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Chapter 760 Chapter 17.32 Power Game

 3245. After the Windwhisper regime took a breather after Ver rescued the situation, it still could not solve the rebellion in Osima.

Even if Boma's intervention force solves the great uprising in the north, the rebel army in the south will still push forcefully towards the north. And Boma's regiment cannot be stationed indefinitely in the wind-whispering plain of Osima, which is undefeated.


Under this predicament, the Kingdom of Osima used every means to strengthen its ties with Ver.

Ver's politicians were also confused at this time. The ruling faction (noble faction) of the Palace of Mirrors, after the successful intervention of Poma, promised unlimited support to the Osima royal family.

At the end of 3245, in the last three months before Poma's withdrawal, the Osima Royal Army began a military adventure and launched an attack on the Sky Iron Star, the force behind the rebel army. They tried to use a war to stall Poma and let everyone

The German intervention forces stayed. (Italy pitted Germany)

According to the newly formed scrawled parliament in the Osima Fenghuo regime, those "prestigious" political amateurs who rushed to the stage put forward many "new ideas" suggestions. Basically, the old politicians were limited by the agreed-upon rules.

They made all the decisions they dared to make with their "anger-dominated brains".

Similar to the Internet public opinion politics in the 21st century, in order to achieve a certain seemingly effective effect, one directly follows the ideal trend to the maximum extent, and often completely offends one party without any room for relaxation. (It was common in Eastern Europe, East Asia, Japan and South Korea at that time.

Australia, the effect of such a big country's collision with the frontier.)

The unreliable suggestions of these talkers were originally not adopted. At least the establishment faction with a little bit of wisdom will despise the radical strategy of "big thunder, small rain, difficult to implement, and many consequences".

However, the "trade-offs" within the Osimar political arena completely collapsed in this incident due to the inaction of the old aristocratic politics. Now the actual decision-makers within the Osimar Kingdom faction are soldiers with no administrative experience. Those who look tempting and radical

The strategy is right up their alley.

Behind the scrawled parliament is actually a power-pulling game between the military government, populism, and the royal power.

Those new politicians who came to power imagined that perhaps they could launch a military provocation against the Sky Iron Star and retain the troops stationed in Ver. Moreover, these new political trendsetters wanted to "get rid of control" of the kingdom's military that supported them in power. In this way, they could use external forces

It is more conducive to dealing with multiple parties. (Similar to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty who ordered Liu Bei to win over Cao Cao.)

It's just that these Osimar politicians boast that their "professional understanding" of the war is the same as the "frog" political commentators on an island in the 21st century.

These politicians used their military knowledge borrowed from Veranglia to gossip in the political arena: Even if a military conflict develops with the sky, it will evolve into a positional war. The battlefield is a steel and concrete crushing machine, allowing workers to crush the produced artillery shells.

Transported to the front lines via subway lines and fired.

In the capital of Fengyu King, politicians from poor families who have newly put on aristocratic clothes, in order to cover up their humble hearts, hastily use "higher people" decisions to cover up their inner uneasiness in the early stages of crossing over from class.

On the front line between Osima and Iron Star, the daily work is shelling. The shelling cannot kill many people, which prolongs the new changes in the international situation.

...But the old nobles of Osimar don't know that times have changed...

On the Iron Star West Line, the once continuous group of bunkers have been bulldozed and converted into railway transportation lines.

Iron Star formed more strategic mobile forces for this purpose, and deployed more than a hundred land cruiser combat units 100 kilometers behind the line. Therefore, on December 20, 3245, the static defense forces on the eastern front of Osima stepped out of what they were accustomed to.

The static defense line tried to attack the Iron Star Western Front, but the result was that there was no more failed attack than this.

Quotes from Enma: If you want to destroy an army, there is no better mode than "static defense".

The three major tasks of the army are effective marching, the protection of supplies during field operations, and the simultaneous entry of multiple arms into a certain area at any time under complex conditions for combat cooperation. None of these three static defense processes is required.

Guard clusters that deal with the military grassroots all year round: long-term fortress garrisoning will abolish all necessary capabilities of the army.

1: In the static defense system, the better the fortress, the more complete the internal railway track will be, and there will be no maneuverability in the field.

2: The storage of materials in the fortress is fixed, and they are consumed according to the list all year round, so there are no various strange backup backup plans in the field. In short, if the Osima Eastern Front Army now carries out

During a mobile battle, a wheel broke and the person in charge could not be found to change the spare tire, so the vehicle had to be abandoned. Not to mention that during the march, the track was blown off and the engineering vehicle was dragged to the queue and quickly returned to the convoy.

High-end operation.

Subsequently, the marching team of the Osima Eastern Front Fortress Corps slowly moved like ants moving.

3: There is no need to consider dynamic information confrontation in the daily operation of the fortress. Within the permanent fortifications, all kinds of wire equipment are complete. After being stationed for a long time and discipline becomes lax, there will not even be an "emergency drill"

In the last war, Enma raided the city of Kaidi and cut off the telephone lines between the various fortresses. The Osima Kingdom army had no backup lines, and its military quality was worrying.

Not to mention that in more complex field operations, the difficulty of maintaining communication equipment increases exponentially.

Once a communication node is blinded by a team raid, it is possible to send a clear message in an emergency.

This is also true. After the Osima provocative military operation was launched, each corps did not even know what was going on one kilometer ahead of it. As a result, the iron stars crossed at will.

They even showed up and simply changed into their clothes, took away their troops from the main army, and then all surrendered in the encirclement.

…This is the last gamble of the nobles of Osimar, leaving the fate of the country to the gods…

Osima launched a military provocation on January 23, 3246. In the name of combating "smuggling", Osima launched an artillery attack on the Sky Iron Star across the border, and then went to the border to cause destruction. This made Willy very angry.

In subsequent diplomatic communications, Iron Star was arrogantly humiliated by Osimar.

In order to show his "toughness", Osima's new Foreign Affairs Minister made a request during the meeting: "Let the sky be iron star, and all actions to support the Osima rebels must stop." He also listed a large number of demands.

He piled up a list of "military supplies" (actually civilian tractors, diesel and other supplies). Even more outrageously, he proposed the so-called "trade compensation" and asked Iron Star to convert all illegal smuggling income in the past few years into 1.5 billion gold coins and hand it over.


This is very much like before breaking up, in order to quickly jump on another person's boat, in order to break off the old relationship and start acting up."

Wei Keng sighed with emotion: "The King of Chu sent people to unite the Qi people, and the envoys came to do it again." "Zhang Zi thought that the few people would not unite the Qi people?" So he sent the warriors to meet the King of Qi."

Translation: The King of Chu was deceived into making a promise of six hundred miles to Zhang Yi, and sent an envoy to sever diplomatic relations with Qi. When the envoy from Qi did not come, he sent another envoy to repeat the severance of diplomatic relations. After the severance of diplomatic relations was over, he waited for Zhang Yi and saw that Zhang Yi did not come, so he asked: Zhang Yi

Don’t you think that the severance of relations with the State of Qi is incomplete? So you sent warriors to scold the King of Qi.

After Mr. Wei read this ancient history, he later faced the news that Korea, a small country in Eastern Europe, suddenly popped up to offend the prosperous and developing East. It was not uncommon and strange.

Looking back, on the Wanlun Continent, Osima operated like this without waiting for the big powers in the 21st century to deal with it.

The Windwhisper Plain of Osima unilaterally blocked the eastern trade, which caused considerable fluctuations in Iron Star's originally prosperous economic development. The previous failure to export the revolution caused Willy's leadership authority to decline, and this time he continued to stab the knife.

Jean Willy had to sign the "Special Military Operation".

… Enma: This is because we didn’t make enough allowances, we didn’t realize that the Osimar incident would affect our own side, and we lacked non-military options...

On January 30, with Iron Star's mechanized troops, a sudden attack was launched.

Osima was just pretending to be on the border, but the provocative troops were all in chaos under the gunfire. More than 200,000 troops and 15 land cruisers were wiped out in one fell swoop under several times the missile firepower.

Let's put it this way, it's like a crab jumping out of its shell and trying to sneak up on an unprotected bird, completely unaware of how soft it is.

On the evening of the 30th, Wei Keng, one of the soldiers, looked at the prisoners standing hundreds of acres on the forward position and couldn't laugh or cry. Why, why use "acres" to describe it, because these prisoners don't know how to

To line up, we can only statically defend each part, standing together in clusters.

After some questioning, the Iron Star officers found out that this was the queue they used to prepare meals in the cafeteria.

Wei Keng: "Occupied the military establishment and raised a group of useless people who are almost the fighting strength of the militia."

After a pause, Mr. Wei changed his mind, "Hey, if you are a military base for missile strikes, you still have enough deterrence. But what can you do?"

As Osimar's royalist party's gamble of external provocation failed, Osimar's iron defense line, which it originally thought was like toilet paper in a storm, was broken through by the troops led by Minral.

...But Wei Keng didn't realize that there were also shortcomings in his own Iron Star, and this shortcoming was those Junkers military nobles...

At the end of 45, the war between Osima and Iron Star was so dramatic.

Before this battle, outside observers in Osimar believed that Iron Star would seize the loophole in Kaidi City in the north. But as everyone knew, the center was suddenly penetrated directly by Iron Star.

Minlar quickly outflanked and directly completed the siege network of the Osima Empire on the southern front, and annihilated the 160,000-strong "Gangluan Corps" on the southern front of the Osima Empire before February 4, 3246.

, this is a day in Iron Star where all the old-school officers in the Sky Empire are proud, shouting to restore the Sky Empire.

Of course, what followed was the robbery of food in rural areas by the old armies of the Iron Star Federation, which caused protests in the southern uprising area of ​​Osimar. Because if they invaded directly, it would be no different from the past Sky Empire era.

...The Diao Minwei in the Osima area are not used to "chauvinism"...

Iron Star's top decision-makers (mainly at the request of Enma) did not continue the fight, began to restrain the troops, and compensated the southern agricultural areas according to the order. The Peasants' Youth Association in Iron Star also had the brains to supervise the frontline operations: looting

, far less profitable than trade, Iron Star’s large industrial city in the east of Osimar needs to arrange a market.

Under the constraints of various left-oriented forces within Iron Star, the imperial faction of those armies was suppressed.

Bess succeeded Minlar. He occupied these favorable terrains and formed a line of defense. Using three of the highlands as base points, he established a favorable forward military base.

At the same time, Willy of course signed an agreement with the leader of the rebel army in the south. The two sides redrawn their boundaries based on natural rivers. Sky exchanged a piece of territory in the south with an outlet for the territory where Osimar's Kaidi City is located.

Generally speaking, in terms of area, Sky Iron Star has ceded more territory, but it has mastered the strategic advantage on the eastern front.

The most important thing is to reach a comprehensive reconciliation for this bloody battle front and create a model. In the future, both sides will dismantle the long fortress group and synchronize the economic and urban road planning of both sides.

Of course, this made the soldiers of the imperial faction in Iron Star noisy and felt that this was inappropriate. (Minral did not speak directly in it, but he mobilized emotions)

These thoughts of the old empire in the sky are not limited to the empire: they do not understand why, as a strong party, they did not expand or even transfer some territory.

Wei Keng understood that this was God's purpose: to let all the hearts of change decay in the passage of time.

Iron Star cannot remain as it is now forever, so its progress in other uprisings on the mainland must be fast.

…Change is not a turn-based system. If the flames of emerging forces are not strong enough, the old forces will cover up the sparks with thick quilts…

In the second half of 3246, Iron Star ended the Osimar military operation and reorganized the Council.

After the Sky Iron Stars began to evacuate in an orderly manner, a large number of instructors were left behind to establish the Osimar United Federation and began to guide the local Osimar Iron Star forces to reorganize.

As part of the uprising in the south, the local faction Wei Hao was a bystander: these instructors, Sky Iron Star, had such an "arrogant" attitude, but they still did some practical things.

After the nationalization of Osimar's heavy industry, it began to restart. The rebuilt Osimar Defense Force also began to rebuild its mechanized force, and now has a quite strong land cruiser unit.

All imperial forces across the continent have turned their attention to Osimar.

Whether it is Anglo, the largest constitutional empire, or third-rate powers such as Cyrol, the aristocratic factions in these empires, just like how they guarded against the "co-consultation faction" of Verre, began to use "peace" disguise to "fight" with the radicals at the bottom.

"Peace" is an attempt to take a small step back and eliminate the risk of riots.

The Iron Star movement in southern Osimar now advocates reform, which is far more restless than the "rational revolution" advocated by Ver. This can more resonate with the mud-legged people (the lower class who have locked up educational resources from the upper class), but it is

Let those middle-level business class people who have eaten ink feel uncomfortable.

For example, the Southern Austrian Tienong News said: All upper-class aristocratic culture must be buried in the ground, or a reward of 500 yuan may be received in a museum.

The "informed classes" of the city's mid-level businesses in Osimane called for an understanding to be reached.

Wei Keng: Whether the petty bourgeoisie has a broad vision is proportional to the amount of its assets, and those with extremely large assets are destined to be in the minority, so the bourgeoisie is destined to be short-sighted and weak.

Turning to the other side, Boma has quietly completed the operation of "going home for surgery".

Boma is not too nervous about the huge changes in Osima, because Sky Iron Star, as a "gendarme", forcibly defeated Osima, and now the "enlightened faction" replaced on the Wind Whispering Plain are almost all related to Ver.


These "bourgeois" replaced by the Fengyu regime are actually closer to Verre.

...Wei Keng: Allies that have been kidnapped by force are not firm. Sky Iron Star is wrong in principle. Military victory is not a victory...

In February 3246 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, Poma had completed a military coup in the capital of Vers in heavy fog.

With soldiers wearing iron boots and steaming mechanical spiders, they rushed into the gorgeous meeting hall, arrested the indifferent parliamentary gentlemen in the Versailles Parliament in one fell swoop, and threw them into prison for trial. Several times

In the major defeat in the war with the Eastern Angles, the blame thrown away by these gentlemen was redistributed to them.

After Pomar gained military and political power, he began to essentially dominate the entire Versailles.

On the marble-patterned table, the situation around Verre is displayed, including Anglian to the west, Osimar to the east, and Cyrol to the southeast. Now the focus is on Osimar.

Poma was angry at the rubbish diplomatic methods of the Communist Council. Osima's sudden declaration of war on Iron Star was undoubtedly a trap for Ver, who was currently fighting a bitter war.

But after calming down, Boma looked at the mountainous map of Osimar again. In the past, Vern was the exporter of revolution. Wherever there was resistance to the imperial system in various places, Vern people supported it with both hands.

For example, after the revolution in the Sky Empire, the Anglos decried it as "chaotic and evil", while the Verrens, who pioneered the "consensus system", claimed that it was a positive and beautiful thing.

But when Tie Xing began to export his own set of ideas, the upper-class politicians in Vern felt threatened. Oh, nominally they would not slap themselves in the face and withdraw their support for the "imperialist resistance to freedom", but in their words,

They will claim that the Iron Star concept has been revised and is problematic.

Especially now, the Windwhisper Plain of Osima is already Ver's source of raw materials, and the Southern Corps is pushing forward step by step, essentially harming Ver's interests.

...Boma now claims to be a "renovation" faction, but he and Tie Xing are not "comrades", but rivals vying for the right to speak...

When Boma was looking at the map, Orr walked in. At this time, he was impressed by Boma's charisma.

Orr was entrusted with an important task and entered the Western Front to fight against the Anglos. He is now a level four hero. After he walked in and saluted Boma, Boma asked straight to the point: "What about the southern rebels in Osima?"

the opinion of".

Orr looked at the map of the south in confusion. Two years ago, he was sent by Iron Star to complete the great uprising in the north, and fought in coordination with the southern rebels. Regarding the group of Iron Star Agricultural Youth Association-style rebels in the southern hills,

Orr's impression was that weapons were very backward and needed leadership.

But before he had time to lead, he was defeated by Boma's intervention force. Now this rebel army has completed the structure of the southern weapons system and is able to launch more and more attacks on the imperial troops in the Wind Whispering Plains of Osima.

Although his face was not red during the big battle, there was a scar in his heart.

When Orr finished his report, Boma nodded to him and asked him to leave temporarily.

Boma looked at the map of the continent with a pen. As a traveler, he had already made a judgment.

Boma: "In this battle for continental hegemony, there can only be one dominant player. So Iron Star must withdraw."

But fighting on the east and west fronts was the biggest problem. Faer faced the powerful enemy Anglian in the west, and it was not suitable for him to be dragged into the war with Iron Star in the east. So~~~~ he had a calculation in his mind.

…Boma is prepared to use diplomacy to pull another force into the trap...

Verne diplomats had "covert" but not-so-covert contacts with Ironstar about Ocema, contacts that were confided to the Angles by Verne double agents.

The Anglo is a traditional ally of Osimar, and has always been concerned about the changes in the situation in Osimar. If the Anglo diplomats are allowed to be idle, the troublemakers will think about "how to provoke conflicts between Ver and Iron Star."

Obviously, Pomerania did not give the Anglo diplomats a chance to do nothing.

It was at this time that Bomar took control of the media: Iron Star and Vern joined forces to divide Anglo's interests in Bohai.

Anglo diplomacy has always been "rational" in the past, but this rationality is based on the premise of "offshore". They can show off-shore balance as a gentleman and wear white gloves to mediate." But once they are involved,

Just like a mad dog.

This is because if a "catastrophic diplomatic failure" occurs in the Anglo Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and relevant business interests are affected, the Anglo people will launch an attack in parliament, and then take the blame on the Prime Minister, and the Foreign Minister will have to be overwhelmed. If this happens,

It is easy for Anglo's top decision-makers to make mistakes on these "issues".

Boma's system provides the most "lucky" (speculative) solution.

Two months later, in the northernmost direction of the mainland, a sea and air force of Anger moved towards the northern port. A huge task force consisting of six airships and sixteen battleships began a special operation in the Bohai area.


The airship looks fat and slow, but that is compared to an airplane. The speed of 80 to 90 kilometers per hour is almost twice as fast as a 32-knot high-speed battleship. Therefore, the fleet walks in a straight line below, and

The airship takes an S-shaped channel in the sky.

The Anglo naval and air fleet arrived at the northern Yuzui Port again because of the current changes in the international situation.

In the past few months, the new government of Vers led by Bomar first dispatched troops to the south and defeated the border defense forces of Cyrol, forcing Cyrol to form a military alliance with Ver, and then made peace with the Verses.

Iron Star, the two sides discussed some "good" things together, including denying the legitimacy of "Sky Empire".

This makes the Anglians very nervous. If Ver successfully unites the entire continent, then the Anglians will most likely be targeted.

Therefore, when General Ver's army intervened in the south, Angla hurriedly came to the north of Osimar again, determined to establish leadership here.

...In the chaos on the mainland, Anglo is more frightened than Ver...

On the airship, as the helium in the cabin heats and expands, the ceiling is raised. Yunli looked at the sea below the airship, and a long trail was clearly left on the sea.

The superstructure is like a battleship of a pagoda. Under the sunlight, it elongates its oblique reflection toward the north.

On the steel frame on the left side of the airship, aerial workers, with metal chains hanging around their waists and holding observation equipment in their hands, observed the sea ahead with circles of halo in front of their left eyes.

These observation arrays can look into the distance and observe invisible objects in the surroundings.

The people driving the airship at this time were the people from Sherry's escort team back then. Ever since they were attacked by Ludis' stealth air assault team, causing the princess to fall, these members of the old guard had been wary of any suspicious air currents in the air.

As the groups of propeller reconnaissance planes on the airship were released from the hook locks, Yunli also wanted to fly her own plane for a lookout, but was stopped by the captain of the airship.

The captain asked Yunli very politely about the aerial flight mission, and then asked for advice on how to repair the aerial sextant.

In fact, as a captain, how could he not know this stuff? He just wanted to keep Yunli here.

The Anglo intervention in the northern section will be put aside for now.

…On that day, some people shouldered the honor of their family, while others began their own “free development”…

At this time, on the iron felt fort, on the aerial platform, An Jiexin looked at the air force training corps in the sky. The guys in the Air Force Training Corps started rocket afterburners in the air and at the same time changed the wings to delta wings. During the dive, even

There was a snapping sound ahead, and a cone-shaped cloud wall appeared.

An Jiexin asked: "What is that guy's name?"

The instructor said: "Well, a student, well, a little madman, likes high speed very much."

An Jiexin smiled: "I also like high speed." - Her car relied on ground-effect aircraft to carry out assaults.

Controlling high speeds requires excellent conceptual knowledge of fluid mechanics. Otherwise, turbulence during speed changes and turns will cause the aircraft to become unstable and crash.

At this time, in the sky, on the aircraft controlled by Zheng Nian, the tail flap changes and the blades popping out of the wings are controlling the airflow vortices to keep the aircraft stable in difficult conditions.

...Wei Keng is born to dig holes, while some people are born to spread their wings...

In the aviation hall, An Jiexin saw Zheng Nian. When she saw that it was a twelve-year-old child, she couldn't help but be startled.

But then, what made her even more scrupulous was the identity of this child.

An Jiexin clicked on the information chain in the industrial concept field. Oh, this is an electronic plane in the etheric world. Only heroes can understand such an information system. When Iron Star was established, the information survey on the people was also unprecedented.


An Jiexin saw Zheng Nian's identity, took a deep breath, shook her head at Zheng Nian and said, "In military operations, you need to obey orders. You are too lively. Please study again."

When An Jiexin turned around and left, Zheng Nian's originally high-spirited eyes showed disappointment, and then a flash of thought flashed across his face.

Zheng Nian, who is only 12 years old, is a genius. He skipped the full-time courses. What is rare is that he did not waste his energetic youth. Now he entered the military base prematurely due to his "high altitude" and has a broad vision. He has a broad vision for the future of the mainland.

He has his own unique views on military development.

This chapter has been completed!
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