

In other words, the "temples" in today's world are those large land cruisers, ocean battleships and other super weapons.

In the traditional era, in order to prevent the temple from being desecrated, heavy protections would be built, all the troublemakers would be punished, and the paladins would always keep an eye on the "evil".

But now, large temples are giant weapons of war, and there are very few who can desecrate them. Contemporary "paladins", oh, that is, officers, sit in turrets and radiate justice around them.

...soldiers from various countries are the best believers in these steel creations. They wipe these cold metal giants every day to prevent them from rusting...

Until today, in the year 3236 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, on September 6, in the Anglo-Southern Province of Disna, in a place called Xiangutan by the local villagers, a rare "war of blasphemy" suddenly broke out.

The Anglo force responsible for suppressing the force encountered an ambush. A land cruiser under its commander did not notice that a large hole was dug in the river bed while crossing the river. The river swelled in summer, and as the upstream dam opened, the river water

After crossing the dug pit, the Anglo, who was eager to cross the river, did not do enough reconnaissance, and the Marine Armored Division was loaded into the river puddle.

In the roaring river, the jet smoke of the Anglo Land Cruiser engine mixed with the water waves, roaring anxiously

After three hours of fighting, the rebels' artillery drove away the soldiers outside the Land Cruiser.

The lone Anglo land warship soaked in the puddle for three hours, not ready to surrender, and still tried to use strong firepower to resist. This three-meter-high and 20-meter-long steel fortress emerged from the river, and a huge artillery was fired.

, firing at the ambushes on the mountains. Bundles of secondary guns and main guns made this guy a firepower hedgehog.

Although the fortress general knew that he was trapped in a tight siege, his pride and some other factors made him feel that he should never surrender to this group of mud-legged people.

In the small combat warehouse, the Anglo commander showed an extremely stubborn attitude in the face of the voices of the rebels persuading them to surrender that echoed on both sides of the mountain.

…The firewood is very damp and difficult to ignite.…

The "Zuo Cao" who led the revolution here was staring at the fighting situation dozens of kilometers away from the outside. The rebel army was desperately blocking the Anglo-suppressive army. Under the cover of artillery fire, the stormtroopers were holding rapid-fire firearms and charging all the way.

They set up multiple positions, the person holding the flag fell, and another person took over, raising the flagpole and swaying it to provide markings for the machine guns and artillery in the rear.

Raising the flag will attract enemy artillery fire, but if it allows one's own artillery fire to fall accurately on the enemy's head, the flag-raiser will be more than willing.

In the past, when we couldn't see the final result of victory, we faced an imminent life-and-death decision. If we thought about it for a moment, we would doubt the meaning of revolution.

In a world with gods, every mortal's thoughts and ideas will be guided by the gods. The determination of the "Foolish Old Man" will be shaken day by day by the persuasion of the "Wise Old Man".

So much so that in the starry sky world of the future, orcs are the best combat soldiers because their brains are not strong enough to think about complex thoughts and they can resist the temptation of foreign evil gods. They are also known as brave by the outside world.

However, Wei Keng, well, as a Zhongrenzi, understood that "in thinking, maintain oneself, and strive to face any possibility", then the steel in his heart was slowly forged in this way.

Wei Keng: "The pursuit of an equal society and the pursuit of advancement through labor are ordinary and simple things that are not easily obscured by hypocrisy. They can easily be mistaken for stupidity. They seem to be ordinary people and are not that noble. But we insist on thinking about the meaning and facing the

Thousands of mockery of 'nobility' and 'richness' without wavering. This is the true faith."

Wei Keng reviewed his own individuals who suffered "bad luck" and fell during the uprising. He suddenly smiled and whispered: "I won't be afraid" because "the good or bad luck of being manipulated" has nothing to do with me.

The essence is irrelevant. Bad luck and good fortune are given by God (sarcasm), and I live for me."

[There was a time in modern times. In all TV dramas: "Wealth equals simplicity, poverty equals cunning, and the manipulated "luck" of wealth and poverty does not come from the "wise old man", oh, some natural

The definition of the "phrasemanship" that is claimed to be the master's control]

Wei Keng's past experiences were originally buried deep in his heart in the twenty-sixth century, ready to be forgotten, but now, this obsession has been polished out again, and it has begun to become sharper than before.

...Wei Keng: I have lived in the time travel for so long. I can die, but I cannot be squeezed by the "unworthy"...

The Imperial Land Cruiser, which was besieged in Xiagotan, felt the river shake after the fourth hour. It seemed that there was a collapse first, and then thousands of horses galloped. Then, the tank that fell into the pit saw

A wall of mud surged forward.

Note, this is a fixed-point blasting carried out by the rebels in an area 500 meters upstream. Under the impact of the water flow of the new round of flood peaks, it was calculated that a sufficient proportion of landslides could hit it and impact along the water flow.

The force and water flow lubricated the river bed and began to flow down the river. Some trees were involved, and in an instant the entire root system was stripped clean by the flow of soil.

Zuo Cao (Wei Keng's split) understood what the imperial officer was thinking now. He wanted to rely on his unparalleled armor to hold on, and then start to break out when friendly forces arrived. Oh, this imperial officer escaped from the trap after breaking through.

Later, I will ridicule Mudlegzi for overestimating his abilities through this experience.

Wei Keng: "Since you are so ignorant and still aloof, I will bury you."

As a result, the battle was completely over, and this "temple"-level creation was directly buried in one meter of mud.

When the imperial commander was dug out of the mud, he yelled at the rebel leader: "This is an evil and chaotic move."

Due to the discipline of treating prisoners favorably, Master Wei suppressed the urge to give him a slap in the face and sneered: "Haha, with so many advanced weapons, I can't win, so I'm pretty good at making excuses."

…When the inferior person resists, he does not have the obligation to abide by the “morals” and “ethics” of the superior person…

During the war from June to September, the Anglo-Insurrectionary Army successfully repelled the encirclement and suppression of the land cruiser unit and began to expand its base area on a large scale.

Blood is flowing, and the flag is full of bullet holes and has been re-sewed, but the blood has already penetrated it.

The misfortunes bestowed by the gods are still blessing, and the consciousness of the unruly people who have come here is still sharp. From a high-level perspective, Wei Keng is too strong, so strong that the gods at this time realized that they had thought wrong before.


Among the gods of this generation in the multi-dimensional world, the main world undertook the historical task of fighting against the old gods during the period when Wei Keng was absent. Because of their achievements, it is inevitable that the originators of the industrial gods who "left" in the early days

,There have been some ,subjective evaluations.

Facts that Sainz would not say: "The Originator left early after creating the Industrial God, not because of lack of ability, but because staying here would really kill him!"

...The battle between Wei Keng and the gods will always be in the pit...

At this point in the war, the gods' recent interference has become increasingly intense.

Michaelena's eyes were fixed on the mortal world in the area where gods were fighting at this time. After so many consciousness barriers had been set up, the intensity of the war at this time was still beyond her imagination.

This kind of divine war does not consist in annihilating individuals physically, but in defeating the opponent in the concept of consciousness. Because concepts are not rusty, Wei Keng is immortal.

In every world, Wei Keng has already opened at least tens of billions of historical lines with obvious differences. In this general war situation, are those "consul-level" (qing-level) time travelers who have descended on a certain historical line?

Clearly. They want to suppress Wei Keng through some simple methods.

For example, in some planes, some time-travelers are using the trick of "infinite retracement lottery" to deal with an individual Wei Keng. The so-called misfortune of these naive time-travelers caused an individual Wei Keng to eventually die of grief and anger. But like this

For a "newcomer" time traveler to concentrate on dealing with Wei Keng's clone and achieve a small victory, he would have to draw millions of draws at the very least.

But in fact, there are still many, many Wei Keng on these planes, and their attitude of rushing one after another makes this new time traveler and the gods behind him despair.

While these semi-travelers focused all their attention on one or two obvious individuals of Wei Keng to plan their misfortune, other individuals collaborated to move forward continuously, forming a larger fate-encircling network and breaking through in one fell swoop.

At the moment, in the multi-dimensional world, this is an unprecedented space-time war waged by a "first-class", um, super-first-class king's consciousness.

In the past, those small-scale tactical battles were basically useless, but now they can easily involve tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people in a country, and cause and effect calculations can take decades and hundreds of years.

Those governors used to conduct "special operations" and "sniper operations" in time and space.

So now the Wei Keng cluster is carrying out a torrent of history on the plane without caring about personal gains and losses. It is a naked large-scale and high-intensity confrontation of "tank cluster, aircraft carrier missile bombardment".

In the realm of idealism, gods influence mortals, but mortals' understanding of things actually limits the actions of gods.

The new gods are more efficient than the old gods in collecting and using faith power, but they have to follow more rules than the old gods.

And if human beings begin to have a common misunderstanding of a certain belief and there is no signpost to guide them, then big problems will arise.

For example, in the late era of sword and magic, the miracles of the old gods, such as "harvest" and "war", became an increasingly "inexplicable" contradiction.

The bad luck Wei Keng encountered personally was indeed bad luck, but these bad luck did not affect Wei Keng's external output concepts. On the contrary, Wei Keng was blinded and paralyzed by the bad luck, and he still insisted on his own concepts even more.

Let's put it this way, before the arrival of Wei Keng in the industrial society, people in the entire industrial world were silent about oppression, but Mr. Wei is like the sun's rays that have been intensified to 10,000 times and burned the earth, and the entire world emanates a conceptual field of "injustice"

More and more.

For example, in the past, heroes could forcibly increase morale and loyalty through speeches. Isn't this magic? Now it is restricted. You can indeed temporarily increase loyalty and morale, but if there is no real material feedback, how fast will morale grow?

, how quickly it collapsed.

...Wei Keng's increasingly "distinctive" personality has awakened a sense of familiarity among his "old friends" at the same time. He once didn't think it was very important, but now he has become his only opponent...

Michaelena faced many gods seeking help in the Temple of Destiny. These gods actively dealt with "axis" goods in various planes at the beginning, and accidentally created a lot of "mess". A large number of conceptual contradictions made them

The priesthood cannot function smoothly in that plane. Any display of "miracles" can overheat the godhead like a short-circuit in a mobile phone.

Michaelena: "Now, do you think he has met the qualifications for a higher god?"

The gods below remained silent. This consciousness that was previously thought to be foreign was not qualified to take over this superior godhead!

But the "cluster" like Wei Keng's rebellious behavior below is not the power of a superior god, but a battle between gods above gods!

Michaelena said to himself as if reminiscing: "In the entire time travel, he was one of the earliest ones. In the early days, he did seem a bit ordinary. When I was promoted to the rank of Lord, he was still

Sergeant level. But later everyone found out that he ran slower because he was seriously choosing a path with his own potential."

As the main god of the concept of "destiny".

Now in the multi-dimensional world, Michaelena is completely unable to control the fate of the Wei Keng cluster.

On the multidimensional plane, Wei Keng chooses those individuals who seem best to be "controlled by fate" as descendants, but the problem is that there are too many such individuals, they are everywhere, and it is difficult to block them all.

In the current Anglo-American Rebellion, more than 600 Wei Keng clones have been lost on an ordinary timeline, and the various accidents they have endured can already be called a curse.

However, under such heavy pressure, Wei Keng once again completed the generation of three thousand individuals, and there were really more than one. This was enough to make "destiny" feel afraid.

...The confrontation between humans and gods has occurred simultaneously in the wars between humans and humans in multiple historical trends on the plane...

There was some silence in the Pantheon. At a certain position on the central throne, Li Yishuang said: "But we can't withdraw now."

Michaelena said quietly: "Yes, it can't be withdrawn." There seemed to be a hint of ridicule in this flat tone, either mocking Li Yishuang or mocking himself.

After the main world developed multiple planes, all those who came to this world to develop their consciousness, and when they reached the level of the godhead, their consciousness and thinking and cognition were invisibly framed by the concept of this world and occupied different positions.

Now Wei Keng has emerged as Wang Zha, emphasizing not to be bound by these concepts.

When the time-travelers who emerged under the "god-making system" in the last plane war began to hide their illnesses and avoid medical treatment, they accused Wei Keng of being "crazy". (Master Wei: You are sick and you accuse me of taking medicine)

…Wei Keng’s current practice of “repairing schools” on multiple planes is shaking the foundation. Too many gods who are high on the top will be shaken down…

Fifteen hourglasses later, in the Pantheon, the space door opened, and the gods who visited the Great River Culture Area in the next world returned.

The God of Harvest looked at the other superior gods and said: "The vast land has not given us an answer."

The vast land is a circle defined by Qin Tianfang in the multi-dimensional world, the world scope of the Orientalized cultural circle.

The expressions of the gods in the multiverse region towards Haotu were darkly humorous: "This is really good news and bad news. The good news is that Haotu is not prepared to intervene in this conflict for the time being. The bad news is that,

I am not prepared to advise Wei Keng."

…Not all gods can see the ultimate potential of “Wei Keng”. Gods from multiple planes have been out of touch with the main world for many years…

The middle god, the Lord of Steam, interjected at this time: "Maybe he wants to end here."

The Lord of Steam did not understand Wei Keng's invisible resistance. He believed that this was a run that was "destined to perish". It seemed that he wanted everyone to remember him. (The Lord of Steam uses Japanese culture.

Come to understand)

Of course, the Pantheon executives tacitly understood what caused Wei Keng to run to the multi-dimensional world to "end himself", and what the "financial goddess" did was already an open secret.

Michaelena deflected the conversation in this direction,

She pressed her finger and said: "Now the multidimensional planes are further suppressing the rules, and the information connectivity of various worlds has been reduced by 0.033."

This data means that the thickness of the plane crystal wall increases, and it will be more difficult for the gods to travel through the separate worlds. This cuts off the communication between the various world satellites. As a result, the connections between multiple world satellites are interrupted, and the satellites in each plane can only

It can narrow the scope of perception and can only connect with the consciousness of its own historical cluster.

Of course, this kind of suppression is a rule suppression, which makes Wei Keng lose a lot of support. While he is infinitely close to mortals, the gods are also greatly restricted, and the gods cannot mobilize the power of faith on a large scale across multiple worlds. This battle will evolve into a

Fighting in a small world.

...The battle of trapped beasts in multiple planes has begun. Before the winner is determined, the main world will lose "information understanding" of the situation here. After the winner is determined, everything will be written by the winner...

Since then, the intensity of the fighting has become stronger, and it has gradually moved closer to a plane war.

After the plane blockade was gradually completed, the gods performed their duties and returned to their temples. Michaelena stayed on the platform of destiny and frowned even more tightly, while Ogma, the god of knowledge, floated out of the void.

Monat (Ogma): "Do you still feel unsure about this rule change?"

Michaelena: "In the calculation just now, I should be able to suppress his changing power, but after I finished the operation, he seems to have more variables?"

Monat: "Is there a side to him that we don't know about?"

Michaelena shook his head and then said: "Maybe I missed the calculation and made a mistake..."

...Michaelena suddenly had some illusions. There seemed to be something special in the multidimensional universe...

(Note: It’s not a “variable on Wei Keng’s body”, but on his side. Because he was very close to Wei Keng, he was misjudged by the God of Destiny. Of course, the gods would have no chance to discern the facts)

This chapter has been completed!
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