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Chapter 2.32 Data Accidents

  Qin Tongli In December 4, 2208, the weather in Puhai turned cold, and the cold wind seemed to carry magical damage, and could directly penetrate the clothes. Tao Zhu Pavilion, the largest stock exchange in East Asia,

Zhou Boutong looked at this huge stock exchange, sadly packed up his things and left. As stock exchanges began to widely adopt artificial intelligence this year, various exchanges began to lay off large-scale layoffs. The securities trading staff that originally had thousands of people

It only takes a few dozen people to manage it all at once.

In this increasingly advanced era of big data, Zhou Boutong, who had once reached the upper echelon of society, lost his job. He packed up his belongings and left. The only ones who stayed were the people the shopkeeper liked, and his name.

.....After the shopkeeper failed in the stock market, he often said, "It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense." It seems that now he just dismissed him because he was unlucky.

As soon as he returned home, he saw the banking staff who had made him "doomed", and the bank staff headed by him smiled and handed him a list of the bank's collection of collateral. Zhou Butong's face turned red and he said: "Pay it back."

Not due!”

Banking staff: "It has expired. Sir, you are no longer employed. Your credit mortgage rating has been downgraded. The interest on your credit card mortgage card that you repaid last month has increased by three points, so there is no money in your account."

Zhou Boutong wanted to argue, but the big man behind the bank collector looked at him with a fierce look on his face.

He took a deep breath and felt that a good man would not suffer the immediate consequences. Four days later, he was hungry and after much hesitation, he came to the Northwest Investment Promotion Office.


Thousands of miles away, outside the Yumen Regional Industrial Base, Wei Keng was riding a bicycle.

Such racing bicycles are also luxury goods. The price of a carbon fiber body and excellent transmission gears reaches more than 50,000. Compared with a large number of other luxury goods industries, this is not prohibited. The reason is that this industry corresponds to

The greatest social attribute is athletes, not wealth.

There will inevitably be poor and rich people in the governance of the world, and the main significance of every governance innovation is not to attack the wealth of the rich, but to standardize the application direction of wealth. When the vulgar consumption of the rich crowds out the world's wealth like a tumor

Normal operation forces a large number of ordinary people to break away from order and can only survive around a small number of ruling circles, so it must be eliminated.

This is true for high-end brothels, polo, luxurious single-person yachts, and even large-scale rewards on the Internet. These behaviors that try to use money to purchase directly and without restrictions to specialize-all are contrary to the big future, but they do not represent

All specializations are denied.

 In the history books of the main world, there is an unclear distinction between rough and simplistic average and common development.

Continuously using money to directly specialize oneself is the business card of a class created with money. And indirect use of resources, continuous efforts to transform the individual self, rather than to show the amount of resources controlled by oneself and the group in which one is in. That is governing the world.

The personal freedom promised when the spirit develops to the utmost light.

For example, now, Wei Keng wants a proof that he reasonably owns a high-end bicycle, so he must pedal the bicycle to a speed of 40 kilometers per hour three times in a row for one and a half hours.

The electronic assessment started to be submitted, and the recorder on the bicycle also began to record Wei Keng’s breath and exhalation. He was sweating so much that he had to go shirtless.

It’s just that Wei Keng ignored that this world is not a bright era. There are always mosquitoes hidden in the dampness, waiting for opportunities to bite...

 Under the big data system, everyone uploads information unconsciously.

Information security has always been a huge problem, and these problems are often remedied only after major accidents. After the double millennium in the main world, personal information has been leaked, cyber violence has occurred frequently, and a large number of shocking cases have been exposed. Lawmakers

Only then did we gradually improve the rules and begin to divide responsibilities in each link.

In the Chinese plane, the information recorder of the Cycling Association inadvertently leaked his own management data during a chat over a wine table. Then, he was bribed by some people in the world for 40,000 yuan. As a result, the information was like this


Wei Keng is still too smooth in this world. Therefore, this calamity is bound to happen.

Just as the wind was blowing in the desert, Wei Keng suddenly observed through the perspective of the drone that there seemed to be too many "idle people" along the road. This should be a deserted area.

 A few seconds later, Wei Keng discovered that there seemed to be something hidden under his sleeves. Wei Keng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. However, his mind was running fast, he continued to ride at a constant speed, and began to notify multiple nearby departments.

Just when Wei Keng was paying attention to people like Bai Yiyun, these people were also paying attention to Wei Keng. When they saw Wei Keng suddenly falling and rolling into a sand pit on the roadside, they also realized that they were exposed and shot immediately.

 When the crisp sound of gunfire rang out along the road.

 A large number of bullets stirred up soil flowers on the slope.

When Wei Keng felt the sharp pain in his left shoulder, he roared in his heart: "Damn it, kill me? Oh, I should have expected it, this damn world."


Bai Yiyun saw that his people had bypassed the mound, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He carried out this assassination with the mentality of failure or success. If he succeeded, he would escape to the east and let Donglin's

He wanted to protect himself. But if he failed, he didn't want to leave alive because he could predict Wei Keng's violent revenge.

Just as he was staring closely at Wei Keng, a white shadow in the sky swooped down quickly. The speed was so fast that it just hit a place that could not be seen from the perspective of the sand dune slope. He suddenly felt that something was not good.

The dive speed of this white drone, coupled with its own weight, is comparable to a bullet, so when the assassin who was about 20 meters away from Wei Keng was about to raise his gun, his neck was broken by the drone.


The gun rolled into Wei Keng's hand, and next, Wei Keng got the big kill marked by the visual red dot.

 Fifteen minutes of fighting, 1 kill, 2 kills,...even the launched Xiujian sniper missile was exploded by the volley point.

Wei Keng, whose arm was still bleeding, moved and fired quickly, allowing Bai Yiyun to change from a gambling desperado to a frightened stupid chicken in just ten minutes.

This charlatan may understand death as the words "stretch his head, shrink his head, and slash". So he can go crazy,

But when he saw bullets hitting the eyes of everyone around him one after another, and Wei Keng, who was originally easy to kill, turned into a god of death, his mind fell into chaos.

Whether a person collapses cannot be judged on the basis of boldness or timidity. It depends on his ability to accept.

The most vicious criminals who are escorted to the execution ground often have a good conscience. Sometimes they will bear the bullet silently and their self-consciousness disappears. But if they are sent to the edge of a cliff and forced to walk to the wire bridge with a gun, if

If he stopped and just swung the wire, he would most likely have an emotional breakdown and lose his composure, because his focus was on staying on the wire bridge and not falling, and the additional death imposed on him was beyond his ability to bear.

Bai Yiyun is such a person. He was prepared to be killed if the assassination failed. However, he did not think that during the assassination process, his side would be massacred and he would be frightened to death by blood. So in the end, he rolled back and ran back

The car ran away immediately.

However, ten minutes later, a police shock bomb was fired directly into his car. When this guy met someone he could talk to again, he was faced with a strong interrogation light.


 At four o'clock in the afternoon, compared to the coldness in Puhai, a hot and dry wind blew along the Xiyu New Highway.

  Luoyang, in the glass building, in the imitation Song Dynasty blue porcelain basin in the center of the negotiation table, there are blossoming narcissus and jade spitting gold.

 Fenghou Group and several other industrial giants in the north are discussing the Western Economic Union's power grid system, which is now beginning to take shape.

UHV technology, also known as ultra-long-distance power transmission technology, is a major technological change.

  Regarding the energy layout technology of the Shenzhou World, Ke Feijia and Wei Qiang had gradually transferred the relevant patents to the top management of this world.

 For a large industrial country, especially one with increasingly overcapacity, electric energy is very easy to obtain, but the only problem is that it cannot be stored.

So much so that in the main world, some leaders after the Bimillennium decided to develop hydroelectric vehicles, which are to electrolyze water to produce hydrogen to obtain energy. They seemed to be idiots who didn't know about "water turning into oil" decades ago. So much so that they didn't know.

The ordinary people of "Conservation of Energy" feel that the people above are crazy. They can't wait to show their height on this topic of "people can popularize science by themselves"

 Actually, it’s not that the managers above are not as good as they were a few decades ago. It’s that within the scope of their information, hundreds of billions of kilowatt-hours of electricity are discarded in the northwest every year.

[In the end, it was not the “learned suggestions of netizens” that made the superiors abandon the fantasy of hydroelectric vehicles, but the fact that the hydrogen converter still could not solve the fatal problems in transportation and storage upstream. This was precisely the understanding of Japanese hydrogen energy by netizens at that time.

Blind spots.]

 Therefore, the solution to energy is not a brand-new innovative technology. It is a miracle-level infrastructure that requires supreme endurance and determination.

Wei Keng: Think about it, if the road is really so easy to walk, why didn’t the geniuses discover it? To be a middle-class person, you have to be down-to-earth and lay bricks for the tower.

In recent years, from the plateau to the Western Region, ultra-high voltage power towers have been lined up all the way, like steel warriors guarding the country, lifting up thick cables to transport a steady stream of energy to various areas of need.

The big data system of Western Economic Union has compiled a list of the electricity consumption of all regional factories every hour in the next few days. The power system loss has dropped significantly. Industries that once consumed huge amounts of electricity were avoided by environmentally friendly cities in the east.

, such as electric furnace steelmaking plants and electrolytic aluminum plants, with the deployment of big data, can use electricity during the low peak period.

 So, although, the patents on electricity have long been transferred to the top leaders of China.

 However, the only ones that can truly achieve profitability in the early stage and continue to build positive industries are the few electric power companies in the Luoshui system.

[Prior to this, Wei Qiang and their fathers each led the innovation of China Electric Power Technology in multiple timelines. However, in Wei Keng’s timeline, Wei Keng not only accomplished

Okay, we are ahead of our time, and we are not taking advantage of the war.]

Now that the power grid system has been completed in the west of China, it is moving eastward. Luoyang has become an important hub in the east direction. Several heavy industry groups in the north are now gathering together to optimistically discuss the optimization of production in the north.

The steel industry groups in the Ji area are very optimistic about their production and sales today, because the west maintains extremely strong demand for steel. The heavy industry groups in Yandi now want to leave no gap in the chemical industry that the Western Economic Union has released for the southeast. This is

Taking advantage of the fact that the financial sector in eastern Zhejiang was experiencing a sharp decline in cargo delivery due to unsafe waterways, it took another stab at it. The financial finance groups in China are all "good brothers" who can give each other a leg up.

Bai Jingqi raised the crystal glass: "Everyone, I wish us a bright future of cooperation."

 Everyone here understands and raises a toast together.

Bai Jingqi once again peeled a banana and pointed to the compass: "I also wish that the river in Jiangnan will be rolling this year." - His words metaphorically mean that there will be a flood. The financial model in the Southeast has reached a huge peak.

The explosion is certain, it just seems that the current cabinet is planning to dump him as a scapegoat.

Bai Jingqi’s words caused a burst of cheerful laughter.

Bai Jingqi's system communication rang. He was stunned, and then suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "How dare they do this! This is crazy."

The other sect leaders of the northern aristocratic families also received the message, and their expressions changed. But their immediate concern was, is the sect leader of Luoshui dead or alive?


 Shenjing, in the cabinet, a senior official returned to the house in a hurry.

 Close the door tightly after returning home.

With a "snap" sound, a "Chengni Inkstone" worth tens of thousands was smashed into pieces. The automatic grinder on it bounced far away.

Mr. Xu Ge angrily rebuked: "Didn't I say that everyone below should be at peace at this time? Why is this so?"

 The housekeeper is very aggrieved.

Mr. Xu Ge regained his composure and rationality: "Go, deal with what needs to be dealt with, and (you) go overseas to take shelter."

The steward was shocked. The so-called taking refuge overseas meant that he would be silenced afterwards. But he lowered his head silently, knelt down and begged: "Please help me take care of my family."

Mr. Xu Ge nodded indifferently.


Things like assassination are of little concern to Jianghu people. The more intense the conflict on the stage, the more unscrupulous the methods.

 In temples, things like assassination can only be carried out quietly before a fierce conflict is anticipated. When the incident occurs, you can act as if nothing happened and express regret, and you can even show your dignity at the funeral of your opponent.

 But, at a bad time, there was a murder, which would only cause trouble but would not solve any problem.

At this time, Xu Ge’s party was in a bad situation. The eastern route encountered a military threat from Su Xiong, and the Eastern Zhejiang Economic Alliance was experiencing systemic problems.

At this time, everyone was watching how they were going to end it. At this time, the leader of the western forces was assassinated? Everyone was not only shocked, but also angry.

  Other giants in the entire Shenjing area closed their doors and refused to visit. It was not that they sympathized with Wei Keng's experience, but that someone directly broke the political tacit understanding, and when this tacit understanding was broken, the consequences were very bad.

For example, Wei Keng, according to the comments of China’s upper echelons, does not love money, is not lustful, and is tolerant of power. It is difficult to win over and suppress him, and now this happens again? It doesn’t matter if Wei Keng is dead, but what if Wei Keng survives? , they were unable to determine the magnitude of the tide set off by Luoshui, where Wei Keng was located, and the larger Western Economic Union.


Wei Keng was lying in the life-support cabin. The situation in front of him was very serious. For the sake of efficiency, these assassins quenched poison on the bullets. Although the gunpowder made most of the poison ineffective, after a few hours, Wei Keng's body was still aroused. deterioration.

Wei Keng had an emergency meeting with relevant personnel in front of his hospital bed. He began to explain personnel management, as well as the focus of follow-up work, dividing priorities and responsibilities.

Wei Keng: "I have to leave the matter to you. The construction of national borders cannot be tied to one person. I was stabbed, and all the guys with ulterior motives speculated that our career has failed. This is wrong. Because I still have you behind me. You hold up your frame. Remember, even if you fall down, you should be fine, and you have to let people start things up. What do men like us want in this world? It's not what the Japanese people call "get drunk and lie on the knees of a beautiful woman, wake up and dominate the world" Quan', but stood up straight and walked towards the sky."

Sheng Minghan, Wei Keng’s chosen successor, said: “Sir, please take good care of yourself and we will wait for your recovery.”

In this space warehouse, the atmosphere was very strange, as if Wei Keng's quick words trying to catch his breath were explaining the aftermath.

Wei Keng smiled and said, "I don't think you will die. I just want to have insurance when doing big things. In this way, you can deal with the villain's overt and covert attacks calmly."

On the plateau, Xia Boren, who took over the military affairs, looked at the newly sent records from the case trial: "General Chairman, it has been found out. It was Cao Gang and Donglin personnel who did it. I now have clear evidence."


Wei Keng coughed a few times: "Don't avenge personal vengeance. They are doing evil things. We don't need to be dogs and bite them. What we want to uphold is justice. Their building will collapse a long time ago. They have been using high-sounding words before."

They tried to smoke our bricks, and when we accidentally touched their buildings, they accused us of barbaric destruction, hehe, today——"

Wei Keng brought up the screen. The title on the screen was Plan No. 2208 C, and the subtitle was the next step of the eastward strategic plan.

Wei Keng then turned to Hua Feiyang, the director-general of personnel deployment: "This time also reflects our internal shortcomings, and we need to further promote big data control. By the way, what I encountered this time cannot be said to be that big data has such disadvantages that it cannot be ignored."

The level of application lies in the fact that comrades still lack the intensity of big data work, and some responsibilities are not divided in place.

In terms of big data, we have only counted less than one-tenth in the past, so only one percent of people feel that the matter is important and work hard. Most people do not feel a sense of urgency. People who are doing things will encounter,

The bureaucratic style of "not taking it seriously" in various offices.

The next step is to collect statistics on all people in the ownership system and household economic consumption! Statistics and confidentiality do not conflict. Only when we serve as the mainstay in the gap of the dam can we achieve: "prevent the slightest change, prevent the slightest change, and take action now."


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