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Chapter 18.15 God, Law of Cause and Effect, Killing Front Forging

 New things have strong vitality in the early stages of their birth.

There will continue to be people who will think about the role this new thing can play in the world.

Of course, in the process of dissemination and development of "new things", they will inevitably encounter various doubts from the "old groups".

…The content of the ideological and political textbooks for the second grade of junior high school has been preserved from the 21st century to the 27th century...

Tie Xing's thoughts are new in Wanlun Continent.

After the conservatives masquerading as new factions determine that they cannot stop the spread of Iron Star ideas, they will set higher "expectations" from the very beginning, and then praise and kill them if "reality does not match the ideal".

In multiple dimensions, the gods are trying to "take advantage of this historical cycle" to attack Wei Keng's beliefs.

Beginning in 3252, the "anti-Iron Star" ideological trend began to arise in Verney. Even the oppressed workers and rural peasants in Verney began to "reflect" on the "confusion" of the Iron Star thought.

At this time, in public opinion in Vern, any leftist would speculate that this narrative method of "devaluing the iron star to elevate freedom" is the self-gilding of the "business capital" and "big aristocracy" classes.

However, if the leftists say such "unpalatable" words, this generation of people will turn around and ask, "Who are you gilding?"

After all, the sense of superiority established by everyone (the people of Vernal) during the trial of "Selina" is difficult to break.

What's especially bad is that after the old imperial military factions took control of the situation in Iron Star (Sky), the unbound old knowledge factions also began to question Iron Star.

…In Sky China, due to class differentiation, for smart people who claim to be “struggles”, they no longer want fairness.…

In Swan City, the theory that the farm vote system has hindered economic development is also prevalent. In various factories, Wei Keng and others looked at the young cadres wearing glasses and speaking in propaganda newspapers and kept saying: "Open

Thought shackles, don’t look at free business with hostility.”

At this time, some factories began to transfer collective property rights into "stocks" and distributed dividends to all factory workers. This seemed to be more income, and everyone began to try to push down the city wall.

In the center of the Iron Star in 3252, the bright red cast iron metal star seemed to be dimming due to the decreasing heat.

Wei Keng knew that things were about to change. People had not yet realized the fact that in an era of abundant supplies, it was easy to be tolerant and generous. But in a period of difficult supplies, "mutual sharing" was truly fair.

Just like in spring and summer, farmers (commercial capital) play with chickens and ducks, and even scold children not to disturb them, as if they are caring for children. But in winter, chickens, ducks and pigs will be on the grill, and cows, horses and mules will continue to graze on the farm.

Some of the master's wives and children (feudal and aristocratic families) would have their mouths full of oil at the grill.

Ordinary people, who are lambs, chickens and ducks under the "capital system", just see the smiles of the owners in spring, hypnotize themselves into "everything is beautiful", and use all their goodwill to speculate on happiness and fantasy in the "villa" at the center of the farm.

One day, I would go in like a pet dog or a child and enjoy the warmth of a big family. I would even curse the voice that "breaks the dream" and reprimand it for "the darkness in my heart".

And this is the normal state of mortal souls who lack "possibility" in the "multiple planes".

The bloody revolutions of the past and the tested "truths" can also be obscured by the comfort of the "new era". For the second-level (steam industry) and third-level (data cyber era) worlds of multiple dimensions, that is

Forgetting can be accomplished in one or two generations.

Wei Keng wants to be a mortal and ignite a "civilization fire" in a world that is destructive to gods.

The gods looked at "Wei Keng's innocence" with a smile at this time. Oh, this is the self-confidence brought by the gods' incomparable understanding of the characteristics of mortals.

When many middle gods were planning such a "fateful strangulation", they had no idea that they were deteriorating rapidly.

…When a group begins to use any means to persecute those who insist on what is right, then even if it succeeds, what awaits this group is mutual “use of any means”…

Also bring the perspective back to the big angle of "War of Gods".

Wei Keng has descended on more than a thousand planes in this wave, and the war has now stretched to 7,000 planes (the physical rules of each plane have slightly changed).

Although the gods have so far sealed the rules of the relevant war zone planes, every once in a while, Wei Keng can still "technically" send information in various planes according to the different rules caused by the flow of time and space. He has obtained some useful information.

Key information about "Gods".

Regarding Wei Keng's "wisp of regular crystal wall penetration", it's not that the gods don't want to seal it, but they have tried their best to suppress it to the "minimum". However, Wei Keng still found the basic physical rules and used them.

"Storage and diffusion of quantum information in the multiverse" is a basic physical law, similar to "the diffusion of electromagnetic waves under the speed of light limit" in the main world.

The gods want the "Origin" to make future "industrial" rules that meet their standards, similar to what the US imperialists want in the 21st century. They want to establish one-size-fits-all rules for submarine cables and space satellites.

…Travelers who are restricted by their “godhead” believe that their “style” cannot be changed and they should let the future abide by their own personality…

"Of course, who doesn't have individuality?" Wei Keng: "I bury my individuality quietly deep in my heart. To the outside world, I am a middle-class person and am consistent with the world."

On Wanlun Continent, under the pressure of the Lord God, Wei Keng once lost the ability to "borrow the physical rules of multiple planes".

But even when he was at his most suppressed, Wei Keng on the Wanlun plane still retained dozens of plane connections. Every other month, this kind of cross-plane transmission would be about "T (a thousand gigabytes on the hard disk)".

)"-level data volume capability. It maintains the most basic plane statistical work.

As Wei Keng becomes more and more rebellious, the suppression of the gods relaxes in "trembling".

3252 years after the Fire Emblem, Wei Keng even rebuilt the "broadband" network, and the split on the Wanlun Continent once again restarted the ability to "modulate physical rules".

What about super computing, thermonuclear control, and "force fields that lower the threshold of superfluid phenomena"? Or maybe "transporting some weak souls across planes",

Well, there are even many demons in some planes that have been shackled by Master Wei and become "animal power" for good consumption and use.

Wei Keng's multidimensional skills are "being a human being", and "being a human being" is to see the true nature. Even though the mortal world is rolling around and individuals have various appearances, all of us reach the same goal through different paths.

The way for plane travelers to "become a god" is to clarify their own characteristics among people in the world, and then use this personality to "refining the world" (to influence a certain standard of right and wrong in the world)

So this is a showdown between two paths.

On the multidimensional plane, Wei Keng's path is becoming more and more determined now, and the difficulty of the gods wanting Wei Keng's soul to die in battle has increased exponentially.

And once Wei Keng's individual is killed, the information concept on the entire plane will appear in a state of "vacuum stagnation", followed by an extreme decrease in the speed of time in the entire plane (Wei Keng's own death struggle slows down the entire plane))

This is Wei Keng’s sharp tool that is obsessed with forging the “anti-oppression concept” in the quantum information field of the multiverse.

…When he first arrived, Wei Keng felt that there were always some unworthy gods among the multidimensional gods, but now it seems that none of them are worthy...

Wei Keng himself is constantly analyzed and speculated by the guys from the Pantheon, and Master Wei will analyze them in turn!

Wei Keng's Memo: The main world with the slowest flow of time and space is the origin of all cause and effect.

The earliest gods of the multidimensional planes. Those gods who stood high in the world of swords and magic in the multidimensional planes may be the lucky ones from the earth. Oh, development is stagnant in the 21st century, and a large number of earthlings' consciousness blocks that time and space.

Therefore, some people's concepts of consciousness will travel to multiple planes. Perhaps this is the reason why the gods in the era of swords and magic have "human nature".

Whether there is natural time travel in the "21st century" era cannot be directly verified, but based on dimensional information transmission, most current time travelers have determined that the early concepts of gods in the multidimensional planes should have been radiated by information from the main world.

In the era of swords and magic, the era of bows, arrows, shields, swords, and knights can last for tens of thousands of years. It is precisely because the multidimensional plane lacks the element of "change" that the most ardent "variable" consciousness in the main world has not reached multidimensionality.


It wasn't until the main world reached the "Time Travel Era", which is equivalent to artificially widening the information channel from the main world to the multidimensional planes, that the multidimensional planes began to transform into the era of "technology, industry, and machinery". So much so that the traditional sword and magic planes

The proportion has shrunk sharply and is now only one-tenth.

However, in this era, are we freed from the shackles? No, the multidimensional planes are still influenced by the concept of the main world. The gods are superior, and mortals lack the ability to make decisions on their own.

In fact, regardless of superiority and inferiority, gods and mortals are the same. Almost all mortal souls are the "skin crumbs" of gods sprinkled on multiple planes. They share the same "thinking gene".

After conducting extensive statistics, Wei Keng discovered a very interesting phenomenon.

Logically speaking, the Mediterranean civilization of the main world is the cultural radiation of the monotheistic civilization. This was Wei Keng's past view.

However, after a deep understanding during the "War of Gods", Wei Keng discovered the cultural tones of Tianzhu, a Mediterranean force in the multidimensional world of the contemporary main world.

At the end of modern times, during the great nuclear war, after the collapse of the United Arab Emirates in the New World, the upper management of Indiya was almost immersed in Indian culture.

If we count the Enlightenment Era, when the British Empire was expanding globally, it brought Indian colonial intellectuals to Africa and other Commonwealth regions to manage colonies, and its Indian culture quietly infected most of the world.

Of course, at that time, this kind of cultural influence rarely had Indian names because of India's weak military ethics, just like the situation where "Arabic numerals actually originated in India."

…Tianzhu’s three-phase god system, gods, asuras, mortals, these classifications, compared with the diversification of the West in the 21st century, are younger brothers”…

Tianzhu culture is good at "debating scriptures", so whether it is Eastern civilization or Western civilization, anyone who enters the stage of "debating scriptures" with Tianzhu will have its philosophical thoughts affected.

Eastern civilization and ancient Tianzhu civilization were close together, resulting in "coordinated changes". The exchanges were recorded in classics during the Han Dynasty.

Eastern civilizations love to keep diaries, and they always write down the classics of Tianzhu civilization.

Eastern civilization is very deep. As time goes by, you will understand the Tianzhu philosophy.

The people of Tianzhu fell into a disadvantage when they began to debate scriptures in the Tang Dynasty. Tianzhu's system of thinking was locked in a fixed area in the Eastern cultural circle.

But as for Western civilization, since Greece, Rome, Charlemagne in Central Europe, Spain, and then the British Empire, the center has been constantly turning, and the cultural dominance has always been changing. It is much shallower.

So this shallow water is suitable for the bastards to raise their heads. So much so that when the British spread Christianity in India, it was the Indians who learned it and explained the deeper meaning of the Bible to the British.

In modern times, there has been a wave of democracy (fraternity) and diversity (of all ethnic groups) in the West. It seems that it is the development of Western civilization itself, but from the perspective of downstream history, it is difficult not to be related to the "exchange of Tianzhu culture"

connect together.

If you want to take a closer look, you will find that there was no concept of "vegetarianism", "animal protectionism" or "environmentalism" in the West before. This is obviously a variant of Tianzhu's "equality of life and animism".

Take a closer look at "multi-ethnicity". The native culture of Europe is very particular about blood. In the late ancient times, the various ethnic groups were divided into gender subdivisions. It clearly has the characteristics of the "Indian caste system".

Small segmentation.

...The forces that traveled through the Mediterranean cultural circle evolved the "liberal" system of "creating gods" in multiple dimensions, and its roots are in Tianzhu...

Wei Keng is a traditional oriental. Due to the oriental civilization in the ancient industrial era, modern Tianzhu was forced to use force on the plateau border. Culturally, due to the fact that the people of Tianzhu themselves lost Sanskrit, the East mastered the ancient Indian context.

Therefore, Easterners have developed a strong immunity to the influence of Tianzhu culture.

Of course, as an Easterner with similar thinking to the 21st century, Wei Keng greatly underestimated Tianzhu’s “cultural soft power”

…The entire Mediterranean civilization has been deeply influenced by Tianzhu’s soft power…

In short, Dongfang is like a middle-aged man with a "profound knowledge". It is difficult to imagine that some "shallow" and "problematic" ideas can become popular.

"Tianzhu culture" is like a table of raw seafood. In the West, it is not cooked. It is just poured with butter, and then briefly used with a spray gun. It seems to be "cooked" (conquered) and eaten in one bite. The result is

Stomach upset.

Mediterranean civilization coexists with Eastern civilization on the earth, and there is no problem in maintaining "ideological umbilical cord" communication between the two sides.

But in the multidimensional plane, it is obvious that they have formed "freaks".

Of course, it can be said that in the era of planetary civilization from the end of modern times to the 26th century, the information network obscured too many complex symbols for culture, and the Mediterranean civilization had no chance to mature and digest Tianzhu culture.

Any kind of cultural philosophy that wants to be "mature" needs a "fire", that is, criticism. Only when it can withstand criticism can such a philosophy be profound.

The longer a historical process such as "Three martial arts destroy the Buddha" is delayed, the harder it will be to make up for it.

...Wei Keng controls the cause and effect of the birth of "industry", but the current conflicting "cause and effect" of the gods lies in their inheritance of the main world's thoughts...

Wei Keng: "There are big flaws in Tianzhu's thinking. If these big flaws are not eliminated, they will be very confusing and heavy shackles."

Take the two most classic theories of "equality of all beings" and "balanced coexistence of diverse ethnic groups".

1: Tianzhu culture emphasizes the equality of all living beings, but in myths and legends only the highest "Brahma" can speak of equality. As for the despicable Asuras, they are all born despicable, waiting to be "equal" and "educated". There is no such image in mythology.

I have seen examples where "Asura" and "Brahman" are born equal.

2: The new trend of Western thought in the ancient industrial era (21st century) also applies to "equality" in underdeveloped countries. "Only I am qualified to speak of equality. All inequality in the world is the problem of "failed countries" like you."

India's concept of "only Brahma is qualified to teach" was integrated with the Western idea of ​​"the chosen people".

A large number of "self-proclaimed moral people" appeared, preachers who demanded "you and animals are equal" and "you and people of color must be equal and undefended".

This kind of preacher will never do hard work such as "establishing an animal sanctuary", "improving the cultural and economic level of people of color", or "planting trees in the desert for several years".

Because they just want to prove that you are despicable in the "bible debate", and they are qualified to teach you.

The multidimensional world, a world where "idealism" affects the rules of physics, is a perfect world of debate. The multidimensional plane just amplifies the flaws in the cultural system of the Mediterranean civilization.

Wei Keng: Alas, the first generation of multi-dimensional travelers (Michaelena, Monat) did not take precautions in constructing the multi-dimensional structure. As a result, they lacked unity in formulating "rules" and instead tried to create

A greatly enriched "column list".

Various clergy have formed a variety of prosperity in the column list. However, they do not adhere to the "mutual growth and mutual restraint".

This is a philosophy that Eastern cultural people do not understand under the Tianzhu "Three Phases of Gods" system.

Oriental: "The world is indeed diverse, and the ways are impermanent, but the way of heaven is also ruthless. All things are regarded as stupid dogs, so that all kinds of monsters, monsters, and things that do not conform to the laws of heaven will appear and occupy a place!"

...All the gods now want to compete with Wei Keng (bully the honest people), but they have no concept of "mutual growth and mutual restraint"...

In the cafeteria of Iron Star Eastern Industrial City, Liu Si completed today's cooking of "spicy frog", "garlic spinach", "pork chop", and the black and white "Tai Chi soup" formed by tofu and black mushrooms combined with minced beef.

Liusi put down the spoon and started to look up the so-called "High-level Cooking Techniques of the Empire", and put it down after flipping through only a few pages.

Liu Si: "The God of Knowledge, um, Monat, are you going to end if you fall into cognitive impairment like this?"

The Wei Keng cluster has deduced that the God of Knowledge, in the fourth stage of the world, begins to move towards "chaos" as the cause and effect of pollution.

This chapter has been completed!
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