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Chapter 766 Chapter 18.01 Come prepared, this matter is not over yet

 On February 24, 3249 in the Fire Emblem Calendar, in a super-industrial city, Wei Keng (Enma) was walking on the street. This is a habit developed after the peaceful era.

Enma took two steps and saw a lady holding a small dog on the street. This lady was exquisitely dressed, with arrogant eyes, and she was holding the "little pet" gracefully. Wei Keng paused slightly and raised his head to look at the sky.

The buildings getting taller and taller made me feel a little frozen.

Ever since the voice of "Bai Linglu" was silenced, the traveler who had turned into a god in this plane was looking at Wei Keng from a one-sided perspective.

The two highest gods of the multidimensional planes, "Destiny" and "Knowledge", look at the mortal world in their respective temples.

Facing most things in the world, they can have a comprehensive view from their own position, but now facing Wei Keng who is too rich, they have to exchange the information they have observed.

Knowledge: He (Wei Keng) is here to fight.

Destiny: But on the other hand, he (Wei Keng) also longs for quiet times.

Now this may be Wei Keng's last years in Wanlun Continent.

In the industrial area, Enma looked at what seemed to be a watch in his hand and waited silently.

While passing by the business district, Wei Keng leaned against the wall, and heard the singing of a charity seller in the distance. She seemed to be a young lady, and her singing was very beautiful. This song will be held on the street in the past two weeks.

He was singing, but he didn't want to join in the fun, so he sat far away and listened.

Today's singing was particularly beautiful, and I couldn't help but close my eyes. It seemed like I was addicted to it, but in fact, Enma had activated his "clairvoyance magic" in large and small areas in the city, and most of the surveillance systems were installed on high-rise buildings in the city.

The perspective points are all transmitted to Enma.

"Unknowingly", Enma was guided to the school, which was an aristocratic girls' school in the Sky Empire era, but has now been converted into a regular school.

Suddenly, Enma frowned. In the freezing moment of time, he felt pain and was sure that the enemy had taken action.

Enma seemed to be covering his broken arm, looking at the fluctuating light on the iron star in the distance. The forbidden law was restricting it, and it was now fluctuating violently.

Enma glanced around the city. Within a six-kilometer radius, a hemispherical magic barrier was formed. Oh, this is a magical barrier.

Wei Keng had psychological expectations for the emergence of this barrier, but the fact that the barrier covered so much made Wei Keng's heart sink.

Because under the suppression of the iron star, any "constant fluctuation" arcane system, including "magic" miracles, will be relatively weakened. In the past few years, newspapers have continued to insist that "truth" will surely defeat evil. This has made many

Mysteries have lost their former explosive power.

But now in the "Scientific Cognition of Iron Star" field, these attackers can still expand the magic so much. That's because the hearts of many people in the sky have been shaken.

A newspaper fell at Enma's feet, and the serial "Swaying Style" told the love story of the potion master.

This serialized story is highly praised by urban girls of this generation. As the "story is fascinating", it begins to shake the concept of stability that Iron Star has maintained for ten years.

Ten years ago, "the story of a noble abducting a bankrupt farmer's daughter and the girl eloping with a poor young man" has now begun to be ignored by modern young women. Some modern female students think: "Why should we elope with a poor young man? Isn't it bad to marry a noble?"

". Narrator: Because the line "Be my woman" that the nobles said when they were snatching women is exactly the same as the "Excellent nobles marry Cinderella" sold at the school gate now.

Enma couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, I forgot, in the peace era, the concept of desperate resistance is gradually disappearing."

The forbidden magic effect of Iron Star has been weakening in the past seven years. If Iron Star had just flourished, bang, the power of the gods would definitely not dare to provoke it.

Enma raised his hand and brought his arm close to his body. Without the effect of the forbidden spell, Enma regenerated his body.

...As a living being, Wei Keng has strong enough adaptability and margin in various environments...

The arcana of life repair below the fourth ring has now broken away from magic and has become a contemporary technology. The industry will also specialize in manufacturing nanoscale intelligent structures to assist in cell production and bone bonding.

In this "multiverse" world, the boundaries between science and magic are blurred

Science is applied after "the world has recognized it" and "quantum tunneling has stabilized".

Magic is a technical application of "the arcanist's personal mental power to grasp the frequency of the fluctuation cycle" under the condition of "the world is ignorant" and "quantum tunneling is uncertain and fluctuating".

It can be said that there is no conflict between the great arcanist and the great scientist at all, but it depends on whether the field involved is well-known to the public.

The establishment of the people's idealistic worldview determines how the few people who grasp the truth use objective laws.

Magic can become a more stable and popular technology as the amount of knowledge in the world increases and the light of cognition is shrouded in it.

Of course, technology will also follow the ignorance of the world and be tampered with by various superstitious concepts. It will become unstable and a magic that only a few people can master.

In ancient times, "stability of physical constants" was a taboo that belonged to certain rules of the gods. It is not determined by the common sense of civilized humans today.

...Wei Keng encountered a large barrier near this girls' school. Here, the cognition of the worldview in interpersonal communication is divorced from science. This is the key to the support of this barrier...

As a great arcanist, Enma has not used magic for a long time.

The same is true for the Arcanists of Iron Star. In the conceptual field established by the people in the industrial area, technology can be used on a large scale.

To use the magic of the "mysterious field", the intellectuals must have mental strength to maintain the stable arcane configuration of the information, which is obviously troublesome compared to science. - Isn't the individual missile more popular than the fireball technique?

But now, some kind of force has condensed some side knowledge of the industrial city.

Siren song (love), dragon dream (lust for power), and gold coins for annihilation (greed), these three are now known to be the prerequisites for "city and country-level humans to escape reality" to activate the Great Advent Technique


Currently in this barrier, spells above the sixth level can be easily used. As for higher spells, under the illumination of the iron star that "represents the bottom line rationality of mortals", the concept will still be denied.

Enma took out a light blade in his hand and glanced around. The people listening to the song a few hundred meters away were in a state of intoxication, like lingering sounds. Wei Keng breathed out: "It's just like the rotten scum of the short video."

The BGM is the same."

Enma politely walked up to the pretty girl and spoke three ocean languages, namely, Nash mermaid language, Utanhai tribe, and the last kind of Kachu mermaid.

...Wei Keng has many separate hobbies, one of which is: As for me, I read more ancient history in my free time...

When Enma spoke the three languages ​​of the sea people, the lady couldn't help but be surprised, but it was the Kachu Mermaid language that gave her the biggest reaction.

The Nash mermaid still has a fish tail, while the Kachu mermaid has degenerated its tail and relies entirely on magic output, which is the famous siren song.

When Enma spoke the Sea Clan language so proficiently, the Siren looked carefully to determine the target's bloodline.

Note: The Kraken clan has more females than males, so the powerful mermaid will not kill the males. Just like in the main world, men are very "Cao Prime Minister" and will lock up two Qiaos in a tongquechun.

Of course, after Enma mobilized the concept field and showed that he was a complete human being, the siren felt a little regretful. But then he turned his sadness into coldness.

The charming lady fiddled with her hair coquettishly: "I admire your erudition. If it weren't for some reason, I'd really like to have a chat with you.

Wei Keng's eyes narrowed: "Oh, really, I'm also curious about how species from the Magic Age exist to this day. You didn't climb out of that sewer, did you?"

Wei Keng had the foulest mouth when he tore his face apart. He successfully stimulated the eight venomous snakes hidden in the hair of the posing mermaid to come out.

Wei Keng waved his hand, and several space gates appeared symmetrically around his perfectly corrected body. Groups of mechanical suits similar to those of interstellar ghost agents were transmitted, and the next moment they flickered and spliced ​​onto his body.

The sixth-level magic door, this spell, if there is an electromagnetic energy supply, is actually technology, but the energy dispatch is magic, and it directly extracts energy from the entire barrier.

The Siren couldn't help but pause. As an ancient heroic spirit that fused flesh and blood on the altar, she was a demigod far beyond a mortal. But the person in front of her now was no mortal either.

Enma has reached the top of the Grand Arcanist for many years, and all the basic attributes have been stacked to the limit. As for the arcane knowledge system, it is the first under the legend.

In the etheric world, Wei Keng has long been pursuing the essence rather than using a few rings of magic.

The Siren sensed the threat of the man in front of him and immediately took action. The pupils on his better face turned blue and strange, and the original teeth became sharper, even more terrifying.

The song changed from elegance to howl, and the calm water surface wrinkled in the sound waves.

The powerful song of the Siren immediately caused everyone within a one-kilometer radius to fall into coma. The towering Iron Star turned crimson, trying to maintain the concept, but it could not block the transmission of quantum information, so that in the process of obstruction, the Iron Star

The star overheated and melted.

Enma opened a particle shield, and after the sound wave passed, a sniper bomb swept over.

When the bullet hit, the Banshee instantly turned into bubbles. There were so many bubbles that it was like a fire engine clearing the area.

Enma thought silently: Substitution technique?

Then the communicator was turned on, and as the communicator emitted electromagnetic waves, the "Industrial Summoning Array" flashed in the dark red barrier sky.

In the etheric world, the concept airship jumped out of the warp gate, and the metallic bomb bay opened, spreading out technological detection nanoclouds and scanning the surrounding waters.

…This airship looks like technology, but is actually magic. It is a unit in Red Alert, a video game recently developed by Ironstar Electronics.…

Enma locked the well 600 meters away, and the combat system popped up the Siren's talent attribute "Water Solubility", which is a characteristic that can melt its body in water.

After learning the information, Wei Keng held the light blade in his hand slightly, and the target water body was locked by the aerial searchlight. The entire water surface was filled with nano clouds, and a golden hexagonal light film froze the water surface. The roaring fanged fish in the water body was mechanically captured

The chain trapped him and he caught the fish.

Twenty seconds later, Wei Keng grabbed the banshee by her hair and dragged her out of the water. The nano cloud between his fingers began to seep into her skull like liquid.

Geometric arcane symbols jump in the shape of Enma's eyebrows, preparing enchantment spells and mind control technology to forcibly control the target's soul.

After the Wei Keng spell is formed, the target will be subject to a forced judgment. If the will is lower than Wei Keng, the memory system will forcibly peel off part of it and enter Wei Keng.

However, just as Wei Keng was casting the spell, a golden spear shot from the side of Wei Keng.

Enma had to terminate the spell and dodged it for a moment.

The confused look in Banshee's eyes returned to normal. She looked at her teammates who came to the side, and said with some complaints: "Your angle should be more precise. It's over." In her opinion, if the gun just fired was behind Wei Keng, then

Obviously the probability of hitting is higher.

Enma's posture as he ducked sideways to avoid the golden spear was very heroic. In the eyes of the new knights who joined the battle, Enma obviously also had excellent combat skills. Such combat skills could only be possessed by powerful knights in his time.

Enma turned to look at the knight in armor with golden patterns, and slowly commented on the arcane magic on the spear: "The forging technology of this sharpness is a legend of the Age of Miracles when the Anglo-Independence was a thousand years ago. Well,

It seems that you are from the Kingdom of God."

The Knight of Blades raised his sword and said to Wei Keng: "I have been instructed by God to fight with you." Then, without any movement of his face, he said to the banshee beside him in an announcement-like manner: "Ariel, you have failed.

Now, you have nothing to do from now on."

Enma frowned and said, "In five minutes, the city security department will break through the barrier you set up. No matter what kind of heroes you were in the past, you should not exist here in this era."

Ren Lie looked at Enma silently: "Thousands of years later, you will become the same existence as us."

Wei Keng smiled disdainfully, "Thousands of years later, I will not be in this state of immortality. To be resurrected by relying on the concrete concepts imagined by the "weak" is the greatest humiliation of life. Yes.

If you are a hero, you should not climb out of the coffin after death to explain how great you were in the past. Now get back into the coffin and leave all rights of understanding to future generations, and give the future freedom and enlightenment."

Renlie paused: "What you said makes sense, but I don't have time to debate. Let's take action."

He flashed in front of Wei Keng. Wei Keng also fired at the same time, but the bullet passed through the air-flowing blade body and missed.

The knight's sword appeared in the void and cut it down directly. Enma avoided it, leaving a crack that was twenty meters long. This was comparable to the destructive power of a main battle tank. It was the top-level output of the ancient warrior profession.

The damage done by the mage is not as good as the flat slashing of the warrior. When the magic network was strong, some mages did not believe this statement.

Entering a completely mysterious era, many wizards strengthened their followers to become Sky Knight-level warriors, which further intensified the mages' arrogance.

But a warrior with true faith as strong as iron can defeat a spell with just one look. In most of history, warriors had higher attack power than mages, and noble mages could only help the team deal with various complex problems.

Enma couldn't help but take a breath when he saw this destructive power. Good guy, the organic chemical bonds in the microstructure of this knight's carbon-based body may have been strengthened to a level comparable to the chemical bond strength of metal, ceramic and inorganic substances.

Enma adjusted his posture, strengthened the elasticity of his ligaments, and jumped onto the wall lightly. He calculated multiple points of force and evaded flexibly.

Next, as the blades continued to attack, Enma flexibly jumped out of the attack range. Each jump was at least fifty meters away. According to the data value, this agility was terrifying. It was no less powerful than the knights of the blades.

human level.

While Enma is jumping, it does not prevent him from pushing the projectiles into the firearm and starts firing one shot at a time.

With this kiting style, some of the bullets are blocked, but some of them consume the durability of the Blade Knight's armor. Of course, it also consumes the time that the barrier can be maintained.

The Blade Knight waved a big sword like a toothpick, blocking the bullet fired by Wei Keng. Wei Keng, who also used a sword, was in awe.

...Wei Keng is good at using swordsmanship, but now he keeps shooting because shooting belongs to modern concepts. Constantly using modern concepts in fighting can attack the conceptual source of the barrier...

The current confrontation cannot continue like this. As the magic barrier gradually begins to shrink, at the last moment one party will definitely come up with a key bargaining chip to break the deadlock.

Six minutes later, the barrier was broken, and Enma on the roof began to face the row of blades thrusting from bottom to top, and carried out a final counterattack, because after the barrier was broken, the concept of the iron star would suppress these abnormal phenomena, and the blades

Lie's superhuman physical strength will be greatly weakened.

However, when Enma was in the air, he looked at the guided artillery shells flying towards him in the distance, and let out the last sigh of his body: "Oh, there is still an ambush."

But a lightsaber suddenly shot out from Enma's hand and penetrated the blade array.

The assassin seemed very uneasy, as mortar shells from the outside fell one after another, and the charges stabilized by magic flashed with heavy waves of death light.

In the distance, the Anglo Magister looked at the scene after the white light went out, and said to the Blade Knight: "Andrew, retreat."

The Blade Knight stood up from the rubble of the building, looked at the evaporated favor horse, with a blank expression on his face, and then asked his summoner as if he had exerted great restraint: "Ga, why are you interfering in a fair duel between knights?


Jia: "He doesn't want to have a fair duel with you. If you don't use the divine punishment to destroy him, in ten minutes he will mobilize the machinery and destroy you in the air."

A few seconds later, the mage named Jia took a step back in silence and explained: "Your Excellency Knight, this is a magical war between countries." (In short, this can be done through conspiracy, and in the end, conspiracy can be used.

At least this is normal among Anglos)

…At this time, Wei Keng’s sarcastic voice came from the air above the city: Conspirators always plot for themselves and mark their rationality…

The Anglo Magister paused for a moment and looked at the sky in disbelief. After solving the "Iron Star Hero", he found that there seemed to be no end, and he couldn't help feeling frightened in his heart.

At this time, the Wei Keng cluster was one after another, one was lost, and a new "leverage" appeared.

And the Anglo Magisters didn’t know that their assassination was part of the God War. In the next ten years, the entire Anglo’s “whitewashing of justice” behavior will be completely exposed, and they will suffer huge causal backlash.

The Blade Knight sighed and touched his heart. No one knew that part of the summoned knight's soul had been taken away. Also, part of his real contractor Yunli's soul had been taken away.

Taken away.

The Anglians completed their purpose at the last moment, but as one of the participants, Renlie also suddenly understood the purpose of "Enma" at the last moment.

Renlie has never seen this kind of spell before. This is not to save himself, but to drag the "opponent" to fall into the cause and effect.

Happy New Year to my brother and sister-in-law.

This chapter has been completed!
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