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Chapter 758 Chapter 17.30 Polar Axis Polar Skin

 On September 22, 3244 in the Fire Emblem Calendar, in the Sky Iron Star, those hard-liners who were "exporting revolution" saw that the "opportunity for revolution" in Osimane had been announced, and began to dispatch a military committee against Osimane.

As a heroic military general dispatched by Sky Iron Star, Orr led Osima's northern rebel army to successfully settle in the industrial node and began to form a response to the southern rebel army.

The Osima Wind Whisper regime mobilized legions from six regions, but Orr led the Osima Northern Iron Star Rebel Army to block the Xifeng Basin. On the edge of the basin, Orr deployed mobile rocket launchers on the high ground to fight back.

The Royal Army of the Fengyu regime attacked and charged many times.

The Fengyu regime fully demonstrated the virtues of a semi-feudal kingdom in its last days. Faced with the inferiors of the basin, one warlord officer after another launched a human sea tactic with the strong men on hand, trying to seize the commanding heights of the basin with human lives.

If this war of attrition continues, the morale of the Royal Army will soon collapse, and by then Orr will lead the Northern Industrial City Rebel Army to victory.

But just when Orr thought that he was like "cat playing with mouse" to eliminate the royalist military forces of Osimar little by little, the famous general Boma from Ver's side came with the intervention force.

On the plain, as a nuclear bomb exploded directly on the civil fortification position, the encirclement was penetrated, and then Boma led the armored troops directly towards the heavy armored cluster of the Northern Rebel Army.

On the defensive position, although Orr actively mobilized, deployed howitzers, and bombed the frontal Verle Assault Corps. However, he ignored the high ground on the right, which was seized by the Boma "Golden Eagle Regiment". The northern rebel army retreated.

was truncated.

As the leader of the "Iron Star Revolution" with advanced experience, Orr wanted to show "skill" and cover the Boma Land Cruiser group. However, he still could not stop Boma's frontal charge.

When the blazing "tungsten steel armor-piercing projectiles" in the Boma tank aimed at Orr's wheeled land frigate with a strong penetration concept.

Orr looked at the punctured steel shell of his car and murmured to himself: "What a sharp warhead..."

…Empiricism and dogmatism cannot go together, even if Wei Keng’s experience and Wei Keng’s own words serve as dogma…

On April 24, 3245, Iron Star's war to export the uprising failed to be suppressed by the interventionist army from Ver. In the violent mushroom cloud of nuclear explosion, Orr's life and death were unknown, but the news from Ver later was

, Orr has surrendered to Boma.

Regarding this incident, the enthusiasm for the uprising within Iron Star that was originally trying to expand was poured cold water on it. Of course, it also caused Osima's originally unstoppable uprising from the south to fall into a setback, because those progressive cadres lost in the Xifeng Basin battle, if

Under the leadership of Wei Hao, even if Bo Ma from Ver's side comes to intervene, he can still be killed within three years.

Narrator: Fate diverted the power that Wei Hao could gain to Orr and lost it. Now Wei Hao is a minority in the south.

Willy, the current supreme leader of Iron Star, has now come to the northern Molten Steel Tower City to meet with Enma.

After he got off the plane, he saw that the surrounding trenches had not been filled up and had turned into drainage channels. Willy couldn't help but think of the slogans "Fight to the End" and "No Compromise" that had come into view in the city back then. This scene also made him unable to help but

Recalling that when the uprisings failed time and time again, I imagined that the revolution would be successful.

His vehicle passed by the school in the center of the city, and the teenagers with red scarves on their chests lined up to the Children's Palace, practicing the initial spells across the crystal controller.

These activities that used to take place in the quaint study rooms of nobles have now flown into public classrooms with bright and clean windows.

...The results we see now are correct for the past struggle, but they do not mean that they will be correct for the future...

Willy met Enma and told the current situation about the failure of the uprising, especially Orr.

From the beginning, Enma did not want Orr to go to Osimar to guide the uprising. Because "Orr" lacked investigation into Osimar. But Willy opposed all opinions.

Enma looked at the Iron Star outside the window and said leisurely: "As great as the ideal of human unity is, it is full of ups and downs, but we must not fall into self-doubt. The more we doubt, the more arrogant our enemies will be.

Now the enemy is afraid of us because of our belief in continuing the revolution. Once we feel that it is okay, stop, and lose our resolute and decisive attitude, the enemy will be bold enough to defeat us again. Also, we

We are all mortals here, so we can’t count them, it’s normal.”

Willy smiled and sighed lightly: "What you say always makes sense! But what I want to ask is, is there a chance to rescue Orr now?"

Enma looked at him and said leisurely: "Although we don't know what his current situation is, we are currently temporarily defining him as a traitor internally, so we cannot use the word rescue."

Willy looked at Enma, as if he wanted to make sure.

Enma said leisurely: "According to my personal judgment, he will rebel. So the first priority now is the rebel army in the south of Osimar."

In the conversation with Willy, Enma had no scruples at all. Orr was his nephew.

Willy said seriously: "This kid Orr is not like that."

Enma: "What's wrong is that he hasn't understood what responsibility is. Like many of our young officers now, he doesn't understand at all what the root of the battle is, and he has made serious mistakes in his thinking."

Enma directly opened the map and analyzed the situation of the battle in the northern part of Osimar. In the agricultural areas in the south, the rebels repeatedly reminded that "change will happen later". Orr ignored the kind reminders of the southern comrades and still expressed his concern for the Xifeng Basin.

The Royal Army adopted a slow-cooking approach and eventually encountered the "off-budget" Verne interventionist army.

Wei Keng bluntly believed: "(Orr Decision-making Circle) In the late stage of Xifeng Basin, if it is sure that the huge enemy army gathered by the six warlords cannot be eaten in one bite, it should surround three and one is missing, allowing the fleeing Osima Legion to

After distracting Boma's attention, he completed a flexible strategic shift. As an interventionist force, Boma could not stay in Osima for a long time. It was precisely Orr's vanity that he focused too much on defeating the Osima army, which led to the failure of the entire army.


When Enma set traps for the Anglo intervention forces, they would set up traps layer by layer before the departure of the Anglo legions. One count, two counts, and three counts. Only after their combat capabilities were completely dispersed in the end, all the traps were laid.

Strength will determine the outcome of the game, so Orr is better. Huahu is not like a dog, and he didn't count his teeth. He tried too hard to quickly swallow the main force of Osimar in one gulp, and ended up being choked to death.

Willie was a little dumbfounded by Enma's sudden outburst.

Enma looked at Willy with an extremely serious look: "I'm talking about Orr, but in fact, our entire new military system needs to rectify the atmosphere! The Land Cruiser has just been driven for a few days, and it's already unsettled.


Enma turned out the soles of his feet and pointed to the calluses on his feet. He outputted: "Our feet have been on tanks, stepped on the ground, stood on gun barrels, and climbed over mountain peaks."

Speaking of this, Enma sighed and said to Willy: "I have to say that our army has a tendency to become corrupted. Even though our steel torrent will be glorious in the future, our essence will be tampered with.


Note: Willy recently married a beautiful lady, Sirena. It is natural to marry a beautiful woman. But Wei Keng really wanted to persuade Willy not to let her get involved in politics.

Wei Keng supports letting women hold up half the sky, but holding up half the sky depends on labor. But men judge women by their appearance, not by their talents.

If cadres are accustomed to arranging jobs for their wives in government agencies, the rights of female cadres will be unfairly distributed.

Yes, Mr. Wei has already calculated that Willy may arrange for his wife to be a female congressman. But Wei Keng can't say.

It is human nature to arrange a job for the wife, but this kind of human nature, when put together with the development of "women's right to speak for their rights and interests," will cause regression.

…Family is family, work is work, but most people can’t understand this issue…

After the military discussion, Willy and Enma visited what is now the Northern General Machinery Processing Factory.

Technology is the core productive force, and arcanists who master knowledge and technology are the primary productive force. It is very difficult to create a belief and integrate arcanists! At this time, the iron star above the factory is shining.

No. 18 Steel Plant is a brand new automated steel plant with a planned operating life of fifteen years.

All control systems inside are operated by 270 industrial operators in the concept field.

These operators are divided into three groups of production teams. Each production team can operate independently. If there is a force majeure personnel shortage, production can be suspended for one month for debugging and the production team can be reorganized. Each production team signs a ten-year contract.

From a purely technical perspective, many of the archmages of the ancient Mage Tower built such automated production facilities in their laboratories and recruited some wizard apprentices to control production. But from an engineering perspective, those scales were too large.


The current steel plant is designed to have an annual output of five million tons! This unprecedented large-scale project

Obviously the focus of difficulty is not only on equipment and factory buildings, but also on equipment and factory buildings.

The output of five million tons of steel requires the redesign of the iron ore transportation system and coal mine processing system.

There is a road system within an area of ​​more than 100 kilometers, more than a dozen mechanized equipment for mining, dozens of thermal power stations supplying electrical energy, and three dams providing industrial water.

These huge infrastructures are the basis for the "start" of the super steel plant.

Outside of steel plants, it requires "terminal digestion."

Large areas of rural and rural light industrial industrial zones must also arrange industrial market layout in advance, including vehicle manufacturing, hardware store processing, and prefabricated workpieces for rural buildings. These market demands must be matched with steel production capacity arrangements.

Of course, in the eyes of the current "urbanists", it is very difficult to arrange for 500,000 workers to build this megacity.

The houses, running water, and electricity they need all need planning,

Considering the upgrading of production technology in the future, if the industrial system wants to further develop, the upper limit of the current design, the road system, houses, drainage pipes and other facilities in the city's existing planning area must be designed to a standard of more than three million people.

And there is room for urban expansion in the more peripheral areas.

The entire industrial area has the capacity to produce five "mountain giants", twenty "knight-class" land cruisers, and forty longbow shooters annually.

This is the first-class mechanical main city on Wanlun Continent.

The older generation members of the Agricultural Youth Association of Tiexing, who used to always discuss things like three melons and two dates at home, chickens and ducks laying eggs, and sows giving birth, have a generational gap in the development of the new generation of technology.

At this time, the bridge across the generation gap from rural to industrial was very narrow. Wei Keng, who was down-to-earth, worked alone to build a bridge between the cultures of the two regions, allowing the current concept of big industry in the center to continue to be further reflected in the vast countryside.


…Urban and rural areas are two different environments, spanning two places. Fair governance is the most difficult...

In the 500-cubic-meter blast furnace, just like the autonomous beverage machine ordered in a restaurant, hot "orange juice" is poured into each large cup-shaped converter.

With this as the background, the tiny Wei Keng and Willy stood on the steel bridge, watching the steel liquid enter the electric furnace, add rare elements, and be further transferred to the forging production line. One of the two people's eyes sparkled with steel ambition, and the other condensed a deep feeling.

Think deeply.

Willy glanced at Wei Keng's expression: "Enma, what's wrong with you? This is a beautiful view of victory."

Enma looked at the seven or eight-meter-high steel-making converters hanging from the mechanical rails above, lining up to enter the inclined area, releasing red molten steel, which would later be turned into various Iron Star brand heavy industrial products. In such a roaring atmosphere

The Iron Star workers in the environment are a nation-building pride.

But Wei Keng seemed to hear the disparagement of some critical people, such as "heavy pollution", "high energy consumption", "waste production capacity" and "no high technology". Because of the opposition that Anglo is currently supporting in Sky Iron Star

Almost all of them are literati with "strong humanistic care" and "aristocratic temperament".

So Enma asked Willy: "Willy, do you think our place is the so-called "Devil Castle" in the eyes of the enemy?"

Willy paused: "Why do you think so?"

Enma: “Because we are enemies of God.”

Willy: "God is our enemy? What we do is something that God must bless."

Wei Keng smiled and did not refute. Strictly speaking, everyone in Iron Star was dragged into the God War by him.

A few minutes later, the two walked to the steel rolling production line. Hot and red steel bars were gradually formed in the forging press.

Willy asked Enma: "Sometimes, I wonder if you represent the will of any god on our side."

Wei Keng smiled: "How is that possible? Which god would like someone like me?"

...Wei Keng traveled with Willie for two days. After sending him on the plane with a smile, he watched him fly higher and higher and couldn't help but sigh...

Wei Keng regards himself as his own weakness: he is stingy, calculating, and clumsy, so no one wants to make friends. Of course, he does not have the fatal weaknesses of heroes in legendary stories.

For example: some warriors are brave and fearless, but lacking in love. God will choose a priestess, and the tragic death in front of them makes them depressed. Some tyrants are helpless and lonely all the year round, but under God's help

By arrangement, he met a person by chance and formed a friendship, but in the end, due to the arrangement of fate, he died in his brutal state.

For Wei Keng, even if he stands on the "opposite side" of the times, he must bear the harsh criticism of "all" people. Even if the gods arrange more "tool men" and innocent people die under the wheel of his own push, he still remains.

Can push the wheel forward with an iron mind!

Be it Orr or Willy,

If the gods really choose to sacrifice them in an attempt to hinder them, Wei Keng himself will still crush them mercilessly, and finally target the source of all conflicts at the gods!

As Bai Linglu once commented helplessly: "Your greatest advantage is that you are down-to-earth, but your greatest disadvantage is that you refuse to admit your mistakes. You are particularly prone to betrayal and choose to die with all injustices."

In the most extreme existence, who can be a confidant?

..."over-the-axis" is annoying, so is being too "skinny"...

In the southern Feather Whale Harbor of Iron Star.

An 11-year-old boy with a height of 1.6 meters is climbing on a building in the city wearing an elastic exoskeleton. During the climbing process, the arcana of light began to be activated, so the wall looked more like

A relief sculpture of a phoenix is ​​moving quietly.

With a swish, Zheng Nian rolled over and entered the music classroom. He tiptoed to the piano, opened a small bottle and installed a small piece of honeycomb inside the piano. There happened to be a queen bee in this honeycomb, which was sealed with wax.

The smell of the queen bee was left, and enough air was left. Then, a layer of floral dew was sprinkled on every seat in the front row.

After doing all this, Zheng Nian left quietly.

The next day later, the school was trying to hold a competition that would involve all the city's upper-class businessmen and city bureaucrats. Something suddenly went wrong. While watching the piano playing, Hu Feng suddenly flew out, and the chaos that followed.

Zheng Nian, who was skipping school and doing somersaults on the parallel bars, had a proud smile on his face.

...The Sky Iron Star retains many bottles and jars from the founding of the country...

Feather Whale Port is the southern port in the sky that Iron Star finally regained. It has a lot of old-era salon culture.

The public school, which was originally a private school, would deliberately organize young students to rehearse programs in order to welcome the arrival of big shots. The tutors on campus enjoyed it, and many top students also cooperated.

But, some leather goods feel very unhappy.

On campus, the noisy welcome music is rehearsed over and over again in order to let the visitors hear the "perfect" one a few days later.

Zheng Nian: "I deliberately do meaningless things every day, not only delaying my daily practice of body fixation, but also making comments. When I grow up, I will smash your windows with rocks."

Because of his agile facial features and extremely resilient figure, he was even voted by his classmates (mainly female students) to make a guest appearance when the girls' dance group was short of people. - As an invincible paladin who wants to be in the future, Zheng Nian

I will never let myself have this dark history.

But he was able to escape wearing women's clothing, but he had to accompany the distinguished guests as a waiter (the school teacher specially emphasized to Zheng Nian that he should be polite to the ladies)

So Zheng Nian kept doing nothing and ruined the reception. After the big shots sitting in the VIP seats evacuated, the bees still pursued them relentlessly, and seemed to be quite fond of the VIPs' butts.


…If you don’t want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself...

A week later, in the principal's room.

The principal looked at Zheng Nian seriously, slammed the table, and roared: "Who ordered you?!"

Zheng Nian looked innocent: "Teacher, I don't know what you are talking about."

The principal knocked on the table and then threw it out. The pointer on it pointed to the fact that someone had moved the hive deliberately."

Zheng Nian paused: "I really don't know."

The principal slapped him in the face, but to his surprise, Zheng Nian dodged it with great flexibility. Then he quickly changed his face and burst into tears. With a swish, he jumped out of the window. He jumped out of the window and said: "

Principal, I won’t tell you, don’t kill me.”

With a click, three branches were grabbed and broken by Zheng Nian, and then they jumped down with countless leaves, seemingly embarrassed and unharmed.

The principal who poked his head out of the window looked down at Zheng Nian with a bewildered face, crying and shouting "I don't know anything." His mind was buzzing because the whole school started to watch.

After the Iron Star Revolution, the academic staff of these colleges no longer have the same status as in the old days. If students have problems, the school committee will be investigated.

…Generally those who are “difficult to control” were hated by others in their youth…

A week later, Zheng Nian transferred to another school. The principal personally funded the transfer and sent Zheng Nian to another school. In the principal’s office,

Zheng Nian put his hands on his waist and said: "I want to go to aviation industry school!"

Go to bed early. Chapter 3 will be discussed tomorrow after I wake up.

This chapter has been completed!
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