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Chapter 18.13 Who is the 'advantage'

 In the Pantheon, many middle-ranking and high-ranking gods no longer have the calmness of the past.

Now the supreme God is silent and no longer shows "miracles", because "miracles" are always targeted by the "axis" and "skin".

The planes where the first wave of Wei Keng will descend are now engaged in divine warfare.

As a mortal, Wei Keng turned God's trial war into an "arm wrestling".

It has been four centuries since Wei Keng entered the time-travel era. He has already established his own direction in terms of his cognitive system of "life and death". His accumulation and construction model of "dimensional consciousness" is different from other time-travelers of the same period.

Wei Keng: Those who have been fighting for themselves will spare no effort to make all uncertain factors certain one by one, while the so-called "adapted to war" existence will only get used to these uncertainties.

In the arcane world, even if "gods" act as uncertain factors, Wei Keng still makes these uncertain factors controllable. Therefore, gods have basically no chance of ending up in the decisive battle.

..."Tracing the source", the power of breaking open boxes, and the "godhead" system, the manufacturing constraint framework model, are about to collide...

Nowadays, when all the "intelligent creatures" in the multi-dimensional world face Wei Keng and fight with all their strength, God cannot save them, because the gap between the consciousness of the two worlds in terms of war is really too big!

This can be observed in the numerous fate calculations carried out by the "gods" by looking down at multiple timelines.

The fate of mortals in multiple planes can be determined by observing a hundred timelines, and all their choices and tendencies can be determined. Through various interferences, they can be inclined to "orderly good" or "chaotic evil". You must know that the sword and

In the age of magic, gods could even make succubus become paladin out of love.

As for Wei Keng, the gods have observed tens of thousands of timelines, and the tendency to go against the will of God has remained unchanged. It is even like adding fuel to the fire. The more interference there is, the stronger the tendency of Wei Keng that the gods want to change. (In

Wei Keng cannot change the general direction.)

In terms of war methods and choices, among the tens of thousands of timelines of gods, Wei Keng found that Wei Keng was not the same and never followed fixed experience. No matter how bad his luck was, he could still find the possibility of victory. (In terms of details, Wei Keng is not the same.

Can’t figure it out.)

…When Wei Keng first came, the gods were full of confidence…

However, those who have traveled through the "god" system have not yet realized Wei Keng's advancement in the direction of "consciousness system" (tracing of origins).

They just thought that Wei Keng had launched the "super-computing algorithm" and had technical advantages.

So they are preparing to open a war front! The first wave of Wei Keng's multidimensional planes came to a thousand, and now they are opening more planes based on the nature of Wei Keng's consciousness, trying to use the number of planes to drown Wei Keng's "self-destiny"

The power of calculation.

But now they have opened thousands of planes to the second wave of Wei Keng coming, and the Wei Keng on each plane has been at least more than thirty years.

But is this possible? Can it really dilute Wei Keng's "destiny calculation power"? Financial goddess Li Yishuang's group believes: "This is possible, but six thousand planes will not work, then 60,000 planes, 60,000

If there are not 600,000 planes, can he (Wei Keng) really fill the entire multiverse?"

At present, only Sainz, who is under the command of the God of Knowledge, has raised objections: "It may not be the advantage of 'computing power technology'! It is the development of another technical direction."

The God of Technology clearly felt that Wei Keng's consciousness this time was different from the last time. Although Wei Keng's consciousness was also very strong last time, enough to reach the level of a superior god, this time, there seemed to be a "change". This "change"

It is not the aging and passivation of the old time travellers, as we thought in the past, but a better evolution.

Sainz now discovered through plane sampling that after opening six thousand planes, Wei Keng's consciousness not only failed to develop toward the "easily predictable" signs under the gods' observation system, but it got worse.

As Li Yishuang is now frantically opening up the planes, trying to suppress the entire multidimensional planes in the confrontation, Sainz feels uneasy.

Ever since, Sainz, as the "darling of knowledge", came to the Palace of Knowledge, met his father God, and said: "If this divine war is not restricted, it may destroy the entire multidimensional order."

In the library, the God of Knowledge, who was sorting out books, said leisurely: "The order of the multidimensional planes is going to change. If the result is really like that, we can only acquiesce."

…Now “knowledge” and “destiny” have re-recognized Wei Keng.…

Wei Keng's self-ideology in the mortal world once brought great confusion to the gods. If there was no war, Wei Keng would always be the "man in the middle", but now the peace period is over!

In the multidimensional planes, at least a long epoch has not occurred in which a "king-level consciousness super war" has occurred, and many gods have always felt good.

In the early days, the gods used to spy on Master Wei's mortal feelings and learned that Wei Keng believed that he had "a low chance of winning", just like a scumbag who believed in the top student's "failed to pass the exam" when competing against each other, which resulted in a "large plane level".

" misunderstanding.

...The God of Knowledge sent away "technology", and the God of Destiny also avoided the request of "Finance"...

At the Temple of Destiny, Michaelena looked at the future and couldn't help but recall the first time he met Wei Keng. Unlike the later gods of the multidimensional world, he had witnessed some of the past of Wei Keng, an "antique".

At the end of the 27th century, in the "empty twisting plane", Wei Keng was still "unremarkable". At least among the old generation of time travelers who came from the countryside, Wei Keng could not see anything extraordinary, and his resume was only three

The plane is unremarkable.

Such a resume of "a widower with only a few plane-travel experiences" is very mediocre in the eyes of non-king-level travelers in today's multi-dimensional space.

Contemporary travelers claim to have traveled through hundreds of planes, but in fact they are just different worlds in multiple planes. However, Wei Keng has now descended into thousands of planes in clusters, opening up timelines and evolving time clusters, which is only a one-time travel process.


However, Wei Keng's mediocre resume back then had already laid the foundation for everything today.

For most traversers, the gains gained by traveling through planes in the early stages are useless in the later stages. But Wei Keng is the "steps" accumulated in each plane, which are a solid foundation.

In the early days, Wei Keng's first plane, Shenzhou, developed "objectivity in time and space, subjectivity in history", and the "group will" in the Pandora plane. Even now, they all play a central role in wars in multiple planes.

In the early days of the Great Time Travel Era, Wei Keng's evolution was inconspicuous, but now that all the "inconspicuous" people have gathered into one system, they have qualitatively crushed the "god-making" system that has been free and scattered across multiple dimensions for centuries.

Michaelena and Wei Keng met once in the early days, but they never met again.

He gradually opened up a large number of regular areas in the multiverse. After she turned into him, Wei Keng continued to be "obscure" in some early planes and edge planes. (Oh, this is unknown compared to the king level of the same generation.


During the Third Plane War, when everyone was prospering in multiple time travels, Wei Keng was still following a "narrow" path of development, and encountered "obstacles" unintentionally set up by his own path (Li Yishuang led Wei Keng into

Unpopular dark plane).

Now in the 31st century, after her home "multiverse" has been carved up, Wei Keng arrives again.

It is said that before, the future of Wei Keng's main plane (Pandora plane) was lost, and Wei Keng went to rescue him and lost at least one-third of his consciousness!

All veteran travelers from the pastoral era believe that Wei Keng is already the "last aftermath".

Michaelena also felt that Wei Keng would survive in the cracks of this huge "ecosystem" of gods with multiple dimensions.

But Wei Keng's current strength is beyond common sense: "destiny" cannot be twisted, "emotion" cannot be fettered, "conspiracy" and gravel can make it more advantageous, but it cannot be biased. The almost infinite "knowledge" is even more powerful.

It couldn't drown out his gaze.

…All gods are guiding the thinking of humans in multiple dimensions, but Wei Keng does not follow the “standard path” set by any god…

For example, in terms of "knowledge", another god, the God of Knowledge, also learned from the knowledge accumulation of the "Middle Man".

Faced with the nearly infinite knowledge under the changing rules of multiple planes, Wei Keng uses his own world view to pick up knowledge that is useful for him to "remember the past", "stand on the present" and "future development". As for many side branches, the possibility of harvesting is not

With high knowledge, Wei Keng, the "middle man", gave full play to his self-knowledge. After understanding the framework, he gave up.

Wei Keng does not think that his energy is unlimited, and he only studies the subjects of the paper. As for learning knowledge, it is not for the purpose of "understanding what others do not understand" and achieving a proud position over others.

Only when others might kill themselves by using this discipline, Wei Keng would be the last to catch up.

For example 1: Pharmacy, the most pretentious subject, most of the development was stagnant. Advanced pharmacy is a subject that can make people at the top of the power bow down. However, Master Wei is careless and careless, and it is also because he is in a class.

I didn’t deserve it, so I basically didn’t follow.

For example 2: Dragon Guards Attack Tough Warfare. Wei Keng originally didn't know how to do this by himself, but Zheng Nian evolved this tactic through mathematical formulas. Wei Keng just gritted his teeth and followed it hard.

Never say that you can't keep up. As long as you have a breath, it means that you are alive and you have to work hard to stay alive (Wei Keng in the "Intentional Field Plane" also fought hard against the impact of stars).

If Wei Qiang were still here, he would reveal his brother's character traits: "When he was a child, he would only work hard to memorize things by rote if he might fail the next school year."

And if someone (current mainstream leaders such as Qin Tianfang and Michaelina) learns this information, they will understand: how to set up a comfort zone to keep Wei Keng in place. Instead of being like Li Yishuang, who thinks he understands "

"The opponent in the future conflict", so he played dirty tricks in advance and teased Mr. Wei.

But, the only person who knew how to make Wei Keng "mediocre" (Wei Qiang) is gone.

..."Destiny" is helpless, "Knowledge" is speechless!...

Monat was also shocked by Wei Keng. The "knowledge" he was in charge of was being reversely defined by Wei Keng, "whether it adapts to the times."

Wei Keng: Every time the wheel of an era turns, a large amount of old knowledge is swept into the corner, and new knowledge comes to the stage. It is equivalent to the technology of "thief", which is useless under the surveillance cameras all over the sky.

Gorgeous knowledge is like gems. When arcanists are spoiled for choice among them, they want to know everything.

As for Wei Keng, he was able to deal with it freely. According to the environment of his time, he could select the inconspicuous gravel and soil, or bake porcelain, bricks and tiles to build buildings, or forge armor and swords.

Wei Keng's "axis" on himself fully illustrates: "It is 'people' who define 'value', and non-'value' controls human beings."

Oh, by the way, if Wei Keng's team of monitors is still there at this stage, and Bai Linglu still plays some "buffering" role when there is a serious conflict between the multidimensional planes and Wei Keng. Bai Linglu can at least put Wei Keng into

There are certain things that I don’t want to say that I want to explain clearly to these “god” level time travellers.

It would not be like now where the gods "do not understand their opponents" and a large number of gods are trapped in the "bottom of the pit" and cannot jump out.

The war between gods has reached this point. Monat, who has the highest perspective on the "knowledge" system, now has a neutral attitude. He has discovered that Wei Keng's views on "knowledge" are fundamentally different from his.

Fundamentally, they are different systems just like birds and mammals. This view fundamentally challenges his "knowledge godhead" and it is possible to replace it.

If it was not Monat but Wei Keng who seized the godhead of knowledge back then, maybe today the entire multi-dimensional plane would have a different style.

Some kings born in the twenty-eighth century suddenly recalled: I remember, this guy is the leader of the second plane war! He should not be led back to our universe.

…Narration: Only when the people below rebelled did the people above realize what they seemed to have forgotten...

Returning to the Temple of Destiny, as the core of this battle between gods and multiple planes, Michaelena put his fist against his forehead and fell into confusion.

Michaelena asked Yan Beixiang: "The current situation is that we are not familiar with him, or is he strong?"

Yan Beixiang looked at the old man and remained silent.

There is a big difference between these two situations.

If it is "unfamiliar", it means that the right place to accommodate Wei Keng has not yet been found. Perhaps there is a god who is far superior to the gods, waiting for Wei Keng to return. Generally speaking, this world can still accommodate it.


However, if you go by Michaelena's implicit "It's because he is strong!", then you will be in big trouble.

Now Wei Keng is against the laws of order of all gods. "Strong" means defeating all the gods of multiple planes. This means that the original route will begin to change.

"Multiple Planes" is the largest territory in the history of the main world records after the Third Plane War. How could its development route be "wrong"? If it is really "wrong", then it is wrong at the root.

This is the most difficult thing to correct, or almost impossible to correct. You can only get over it by waiting for a cleanup similar to the "Triassic mass extinction".

Since Godhead is destiny, Michaelena has the highest perspective of "destiny".

Michaelena has always been able to see the origin and end of everything in the (multi)verse, but now Wei Keng has appeared, or in other words, facing the consciousness projected from the once partial "district", Michaelena

Lena saw his side of destiny "blurred".

[Narrator: The godhead represents the perspective. The more powerful the godhead, the broadest perspective. But no matter how broad the perspective is! Over time, it will form shackles that bind the ideology. 】

…The multiverse is too prosperous, and stagnating in its prosperity seems to be destined for disaster…

At this time, outside the multiverse, there is a transition area of ​​"quantum traces" rules.

In the universe of planes and planes, stars are twinkling.

Each flicker only sets off some undetectable traces of gravitational waves on some massive celestial bodies on this plane.

These traces are just like the paths left by the scattering of dust when laser light travels through the atmosphere.

If you observe carefully, this kind of "cross-dimensional" starlight is bypassing low-value planes where "time and space flow too fast" due to the continuous correction process.

Such a dimensional star is like a straight "penetrating ray" that crosses "space" and "history" and then moves straight towards the predetermined target.

…When history, held up by the most tenacious people, faces changes, heroes are needed, so “Blazing Flame” is here.…

January 4th, Fire Emblem Calendar 3252.

Zheng Nian finished getting the news from Liu Yina and left worriedly. Oh, after getting the news, he immediately asked the logistics department to arrange accommodation, and then never looked back (pull x ruthless), which made Liu Yina a little bit

She hesitated to speak. But in the end, she sighed. During the conversation, she already understood that the "mission" carried by this man (child) was very great.

She looked at the little kitten in the barracks, oh, it was the public mascot in her land ship. At this time, in the cold wind of winter, the kitten was sitting with its hands on the side of the stove, enjoying happily

Warm, but don't get too close, because the fur near the fire will be scorched if you don't pay attention. And the flames jumping in the stove are so bright.

Liuina seemed to feel sympathy for the situation. She picked up the kitten and sat by the stove, enjoying the warmth of winter together.

The fur on the left side of the cat was burnt because it was too close to the stove. Liuina couldn't help complaining about the cat, but then she fell silent.

…That fire doesn’t allow anyone to keep warm if it’s too close…

In the base, Zheng Nian threw away his heavy military coat. Oh, this thing is useful for keeping warm when sitting quietly, but it is quite bulky when working.

The mechanized armor on Zheng Nian's body was deployed all over his body like scales. He walked quickly towards the base. The digital patterns of the "concept field" on his body included thin blue energy lines flowing under the skin of his cheeks, converging on the eyes.

, forming a blue star pupil.

Zheng Nian checked the database he linked to various departments. At this time, after this battle, his own side began to obey the various forces in the south under his leadership. He calculated the resources he could dispatch and the most serious situation in the future.

Zheng Nian whispered: "We must prepare a large amount of drugs, prepare biochemical defenses, and, while we still have capital, use the most reasonable exchange to win allies!" Speaking of this, Zheng Nian thought of Su Ni.

, couldn't help but smile.

Over the years, Zheng Nian owed Su Ni so much that he had to sell several of his sisters.

However, Zheng Nian knew that Su Shun was willing to lend her something because he was interested in it, not because of his "little sister".

Zheng Nian said to himself: "Well, good comrade Su Shun, I will borrow a large sum of money again. Between the two of us, who will follow whom?"

Speaking of which.

Zheng Nian paused, then suddenly raised his head and looked at the stars in the Phoenix constellation in the starry sky, where he could only see the stars.

Zheng Nian's jade-like nose blew out a wisp of white winter breath and whispered: The star is extraordinarily bright today.

(End of chapter)

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